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Modul Procurement

Based on MonsoonSIM version: 8

Prepared by: Ilham Saud

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Modul Procurement
Prepared by: Ilham Saud
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Table Of Content
MonsoonSIM Procurement Module ................................................................ 3
Background [Procurement Module] ................................................................. 3
Operating model [Procurement Module] .............................................................. 4
MonsoonSIM Procurement KPIs .................................................................... 5

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Modul Procurement
Prepared by: Ilham Saud
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

MonsoonSIM Procurement Module

Background [Procurement Module]

Procurement is the act of purchasing or otherwise taking possession of something, especially for business purposes.

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In MonsoonSIM, Procurement is one of the core modules. In our model, all purchases must go through the Procurement
department. Hence, Procurement is one of the most important modules.

MonsoonSIM supports multiple levels of complexity. Learners are encouraged to start with the basic module, called the
Baseline model, and slowly progress to more advanced functionalities.

Here are some of what you will learn in the MonsoonSIM Procurement (Baseline) :

How purchasing and payment transactions are recorded in Accounting

How to analyze vendor performance
How the entire process from Procurement to Payment works
Concept of vendor Lead Time
Concept of late delivery
Concept of Purchase Order
Concept of Purchase Request
Concept of Bulk Discount
Concept of Price fluctuation due to demand pressure
Concept of staff impacts (both in terms of staff competency as well as headcounts)

Here are some of what you will learn in the MonsoonSIM Procurement (Advanced) :

Concept of Future Delivery

Concept of Blanket PO
Concept of Vendor Credit Limit
The effect of currency exchange on product pricing

In MonsoonSIM, the Procurement module is related to the following department (modules)

Finance (FIN)
Retail (RTL)
Marketing (MKT)
Warehouse / Logistics (WHS)
Production (PRD)
Maintenance (MNT)
Human Resources Management (HCM)

Note: There is no pre-requisite to learning the MonsoonSIM Baseline concepts

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Modul Procurement
Prepared by: Ilham Saud
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Operating model [Procurement Module]

The following describes the operating model of MonsoonSIM Procurement module


To make a purchase, one must make a request, called Purchase Requisition (PR)
PR must be approved, to be converted into Purchase Order (PO)
All purchases are on Cash On Delivery basis
Purchase Request approval will fail if:
there are not enough funds at the moment to cover the PR
PO cannot be canceled or modified
The PR will clearly state the purpose of the purchase, to whom, due date, amount and other important information
PO can be generated manually, or by MRP (see more in MRP)
There are many types of vendors:
Finished Goods (FG) Vendor
Raw Materials (RM) Vendor
Vendors that sell machine
Vendors that provide transport
Vendors that provide services to our HR department such as Training, etc
Finished Goods and Raw Materials vendors have their own Lead Time
Goods and materials will arrive based on the Lead Time specified, however, some vendors have the tendency to be late
Upon the delivery day, delivery can still be a delay if:
there are not enough funds
When there is a demand pressure, the Finished Goods and Raw Materials vendor may raise their selling prices. The
price will stabilize again when the demand on the vendors subside
FG and RM vendor may issue complaints if our Staff Index is low (see HR for more about Staff Index)
Unhappy FG and RM may also raise their selling prices
If a product is an imported product, the selling price of that product will also be raised by the vendor as the foreign
currency gets stronger over our local currency. Similarly, if the foreign currency is getting weaker in relation to local
currency, the vendors will drop their selling prices for this imported product
Staff Index affects the effectiveness of our procurement. Hence, it is important to keep our staff index at 100% at all
Players can analyze the purchasing performance and other useful intelligence by carefully examining the information
from the explorer


Finished Goods and Raw Materials vendors have their own Credit Limit
Payment to the vendor depends on the terms of payment specified by the vendor
Once delivered, an Account Payable is automatically triggered in the Accounting
When the payment date is due, our finance will make the payment and the Account Payable will be reversed
If there are not enough funds to pay on the due day, a late payment incident will be recorded and payment will be
automatically made once enough funds are available
Teams may place Blanket Order
good for supply chain planning
shipment can be broken down into chunks so the delivery and payment can also be made by chunks
Teams can also schedule a Future Delivery order
good for supply chain planning
shipments can be scheduled further into the future and so are the delivery and payment

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Modul Procurement
Prepared by: Ilham Saud
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

MonsoonSIM Procurement KPIs

1. Late Shipment - Vendor

The number of late delivery occurrences (days) from all vendors or suppliers.

2. Late Shipment - Vendor - by Finished Goods Vendors

The number of late delivery occurrences (days) from this vendor (supplier).

3. Late Shipment - Vendor - by Raw Material Vendors

The number of late delivery occurrences (days) from this vendor (supplier).

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