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569440039_HCI112 Information’s engineers and computer scientists have a great role in eHealth development, list, FOUR of their roles? City Hospital has adopted an EHR system. The hospital has decided to post the laws and policies that have been recently implemented in order to ensure the confidentiality of patients are protected. ‘What issue is the hospital trying to avoid? Ya, Compliance issues b, bBadlership Issues 4, PaiticipationdT stakeholders How do we label theiprocesses provided in a clinical setting, where findings and actions obtained ‘and realtime data’are documented by healthcare providers? Clinicaltata function cc, Clhical data daformations ‘@? Clinicaldata retrieval 2, Cina documeeion , Elettronic data interchafiges ‘a, Heal database * Which ‘of the following is'the proper description of the computer software with a full range of functionalitie’ to store) access, and use of patient medical information? b. Healthcare Uiait Record paper BBtord d. Punch Record ‘Whaat is the major advantage for using coding for data entry in the EHR system? a, To eliminate the need of specialist EHR waining. b. To eliminate the technical expenses. 4. To make physicians spent more time in clinical encounter documentation, Why Electronic interfaces is the preferred method for capturing EHR data? a, Because Interfacing is easier with different systems from multiple vendors. Because jt doesn't requited efforts to implement *'c, Because it required less technical capabilities. Séparatiai? between the technical and clinical concepts in OpenEHR aimed to help in which of the ‘following? SS aeBnhance healthcare sexvces produiivity “b, Impngve the parsi¢ipation in fh care proess > 4. Supposis the integfation of data from legaey systems ‘What happensiii such se@nario: witen a Laboratory Information System (LIS) wants to place an order for a ECG test where LIS adheres to HL7standard and ECG device adheres to DICOM Standard?” . Proinioting Information systems for task @ Support for weekly task ‘What type of data must be accommodated by an integrated EHR? Which of the following operational information will provide the information required for short and long term decisions about patient care? a. Communication requirements, b. Dally operation requirements. Documentation and reporting requirements. ° Whichof the following does not propose any standard that EHR/HIS systems should adhere to; tead, it defines technical frameworks to achieve interoperability? When theEHR iquplementation starts, which of ‘the following is an important step that the steering “committee willtake? 9 oo 3 °b Evaluite the effectiveness of the rig & cing iby the cae will werk 2° «formato infastructre for task 4. Supportive information for weekly task ‘What is the main concern in leasing an EHR system? a. Techni I support availability . Limited access to software application. 4, Costin a short term period. How may you describe the process of seeing and checking the vendors’ EHR products in use in an Senvironment very similar to your Healthcare facility? ‘Which.of the following is:the final stage of EHR implementation? re the three domains that EHR issues arise in’ soe ee : Provide two,examples of EHR functional profiles? 68 on : Which one of the following is a key criteria for qualifying for the incentive payments under meaningful use? a, Demonstrated use of health IT b. Health benefits «. leadership ‘Which of the following best describe the basic data type in HL7 v2.x message that represent a single of information? eget dt, ‘b Coniosite dates rimary data.) ‘The physicians needs £9 make médical decisions, based on important data that should be available in a timely manner, this process may accomplished through which of the following? Which one of the e following a an important step that the steering committee must take after EHR imple Which one of the following best describes the status of the traditional approaches of computer-based knowledge representation and analysis to handle the emerging information environment, are considered to be which of the following? a, Extreme b. Impractical 4. Satisfactory Howsmay you describe distinct but related data, which is not collected from the same sources /or for the Same purpose, but are linked by the implications for human health? a, Collested information. “c. Data Jink. Data merges Which of she following healtficare setting have achieved the highest levels of EHR adoption? a. Healihicare systehns Some based care c. Hospitals Traditional approaches of computer-based knowledge representation and analysis to handle the emerging information environment, appear to be which of the following? asExwreme .< ceSutficient e a, Useless How may you describe an EHR system that enables the user to access managed off. applications? 4. Institution build its own EHR system. . Purchased EHR System, 4. Special designed EHR System. ‘What role does the information security group play? Provii eeconi eth record yes c Salcing eeic health record SB Train k@Siaff on NB¥ to use electronic health record ‘Which ot the following is’a computer system that used to store patient-identification information thatits acquired during’ the patient-registration process, and link them to simple encounter-level cima $2 1s0/T 2S standatis. 4. 1677S 18309 andar 9 ‘What are the two unique developments to overcome the challenges of sharing and moving data from one system to another in HCIS environment? ia vss b. Medical Coding and billing c, Medical imaging and reporting. , PHR and EMR. 1 process model? ‘2. HL7 aii XML Y: b,RTML andBL? Which of the following is considered as implementation coordinator responsibility? a, Determine the required EHR system for the institution and/or country, b. Follow-up the Executive Committee's review of the existing health record system. 4. Develop policies for an EHR system. Which of the following personnel coordinates the implementation of the EHR system in an S organization? age c ube leaders” wt Dhysicileaers > Why the ‘frameyiork of QpenE AR i is based on two-level modeling approach that separating clinical concepts frog EER forma jon model? ‘Which of the following personnel coor organization? ates the implementation of the EHR system in an a. CEO. . Implementation team leader. . Nurses Supervisor. 4. Physician leader. Which of the following enables authorized users to have direct access to patient’s information (admission, discharge, and transfer system)? Fromaf ctionaP perspective, HCISs typically consist of components that support five distinct purposes, ist FOUR down. ‘Whaat is the role of the information security group? 4. Conducting training b, Doing monitoring . Providing quality assurance Which one of the following is a major Drawback in EHR implementation? a, Budget allocation for development c, Planniig for continuous investment roviding sibie incentive to sellers Which of the following is is. the reasomt that enables the DICOM standard of supporting wide range of features? S > Which EHR functional component would support the information needs of individual clinical _ departments withirran HCO? 5 Describe Electronic Patient Record(EPR)? Which of the following statements is an example of Information for short term or long-term decisions on patient care? a. Documentation requirements Reporting requirements 4. Requirements for communication ” Whats the first job of the Steering Committee in planning the introduction for an EHR system for an apcoming:implementation project? “s. Allocat a badger such project b, Search for awiEHR vents and provide alist of requirements Start alin sessions s for bepaenal users, a. Financial ion SD rr aevdlpe In order to provide best practice to patients, nowadays physicians are required to integrate traditional EHR with which information of the following? 4. Patient history, family history and vital signs b. Patient history, medical knowledge and vital signs . Patient history, vital signs, and medical knowledge “Which method of the following used for representing the clinical summaries in which EHRs can highlight important components (e.g., active allergies, active problems, active treatments, and recent observations)? “a, Dynaitic Display. List threeCommertial knowledge sources that clinicians can have access to via the EHR? of the following models in OpenEHR Architecture, will specify the data structure? The Archetype model 4. The support information model, ‘What can be provided by the creation of interfaces? ‘Which of the following functionalities in HCIS is directly assisting clinical personnel in data interpretation and decision-making? 4. Clinical decision support. . Coding and billing, Financial and resources reporting, 5. Medical documentation, ° Whichiof the following format does the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) use in order to make the'documents both machine and human-readable? b, Hypertext Markup Lang Naturab Language Flocessing (NLP). Which of the followiig represents a major component of data transfer in HL7 v2.x standard? » a, Datast)pes jata Valueables > 4_$8gment anPGroupings” bAmplemeptation strate of custofnary . Piloting and implémmentatios plan Progressive'implementation ‘Who is the head of the organizational structure in the EHR planning process? 4, Implementation coordinator b, Implementation team , The administrator What is the purpose of “consistency checks”? a. To detect entry of values that are out of range Yeo eset mathematical errors aucTo detect 1 ing emo ‘Which of the following may deseribe theSituation;\when a nurse doesn’t refuse the EHR system but she docanit ‘know how to useit? a Adetion robin, Stotivais problems $ <2 PromojgPlinical Decision Support System . Prgiiote implementation of the Electronic Patients @'To allow unauthorized users to access patients’ information Which of the following refers to specific clinical information within healthcare provider boundaries? pd b. Continuous Record (EHR-CR). . Lifetime Record (EHR-LR), 4, Longitudinal Record (EHR-LR). Which of the following is the final stage in the EHR implementation before go life? a. Celebrate the success, bldentify the end-user requirements. *c. Imergae the institutional workforce. te is amar ome using BHR system co IigdStategigplin ford seston > implementation plan?” Clinical Data Canty and retrieval . Coghbenefit als. 4. Secitity and privacy. List three working groups that may be needed in the EHR implementation? Which of the following is related to electronic data interchange (EDI) among providers and payers? a, Ancillary services of HCIS b. Care delivery and clinical documentation functions of HCIS . Clinical decision support functions of HCIS ‘hat isthe principal use of Automated Patient Administration System (PAS)? sb: It enable even unauthorized users to have direct access to patients” information. c Iebables the, 5 plemenaon of the Electronic Patients’ Master index system. Blt vet aga Ctnical DEcsion Support System plugin acGlosed conttiely traional recoil ost : , Hirigg' the new, sat What are the two major phases occurring in any EHR project? 4. Implementation and customization b. Product development and Service selection c, Product purchasing and Service launch Which of the following identify clinical goals, interventions, and expected outcomes by time period? a, Clinical decision support systems c. Blectfonic data interchange rovider-prptiling systems What are'the three Fequirements of achieving an integrated healthcare environment? ‘What is‘meant by MPI as. a function ‘of HCIS? > b. Master’Pian Index‘ Mid Plan Inge od, Mid Panéess Inde; * Explain how doe’ an EHR Differ from a Paper-Based Record. Whatis the difference between interfacing with systems inside the organizational boundary and le the organizational boundary? _ “7S s What is thie Cross-Enterprisé Documeit ©. Legalization authority. Organizational body. Which of the following best describes electrical pathways that transport encoded information between subsystems? a. Communication capability b. Computation storage 4.10 devices < Which of the following are considered a data interchange standard? a,b? and DICOM ob. IED and DRG. IRB, DRG and HL? 81RD, HE? and DIGOM ‘How may you specify a set of entities in the IHE domain that are actively interacting with each other to complete the process flow? <> a 2 Which EHR implementation plan is preferred by many medical institutions and countries, since it Sassured trusted usiit by unit progress? a. Experimenta) implementation, oh: Full implémentation. ‘c. MiXéd method implementation, How may you describe the HCIS process by which the administration plans, advises, and educates staff, and works with providers and patients to ensure a smooth transition? a. Collaborative change. b. Organizational goals change. 4. Technical infrastructure change. “Which working group should deal with medico-legal aspects including privacy and confidentiality issues in EHR Implementation projects? ‘Steering Committee. b. Quality Assurance Group. ©. Goyettiance chats. a.By sens an orders a Inia coi otuataags beSocietal ifidval- ane Bottical challenges Which standard of the following is used for structuring and transmitting radiographic images between medical devices and computer systems? a. CDA c. HL?. 4. ISO/TS 18308. Which of the following professional bodies may certify an EHR system products? What is the difference electronic patient records and a computerized based patient records? | ¥ S > a CPR nan paren dan alr Sind drug ineraction while EPR does not beCPR doe neces comin atients lifetime record. Which of the following is the first task that usually automated in the health care organizations and hospitals? a, Admission and discharge tasks b. Appointment scheduling . Pharmacy and laboratory systems ist four of features of the DICOM? Patient advocates “a Physidlans o> *c. Accoutts ae ven What i is the catalyst that crested the. wea of electronic health records system (EHRs)? a. Impyvement ofthe beatdisurance ids c, Raiséd competition in healtheare delivery processes. daThe advanééinent of ebmputer technology. ‘Which of the following is used for data exchange in health information technology? ‘a, Advanced event level management , International (HCIS) 4. Query system service Whaat is the major advantage of coding? ‘hich of the following format does the Cl -al Document Architecture (CDA) use in order to make carat Linge Prossing (NLP) “¢. Portable Document Format (PDF), ‘Which of the following Strategies is developed by many countries to encourage more patient-centric Before the start of EHR implantation, why is it important to decide whether the electronic system will run in parallel to the manual system for a trial period or take over completely from the manual one? 4, Because itis critical and less trusted pattern, b. Because it may affect the project goals. . Because it may affect the user's satisfaction, ‘What was the earliest version of longitudinal medical records that represented by Dr. Henry Plummer in Myoclonic? Care folder Federal anid private’sector i . a ives.are increasingly releasing data in controlled ways to foster Which of the following? _ » b, Innovation in federal health pélicies dunovation Heel ais and ington Which of the following validity checks of the EHR system can be used to detect errors by comparing the entered captured data? a, Computed checks. , Patterns checks, «, Range checks. Which of the following defines the clinical goals, interventions, and expected outcomes by time period? P Clinical decision support systems ¢7Electroni¢ata interchange . Provitler-profilisig systems, ‘What was the main purpose of tiie incentive funds that the US government provided through ONC _{0 individual phy: a. Proyide qualified nurse Which oite of the following is a common EHR implementation Pitfall? 2! . a. Allocated but for standards development . Plgarfor continuous investment 4s Provide incentive to sellers Describe the "auto complete” process in the EHR? ‘Why it is so difficult to establish a Health Information Exchange (HIE)? 4. Different geographical locations have different internet speed . Traditional and not well-developed technology infrastructure, G4, Unified legal regulations. hich of the following EHR implementation plans is preferred when the institutional environment “ has a trong technical infrastructure with all the staff ready and fully trained? ny plan cduld be applied with no significant difference. g{itlxed met implept@uation plan 4. Phased imclengsStion plagSS cS 3 K Which of the following models within OpenEHR has general framework for all clinical data? ‘Which of the following is the meaning of ». Master Planning Index PI as used in HCIS? o® Middle,pian Index.) , Midlle Process'Index. Which of the following has untapped potential to provide new insights into clinical care, fundamental research, public health activities, educational efforts, and health care administration? b. Homogeneous data sets, c, Manual data sets, 4, Unconnected data sets. Why is the future of EHR focusing on increasing data entry processes that include the information fromypersonal health records, family health histories, and personal geno-types? b. Besse helps in saving the budget Because inay used place of professional care giver, dd. Becaiase it aap datasmanagement. c. Magagement ‘Team leadéts Why Eletironic initerfaces is the preferred method for capturing EHR data? acing is easier with different systems from multiple vendors. of doesn't required efforts to implement. . Becase it required less technical capabilities, What should EHR products include to cover the meaningful use of incentive payments policy? a. HL? standards . Special technical criteria. 4. US. Stamp. Which of the following explains why Informatics technologists, engineers and computer scientists Swork hard together? a. FO Compare the capabilities of any proposed EHR system. it will shape the future of healthcare information system? ‘Whaat is the purpose of "Meaningful use incentive payment programs"? 4. To evaluate the proposed technical solutions. b. To improve the technical infrastructure. . To increase the medical care accessibility. List three public knowledge sources that clinicians can have access to the EHR? ere are different models used in software development. Which software development is referred “as. Digidesign up? ‘Whit ofthe allowing: Shables 2 ss :the DICOM standard to support a wide range of features? b lope abies baweens cotnmunic entities Supporti andar impleneitation ofiie EHR. RS 3 Acceptalg® standaror commypitation <2 . § co 9 Wha was: thers term ‘that hypothesized the idea of an EHR? ee Computer Based adic Reco ‘What is the correct term that describe the computer software with a full range of functionali store, access, and use of patient medical information? b. Paper Record, c, Punch Record 4, Unit Record ‘How may you describe the care delivered by laboratory, pharmacy and radiology departments within HCIS environment? b. Lifedvingserces Shared cave 4. Supportive care,’ Describe Electronic Medical Record (EMR)? ‘Which personnel of the following should understands the current organizational situation, and » assess the attitude of both dlerical anid medical staff to move towards the proposed EHR system? ‘List five justifications for implemeniting HCISs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of building an EHR vs Buying it? og Whiat are three general mechanisms of physicians’ notes entry into the EHR? ‘What does the abbreviation CPOE mean? a. Center for producers owned entity b. Clinical physician order entry . Computer based patient objective entry Why are site a. To prove that the vendor's product only works in a specified environment its and demonstrations important? Hb see the product around the lab and test the hypothesis, *c. To deférmine the vendor’s product life Which of the following datatype represents a single unit of information? Which of the following concepts refers to the niinimunn Set of patient health information? cb. Continapis Record (EHR-CR); €. Lifetime Record (EHR-LR). One of tlie reason’ why health organizations are adopting health information technology, is that health care data and kriowledge relevant to the care of the patient is which of the following? < Complicgted b, Decréasing . Not$uificient How you may describe a software program ability to send and communicate data from its database to multiple vendor's software programs as well as accept data from other vendors programs? a. Communication ability. b. System Accessibility. 4. Systematic Connectivity Who coordinates the implementation of the new EHR system? GO Nal leaders Se Physic a champ” ‘In order to provide best t practice to patients, nowadays physicians are required to populate traditional EHR, which info mation among the following is needed? Message, Segment & Groups, Fields, Data Value ‘Tables, and Data types are all examples of ofempongsis th belongs towhich one of the following? Why areconsisteicy checks” important? ob. Detectiid any spelling ecrors . Retecting mathematical errors @ To detect the out of range entries Which of the following stakeholders in EHR implementation assesses the attitude of both clerical and medical/nursing staff and proposes changes? a. CEO b. Implementation coordinator cc, Nursing tam ‘Which type of presentation would be able to present a graph that can help the physicians to identify the problem parameters’, get information quickly, and draw conclusions about patients’ data? 2 on: apt ecient challenges. Sb. Only Federal and private sectors initiatives releasing data in controlled ways to foster what? a. Health knowledge b. Implementation of federal health policies <4, Innovation in medical drugs st FOUR barriers that may affect health care provider’s adoption rates’ for Health IT? What is thie key difference between an Intranet and an Extranet? ~ Which of the following is a major requirement for EHRs have in order to receive the incentives payment front ONC? \S@ ONC Standards 4. ONE Validation What is they -inain ale af the Implementation caged nator? a. The ieBlementagiah ‘coordinalae will be responsible for coordinating the implementation of the new system «. The ipementon coordiator will respon: ibe for testing the end product Tie implefiraon rina be reggbisible for creating the Stering Commitee approach is the inost tinie consuming and expensive? ». Purchasing a ned System electing BHR system “4. Shariig the EHR system Which of the following network technologies uses the internet to connect a given i users and business associates outside the physical location of the institution? a b. Intranet. LAN. , WAN, “Which of the following care settings were in Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand have particularly achieved high levels of adoption? ‘Which one of the follotving grouips handles privacy and confidentiality issues in EHR planning Process? < 2 ‘i Which of the following is an initiative started by several professional bodies, including (HIMSS) and (RSNA) to enable interoperability among different standards? a. DICOM, b. HITECH. 4. ONC, What happened in such scenario when a Laboratory Information System (LIS) wants to place an order for an ECG test where LIS adheres to HL7 standard and ECG device adheres to DICOM standard? a. The ethange process achieved only if applied within the same system. he exchan prces can never be achieve. The gfShange prgitss requires special expertise in each time this occur. upitation between physitians and patients, ining for Students anprofessionals 3 List three of the “template? Which one ofi wear ERR is implemented in phases, which one of the following is the final stage of EHR implementation? 4, Adding more doctors b. Closing the old record system , Dissolving the implementing team. _What should Executive and Steering Committee do after the information on EHR has been collected and addressed? a, Abandoning the project Addingore siakehoers ae « -Cofiductng evaluation "Why Capturing everything of i interest about patients and healthcare delivery processes is not yet possible in EER systenit? Which HCIS functional component would support the information needs of individual clinical departments within a HCO? b. Clinical decision support system ¢. Documenting clinical data 4. Patient billing “Which type of presentation would most likely to present a graph that can help the physicians to identify the problem parameters’, get information quickly, and draw conclusions about a patients’ data? “a. Clinigal vocabulary Patent Socabuilag® a Bovina the spStem mgising ening 1). EHR devlopmenS Service eectionsS co Implementation ‘and custginization ». Freeifomation Sor pation. -Increase flow of patents How may you describe a problem of Doctors who refuses to use an EHR system? a, Administrative problem, . Implementation problem. 4. Technical problem. Which of the following processes has the ability to transfer data between two e1 “a. Analyzing data “c.Datg srchange, a. ora dan spe Which ofthe following is the: ‘reasonsthat has.eplained why most economically advanced nations are confronting costly i increases in health carecexpenditures? asDecreasesi life expectancy: _gobacks of ple angie “a Publis surveillanie. Whatis the motivation behind the adoption of health information technology by healthcare organizations? — << “a. For hing patients b, For collecting patient history 44.98 monitor errors Which of the following represents specific clinical information within healthcare provider boundaries? Tae) b. Continuous Records (EHR ~ CR) ¢. Life Long Record (EHR ~LR) 4. Longitudinal Record (EHR - LR) Which of the following statements best describes the health care information system (HCISs)? a, A communication tool. A coordination system that facilitate communication and integrate information, cA heath education and promotion system. dA system for data storage and retrieval, ‘What is the situation that may affect the financial plan of a medical organiz: project failure? a. Overestiimating the initial cost of going EHR system. b. The selected EHR system, The technical specification in the system, Why it is important to cert adhere to standards? b. To allow the seller to keep a good reputation. cation programs that the EHR products include specific features and . To enable the provider to have a variety in EHR products selection. 4. To enable the seller to improve their business.

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