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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.4: IM-TPC 1-2ND SEM-2021-2022

College: Human Ecology

Campus: Bayombong


PROGRAM Management
SPECIALIZATION COURSE Global Culture and Tourism Geography




1.1 Chapter 4: Africa
1.4.1. North Africa
1.4.2. East Africa
1.4.3. West Africa
1.4.4. Southern Africa
1.4.5. Central Africa


This module presents the second largest of the world’s continents, the home to world’s largest desert,
Sahara desert and the longest river, Nile River. There are about 54 countries in this continent. The
countries under each region will be named together with some of its national information like capital,
languages, religions and currency.


At the end of the module, the students should be able to:
1. Name all the countries that belong to the various regions of the continent;
2. Demonstrate a mastery on identifying the location of each African country on the map;
3. Describe the touristic features of the regions in Africa
4. Identify the important facts about the countries in each region.

1.4 Chapter 4: Africa

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1.4.1 North Africa

North Africa consists of countries situated in northernmost portion the African continent. The countries
in this region are Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Morocco and West Sahara. People of the north
are mainly Islam believers and they speak Arabic. Also North Africa is inhabited by Berber people who
speak Berber language. Arabic and Berber languages are two of the principal languages in the region.

Algeria (People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria) is the largest nation in the continent of Africa. Algiers
is its capital and largest city. Arabic and Berber are its official languages. The country has seven
UNESCO- inscribed World Heritage sites such as;
 Al Qal’a of Beni Hammad – will give a glimpse of the ruins of the first capital of Hammadid Emirs;
 Djemila or Cuicul – shows remnants of the ancient Roman colonial time;
 Kasbah of Algiers;
 M’Zab Valley;
 Timgad;
 Tipasa;
 Tassili n’ Ajjer

Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt) is a country situated in the northeast portion of the continent, bounded
by Libya and Israel. It is one of the most visited states in Africa, a country home to the only standing
seven ancient wonders of the world, the Pyramids of Egypt and Sphinx. Cairo is Egypt’s state capital

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and its most populated city. As a tourist destination, Cairo offers a great deal activities and tourism sites
like leisure, art galleries, cultural centers, Cairo Opera House, and shopping centers.

Here are some of the useful greetings and phrases:

 Thank You – shukran
 You’re Welcome – Afwan or el’afw
 No – La’
 Yes – Iwa(Away) or naima
 Hello – Marhaba (informal)
 Nice to meet you or Welcome – Ahlan (and its response is Ahlan wa sahlan)
 God willing – Inshallah
 Go with safety and may God make you safe – Ma’a ssalama and Allah yisallimak

Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco) is a country in the northern part of African continent. Rabat is the
capital but the largest and main port city is Casablanca. Morocco’s major economic industries are
agriculture and tourism. Tourism is a vital source of the country’s economic growth and it also helps in
providing employment opportunities. Marrakech and Agadir are among the country’s recognized tourist

Heritages sites and attractions, namely;

 Medina of Fez;
 Medina of Marrakesh;
 Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou;
 Historic City of Meknes;
 Archaeological Site of Volubilis;
 Medina of Tetouan (formerly known as Titawin);
 Medina of Essaouira (formerly Mogador);
 Portuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida)
 Rabat, Modern Capital and Historic City

Libya (State of Libya) is a nation in North Africa neighbored by Algeria, Chad,Egypt, Niger, Sudan and
Tunisia. Tripoli is the largest city and the capital of the country. Majority of Libyan people speaks Arabic
and Berber and are practitioners of Islamic faith. Libya is the home to the Archaeological Site of
Cyrene, a former main city in the Hellenic world, which is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Sudan (Republic of Sudan) is a country in Africa surrounded by the countries of Chad, Central African
Republic, Egypt , Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya and South Sudan. The state name originated from the Arabic
word “ bilad-as-sudan”, which means “Land of the black (people)” while its capital Khartoum as
“elephant’s trunk”.It is the home of the three UNESCO World Heritage sites, which are: Gebel Barkal
and the Sites of the Napatan Region, Archaeological Sites of the which Island of Meroe, and Sanganeb
Marine National Park and Dungonab Bay – Mukkawar Island Marine National Park.

Tunisia (Tunisian Republic) is one of the countries in the north of the African continent. Tunisia is the
capital of the country and its main gateway is Tunis – Carthage International Airport, which is also the
hub of the national flag carrier, Tunisair. Muslim is the religion of most of the Tunisians. Therefore it is
advisable that visitors must dress conservatively in respect to their religion and religious places.

1.4.2 East Africa

East Africa is composed of the countries Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya,
Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Somaliland, Tanzania and Uganda.

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Burundi (Republic of Burundi) is a landlocked country. Gitega is the capital while Bujumbura is the
largest city and previous capital of Burundi. The languages spoken are Kirundi, considered as the
official language country together with French and English, while other languages are also spoken.

Comoros (Union of Comoros) is an island nation found in the east coast of Africa. The largest island of
the country is Grande Comore (Ngazidja). It serves as the home of the capital, Moroni and the highest
peak, Mount Karthala, an active volcano.

Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti) is a country bounded by Eritrea to the north, Ethiopia to the west and
Somalia to the south. Djibouti was previously known as French Somaliland. Djibouti Franc is the
monetary unit of the country.

Eritrea (State of Eritrea) is a country in East Africa neighbored by the countries Djibouti, Ethiopia and
Sudan. Asmara is the capital and the languages spoken in the country are Triginya,Arabic and English.

Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) is a landlocked country in the eastern part of Africa.
Its capital is Addis Ababa, which means “new flower” in Amharic word. A visit to this country must
include going to Simien Mountains National Parks, Omo National Park and River, Church of St. George
and Danakil Desert.

Kenya (Republic of Kenya) is a country neighbored by South Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania and Ethiopia.
Kenya’s capital is Nairobi. It offers natural and historical attractions like Uhuru Park, The National
Railway Museum, and Karen Blixen Museum. The Jomo Kenyatta International Airport serves as the
gateway to the capital.

Madagascar (Republic of Madagascar) is the fourth largest island in the world. It was formerly known as
Malagasy Republic. The country is popular for its endemic flora and fauna like the Baobab, which called
“bottle tree” due to its likeness to a bottle. “Reniala” (mother of the forest) is another nickname for this
tree. Lemurs are primates that are endemic on the island of Madagascar; these species can be seen in
the natural reserves and parks of the country. National Parks to visit are Bemaraha National Park,
Masoala National park, Ranomafana National park, and Zahamena National park.

Malawi ( Republic of Malawi) is a country in the southern part of Africa neighbored by Mozambique and
Zambia. The capital is Lilongwe, home of the Lilongwe Nature Sanctuary. Some of the tourist attractions
are Liwonde National Park, Chimwenya, Game park, and the UNESCO World Heritage sites Chongoni
Rock-Art Area, Lake Malawi National Park and Nyika National park, the oldest and largest freshwater

Mauritius (Republic of Mauritius) is a tropical country in Africa colonized by the French and the British
and was named after the Dutch Prince Maurice Van Nassau. Port Louis, the capital is the largest city
and the home to the Aapravasi Ghat, a UNESCO world heritage site. Mauritius has a lot to offer to its
visitors particular to those who love beaches and diving. Belle Mare, Bras d’Eau, Roches Noires, Poste
Lafayette and Blue Bay are some of the beaches to visit to name a few.

Rwanda ( Republic of Rwanda) is one of the smallest countries in Africa that was formerly called
Ruanda. Kigali is the capital, the business and administrative district of Rwanda. The capital is also the
main entry to the country through Kigali International Airport which is hub of its national flag carrier,
Rwanda Air. The country’s culture and history can be appreciated by visiting Kigali Cultural Village,
Rwanda Art Museum and Kigali Genocide Memorial.

Seychelles (Republic of Seychelles) an archipelagic nation, is the home of Aldabra Atoll and Vallee de
mai Nature reserve, two of UNESCO’s World Heritage sites. Victoria is the capital situated on Mahe
Island, the largest island in the Seychelles.

Some of the useful Creole words that visitors can use during their stay in the country are the following:
 Hello – Bonzour
 Goodbye – Orevwar

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 How are you? – Ki dir?

 Thank you – Mersi
 No – Non
 Yes – wi
 Please – Silvouple
 What is this? – Kisisa
 I like it – Mon kontan

Somalia (Federal Republic of Somalia) is a nation situated in the eastern part of Africa. Ethiopia, Kenya
and Djibouti are its neighboring countries. It is known as the “Land of the Somali”. The capital
Mogadishu and Somali Shilling is its monetary unit.

South Sudan ( Republic of South Sudan) is one of the youngest nations in Africa surrounded by Central
African Republic , Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Juba the state
capital can be accessed by its main gateway, the Juba International Airport. It boasts national parks
such as Bandinglio National park, Boma National Park, Southern national park, and Nimule national

Tanzania (Republic of Tanzania) is the home of the tallest mountain in Africa, Mt. Kilimanjaro. The
nation’s capital is Dodoma and the monetary unit is Tanzania Shilling. It holds several UNESCO world
heritage sites classified under cultural and natural. These are Kondoa Rock-Art sites, ruins of kilwa
kisiwani, ruins of songo mnara, stone town of Zanzibar, Kilimanjaro national park, selous game reserve
and Serengeti national park.

Uganda (Republic of Uganda) is a landlocked country surrounded by Democratic republic of congo,

Kenya, Rwanda, south sudan and Tanzania. Kampala is the capital and the location of the country’s
main international airport, the Entebbe International Airport which serves the hub of the national flag
carrier the Uganda airlines. Uganda has several national parks that visitors can experience, which
include Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National park, Queen Elizabeth National park, Kibale Forest
National park, and Murchison Falls National park.

1.4.3 West Africa

West Africa is a subregion consisting of the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Café Verde, Cote
D’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal , Sierra
Leone, Togo and Saint Helena, a British overseas territory.

Benin ( Republic of Benin) is one of the countries in West Africa. It is formerly named “Dahomey”.
Nigeria,Niger, Burkina Faso and Togo are its neighboring countries. The constitutional capital is Porto—
Novo, which means “new port” in Portuguese.

Burkina Faso ( Republic of Burkina Faso ) is formerly known as Upper Volta or Republic of Upper Volta.
The country’s name means “Land of the Honest Men”. French is identified as their official language
though native African languages are widely spoken.

Cape Verde or Cabo Verde (Republic of Cabo Verde) is an archipelagic island country. Praia which
literally means ”beach” in Portuguese, is the capital and largest city situated in the island Santiago.
Tourist attractions like black sand beaches, street art and architecture, trekking, trails, water sports and
volcanic landscapes are just few reasons why tourist should visit this beautiful island.

Cote D’Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Republic of Cote d’Ivoire) is a country in the west Africa with Yamoussouko
as its legislative capital and Abidjan as its largest city and administrative capital. Ivory coast takes pride
of its heritage sites that was inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage lists categorized as natural and
cultural such as Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Comoe National Park, Tai National Park and
Historic Town of Grand- Bassam.

Gambia ( Republic of Gamia) is coined as the “Smiling Coast of Africa” which is due to the Gambian
warm and friendly character. This English speaking country recognizes Fula, Jola, Mandinka, Serahuli,

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and Wolof as their major languages. Gambia has plenty of activities to offer to its visitors such as bird
watching, surfing, sports fishing and relaxation. Tourists can also try hair braiding and Gambian
wrestling, a traditional sport of the country.

Ghana (Republic of Ghana) is a country once identified as the “ Gold Coast” . Accra is Ghana’s capital
and largest city. It offers natural and historical attractions. It boasts of its forts and castles that are
inscribed in the world heritage list. Among the castles are Cape Coast, St. George’s d’Elmina, and
Christiansborg castles and the forts are Good Hope at Senya Beraku, Patience at Apam, Amsterdam at
Abandzi, St Jago at Elmina and san Sebastian at Shama to name a few.

Guinea (Republic of Guinea) is a country in west Africa formerly known as French Guinea. Conakry is
the largest and capital city. French is considered as the official language while indigenous languages
such as Malinke, Kissi, Toma , Fula and Kpelle are considered as their national languages.

Guinea-Bissau (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) is a west African nation that was formerly colonized by the
Portuguese. Bissau is the nation’s capital and port city.

Liberia (Republic of Liberia) is a country located in the western region of Africa. Monrovia the capital and
largest city was named after the fifth president of USA, James Monroe. Some of the places that tourist
might be interested to visit include Liberia National Museum, Kandeja National and Cultural Centre, Lake
Piso, Sapo National Park and Kpe-Tawe Waterfalls.

Mali (Republic of Mali) is a landlocked country located in the western portion of Africa. It shares borders
with Algeria, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Niger and Senegal. Bamako is its largest and capital
city. The country is the home of some UNESCO heritage sites such as Old Towns of Djenne, Timbuktu,
Tomb of Askia and Cliff of Bandiagara.

Mauritania (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) is a nation in northwestern Africa with Nouakchott as its
capital. Majority of the people speaks Arabic, the country’s official and national language. Also, many
believers of Islamic faith , the principal religion of the country.

Niger (Republic of Niger) is the one of the countries in the west Africa bounded by Algeria, Benin,
Burkina Faso, Chad , Libya, Mali and Nigeria. Niamey is the capital and largest city. It presents
interesting cultural and historical sites such as Centre cultural Oumarou Ganda, centre cultural France –
Nigerien, and national museum.

Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria) is a country in western Africa that shares borders with Chad ,Benin,
Cameroon, and Niger and was once colonized by Britain. Its federal capital is Abuja while Lagos, its
former capital, is still the economic capital. Nigeria boasts of its distinct ecological sites and ecotourism
attractions. Here are some of the national parks: Chad Basin, Cross River , Gashaka-Gumti, Kamuku,
Kainji Lake, Okomu, and Old Oyo.

Senegal (Republic of Senegal) is a country bordered by Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and

Mauritania. Dakar is the capital. The country holds natural and cultural UNESCO world heritage sites
such as Djouudj national bird sanctuary, niokolo-koba national park, island of goree, island of saint louis,
stone circles of Senegambia, saloum delta, and bassari country: Bassari, Fula and Bedik Cultural

Sierra Leone (Republic of Sierra Leone) is a country known unofficially as Salone. Freetown is the
capital and the port city, which is known for its historical and coastal beauty. It can be accessed through
freetown international airport, also known as Lungi international airport.

Togo (Togolese Republic) is the home to the UNESCO world heritage site Koutammakou, the land of the
Batammariba. Lome is the country’s capital and its currency is West African Franc.

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1.4.4 Southern Africa

Southern Africa is the region that includes the countries of Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique,
Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Angola (Republic de Angola) is a country rested in the west coastline area of Southern Africa. The
capital of the nation is Luanda, which also serves as the site of Angola’s main air and sea ports – the
Angola International Airport and Luanda port.

Botswana (Republic of Botswana) is a country bounded by Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South
Africa. This landlocked country’s capital is Gaborone known for its game reserve in the city. There are
other game reserves or national parks that make Botswana an interesting place to visit; these are
Chobe national park, Makgadikgadi and Okavango Delta.

Lesotho (Kingdom of Lesotho) is a country in southern Africa that was formerly known as Basutoland.
The country’s name “ Lesotho” translates as “Land of the Sesotho Speakers”. Its capital is Maseru and
the languages spoken are Sesotho and English.

Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique) is a nation bordered by Eswatini, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia

and Zimbabwe. Maputo, the country’s capital was previously named as Lourenco Marques. The
national parks in Mozambique are Maputo Special Reserve, Bazaruto national park, and Gorongosa
national park.

South Africa (Republic of South Africa) is a country located in the southernmost portion of Africa. There
are three capital cities in South Africa, namely Pretoria (administrative capital), Bloemfontein (judicial
capital), and Cape town (legislative capital). National Parks in the country are Addo Elephant national
park, Madikwe Game Reserve, vredefort dome, taung fossil site, cape of good hope, table mountain
and robben island.

Namibia (Republic of Namibia) is a nation that lies in the southwestern coast of Africa. Windhoek is the
largest and capital city. The country offers numerous national parks such as Bwawata national park,
Cape Cross Seal Reserve, Daan Viljoen Game park, doron national park, etosha national park,
Waterberg plateau national park and Tsau Khaeb national park.

Eswatini (Kingdom of Eswatini) is also known as Swaziland. The name of the state means “Land of the
Swazis”. It has two recognized capitals. Mbabane is the administrative, largest city and best known fo
the souvenirs products while Lobamba is the legislative capital. Some of the places to visit includes
Mbuluzi Game Reserve, mlilwane wildlife sanctuary, Mlawula Nature reserve, Hlane royal national park
and Swazi market.

Zambia (Republic of Zambia) is a landlocked country bordered by Angola, Botswana, Congo DR,
Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Zambia got its name from the Zambezi River. Some of
the suggested places to see in the country are the natural wonder of Victoria Falls, Kafue national park,
nsumbu national park, mosi-oa-tunya national park, luzaka national park, kasanka national park, liuwa
plain national park, Lochinvar national park and lower zambezi.

Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe) is a landlocked country in the southern portion of Africa surrounded
by Botswana, Mozambique, south Africa and Zambia. It is formerly known as Rhodesia. Harare is the
country’s capital where the main point of entry lies- the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport
formerly known as Harare International Airport. Some of the attractions to see in the capital city are:
Lake Chivero Recreational park, wild is life animal sanctuary, chiremba balancing rocks, mbizi game
park and mukuvisi woodlands.

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1.4.5 Central Africa

Central Africa defined by the UN subregion, consists of the following countries: Cameroon, Central
African Republic, Chad, Congo Republic – Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial
Guinea, Gabon, and Sao Tome and Principe.

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon) is bordered by Chad , Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, and
Nigeria. The capital is Yaounde while Douala is the largest city of Cameroon. The International Airports
serving the country are Yaounde Nsimalen International Airport, Douala International Airport and
Garoua International Airport while the state carrier is Cameroon Airlines Corporation or Camair-Co.

Central African Republic (Republic of Central Africa) is a landlocked country with Cameroon,Chad the
Democratic Republic of Congo- South Sudan, the Republic of the Congo and South Sudan as its
neighboring countries. Central African Republic is the home to two UNESCO world heritage sites:
Manovo-Gounda St Floris National park and Sangha Trinational.

Chad (Republic of Chad) is a country bordered by Libya, Sudan, Central Africa Republic, Cameroon ,
Nigeria and Niger. The capital and the largest city is N’Djamena. It is also the site of the country’s sole
international airport, N’Djamena International Airport. Tourist attractions in Chad are Lake Chad and
Chad national museum.

Congo Republic (Republic of the Congo) is also called Congo-Brazzaville. Its neighboring countries are
Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Gabon. The
capital is Brazzaville and the languages spoken are French and other native languages.

Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) or DR Congo is the second largest country in the African
continent and was formerly known as Zaire. Kinhasa or known before as Leopoldville, is the capital and
largest city.

There are interesting national parks to explore such as:

 Virunga National Park
 Kahuzi -Biega National park
 Salonga National park
 Garamba National Park
 Maiko National park
 Odzala-Kokoua National park
 Nouabale Ndoki National park

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) is also denoted to as EQG and was previously
colonized by Spain. Its neighboring countries are Cameroon and Gabon. The country consists of Rio
Muni, also known as Continental Equatorial Guinea and other small islands.

Gabon (Gabonese Republic) is situated in the west coast of African continent. The capital and largest
city is Libreville, where the main international gateway to the country is located the Libreville Leon M’ba
International Airport.It also serves as the hub of the state flag carrier, Gabon Airlines. Some of the
places of interests in Gabon are Akanda National Park, Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, Cathedrale
Saint Pierre and Cathedrale Saint Loius.

Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe) is an island country in the
Gulf of Guinea and was a former Portuguese colony. It consists of two major islands: Sao Tome and
San Antonio. The places to visit include Obo National Parks; Lagoa Azul, which is famous for
snorkeling; Bom Bom Island Resort and Cascata de Sao Nicolau

VI. Learning Activity 4

Identify the Region of Each Country. (10points)
_______________1. Chad
_______________2. Togo
_______________3. Gambia

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_______________4. Algeria
_______________5. Egypt

VII. ASSIGNMENT (Note: Not to be included in the student’s copy of the IM)
Assignment 4 for Instructional Material 4 (to be given separately)

VIII. EVALUATION (Note: Not to be included in the student’s copy of the IM)
Quiz 2 for Instructional Material 4 (to be given separately)

Boniface, B., Cooper, C. and Copper, R (2016). Worldwide Destinations: The Geography of Travel and
Tourism 7th Edition. Routledge.

Lonely Planet. (2014). The World: A Traveller’s Guide to the Planet (Travel Guide). Lonely Planet

William ,S. and Lew A. (2015). Tourism Geography: Critical Understanding of Place, Space and
Experience. Routtledge.

Lew A., Hall, M.C., Timothy, D. (2008). World geography of travel and tourism: A regional approach.

Mancini, M.,(2011). Selling tourist destinations. Geography for travel professionals. Cengage Learning
Asia Pte. Ltd.

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