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Way of the Temporal

A time-bending subclass option for the 5th edition
- The Subclassery, Part 1 –
Way of the Temporal Fist

stern-faced goliath stands head-down in the Time Lock
centre of a ring of jeering bandits, his markings
glowing with energy as he takes a steady breath Starting at 11th level, when you hit a creature or an object
in. The dark markings on his face glow - not which is not being worn or carried with an unarmed strike,
with light, but with a definite energy, and you can force it to make a Charisma saving throw against
motion erupts. The bandits witness a flicker of your ki save DC. A creature can choose to fail this save and
blurred chaos, and then their leader collapses objects are considered to fail it automatically. On a failed
onto his knees and spits out a mouthful of warm blood. save, you can either freeze the target in time or force it
Stunned and fearful, the bandits scatter into the dark forwards through time, as described below. You can use this
alleyways around them. The goliath is gone.

feature once, and then you must take a short or long rest
Through intense meditation, monks of the Way of the before you can use it again.
Temporal Fist have managed to attune their ki to the If you choose to freeze the target in time, it is incapacitated
frequency of the energy that underpins everything that is, for one minute, until it takes damage or is moved, or until you
ever has been, and ever will be: time. end this effect (no action required). While it is incapacitated
in this way, it becomes unaware of the passage of time and of
its surroundings. It is also not affected by gravity, and any
Subclass Features curse, disease or poison affecting it is suspended until the
Level Feature effect ends. Any ongoing effects originating from the target,
3rd Temporal Awareness, Convergent Realities
such as spells (including spells in the process of being cast),
auras, and abilities, are suspended in this way as well.
6th Alternate Time Flows If you choose to send the target forward in time, the DM
11th Time Lock makes a roll of 1d6 + your proficiency bonus and notes the
result. Although it is intended that this roll is not shared with
17th Aeons' Aegis players, at the DM's discretion, doing so may better fit your
group's playstyle. The target disappears, shunted forward in
Temporal Awareness time. You can pull the creature back at any time you choose,
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, your provided you are not incapacitated, with no action required.
attunement to the flow of time grants you brief flashes of the After you do this, or after an amount of rounds have passed
future and can provide warning of looming threats. equal to the roll made beforehand, whichever is sooner, the
You may add your Wisdom modifier to your initiative effect ends. At this point, the target reappears in the space it
checks, and when you start combat surprised, you can spend left, or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is
1 ki point as a reaction to end the surprised condition on occupied, with no time having passed for it.
Aeons' Aegis
Convergent Realities At 17th level, your familiarity with the flow of time grants you
At 3rd level, in addition to Temporal Awareness, you gain the the following benefits:
ability to look ahead into the potential realities of the near You gain control of your age and aging. As an action, you
future and manipulate them to encourage a certain outcome. can change your physical age, either forwards or
When a creature withing 60 feet of you that you can see backwards, but to a minimum age of 13 years old.
rolls and attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can use Changing your physical age still leaves you with your
your reaction to give the creature advantage on the roll or normal statistics, unless it would kill you, in which case
force it to roll with disadvantage. you die. You can also choose to stop your natural aging.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your You can take one reaction per turn, instead of one reaction
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you per round.
finish a long rest. Once per long rest, you can touch a creature and grant
them the benefits of a short rest.
Alternate Time Flows When you give a roll advantage or disadvantage using
Starting at 6th level, you have developed the ability to divert Convergent Realities, you can also increase or decrease
the flow of time around creatures, for their benefit or the total by an amount up to your Wisdom modifier.
detriment, using your ki to replicate the effects of certain
spells. Credits
As an action, you can spend 3 ki points to cast haste or
slow at 3rd level. When you cast haste in this way, the target The cover art was created using and
this document was organised using GMBinder and
does not receive the exhaustion effect normally given when The Homebrewery.
the spell ends.
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