New Gem's Workbook 2

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Contents Lessons/Poems. Vocabulary Grammar Writing hol is Fun! 3 Tearrange lellers, fillin double letters ‘alphabetical order, make sentences ‘anwar questions to Write about a friend ThankYou, Friend! 5 ‘odd word, match ‘qualities to animals complete sentences, rewrite paragraph ‘classifying sentences 3 AViittS ‘compounds words, | underline nouns, ‘wilting about Chiang Mat 7 complete words to _| classify nouns Brandparents fill n the blanks - Mice are Nice 8 write rhyming wards, [singular and plural | rhebus poem Use the correct word ‘nouns 5 Savethe Tee 12 | making new words, [proper nouns wring about wees direle the odd word a ranto be ae missing Tetfers, ‘masculine and ‘writing abou filin the banks feminine gender | yourset 7 _APRcete Pay 16 —| homophones, nouns/verbs, [writing 3 synonyms identifying nouns/verbd character sketch & The Flephantsand —) group names, has/have, completing | writing about the Mice 18 Spposttes sentences snimats 3 Animal Feipers 20 —| thymine words, ania | yesterday and today writing about Wie 2 thathelp us Words, ed words.” _ | missing things WARE on Te opposites, ward pairs —|filinf/am/are, [picture composition Metro 22. was/were Rea Beach Baby Tigers using apostrophe, gving action words, ving an introducTon Enemy 24 crossword ing words The Ralibow yming ware, ing words, using Sequencing fairies 26 filinthe blanks words Revision Test Paper 28 33 The Unhappy Bus 30°) homophones aricle=ayan, Dieure compostion= pret un fitinthe blanks {rene ia Brave AAT 3 identifying people, | pronouns—ne/she/ie, | composition — synonyms Fiinthe blanks. | Favourite Teacher 3 The Wind 34 contactions, ewriting using pronouns, | composfon-=Things > Sentences filinthe blanks |you'see inthe shy 3 The Ten CUB su words: adjectives, filin sequencing 3 Teacher 36 collective nouns the banks ity tale 37. The Brave Tailor 39] Tving/non-iving things, Alin adjectives, —|cortectng errors Using t00, to ortwo [give adjeccves ina letter WE Nambersare Fin ai | odd word, ordinal ~—feorrect adjectives, — making 3150 numbers write the adjectives 8. The Clever Thing wor, nderine adverbs, | match words to make Woodeutter1 43 | fillnietters wordsearch, Dhrases, make filinthe blinks ___| Sentences The Cave compound words, many | match the words, — picture composition Woodeutter2 46 | wordsfromone word” |crelethe adverbs |A'Seene The Land of match the riyming Pfft the blanks with —|witing about NRE Counterpane ag __| worés write the words | prepositons you ike domng 3 Fitpat’s ourney 51 —| making new words, —|flin canjuncions | composition = classifying words Rainy Day The Little Plant $3 Revision Test Paper 2 55 Stsyne Words crcewons wh words, correct | question word ‘composition —Seed 1. School is Fun! PLAY WITH WORDS A. Rearrange the letters to make words. 1. cshool — 4, cissorss —___ 2. romning — 5. koobs 3. raycons — 6. ppaer B. Fill in double letters to complete these words. GRAMMAR FUN C. Write these words in the alphabetical order. 1. plant kitten garden flower 2. toy water ant dish 3. green blue red yellow 4. star balloon cloud eagle D. Match the columns to complete these sentences. 1. My school a. children in my class. 2. It has a b. is our class teacher. 3. There are forty c. go to school. 4. Miss Sen d. has a big playground. 5. | love to e. big library. WRITING FUN E. Answer these questions. Then read your answers aloud. Draw a picture of your friend. MY FRIEND | . What is the name of your best friend? . How old is she/he? . Where does she/he live? . Which games does she/he like to play? . Who does she/he like to play with? vPeNeE 2. Thank You, Friend! PLAY WITH WORDS A. Circle the odd word in each set of words. 1. camel dog pilot sheep tortoise 2. chair hospital bedroom zoo office 3. Alan Asha Aishah arm Abu 4. cup camera doctor pencil book 5. Delhi Goa London Paris Asia B. Match these qualities with the names of the animals. 1. as slow as a a. owl 2. as busy as a b. kitten 3. as playful as a c. bee 4. as silent as a d. snail 5. as wise as an e, mouse GRAMMAR FUN A group of words which makes complete sense is called a sentence. A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. C. Tick (“) the complete sentences. 1, Once upon a time —__ 2. The crow saw the deer trapped in —_ 3. The hunter was happy to see the dead deer. 5 4. The tortoise crawled and slipped into the river, __ 5. The four friends — D. Rewrite this passage using capital letters and full stops. on a farm lived a donkey, a dog, a cat and a cock they were good friends and loved to sing they liked to sing on a full-moon night the donkey would start with a loud bray, the cat would join in with the meows, the dog would then start barking lastly, the cock would sing cock-a-doodle-do WRITING FUN E. Write the sentences under the correct headings. It'has a-hard shell. tt lays eggs. It has beautiful spots. It crawls slowly. It has horns. It can run very fast. DEER TORTOISE 3. A Visit to Chiang Mai PLAY WITH WORDS A. Join the words in the two columns to form new words. , 1. sun a. apple — — 2. grand b. fly 3. play c. father —_—— 4. pine d. ground — 5. butter e. flower sunflower B. Fill in dr or tr to complete these words. 1. tr ain 3. —__ ink 5. ess 2, ____ee 4, — ack 6. __ __ ive . Now fill in the blanks with the words you have made. . The trunk of a banyan ______ is very thick. C. 1 2. Grandpa took Sonia and Nina for a long 3. Granny loves to ______ hot soup. 4. The __________ runs ona 5. . Granny will make a lovely _________ for Nina. GRAMMAR FUN A noun is the name of a person, place, animal or a thing. D. Underline the nouns in these sentences. 1. The children are in the playground. 7 . Our teacher has a beautiful bag. . | love the mountains and the sea. . The king and the queen live in a palace. “ewRN . There are apples and bananas in the bowl. . Write these words in the correct boxes. m bell mother park shark bear rocket library chair father horse house children PERSON PLACE ANIMAL THING WRITING FUN F, Write five sentences about your grandparents or your friend’s grandparents. Take help from the box. name of grandparents where do they live what do they like . age 4. Mice are Nice PLAY WITH WORDS -A. Write rhyming words for the given words. 1, tail po 6. night to 2. chin p 7. long wr 3erun ff | 8 faces roc 4. small to 9, house m 5. brown go lao know s B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets. » . | want to buy stamps. | will go to the — (bank/post office/library) 2. Grandpa likes to read. He goes tothe == _severy day. (bank/library/kitchen) 3. It is raining outside. | need ** ee : . (chair/umbrella/book) 4. | need a drink. Tam — ____. (thirsty/cold/hot) 5. The school is closed. We don’t have to go to school today. Itisa ____.. (Friday/holiday/birthday) 9 GRAMMAR FUN We add s to most nouns to make words which mean more ‘than one. We add es to nouns which end with an s, sh, ch, x or o. EXAMPLES: pen — pens, box — boxes C. Write the plurals of these nouns. brush 5. tomato 2 box 6. flower 3. dress _ — 7. match oe 4. star ee ' 8. pencil A few nouns form their plural by changing the vowels of the singular nouns. EXAMPLE: man — men D. Fill in the blanks with the plurals of the words within the brackets. Use words from the box. teeth. potatoes mice men feet geese women 1. | wash my ______ (foot) before | go to sleep. 2. We must brush our _______ (tooth) at night also. 3. Allthe _-__——s (mouse) ran away when they saw the cat. 4, Many (woman) came to the flower show. 5. A flock of — (goose) flew over the sky. 6. Father bought a kilogram of ____ (potato). 7 Allthe (man) and Ss (woman). of the village went to the fair. 10 WRITING FUN £. Complete the poem using these pictures as clues. Take help from the box. chair cats table window drawer box cupboard shoe frocks GOED _______ sleep anywhere Any 1 i) Top of piano, ledge In the middle, on the edge. Anybody’s lap will do. ina) —__ wth your FFF FPR ——— Anywhere, they don’t care. sleep anywhere. 11 we f any ___, empty 5) 5. Save the Tree PLAY WITH WORDS A. Add a letter before each given word to make a new word. Write the new word. 1, ate 4. ear — 2 all — 5. —ee] 2 3. __air — 6 late B. Circle the odd word in each set of words. 1. pineapple pear wood plum orange 2. lily Papaya guava durian mango 3. dog cat cow horse cart 4. car van truck pen train 5. chocolates potatoes sweets biscuits toffees GRAMMAR FUN Some words name a special person, place or thing. These are special names and they always begin with capital letters. C. Underline the special names in these sentences. Rewrite the sentences using capital letters. 1. sharon lives in manila. 2. sania is reading a book. 12 w . children’s day falls in the month of november. 4. kamal’s aunt is coming on sunday. D. Fill in the blanks with the special names from the box. 1. | am a newspaper. 2. | am a river. a February 3. | am the holy book of Straits Times the Muslims. . . Nile 4. | am the capital of Indonesia. —_ Quran 5. | have the least number Jakarta of days in a month. WRITING FUN E. Write two sentences about each tree. A The coconut A — The mango _ LBE The banyan 13 6. Fun to Be PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the missing letters to complete the words. 1. A snake makes its home here. Ho 2. A monkey hops from one to another. _ 3. Man lives in it. H a 4. Mummy gives you your food on it. Po 5. It has two wheels and two pedals. B ewe B. Use the words in the box to complete these sentences. 1. A caterpillar _______ on the ground. spin 2. The hens ___ at the corn. wriggles 3. Diamonds in light. flashes 4. Spiders __ a web. sparkle 5. Lightning _____ in the sky. peck GRAMMAR FUN Nouns tell us if a person or animal is male or female. C. Write M for male or F for female. 1. hen —— |4 hero __ 7. emperor —__ 2. grandson — 5. lioness ___ 8. cock — 3. aunt — |6. father ___ | 9. cow 14 D. Write the correct male or female names. MALE FEMALE -— tigress brother — — aunt son princess WRITING FUN E. Answer these questions. 1. N w B 2 What is your name? How old are you? . Do you have a brother or sister? }. What do you like to eat? . What games do you like to play? . Which is bigger—your house or your school? . Do you like ice cream? 15 7. A Place to Play PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets. 1, _____________ was no place to play. (There/Their) 2. The children took a lift to the top = (floor/flour) “let’s the rainbow,” said Jasmine. (sea/see) BY Gautam climbed the = slowly. (stairs/stares) . The kids _______ in the Kids’ Club. (meat/meet) w B. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the words in the brackets. Choose from the box. 1. Jasmine was (sure) Uncle Siva . would help them. ‘ frightened 2. Meeta________ (looked) for her kitten searched every where. extra 3. Rohit was____ (scared) of the dark. . certain 4, What was Rob’s (reply) to the questions? answer 5. Uncle Siva had an__————S (spare) room. GRAMMAR FUN Words that tells us what a person, animal or a thing does are called verbs. 16 C. Underline the nouns and circle the verbs in these sentences. e . Maya plays with her dog. | 4. Rabbits eat carrots. N . Tirath Singh lives in Delhi. | 5. An owl hooted all night. w . The calf ran to its mother. | 6. Mother cooks tasty food. D. Circle the nouns and verbs. Write them in the correct boxes. Mariam ran to the clean beach and watched the seagulls on the rocks. They spread their wings and flapped them noisily, flying here and there. NOUNS: VERBS WRITING FUN E. Write five sentences about Uncle Siva. thin and tall — brown eyes — black hair = Good Year Apartments — loves, children 17 8. The Elephants and the Mice PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. herd pack bunch bundle library flock t.a_Ssiof grapes (4. a of books of elephants 5.a_____—————_—of sheep 3. a ________ of sticks 6a____ off cards B. Circle the word which is the opposite of the underlined word. 1. The king was wise, but often did foolish things. 2. The elephants were happy because they had a good king, but they were also sad because he was ill. 3. The big elephants ran after the small mice. 4. The trappers dug a deep pit near the shallow lake. GRAMMAR FUN We use has to speak about one person or thing. We use have to speak about more than one person or thing. We use have with | when we talk about ourselves. C. Write has or have to complete these sentences. 1, |_______one brother. He _____ black hair. 2. We a pet dog. It _______ long ears. 18 . Some children . Meena and | . The boatman —___ . My mother . My school — vpwnpDd ____ brown eyes. | a bag. It _____ a big buckle. We a car. It ________ four doors. . Complete these sentences with has or have. We WRITING FUN e ° . rabbit —__ . elephant wean onunawenpm . Write about one thing that each of these animals have. . peacock A peacock has beautiful feathers. cat 5 Oa . sheep hen ——______ bee ___ . snake eee ee ee, . butterfly __ 19 9. Animal Helpers PLAY WITH WORDS A. Write two rhyming words for each word. 1, honey mf _ _ 2. hen t___ dd. 3. egg pe I _ 4. sheep sl ee po 5. cat bo nr B. Circle the names of the animals that help us. horse lion tiger cow wolf sheep crocodile dog GRAMMAR FUN Certain verbs change when we talk about something that happened in the past. EXAMPLE: sing — sang C. Write the today and yesterday words in the correct boxes. TODAY YESTERDAY — saw laugh ran sang sleep cry sit jump rode swam walk ate 20 We can change some today words into yesterday words by adding ed at the end of the words. D. Write the yesterday forms of these words. 1. look looked | 4. play = __ — 2.climb | S peep 3. pass | 6& jump WRITING FUN E. Look at Picture A carefully and mark five differences in Picture B. Write what is missing in Picture B. PICTURE A PICTURE B 21 10. A Ride on the Metro PLAY WITH WORDS _A« Match the opposites. 1. kind a. untrained 2. good b. near 3. far c. disobedient 4. obedient d. bad 5. trained e. unkind B. Write the word pairs from the box. 1. Key is to lock as thread isto. ball 2. Salt is to pepper as morning isto____—=——————sanneeedle 3. Uncle is to aunt as husband isto ____________ evening 4. Day is to night as tea is to — coffee 5. Cup is to saucer as bat isto wife GRAMMAR FUN We use the doing words is and am for one thing or person. We use are for more than one thing or person. The yesterday forms of is and are, are was and were. C. Fill in the blanks with is, am or are. My name ___ Rina. |____in Class 2. My school nice and big. | have many friends in my class. 22 They _____ good friends. My teacher _____ Miss Lee. She _____ very nice. She tall and beautiful. We all like her. We always quiet when she teaches us. D. Fill in the blanks with was or were. 1. Lina and Tom ____ from Singapore. 2. The Metro ride fur. 3. Aunt May saat: home. 4. The children ______ happy to meet their cousin. WRITING FUN E. Write five sentences on a visit to a sea beach. Use words from the box. Sandcastle seabeach shells starfish boat children birds coconut palms 23 11. Baby Tiger's Enemy PLAY WITH WORDS A. Rewrite these words as shown. 1. the family of Baby Tiger 2. the soft fur of a rabbit . the tail of a monkey — Baby Tiger's family aw . the dress of a girl . Use the hints to solve the puzzle. ACROSS i . sheep are kept in this x 5. a spider spins this 7 6. a horse is kept in this DOWN ia la 1. a duck lives in this F 3. a bird makes this 4. a bee lives in this F GRAMMAR FUN C. What are the following used for? Write a verb for each noun. 1. bed __ sleep _ 4. spoon __eat__ 2. cooker ___ 5. book 3. broom —___ 6. pen 24 7. bicycle 10. brush 8. chair 11. ball 9. cup ee 12, ladder D. Drop the e of the words in the box and add ing. Now use them to fill in the blanks. smile 1. Farah is —_ a letter. . 2. Monika is a sandwich. “ee 3. Abdul is_________a horse. make. 4, The baby is at me. ride 5. Sharifah is dance WRITING FUN £. How would these animals introduce themselves? ‘Write two sentences. Hello, I am <<) a ——— oo 25 12. The Rainbow Fairies PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with rhyming words. 1, sailing m_ a 4. thing re 2. sea m. 5. gold b_ 3.deep po 6. deck n. _ B. Fill in the blanks with the sound words. hooted flash rumbled growled tinkled 1. The peacocks danced when the clouds in the sky. 2. The kitten were scared by the _______ off lightning. 3. Santa Claus _ the bells as he gave the gifts. 4. The owl _____———_ alll night. 5. The bear ______att the visitors. GRAMMAR FUN 4p xe Add ing to the given verbs and rewrite them. a. build — 6. grow — 2. open _ ee 7. stand 3. hang — 8. swing — 4. drink ee 9. fly — 5.send — 10. eat) D. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs from the brackets. 1. The cat __ the wall quickly. (climbed/climb) 2. A frog ________ on the ground. (hops/hop) 3. The dog _ over the low fence. (jumping/jumped) 4. An elephant can. (swims/swim) 5. The lamb __________ towards its mother. (leaped/leaping) WRITING FUN E. Read the story and number the sentences in the correct order. The Rainbow was unhappy because she was colourless. She was just simply black and white. So the Rainbow went to the Sun and asked, “Can give me colours for my body?” “Hmm ...” the Sun said. “Yes, only if you will be happy all the time.” The Rainbow agreed and they shook hands. She began to feel better. The Rainbow saw her black and white colours turn into seven wonderful colours. Green, red, yellow, orange, almost every colour in the world. The Rainbow was happy and shone so brightly that the whole world noticed her. _ The Rainbow was just black and white. The Rainbow and Sun shook hands. _— The Rainbow was sad because she was colourless. _— The Rainbow agreed to be happy. _ The Rainbow started to feel much better. —— The Rainbow talked to the Sun. _— Now the Rainbow had seven colours. 27 Revision Test Paper 1 TIME: 1 HOUR MAXIMUM MARKS: 25 A. wpewne wPwonp Read the paragraph and answer the questions. 5 Tamil Nadu is a beautiful state. It is in the South of India. It has mountains and valleys. It also has green forests. There are many rivers in Tamil Nadu. One mountain range in Tamil Nadu is called Mudu Malai. At the feet of these mountains is a beautiful large plain. This plain is called Karagudi. It is covered with thick forests. The forests are full of trees. Karagudi forests always remain green. In the middle of one of the forests there is a river. The river is full of cool, clear water. . Where is Tamil Nadu? . What is the name of the mountain range? . Where is the plain Karagudi? . Describe Karagudi in your own words. . Write the two words from the paragraph that describe the river water. Join the words in the two columns to make new words. 5 . hand a. day . birth b. board . match c. bell . black d. bag . door e. stick 28 C. Change the first letter of the underlined words to make true sentences. 5 1. Bears love to eat money. 2. Rabbits eat parrots. 3. The squirrel hid the huts in the hollow of a tree. 4. The brain runs on tracks. 5. | live in that mouse. D. Underline the nouns and circle the verbs in these sentences. 5 1. The fish swim in the lake. 2. The dog barked at the stranger. 3. The children played in the garden. 4, Granny bakes tasty cookies. 5. The kitten sleeps on the sofa. E. Give a suitable describing word for each word. 5 1 river 6. elephant 2. _____ flower 7. ______ sheep 3. baby 8. car 4. sun 9. scarf 5. toy 10. sea 29 13. The Unhappy Bus PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets. 1. Double Four saw that the road was —_________ (plane/plain) and smooth. 2. (There/Their) ___________ were very few people on the road. 3. She saw —__ (new/knew) places. . Double Four did —__ B (knot/not) know what to do. _B. Make opposites of the following words by adding un. 1. happy — 5. planned 2. decided — | 6. clear 3.even | 7. tidy 4. clean — 8. able ——_ =. GRAMMAR FUN We use a before words that do not begin with a vowel or a vowel sound. We use an before words that begin with a vowel or a vowel sound. C. Write a or an before each word. 1 owl 4, _____ dress 7. ___— umbrella 2. _____ week 5. inkpot 8, ______ actress. 3. eagle 6. hour 9. queen 30 . Fill in the blanks with a or an. . Mummy bought ___. new dress. . It has beautiful lace. eagle can fly high in the sky. . | have aunt who lives in Australia. . Suman lives in cottage near the sea. ou pene 9 . Papa bought me ice cream after lunch. WRITING FUN E. Look at the picture and write about A Picnic. Use words from the box. epPRS he sin frisbee: .. fruits “cake biscuits parents Sunday 14. Brave Aruni PLAY WITH WORDS A. Write one word from the box for the given groups of words. tailor princess captain nurse principal 1. a person who looks after the sick ee 2. a person in charge of the ship ee 3. the daughter of a king oe ae 4. a person who sews clothes — 5. a person who is the head of a school —_____ B. Circle the words that mean the same as the words in capitals. 1, CRACK pain gap hunger 2. DESTROY build help damage 3. REPAIR mend close climb 4. GUSHING sleeping resting flowing GRAMMAR FUN Words that are used in place of nouns are called pronouns. The pronoun he is used for masculine gender. The pronoun she is used for feminine gender. The pronoun it is used for names of objects and animals. 32 C. Write he, she or it for these nouns. 1. Alex _____| 4. boy | 7. Papa 2. Michelle ____| 5. girl 8. Aunt —_ 3. elephant 6. lady — 9. Ravi —— D. Fill in the blanks with He, She, It, We, or They. 1, . The children are going to Bangkok. bus. are going by 2. Karim studies in the village school. goes to school by bicycle. 3. My sister and | play carrom. enjoy playing with each other. 4, A deer lives in a jungle. has beautiful spots. 5. My granny lives in Perth. visits us every year. WRITING FUN E. Write five sentences about your favourite teacher. Use hints from the box. name of the teacher subjects she/he teaches how you wish her/him what you like about her/him 33 15. The Wind PLAY WITH WORDS A. Match the words with their short forms. 1. Iwill a. won't 2. cannot b. they’re 3. they are ce. can’t 4, would not d. Vl 5. will not e. we're 6. we are . wouldn’t B. Rewrite these sentences using the short forms of the underlined words. He’s They'll It’s I’m She's P am sorry for hurting you. 2. She has gone to school. 3. Itis raining heavily. 4. He is playing in the garden. w . They will come here tomorrow. 34 GRAMMAR FUN C. Which pronoun will you use for the following? 1. zebra (it/us) 4, Papa (he/she) 2. Mummy (he/she) 5. horse (it/they) 3. Granny (he/she) 6. plant (they/it) D. Fill in the blanks with pronouns from the box. 1. Rahul has a younger brother. is very sweet. 2. We saw a snake. Joe said that was a cobra. his them 3. Reena called her friends for lunch. her he She told __ to come early. they 4. Mother was talking to friend. 5. All my friends said would come to my party. WRITING FUN E. Write five sentences about the things you see in the sky. Use words from the box. stars balloons airplanes clouds, birds sun moon 35 16. The Lion Cub’s Teacher PLAY WITH WORDS A. Find seven ou words in the wordsearch and write them below. 1 «| c|B{wl]Fe}|R]«k 2. a p}t|s|@}ojo|e 5 t}|o;jujojujulo A o|/u}r{[ti|n|{[nju 5, —___ 6 o|jo}/v]/sBp|ojo}n 7. _ k/ 1} s}olu;n|o B. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. loaf bar sheet piece blade tube 1. apiece __ of cake x a 3a GRAMMAR FUN of paste of grass 4, a _______ of paper 5. a _— of bread 6a ___ of soap Adjectives are describing words. They tell you something about nouns. pretty flower 36 long journey C. Fill in the blanks with adjectives from the box. black pink striped sandy brave sunny fluffy tall 1. __sandy _ beach 5. —____. day By ee Fabbit 6. hair 3. = ___ palm tree rR _ soldiers 4, ________ zebra 8, flowers D. Fill in the blanks with correct adjectives from the brackets. 1. This isa ________ gate. (big/fresh) 2. The giraffe is a ___ (tall/black) animal. 3. 4. 5. The house has a_____ roof. (sunny/tiled) A camel has a ___ neck. (long/dusty) Rose spoke ina ____ voice. (tall/soft) WRITING FUN £. Number the sentences to match the pictures on page 38. Write the sentences under the correct pictures. — Cinderella wishes she could go to the ball. — The Prince marries Cinderella. —— Cinderella leaves the ball at midnight. — A fairy Godmother appears and gives her a beautiful gown. — The Prince and Cinderella dance at the ball. —— The Prince finds the glass slipper and goes in search of Cinderella. The slipper fits Cinderella. 37 17. The Brave Tailor PLAY WITH WORDS A. Write living or non-living for the following. .» Mummy went _ see her friend. toffees 1. king = —_ 4. bird 2. tailor 5. stone __ 3. house <= 6 tree B. Fill in the blanks with too, to or two. 1. Suman likes ______ dance. 2. Arnold gave the flowers ____ his mother. 3. | would love _____ go____ the zoo 4. Itis shot _ play in the afternoon. 5. 6. . Bela gave me pencils and GRAMMAR FUN C. Fill in the blanks with adjectives from the box. thirsty wicked foolish kind little 1. The ________ mermaid played in the sea. 2. The _______ crow looked everywhere for water. 3. The lion jumped into the well. 4. The wolf looked hungrily at Red Riding Hood. 39 av rwnp DO The ___________ dwarves helped Snow White. . Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives of your own. . The dancer has — _ hair. . The hen has —____ chicks. . The clown is wearing a —_ _____ cap. . The girl is wearing a — ______ dress. . We rushed outside to see the —____ rainbow. . The little baby gave a SS smile. WRITING FUN E. Neena wrote an invitation for her friends but made five spelling mistakes. Underline the errors and rewrite the invitation. Dear friends, T will be sevan ears old on 10 March. Please came to my berthday party on Sunday, 10 Maarch at 4.30 p.m. at my house. We will have lots of fun! Neena 40 18. Numbers are Fun PLAY WITH WORDS A. Circle the word that does not belong to the group. 1. train car bus. shop 2. rupiah banana rupees dollar 3. table chair tomatoes bed 4. desk cat donkey horse B. Fill in the blanks with words from the box. Papa Rahman Siti & t : \ Be 1, The cow is __seventh___ in the line. 2. The lamb is in the line. fifth third 3. Papa is in the line. first. seventh 4, Rahman is ________ in the line. fourth sixth 5. Siti is ____________in the line. second 6. The cat is______in the line. 41 hy hl i 7. Mummy is _________in the line. GRAMMAR FUN C. Colour the boxes that describe the words in capitals. 1. | KITTEN soft deep small 2. | BOY curly small healthy 3. | LAMB white gentle empty 4. | COW big dense blue D. Write adjectives for these nouns. Choose from the box. interesting beautiful deep tall pink cracked 1, ______ building 4. story 2, sieves 5, dress 3. heels 6. __________ well WRITING FUN E. Make a list of five things that make you happy. My List colouring _ —__ 42 A. 19. The Clever Woodcutter 1 PLAY WITH WORDS . fast a nine _ — . three Fill in the blanks with rhyming words. 4. fight 5. see 6. wood - . Fill in the boxes with the correct letters. . | grow crops. | am a aT 4 . | paint pictures. | am an . | sell milk, | ama [ | [ . | carry luggage. | am a . | teach students. | am . | catch thieves. | am a GRAMMAR FUN Some words tell us more about how actions are done. Such words are called adverbs. EXAMPLE: sing merrily, speak softly C. Underline the adverbs in these sentences. . Allan writes neatly. a IU) | 1. 2. The squirrel climbed the tree quickly. 3. . Granny fed the birds lovingly. 43 4, The stars twinkled brightly in the sky. 5. The clouds thundered loudly in the sky. D. Circle eight adverbs in the wordsearch. Di/G@]/e;n jt] ei] y|w]e tir j/o;jri{vjmMi|el;efR yj/_}s}o}e;aA;Ri ely Bly}/uf;i}y}jwiRify]k vijojn{jelvjie|Rri{ule oj/yj/tfjojujo}je|y|{t zi|ni/e;a};lr{e}yjaj}K Now fill in the blanks with the words you have circled. 1. Mother rocked the cradle —___ . 2. Grandpa goes for a morning walk — = 3. The King ruled 4. Don’t shout SS, or the baby will wake up. 5. Priya writes = 6. Granny loves me —_ 7. lam __________ absent from school. 8. | always wake up ____ in the morning. 44 WRITING FUN E. Match the words in the two columns. 1. writing a. with someone 2. pushing b. something tasty 3. planting c. a letter 4. walking d. seeds 5. cooking e. a cart Now make sentences of your own using the groups of words that you have made. yoPpyn Pp 45 20. The Clever Woodcutter 2 PLAY WITH WORDS ‘Match the words to make new words. 1. post a. room | 2. air b. brow _—__ | 3. news c. port __ 4. tea d. ring —_ 5. ear e. card __postcard 6. eye f. pot — 7. class g. paper — B. Make as many words as you can from the given word. WOODCUTTER wood | GRAMMAR FUN il C. Match the words that go together. | 1. shout a. quickly | 2. whisper b. neatly i 3. write c. loudly 4. run d. brightly 5. shine e. softly 46 D. Circle the correct adverbs to complete the sentences. 1. We must cross the road (sadly/carefully). 2. Granny combs my hair (gently/loudly). 3. The mouse ran (brightly/quickly) into the hole. 4. The birds chirped (politely/merrily) on the tree. 5. We must speak (politely/loudly) to everyone. WRITING FUN £. Look at the picture and write five sentences about it. Use words from the box. happy shining three nest feeding 47 21. The Land of Counterpane PLAY WITH WORDS A. Match the rhyming words. air leg fish . drop enNOouw rR WN Be man Now write the rhyming words. . sheep fool . fool mo beg . book wool creep took fair van wish crop _wool peg look cool hair deep hop dish can cool pny PYM Pp B. Write words that begin with the following. 1. cl 2. pr. 48 3, dr—____ 4, st 6. sm_—___ 8 sh____. 5. ple —- 7 ch 9. fl GRAMMAR FUN Some words like in, on, under, behind, above, below and beside tell you where someone or something is. Such words are called prepositions. C. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. Use words from the box. 1. The grass is ________ the ground. between 2. There is a bridge ______ the river. A . over 3. The sun is _______ the mountains. . 4. Birds are flying the sky. behind 5. There is a rabbit ___ the two rocks. 0" in 49 D. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the box. bottom with up behind near down on 1. Jack and Jill went —____— the hill. 2. Stir the milk ___________ a spoon. 3. Tears ran ____ the little girl’s face. 4. The apple lay —__— the chair. 5. The lion waited ___________ the bridge for the rabbit. 6. The name of the school was written at the ——____ of every page. 7. The sun was hiding _________ the clouds. WRITING FUN £. Write about three things that you enjoy doing and three things that you don’t enjoy doing. 50 22. Pitpat’s Journey PLAY WITH WORDS A. Make two words from each given word. 1, together to her 2. stream 3. cloud 4, thunder 5. excitement B. Give a name to each set of words in the cloud. Take help from the box. fruits vegetables animals flowers clothes” furfiiture lion deer zebra sofa bed chair apple grapes’ orange brinjal beans' rose lily lotus socks shirt dress carrots GRAMMAR FUN Words like and, but and or join sentences or words. These joining words are called conjunctions. C. Use the words or, but or and to join or complete these sentences. 1. Cows __________ hens are domestic animals. 2. You can have either fruit juice _______ milk after breakfast. 3. Mohan plays football. Mohan plays cricket. 4. Are these mangoes? Are these papayas? . Susan likes to draw. Susan likes to colour. w WRITING FUN D. Write five sentences about a Rainy Day. Use words from the box. clouds thunder lightning rain dark sky 52 23. The Little Plant PLAY WITH WORDS A. Write one word from the box for the following words. seasons months games languages countries 1. Chinese Japanese French 2. Indonesia England China 3. summer winter autumn 4. ludo cricket golf oa 5. January March December - B. What does a seed need to grow? Circle the words. air water sunshine mud books bag raindrops light car GRAMMAR FUN C. Write questions for these answers. Begin your questions with Who, How, When or What. 1, Who A teacher teaches in a school. 2. How The bird was singing sweetly. 53 3, What Noawpwnp DD Miss Gomes sells books and magazines. 4, When oe We have a holiday on Sunday. . Circle the correct question word. . (When/Who) was fast asleep? . (What/Why) did the boy see? . (When/What) can we go out to play? . (Why/How) are your grandparents? . (Where/How) do they live? . (What/Why) are you late for school? . (When/Where) is my bag? WRITING FUN E. Write four sentences on what a seed needs to grow. 54 Revision Test Paper 2 TIME: 1 HOUR MAXIMUM MARKS: 25 A. Nop “pw yo,’ eE Read the paragraph and circle the correct answer. 5 Many years ago, there were many huge forests. Many kinds of plants and animals lived in these forests. The leaves, fruits and flowers of the trees were the food of the birds, caterpillars, rabbits and butterflies. The forests gave shelter to wild animals like tigers, elephants and rhinos. Then the forests began to disappear. People came with big machines and cut down the trees. The homes of many animals were lost. Let us do something. We can still save our forests. We must grow more and more trees around us. Many years ago, there were (few/many) forests. . Birds, butterflies and rabbits got their (sleep/food) from the trees. . The (flowers/ forests) sheltered wild animals. People cut down (trees /fruits). . We can save forests by growing more (trees/ flowers ). Circle the correct words within the brackets. 5 . There were many coconut trees near the (sea/see). Bina wants to (bye/buy) some fruits for granny. The puppy is sleeping under the (caught/cot). 55 ypRpwewnro yoPyeNn pm . Amita saw many (deer/dear) in the park. . Ali wanted a big (read/red) balloon. . Write three rhyming words for each of these words. 5 { boat c ——- fL.__. } sea te m s. | sail m—_ h__ t__ } . deep ke sl. sh. } . scold be a g—__ | . Use the words he, her, she, them and they to fill in the blanks. 5 Sara and John are friends. ____ are in John’s } house. John wants to play Snakes and Ladders but Sara does not know how to play the game. wants to learn. John teaches ___ the rules. Soon John’s brother also joins __ enjoys playing with Sara and John. Fill in the blanks with an adverb. 5 The postman knocked ___ on the door. The school bell rang Jessic hurt herself. She was walking A fox _________ jumped over the wall. Our class teacher sings 56

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