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New Gem's Sylvie | English Coursebook | WORKBOOK => FRANCIS FANTHOME @ DOROTHY FANTHOME ll Dickens Publishing Ltd Contents Lessons/Poems Vocabulary Grammar Writing LAEIOU 3 thymine words, odd word, alphabetical order, rearranging words, sequencing 2. A Light for the compound words, punctuation, writing about a tree Palace Fire 5 odd word rearranging words 3, Samson and Nibbles 7 [double letier words, | completing sentences, | creative writing— making sentences interjections an animal Tommy's Five Senses 9 ‘odd word, opposites classifying nous, writing aboutan object Going toa Vilage 11 ‘work places, noun) jumbled words senter gender, rewriting nces ‘writing about things on the road 5 Seeing Things 13, ‘sn, Stand sp words, spelling, noun flumber, weitiny "bout a treasure chest 7. AMad Tea Party 15 | word puzzle, simple present, ‘writing an invitation sound words identifying verbs ’ Aladdin and the picture puzzle action words, tobe | creative writing— Magic Lamp 17 verbs, ing words magic carpet 3. The Silent Snake 19 synonyms, jumbled letters, to be verbs, describing an animal 10. The Ungrateful word meanings, tobe verbs, present | writing about Goldsmith 21 contractions continuous, simple past| grandparents Ti Love My Gaby 24 | using say and tell, ee, ea articles—a/an, silent | picture composition and ie words, word pair | letters 42, Kangaroos 27 ‘word search, short forms, articles—a/an/the, writing about your pet Revision Test Paper 1 30 15, Mother Kangaroo animal babies, coining | pronouns writing about getsa Pouch 33, words, synonyms he/she/it/they a kangaroo baby 34 | Wonder Why 36 ‘homophones, antonyms, pronouns, making alist 45. Birbal and the spelling, word meanings | adjectives—replacing | writing a dialogue Cooking Pot 38 words, filin the blanks 46. The Rabbit who thought | coining new word ‘adjectives, degrees of | creative writing— She was Somebody Else 41 | and ly words comparison being someone else 137. f Could be an Astronaut 44 jumbled letters, word collocation, adverbs, ly words, completing a poem 48. The Lost Pumpkin 1 46 | making smaller words, | adverbs—when/where/| creative writing — prefixes, sentences __| how, word search, | a pumpkin 439, The Lost Pumpkin 2 49 | word meanings, Ty words, filin the | creative writing— smaller words blanks with adverbs _ | describing a garden 30, Mothers are or... $1__ homophones, suffix ness, prepositions, answering questions, making alist 24. Looking for Polo 53 | word puzzle, feeling words | prepositions, blanks | preparing questions 22. APresent for synonyms, antonyms | conjunctions, blanks, | describing a picture Grandfather 56 joining sentences B The Land of Storybooks 9 homophones, suffixes, word puzzle, ee jpoun, parts of speech, Revision Test Paper 2 62 creative writing—an evening 1,.AETOU PLAY WITH WORDS A. Add two rhyming words to each of these sets. i. Ww . In each set circle the word that does not rhyme with the other words. 1. word bird —__heard 2. fly try 3. trick pick 4, link pink B. 1. blow crow throw 2. eye try hey 3. meal reel deal 4 |. pot root boot GRAMMAR FUN sky real we loot C. Write the words in each set in alphabetical order. 1 cry balloon «dish apple 2. story wind queen prize 3. lady book mist noodle 4. lion kangaroo spider fish 5. man fruit hotel tiger D. Rearrange these words in alphabetical order to make sentences. 1. like cats vegetables don’t Cats don't like vegetables. 2. high fly eagles 3. has wheels a bicycle two 4. lie animals don’t WRITING FUN E. Imagine your class went to the National Museum. Number the sentences below in the correct order. We arrived at the mused at, 11-6'lp ___ It was a wonderful. ay) will’ never forget the .visit tothe museum, ng op catture,-h 1 Last Friday, our entire mo wer an a choo! trip td the Vi museum, —— We laughed and We onthe bubride tothe Tugun. Now write the above sentences in the form of a paragraph. 2. A Light for the Palace Fire PLAY WITH WORDS A. Join the words in the brackets with the words in the box and make new words. Fill in the blanks with the new words. bow room set fast “chair 1. Grandpa sat in his armchair __. (arm) 2, _________is the most important meal of the day. (Break) 3. Photographs are developed ina. (dark) 4, Mother told us. to return home before ___——_. (sun) 5. Lily’s dress has all the colours of the ___ on it. (rain) B. Circle the words that cannot be used to describe the words in capitals. 1. KING wise vast kind 2, FIRE hot dangerous cool 3. GOLD shiny bitter valuable 4. ELEPHANT green heavy, big 5. FOLK elderly burning friendly 6. PALACE magnificent huge deep GRAMMAR FUN C. Rewrite these sentences using capitals letters and full stops or question marks. 1. kamal is my younger brother 2. do you have any brothers or sisters 3. we had fun at the zoo today 4, how do you plan to celebrate your birthday 5. we do not go to school on a saturday D. Rearrange these groups of words to make sentences. Remember to use capital letters and full stops at the correct places. 1. fire stopped in day one the palace the burning One day the fire stopped burning in the palace. _ 2. the messenger to king ordered some embers bring his back 3. the have to children gone school 4. today early came the school bus 5. celebrating our school tomorrow children’s day is WRITING FUN E. Write four uses of the coconut palm tree. You may use these phrases. cooking oil, used to thatch rooftops, delicious drink, tasty flesh 3. Samson and Nibbles PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with nn, mm, pp or Il. 1, HA __Y 4. A ____ LES 7. HA ——_—_ ER 2. si —__Y 5. FU —yY 3. HU __ ING 6. FA ______ ING 9, SU ___ER . Make sentences with these words. . trunk B. 1. a 2. mighty 3. creature 4, disappeared — 5. . clever GRAMMAR FUN C. Complete these sentences with words of your choice. . Samson loved — . Anis saw — . The book is ———____ 1 2. 3. John ran 4. 5. The children are D. Fill in the blanks with interjections from the box. Remember to use exclamation marks. ‘Hurray’? Wow” Nim °“Brav6"'Shih Ouch 1, ________ What a beautiful drawing you have made. 7 2, ________| have pricked my finger with a thorn. 3. The school holidays have begun 4. You have to be quiet in the library. 5. __ That was a wonderful performance. 6. This cake is delicious. WRITING FUN E. Samson lived in a huge forest. He loved to play in water. Which animal would you like to be? What would you like Use these phrases. play with other animals, look for food, swing on branches, lie in the sunlight, hide under dry leaves 4. Tommy's Five Senses PLAY WITH WORDS A. Circle the odd word out in each set. 1. banana wheat strawberry pear 2. house palace castle kitchen 3. doorbell horn sunlight whistle 4. mother doctor father sister 5. carpet television computer oven B. Match the words to their opposite meanings. 1. show a. whisper 2. shout b. hide 3. asleep c, take 4. give 4. reply 5. ask e.’ awake GRAMMAR FUN A noun is the name of a person, place, animal or thing. All naming words are nouns. Micheal, giraffe, Australia, pencil Common nouns are the names of a class of people, animals, places or things. flower, book, mother Proper nouns are the names of particular persons, places or things. Proper nouns always begin with capital letters. Names of months and days of the week are also proper nouns. Eiffel Tower, John, Monday 9 C. Write the words from the box against the correct headings. toothbrush Arjun February sister guitar Red Sea Mr Ho planet Venus singer pen Amanda COMMON NOUNS: - PROPER NOUNS: D. Write a proper noun for each of these common nouns. 1. river Amazon 5. name 2. mountain ___ | 6 magazine 3. book —___—sC*/Tlw 2. planet 4. month 8. leader WRITING FUN E. Think of one object that you like. Recall as much detail as you can about it. Now write about it. cake, covered with chocolate, icing, cherry, soft and sweet, fresh, tasty, birthday 10 5. Going to a Village PLAY WITH WORDS ‘A. A farmer works in a field. Match the columns to find out where these people work. 1. surgeon a. bank 2. judge b. hospital | 3. cashier «. court 4, artist a. flower shop vy ya 5. scientist e. studio ~ 6. florist f. laboratory | B. Unjumble the words in brackets and fill in the blanks. 1. My uncle grows ______ and sugarcane on his farm. (hawet) 2. The violin and the are musical instruments. (agitur) | 3, are a rich source of vitamins. (ruifts) 4. | help mother water the _______ everyday. (sapInt) 5, Do not waste water and . (ectrleityic) GRAMMAR FUN C. Change the gender of the underlined nouns. Rewrite the sentences. 1, The queen was very kind and just. 2. Nora has two nieces. 3. The tiger was playing with the cubs. 11 - There is a bull in the field. D. Circle the words of the neuter gender. Underline the words of the common gender. 1. kitten notebook cub curtain 2. table cousin computer student 3. jug chair teacher minister 4. sun shirt refrigerator pilot 5. candle star book doctor WRITING FUN E. Daniel walked all the way home from school. Write five sentences on what he saw on his way home. trees, cars, scooters, school bus, children, traffic light, bus stop 12 6. Seeing Things PLAY WITH WORDS A. yoN op sR ee Read these sn, st and sp words. Add three more to each list. snake, snug, snap star, stop, stare, spell, spoon, spin . Tick (v) the word that is spelt correctly in each set of words. bild/build 6. examination/examinashun dreeming/dreaming 7. recieve/receive beutiful/beautiful 8. despair/despare ambulence/ambulance 9. devide/divide scared/scired 10.- pretty/pritty» GRAMMAR FUN enypo A noun that names one person, place, ’animal or thing is called a singular noun. A noun that refers to more than one. person, place, animal or called a plural noun. girl (singular) girls (plural) toy (singular) toys (plural) Most nouns can be changed from singular to plural by adding the letters s or es. For nouns that end with s, ss, ch, sh or x, es is added to form their plurals. box - boxes glass ~ glasses . Add s or es to these words to form plurals. church 4. crop brush 5. horse . river 6. dove 13 7. match 9 fox 8. sparrow 10. class D. Fill in the blanks by adding s or es to the nouns in the brackets. 1, This village has several well-known ancient ______. (temple) 2. Watch out! Those ______are very prickly. (bush) 3. Kiran has made some _______ for the picnic. (sandwich) 4, The children wrote their names and _________ in the diary. (address) 5. You can see many _________ and deer in this forest. (monkey) 6. Rhea opened the drawer to look for some (paintbrush) WRITING FUN E. Imagine your grandmother gave you a treasure chest. Write five sentences to describe the things that you found in the chest. You may use these words and phrases below. tin, diary, key, purse, album, shawl, coins, mirror, knitting needles 14 7. A Mad Tea Party PLAY WITH WORDS A 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. Rene Fill in the blanks with the help of the clues. . something that makes a lot of noise No _I_ _S__Y_ . something that helps you smell = No _____ . something that you can read NOW Lk the opposite of south No . something in which you write NOW K . something that makes no sense =. NO__S______E . Tick (v) the correct sound words within the brackets. . mice (sizzle/squeak/smack) 5. birds (purr/chirp/hiss) . snakes (bark/hiss/chatter) 6. chairs (creak/croak/erunch) . doors (bang/bleat/babble) 7. bees (buzz/mumble/giggle) . thunder (jingles/gurgles/crashes) | 8. water (snores/splashes/sniffs) GRAMMAR FUN Bwneo Words that tell us about the actions of a person, an animal or a thing are called verbs. Verbs are also called action words or doing words. . Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in brackets. . The sun ____(shines/whines) brightly. Harun ________(sings/jumps) in the school choir. . John and Sarah _______ (fight/play) tennis every evening. . Zia always _______(flies/wins) a prize in the story writing competition. . Andrew often _________(bakes/Blows) cakes and biscuits for his family. 15 6. Adam likes to (read/write) under the tree. 7. Can your baby sister ____? (walk/fly) 8. A mechanic _______(cooks/works) in a garage. D. Underline the verbs in this passage. A lion was sleeping in a cave. A little mouse disturbed him. The lion woke up. He roared in anger. “Sorry, O King,” cried the little mouse. She begged the lion for mercy. The mouse promised to help the lion. The lion laughed. He released the mouse. One day, some hunters trapped the lion. The mouse gnawed through the net. The lion escaped. From that day on, the lion and the mouse became friends. WRITING FUN E. Your mother is organising a fancy dress party for your birthday. She wants to invite all your classmates. Help her complete this invitation card. Dear We will have a Fancy Dress Party for (name of dauighter/ son) 's birthday. Please dress up in a —_______.. Snacks will be served at p.m. We will play lots of ______ ‘and the winners will receive ______. The party is expected to end by With love, (name of mother) 8. Aladdin and the Magic Lamp PLAY WITH WORDS A. Look at the pictures and solve the puzzle. Write the words in the blanks. - 7 Pw N Pp Pt GRAMMAR FUN B. What do you do at these places? Choose from the box. cheer. cook read play watch eat 1, at a cinema —______ | 4. ina park 2, at a cricket match ________| 5. at a restaurant 3. in a kitchen —_________ |6. ina library C. Circle the correct form of verbs in the brackets. . “| (is/am/are) going to tell you a story,” said the old lady. x . The children (is/am/are) going to the museum with their aunt. 17 . My father (is/am/are) a very good cook. . The Red Fort (is/am/are) a famous landmark of Delhi. Mumbai (is/am/are) the capital of Maharashtra. . | (isfam/are) going to China with my parents. . Linn and Lisa (is/am/are) my cousins. ePNawaw . Zurina (is/am/are) very hardworking. D. Add ing to these verbs to make new words. You will have to make changes in the spellings of some words. 1. write ——— 4. jog 2. stop 5. lie 3. begin - 6. add WRITING FUN E. Imagine Aladdin took you for a ride on his magic carpet. Write what you saw below from the magic carpet. You may use these words. sky, clouds, tiny people, rooftops, gardens, buildings, rivers, sea, ships 18 9. The Silent Snake PLAY WITH WORDS A 1, 2 3. 4. 5. B. Circle the words that mean the same as the words in capitals. . RACE crawl run walk . PECULIAR difficult bad strange BRIEF short lengthy sad | MUTE noisy odd silent 3. CHAT talk argue laugh Rearrange the letters to make words which belong to that group. UBJECTS) | COUNTRIES! ishtoyr lisenhg enpla anjap stham cesicne iniad achin } VEHICLES” rparot razbe cooters roepanle wreo ered hisp arint GRAMMAR FUN C. Fill in the blanks with has or have. 1. Mirza______ written some poems. 2. Tara and Karen gone to the cinema. 3. Sam ______ found a purse in the park. 19 4, ____ you lost your purse? . What __________ you been doing today? ao Jake ___________ gone to Bali for sightseeing. D. Fill in the blanks with was, were or had. Yesterday, |________ to go to Singapore for some work. | to travel from Singapore to Jakarta the same evening. However, the flight cancelled. Many passengers ______ stranded at the airport. Luckily, |_______ the phone number of a friend in Singapore. My friend and his wife happy to hear from me. | able to go to their home and stay the night. They kind enough to drop me off at the airport the next morning. | a wonderful evening with my friends. WRITING FUN E. A snake is a silent animal. Describe one of these animals in five sentences. frog, monkey crow 20 10. The Ungrateful Goldsmith PLAY WITH WORDS A yepwene B. 1 2. 3. Match these words with their meanings. . harmless a. jewellery . trust b. give suggestions . advise © ¢. not thankful ornaments d. believe . ungrateful e. not dangerous Words like Il, we’ve and they're are shortened forms of / will, we have and they are. Such words are called contractions. An apostrophe (’) is used in place of the dropped letters. . Write the shortened forms of these phrases. thave 9 4. we will . you will 5. will not . they have 6. itis GRAMMAR FUN c aw Fill in’ the blanks with the correct form of verbs from within the brackets. . Rita_____ (were/is/are) my friend’s younger sister. . Faisal and Munir (is/are/was) neighbours as well as classmates. . Can you tell me what time it ____? (had/has/is) . Mum said that she ________(had/have/was) a headache and she __________ (was/are/has) going to rest. 21 5. Lila ___(were/was/have) helping her mother in the kitchen 6. Kevin and Anita _________(is/are/were) going to the zoo. D. Write a sentence to describe each picture. Add ing to the verbs in the box. read sleep ‘play “érawWl brush sit teach weigh “a. 1. The boy is sleeping, ieee 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 8. 22 E. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs from the box. appeared saw ran scored played rang swam climbed cooked won ordered. went | 1. Who swam in the pool? | 7. Who ________ the tree? 2. Who by magic? | 8. Who _____ the guitar? 3. Who _______ his soldiers? | 9. Who ________ the match? 4. Who ________ to the park? |10. Who _____ the race? 5. Who the goal? 11. Who —________ the food? 6. Who —_______ the lion? 12. Who —_______ the bell? WRITING FUN F. Write a paragraph about your grandfather/grandmother. You may use these words. loving, grey, kind, help, care, television, stories, songs, reads | 23 11. I Love My Baby PLAY WITH WORDS The words say and tell are often misused. Say refers to speaking, while tell suggests that something is being told to someone. What did Neeta say? What did Neeta tell you? A. Fill in the blanks with say, said, tell or told. 1. Zara _________us that she would be visiting her aunt tomorrow. 2. Yasmin ________ that she is afraid of the dark. 3. | don’t know what my mother will ________ when she hears this. 4. The teacher ______ the class to sit quietly, 5. Can you ________ me where Susan lives? B. Fill in the blanks with ee, ea or ie to complete these words. | 1, BAB 4. B____VER 7.0 2. TR __T 5. PL__.__SE 8. BEL___vE | BF 6 WH 9. F____w C. Fill in the blanks with words from the box to make word pairs. \ white socks day paper vegetables chair winter hands knife saucer bread ~ ball 1 __ and butter 7. bat and | 2. cupand 8. penand | 3. fork and —___ 9. fruits and | 4 and shoes 10, —__________ and night 5, and feet 11. desk and 6. black and 12. summer and — 24 GRAMMAR FUN The words a and an are called articles. A and an are used before singular nouns. A is used with words that begin with a consonant or a consonant sound, ajar ababy a toy auniversity An is used before words that begin with a vowel or a vowel sound. an eye anumpire an hour In the word hour, the letter h is silent and the word begins with the vowel sound a. Circle the words that begin with a vowel sound. hear heir history. ~— hood —hair hat honourable hour horse humour Circle the words that begin with a consonant sound. elephant index one ink ~—_ orange uniform unit ant umbrella untidy Fill in the blanks with a or an. Rahman’s father is engineer. _ ostrich lays very big eggs. I have German penfriend. Germany is ___ country in Europe. We saw art exhibition in town. Rose ate ____ apple and drank glass of milk. . | rode in ambulance to the hospital. 25 8. When you wear uniform you must keep it clean. earring in the bus. 9. Tanya lost 10. My mother and | are going to book fair this afternoon. WRITING FUN G. Look at this photograph of a polar bear and its cub. Write six sentences about the picture. You may use these words. mother, play, love, snow, fur, white, cold, small, climb 26 12. Kangaroos PLAY WITH WORDS A. Find the names of ten animals in this wordsearch. Write their names in the blanks. 1 6. D}o|G|mMj/o/zi/wie 2. 7 3 s|ki ijt] tle; nia], a. u}it{ Pp] i}e@) Bl Fl] Ri gs, 5. kK} A] N/G] aA} Rojo /20 o}o|vie;H|/AlLiw Al} s|c|R/o;|wi/ Bit Ee; tle; ePlH|al| nit Pi|a/|R/|R|O| Ti clo B. The word mum is sometimes used, for mother, What short forms do we use for these words while speaking? 1. television 4. personal computer 2. photograph 5. air-conditioner 3. refrigerator _ 6. compact disc GRAMMAR FUN The word the is an article too. It is used before a particular person, place or thing. Who is the lady talking to your mother? The is also used before the names of the following. rivers ¢ seas and oceans + mountain ranges # countries 27 10. Baer po se xneae een 9 famous buildings # holy books and newspapers ¢ objects the Eiffel Tower the Bible the Great Wall of China Fill the blanks with a, an or the. hospital 5, Hilton 9, _____ hotel ____ computer | 6. fisherman 10, ____ example _—_ Bible 7. —— inch 11, _____ Pacific Ocean _____ emperor 8. Indian Ocean | 12. _____ family Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. Can you fetch me _____ glass of water? Indian cricket team is playing in Australia next week. book? old lighthouse. Have you read | want to see Mala has Would you like idea that she wants to tell us about. biscuit? _____ biscuits are in that jar. .\___ students of Class 3 are practising for the play. There are sixty minutes i —____ hour. ___ United Arab Emirates is in Asia. My grandfather likes to read ____ newspapers. E. Insert the in the correct places and rewrite the sentences. We are going to Children’s Museum. Have you seen Petronas Twin Towers? . Himalayas are to the north of India. 28 4, Taj Mahal is a beautiful monument. s. Yangtze river is in China. WRITING FUN F. Do you have a pet? If you don’t, imagine that you have one. Write five sentences about it. You can write about the name of the animal, where it is kept, what it eats, what makes it special and how you take care of it. Draw a picture of your pet. 29 Revision Test Paper 1 Time: 2 HOURS Maximum Marks: 50 x - Read the story and answer the questions. A fox was boasting to a cat about its clever plans for escaping its enemies. “I have a whole bag of tricks,” he said, “which contains a hundred ways of escaping my enemies.” “| have only one,” said the cat, “but | can manage with that.” Just at that moment they heard the cry of a pack of dogs coming towards them. The cat immediately climbed up a tree and hid herself in the branches. “This was my plan,” said the cat. “What about yours?” The fox thought first of one plan and then of another. But he could not decide what to do. While he was thinking, the dogs came nearer and nearer and caught the fox. The cat, who had been looking on, said: “It’s better to have one safe plan than a hundred on which you cannot depend.” . Tick (v) the correct words to complete the sentences. 4 . The fox was boasting about his a. tail —__ b. tricks c, enemies ____— d. cat ___ . The cat could manage with a. a hundred tricks —_ «. one friend —— b. one trick —_ d. many friends —_ . The fox and the cat heard the cry of a pack of a. dogs______b. bags —_ c. cards —_ d. wolves The fox was a. kind —__b. smart c. boastful d. happy —— 30 So wna m . Circle the words that describe the fox. foolish boastful clever_—lazy_~—brave _— friendly . Write one word for the person who . writes dramas _______| 4. treats sick animals . mends taps 5, makes furniture —___ . designs buildings ——___ ). Make sentences with these words. . palace 2. forest 3. village 4. party 5. magic . Rewrite the paragraph with capital letters and full stops. john and raman studied in st mark’s academy they were in class 3 john’s mother’s name was mary raman’s mother’s name was radha they were good friends all four went on a picnic to hudson park F. Write a proper noun for each cammon. noun. 1, school 3. principal 5. river 7. city 2. book 4. teacher | 6. park 8. lake G. Fill in the blanks with is, am or are. 1. Anne _______ the captain of the netball team. 2. The children _____ making cards for Grandparents’ Day. 3. Where ____ my books? 4. Susan — Sams sister. 5. | _____ going to the park with my parents. H. Fill in the blanks with was, were of had. 1. Ashok —______ a banana and milk for breakfast. 31 ye en Pee pe There ___ three crayons in the box. Where ____ the vase? . All the sums easy. . There ____ many flowers in the garden. |. Replace the underlined today words with the correct yesterday words. 5 A monkey jumps on the tree. An elephant trumpets. A lion roars. A boy comes running. He claps his hands. He calls all the animals. All the animals stand still. They shout together. The lion jumps away. Fill in the blanks with a or an. 5 The bird laid egg in the nest. | had ______ sandwich and orange for breakfast. - owl lives in that tree. * If | become a pilot | will fly .. aeroplane. Write six sentences on your favourite game. 6 32 13. Mother Kangaroo gets a Pouch PLAY WITH WORDS A. Match the animals with their young. . cub 1. frog a. 2. bear b. fawn § 3. horse c. gosling ae 4, deer d. colt S 5. goose e. tadpole B. Change the first letter of each word to make a new word. 1. ball hall 6. fight 2, cool 7. gate 3. Meat) —___ 8, make 4, house —___ 9. late — 5. train 10. poor C. Add a letter before each word to make a new word. 1, tool ___stool ___ 6. ounce 2. hair 7. ate 3. eat 8. right 4, room 9. eel 5. able ————____—_. 10. rack D. Replace the underlined words with words from the box and rewrite the sentences. mumbled excited disappear complained. bumped stumbled 1. Maria tripped over a rock and fell to’ the ground. 33 2. The children grumbled that there were no books in the room. 3. Anna ran into Sona at the Super Bazaar. 4, The sun vanished behind the clouds. 5. Jack muttered something about the hidden treasure. 6. The children were thrilled to go the museum. GRAMMAR FUN A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. /, we, you, he, she, it, they, and them are some common pronouns. Sarah had a dog: Sarah took her dog for a walk in the park. Sarah had a dog. She took it for a walk in the park. E. Fill in the blanks with pronouns. 1. Christopher bought two cups of ice cream, ______ ate one and gave the other to brother. —_ brother thanked ‘ 2. Emily goes to school at 8 a.m. Before that, ________ brushes teeth, After that, _______ takes a bath and gets ready, Then, _________ takes the school bus. 3. Vani and Jane are friends. _______ study in the same school. never quarrel. Everyone likes ‘ 4, Silky has four pups. She loves __._______ feeds them and plays with ______. The pups keep running after always stays close to___. 34 5, pom 5 Peter is a parakeet. _______ has a green body. ——_____has a red beak. Children like Peter. like to chat with Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns from the brackets. . Aza is very tall. —__________(He/She/It) is the tallest girl in her class. . Devan bought a bar of chocolate. (He/She/Me) shared ____ (he/she/it) with his sister. . Sharon has gone out with her mother, ——___ (She/Thém/They) will be back soon. . Paul wrote a letter. _________ (He/Me/They) posted (her/him/it) this morning, WRITING FUN G. Imagine you were the Joey sitting in Mother Kangaroo’s pouch. Write a paragraph about how you felt. You may use these phrases. Great funl, free ride to places, warm and cosy, met other animals 35 14. I Wonder Why PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with the correct in the brackets. 1. There won't be any _______if you take this pill. (pane/pain) 2. We will get ______at the zo0. (off/of) 3. The wound will soon. (heal/heel) 4, | love mangoes and oranges ______. (too/to) 5, Can you help me to untie this _____ in my shoelace? (not/knot) 6. Ruby wanted to _______ crayons for her drawing class. (bye/buy) B, Circle the antonyms of the words in capitals in each set. 2. PROUD! tall reach humble 2. CAREFUL careless clever foolish 3, JOYFUL sing sad happy 4, DISTANT display place close 5, SELDOM often few unusual GRAMMAR FUN C. Replace the underlined words with pronouns and rewrite the sentences. 1. Mary is my friend. Mary sits next to me in the class. 2. Hanna and Veronica live in Singapore. Hanna and Veronica often visit us. 36 3. My mother, father and | went to the cinema yesterday. My mother, | father and | love to watch movies. | 4, Have you read this book? This book is very good. | 5. The king called a meeting with his ministers. The king had important | news to tell his ministers. D. Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns from the box. 1. The pond was cool. ____ was full of fish. ‘ them 2. Is this watch or me it 3. Who will sit next to______in the school bus? thelr 4. The ducklings will learn to swim on own. yours 5. | have many storybooks. | have read all of ________._ mine WRITING FUN E. Think of things that you enjoy doing with your family and friends. Make a list of six such things. T'love to chess with my mother. 37 15. Birbal and the Cooking Pot PLAY WITH WORDS A. Tick (v) the correctly spelt words in each pair. || 1. adress/address 5. grateful/greatful | 2. Februry/February 6. jewellery/jewellry | 3. holiday/holliday 7. restoraunt/restaurant | 4. wether/weather 8. intelligance/intelligence B. Match these words with their meanings. | 1. folk tales a. information about important or recent events 2. fiction b. short stories which teach a lesson or moral and in which animals are given human qualities 3. fables . any story that uses made-up or imaginative writing instead of facts 4, news d. traditional stories from different regions } GRAMMAR FUN Words which describe nouns are called dest Adjectives that tell us about the number of persons or things are called adjectives of number. The names of colours are also adjectives. g words or adjectives. The lotus is a beautiful flower. There are five butterflies in the garden. C. Circle the adjectives and underline the nouns they describe. 1. There is a greet scarf on the chair. A 2. We saw three elephants at the zoo. . Rahul bought an expensive watch. 38 = hoe » . Nora is clever. Her brother Norman is . A colourful butterfly flitted among the flowers. . This pool is shallow. . Diya won the second prize in the competition. . | wish | had a magic wand! . Replace the adjective nice with suitable adjectives from the box and rewrite the paragraph. ‘A walk through the forest is great fun on a bright and nice day. One can see lots of noisy, nice birds. The trees are green and nice. One can hear the nice sound of birds. A broad stream runs through the forest. It has nice water. One feels nice and active after the walk. shady” cool” cheerful ° “fresh? “suri °'chirpy’ . Fill in the blanks with adjectives that have the same meaning as the underlined words. Choose from the box. courageous tasty. anxious inexpensive dozen little fearful intelligent .. Arjun was very brave. There are many stories about his rT . The old lady was selling cheap trinkets laid out on an — tray. 39 4, My pet dog is very timid. He is ______________ of sudden and loud noises. 5. Ramona is eager to know everything. She is ____________ to know why we have a new class teacher. 6. There are twelve eggs left in the shop. Mother has asked us to buy a eggs. 7. This cake is delicious. Your mother makes very food. 8. Please accept this small gift. It is just a _____________ token of our affection. WRITING FUN F, Write a dialogue between Akbar and Birbal. It could.begin like t! |) ‘AkBaR: _Birbal, why did you not come to the court today? __ i BiRBAL: I was cooking my lunch, Akbar. AKBAR: BIRBAL: BIRBALs = ee 40 16. The Rabbit who Thought She was Somebody Else PLAY WITH WORDS A. Change the first letter of each word to make a new word. 1. pet —_ set 5. time a 2. sound 6. night 3. play Se 7 cave 4. dangle — 8. fail = __ ——— B. Add ish or ly to these words to make new words. 1. child, asad 2 week a= 5. boy = =___ 3. hour tte 6. man. —__ GRAMMAR FUN C. Circle one adjective in each set of words which can be used to describe the noun in capitals. 1. RABBIT mighty fluffy orange 2. CAKE sweet angry sad & 3. BOOK quick kind funny op 4. TOY amusing brave happy 5. SHOES cold pretty tall This apple is sweet. This apple is sweeter than that one. This is the Sweetest apple | have ever eaten. The adjective sweet can be used in three forms. The forms of adjectives can be changed by adding er or est. 41 D. Complete this table. 1 fat fatter 2 kind kindest 3. smart smarter 4 strong strongest 5. earliest 6. wiser 7 harder 8. happiest 9. pretty 10. angriest E. Think and write. Choose different words from the box. stronger. taller softer deeper colder broader. bigger faster hotter harder 4. A cotton ball is ______— than ahandkerchief. 2. Aplane runs —___—ithan a train. 3. A lion is than a deer. 4. An ocean is than a river. a 5. A giraffe is ________ than a zebra. - 6. Ice is than water. 7. The trunk of a tree is than the stem of a plant. 8. An eagle is _________ than a crow. 9. The sun is ______— than the earth. 10. Steel is _____ than. coal. 42 Rem PN eae . Yesterday was the Fill in the blanks by adding er or est to the adjectives in brackets. . Tara is ____________ than Rita. (short) These sums are than the ones we did yesterday. (hard) day of the year. (cold) Grandfather is the person in my family. (old) 1am the ________ person in my family. (young) This skirt is ________ than the one you tried on before. (long) Swati was looking for a scarf of the ________ quality. (fine) Our school is the to the stadium. (close) WRITING FUN G. Have you ever thought of being ‘somebody else’? Who would you like to be? Write a paragraph about your wish. You may use these words. famous, powerful, happy, wise, friends, smart, kind, helpful 43 17. If I Could be an Astronaut PLAY WITH WORDS A. Unscramble the words in each pair to make rhyming words. I 1. lyf— yrt fly | 2. tsra — rac . ans | 3. bdea-lepda 9b po | 4, ikert — teisk to So s. lucod-dluwo © ———— ere | B. Choose words from the box to complete the following. slice tube cup blade cube bowl glass bar grain plate | La____ of rice 6. a________ of water ii 2a ___ of grass 7. a______ of soup | 3.a____ of coffee 8a of toothpaste | 4,a_____ of food 9. a of ice | 5. a of chocolate |10, a _______ of cake GRAMMAR FUN Adverbs tell us more about verbs. Wern Lee writes neatly. C. Tick (v) the more suitable adverbs in brackets. 1. Mary is laughing (loudly/honestly). 2, Tom walked home (suddenly/slowly). 3. The old lady sat down (funnily/comfortably). 4, Lam sorry that | spoke to you (highly/rudely). 44 . Put on your shoes (quickly/safely) so that we can leave. . Mirza opened his present (strictly/eagerly). . Eric (recently/quietly) moved to our neighbourhood. eu aw . Maria sang (sweetly/busily) at the concert. 9 Make sentences with two of the adverbs you have formed. . quiet 4. serious . safe ee 5. quick . beautiful — __ 6. proud — . Change these adjectives into adverbs by adding ly at the end. vpwrpe WRITING FUN ; E. Read this poem and try to complete it with rhyming words. If could be an Astronaut, 'd fly up to the moon. I'd try to get there really fast Vd try to get there Vd watch the clouds all fluffy Sail in the blue, blue sky. I'd be flying up you see Vd be so very In a place where trees could walk Ina place where they would If | could be an Astronaut Oh! What a lovely . 45 wrype@ pws GR. . GRANDFATHER 18. The Lost Pumpkin 1 PLAY WITH WORDS A. Make as many words as you can from these words. The word must have at least three letters. . VEGETABLES happy please . common — . Add un or dis before these words to make new words. 4. courage 5. wanted 6. count Now use four of the new words in sentences of your own. AMMAR FUN C. Write where, when or how for the underlined adverbs. 1. Alia coughed loudly. 2. It is very hot outside. . Mother woke up the baby gently. 3. 4. . Cats don’t walk backwards. 46 5. Will you be coming for the meeting tomorrow? 6. It is going to be a rainy day today. D. Fill in the blanks with when and where adverbs in brackets. 1. Lucy is leaving ________——_(yesterday/tomorrow). 2. Do come and visit us ____(soon/out). 3. The children have gone __________(outside/never). 4. An airplane is flying____________ (overhead/across). 5. Our school magazine is published ___________(daily/monthly).. 6. We are going for a movie and we'll have dinner _ (afterwards/still). E. Circle five adverbs in this wordsearch. p|R}o|ufjojtjy Fl «{ tl eltlele t| tle] s|e]els ulaln| tl} a] er] t E/o|Fla|/rjale n}sic|1tj|o|wier Tiel efrR{Hl|alo tfa|r{|si/oltja yjelefulKkialy F. Now fill in the blanks with the adverbs you have circled in Exercise E. 1. Sheela _____ (how) showed her pet kitten to her friends. 2. My bedroom is ____ (where) 47 3. It rained heavily _____—_ (when). 4. My mother speaks German very —____— {how} 5. My house is very (where) from my school. WRITING FUN G. Imagine you found a big pumpkin in your garden. It had a little door, Write what you saw when you entered it. You may use these phrases. went inside, saw a beautiful garden within, many fairies, magic wand, party, sparkling jewels One day I saw a big pumpkin in my garden ‘Tt had a little door. I opened the door and. . _ 438 19. The Lost Pumpkin 2 PLAY WITH WORDS A. Write words which have similar meanings to the words listed below. Choose from the box. stupid near pretty happy frightened wide weep shout small prize 1. little = ___small_ 6. foolish 2. close — 7. beautiful 3. cheerful 8. yell eee ree 4, afraid 9. award 5. cry — 10. broad B. Make three short words from these capital words. Each word should have at least three letters. 1, PUMPKIN, = ___PINK__ 2. STRAWBERRY 3. SPINACH 4, BRINJAL = 5. APRICOT GRAMMAR FUN C. Add ly to these adjectives and change them into adverbs. Remember to change the spelling where needed. 1. greedy greedily | 4 rude 2. intelligent | 5. neat 3. haste | 6. careful. —_________ 49 D. Fill in the blanks with the adverbs that you made in Exercise C. r The minister spoke very about the problems in the city. . The hungry traveller ate all the food — |________ read the news headlines before leaving for school. . Please drive _____ to avoid accidents. | Adrian apologised for speaking so _______—to his sister. pw ayn Siew Ling has —______—— arranged all the books on the shelves. WRITING FUN E. Describe Grandfather's garden in your own words. You may use | the words below. flowers, butterflies, birds, nests, plants, trees, vegetables, shed, spade, tools, watering can 50 20. Mothers are for. . . PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from each pair of words. 1. a. Would you like a______ of cake? b. | would like some 2. a. Harun ran barefoot and hurt his — b. Do not worry, the wound will _______ quickly. (hee!/heal) 3. a. Are you wearing a _____ sweater? b. My mother said that she _______ your parents. (new/knew) 4, a. The Guptas are coming —_— for lunch. b. Did you _______ what | said? (hear/here) B. Add ness to the given words to make new words. a. darks, 3. ill, ~ —_____ 1 5. fit kind | a, good ________ | 6. sweet x GRAMMAR FUN prepositions. C. Tick (v) the correct prepositions within the brackets. . We went (towards/into/up) the river in a boat. . Mr Teo pointed (for/at/along) the strangers. . A dog lay (between/inside/under) the shady tree. 4, There are three bananas (in/between/after) the basket. 51 and quiet. (peace/piece) Prepositions are words that tell us where a person, place or thing is. Words like with, in, under, behind, to, from, at, on and around are Justin swam across the lake. The roses in the garden are blooming. sy ye en . Please look (to/on/at) the blackboard. . My book has fallen (inside/behind/up) the bookshelf. ). Look at the picture and answer the questions. Use the prepositions given in the box. near under across Where is the bird sitting? —_ Where are the dticks? Where is the girl standing? Where is the cow standing? — What are the boys doing? WRITING FUN E. oy een We all know what mothers do for us. List six things YOU do for your mother to let her know you love her. 52 21. Looking for Polo PLAY WITH WORDS A. Write the names of these things. Choose from the box. scissors lock calendar camera watch purse calculator ladder 1. something that tells us the time . something for putting money in ee . something for reaching high places . something to cut cloth or paper with — something that can add, subtract, divide and multiply very fast 2. 3. 4. something to take pictures with 5. 6. ~ something used to secure doors 2» . Choose these feeling words from the box to fill in the blanks. proud « relieved. excited¢, worried 1. Mitha’s pet could not be found. She was . Tara’s mother was given the Best Teacher award. Tara was very _______ of her mother. x . Jamal received a surprise birthday gift. He was very 2 . | found the pencil box that | had lost. | was GRAMMAR FUN C. Underline the prepositions in this passage. My new puppy Patches sleeps on my bed. | have a basket for him. The basket is kept beside my bed but Patches will not use it. When 53 Patches wants to go for a walk, he brings his leash to me. He holds the leash in his mouth. He looks so funny as he drags it across the floor! D. Look at the pictures and see what Rocky likes to do. Choose prepositions from the box and fill in the blanks. between in on behind under into up. in 1. When my father reads the newspaper, Rocky sits _____ his chair. Sy eee 2. When my sister throws the ball, Rocky catches it ______ his mouth. 3. When Ruchi and | watch television, Rocky sits___ us. 4, When my parents go for a walk, Rocky walks them. ee 5. When | sleep, Rocky also jumps and sits ___ the bed. 54 6. When Rocky is tired he sleeps his basket. 7. When Rocky is hungry, he walks the kitchen. 8. When | hold out a piece of bread, Rocky jumps _________to catch WRITING FUN E. Imagine you missed school for two days as you were unwell. You need to call up your friend to find out about homework. Prepare the questions that you will ask. You may use these words. missed homework, unwell, classwork, any test, new lessons Hi Mona, how are you? Can I talk to you for some time? 55 22. A Present for Grandfather PLAY WITH WORDS A. Circle the words in each set that have the same meaning as the words in capitals. 1. CLEAR transparent clever clumsy 2. UNISON, one son together unusual f 3. UNFAIR dark scary dishonest 4. VALUABLE silly costly hopeful | B. Write antonyms for the words listed below. Choose from the box. {| rough brave wise gloomy ugly difficult | whisper backward narrow younger | 1. cheerful 6. beautiful 2. forward 7. broad | 3. older 8. timid | 4. simple 9. yell a | 5. smooth 10. foolish | GRAMMAR FUN When we join two words or sentences, we use joining words such as | and, or, but, or because. These are called conjunctions. | Abu went to the post office. Abu wanted to buy stamps. Abu went to the post office because he wanted to buy stamps. | C. Tick (Vv) the more suitable conjunctions in brackets. | 1. Sheela (so/and) Rita went to school. 56 2. | am happy (because/so) my parents gave me a kitten. Would you like a glass of milk (yet/or) a glass of juice? 3. 4. Robert finished his work (yet/as) he did not leave. 5. | am tired (though/so) | will take a nap. 6. Jason is clever (or/but) he does not work hard. D. Tick (v) the conjunctions that will complete these sentences. Write the words in the blanks. 1. Do you want to read a book —_____watch a film? a. but ___ b. or c. because ___ 2. Zain could not attend school _________ he had fever, a. and ___ b. so c. because ___ 3. Monica wanted a blue —__ — red skirt. a. and ___ b. if — c. but —_ 4. Grandma looked for her glasses everywhere could not find them. a. but _ b. so cas 5. Papa was late for work ______ he was stuck in a traffic jam. a. but b. so___ c. because ___ E. Join these pairs of sentences using conjunctions from the box. or but and because yet 1. Bill offered me a sandwich. | was hungry. 2. An airplane is big. A bicycle is small 3. Do you like bananas? Do you like apples? 57 4, Please iron my shirt. Keep it in the cupboard. 5. | have had lunch. | am still hungry. WRITING FUN F. Describe this picture in your own words. You may use these words. children, playing, picnic, family, river, boat, building, basket SoMa HAS Oh 58 23. The Land of Storybooks PLAY WITH WORDS A. 1 2. vos 2 ae NPB Fill in the blanks with the correct words in brackets. Do not _______ your lunch box. (lose/loose) There was a _________ from the spectators when the player missed the goal. (grown/groan) . You must eat properly or you will become (week/weak) Please _________ my apology. (accept/except) The teacher asked Linda to read _______ from the book. (allowed/aloud) . Could you buy me a notebook from the ______ shop? (stationery/stationary) . Add ful, less, ness or able to these words to make new words. care 5. neat comfort —____ 6. point kind ee 7. dark } wonder 8. ‘accept . Move from circle to circle and find the names of five games. D. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. puppies flowers sticks cows singers players robbers geese 1. a herd of S| 5. a choir of. ——_____ 2. a bouquet of _______ | 6. a gang of 3. a bundle of }©—_____ 7. a team of ———____ 4. agaggle of |__| 8. a litter of GRAMMAR FUN E, Read the poem and find words that you can write under the given headings. Things to Touch 4 NOUNS Some things are warm to touch, 1 PRONOUN Like blankets in the sun, Horses pulling heavy loads, A fresh-baked sugar bun. 1 ADVERB Some things are cool to touch, 2 ARTICLES Like pebbles in a stream, 2 VERBS —_ The marble on a table-top, A dish of peach ice cream. 2apJECTIVEs , Some things are smooth to touch, 2 PREPOSITIONS Like snow, my cozy bed, But best of all, my grandma’s hand, That gently strokes my head. [: ee 60 ~OouE w - . Fill in the blanks as instructed in the brackets. Use words from the box. because danced to the she swiftly lilies responsible Tommy is a very _____ boy. (ADJECTIVE) —_________ are my favourite flowers. (comMON NOUN) . Pamela is a good student. _____ works very hard. (PRONOUN) Please give this letter __________ your mother. (PrePosITION) . The excited children ________ around their mother. (vers) 1am going to see _____ Taj Mahal in Agra. (agTicte) | have to leave school early today ____-_-- have a doctor’s appointment. (CONJUNCTION) May Lee ran ________ through the park. (aovera) WRITING FUN G. How do you spend your time in the evenings? Write in a paragraph. You could begin like this . . In the evening, after doing my homework I play with my friends in the park. We play many games like 61 | Revision Test Paper 2 Time: 2 HOURS Maximum Marx: 50 A. Read the paragraph and answer the questions. 5 The little bunnies wanted new clothes. Mama Bunny took them | shopping. She got up very early in the morning and made breakfast. | Then she woke up all four of her children and fed them. Mama | Bunny helped all the little bunnies put on their clothes. Finally, 1 everyone was ready to go. The little bunnies and Mama Bunny got into the car. The little bunnies were happy to go to the mall. They liked to see all the people there. The bunnies were very excited and they made a lot of noise. She told them to be quiet or they wouldn’t go to the mall. The bunnies usually liked to run and jump in the mall. Mama Bunny told them they would not get new clothes if they didn’t behave. The little bunnies were very good in the mall. Mama Bunny bought new shorts, shirts, and hats for the little bunnies. She told them that they had behaved very well. } She bought each of her little bunnies a strawberry ice-cream cone before they left the mall. . What did the little bunnies want? Where did Mama Bunny take the bunnies? What did Mama Bunny do before going to the mall? What did the little bunnies like to see in the mall? What did Mama Bunny buy for the little bunnies? yew Circle the word in each set that means the same as the word in capitals. PUZZLED confused pleasant angry 5 ASTONISHED sheepish surprised thoughtful x DISTURB urgent operate interrupt 62 ye en yopw sy pm yepwnp 9 TERRIFIED confused scared happy STRENGTH emperor enemy energy Rearrange the letters in each pair of words to make rhyming words. 5 oxf — oxb _ oldshu — owuld angh — anbg —_ urso-urho eatb — eetf — —— Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives, 5 Tina is___ than Mark. A crocodile is ___ than an ant. Grass is___....___ than a tree. Cotton is than wood. A swan is ____ than a sparrow. Circle the nouns and underline the adjectives in these sentences. 5 Aruna is a tall girl. Paris is a beautiful city. The children were happy. Maya has a lovely pet. The princess gave away the old lamp. Complete these sentences with suitable adverbs. 5 “Thank you very much for the lovely present,” said Maya. | | just don’t like the way you speak,” Ranjit said “| have lost all my money,” said the poor woodcutter 63 | 4. 5, vrpenyp Tow pwn yew yp . “Speak _________, you will disturb the baby,” said Mother. “You are a darling child,” said Harun’s mother . Write when, where or how for the underlined adverbs. 5 . A lion roars loudly. On Sundays, | like to get up late. . The deer looked at us curiously. The children performed very well in the test. My grandparents will be there tomorrow for the Sports Day. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 5 . The books are the table. The mouse is hiding _____ the door. There was a small table _________ the bed and the cupboard. How many crayons are there ________ the box? Look at the ducks _________ the pond. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions. 5 lee _______ Ram are playing tennis. Take it _______ leave it. I want to go _______| can’t. Irene ________ Karen are sisters. Do you want tea________ coffee. Write a paragraph of six lines on MY FAVOURITE TEACHER. 5 64

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