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Hiei Gem's ~ ie ch Coursebook WORKBOOK. FRANCIS FANTHOME @ DOROTHY FANTHOME all Dickens Publishing Ltd Contents Lessons/Poems Vocabulary Grammar Wting 1 Skipping Shoes 3 sound words using words | types of sentences completing sentences instead of aid 2 Buttery laughter & choosing the correct words, compound words, sbleca/predates, wring @ paragraph 3. The Tick that finding the oda word.our, | phrases, common/aroper | writing a paragraph not Work $ sont letters, Fours, question ag, collective | nouns, singular noune “4 The ProdigalSon 12 | antonyms, smanyms ‘allective nurs, countable? | waiting» summary uncountable nouns 5 Corious Town 15 sound words, homophones, coracTons, create writing The Nightingale 17 make words from gen oun genders, creative writing ntonyns Bossessive nouns 2. Dear Daughter 19, choosing the correct words, | verbs, ing verbs, subjectver> | writing an informal etter matching countries and their | agreement, currencies Myce Pras, ving words, changing nouns to verbs, writing a paragraph The Magic Pot 26 words and meanings, ‘imple tenses \wtng a narative paragraph ~- ferefiesimfas/njun i. Lance estrone: matching professions and | articles wating 2 description ‘Symboloftiope 29 (places, common greetings 1 Make Room for Elephants 32 suf antlence/ance/ment, oils, witng a thymine vere Revision test paper 34 12. The Magic Shop 38 | unscrambling words, names of | pronouns waltng a thank-you note professions [ax Choosing Shoes Tomophones, 008 word ou, possessive pronouns, gender writing @ rhyming vane 14 Miss Rotenmelerhasa | snanyms, homonyms acjectves pleture-bared compasiion Hard Day 43 is The Wind 46 Smiles, compound words, possessive adjecves/possesive pronouns, wing a paragraph 1. Rapunzel 49 fin the Banks with phrases, | making adver from ‘wilting an informal eter Icioms and thee meanings | acective, adverts 17. BuckRetumstothe | word assodation, prefixes en) | adverbs oftime/place/manner | writings descriptive wile 52 Infoutlover aregraph i Thomas Alva Ean $5 words with mar, suites, revision of advebs/adjecves/pranouns, wing a paragraph 38. Madam Ai wants a making sentence, suffer | adverb, adecives waiting an anaiical Change 58 parseronh 28. Mahatma the Great | wordsearch, amonyms prepositions writing abouta proverb Soul 60 fa. Laughing Song 63 rovers, making sentences, prepositions, conjunctions, picture based composition fa. Ute Benjamin 65 words and meanings, use conjunctions ‘wating a deseripive ot/me paraerps My Mother 67 homophones, synonyms, parts of speech revision, wltng a desarpve paragraph Revision text paper? 69 1. Skipping Shoes PLAY WITH WORDS A. Which animals would you associate with these sounds? Choose from the box. cricket wolf donkey dove goat monkey 1. bleat _ a 4. howl __ _ 2. chatter |] 5, coo 3. bray | 6 chirp There are many words that can be used in place of said to make a sentence more expressive. “Well done Abigail, you've made the country proud!” the crowd cheered. “It’s not fair!” the children protested when Mother asked them to switch off the television. B. Use words from the box to complete these sentences. explained warned suggested grumbled reminded insisted 1. “Why don’t you rest for a little while before going back to your books,” my mother 2. “You have to stay for dinner!” Mrs Houda 3. “Remember to buy some milk on your way home,” Kavita _______ her husband. 4, “Alka never does her share of the chores,” Lata —___ 5. “I was late for the function because | got caught in a traffic jam,” Dinesh 6. “You will be fined if you use your phone while driving,” the policeman - Adam. GRAMMAR FUN | c 5. 6. Rearrange these groups of letters to make statements or imperative sentences. State their kind. like cool | would drink a. (___statement ) Twould like a cool drink. . of television the lower volume the. (_____) planet Jupiter is in our solar system the largest. (______) ‘the truth me tell. (___________) hands before wash sit down your you to eat.(_____) friends of my some are spend to coming the with me day. (—_______) Change these sentences as directed in the brackets. Wow! What a lovely bracelet you are wearing! (into statement) You are wearing a lovely bracelet. Could you buy some bread and milk on your way home? (into imperative) Come to my house for coffee. (into question) Don’t go near that exposed wire as it is dangerous. (into exclamatory) Can you lend me your pen? (into imperative) PUNCTUATION Remember these punctuation rules for sentences. A sentence always starts with a capital letter. * Names and proper nouns begin with capital letters. # An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation mark (1). E. Rewrite these sentences using punctuation marks and capital letters. 1, are you afraid of the dark 4, wow i scored the highest marks 2. my friend has blue eyes 5. the next stop is jakarta 3. can you speak hindi 6. i wish i had long hair WRITING FUN F. Complete these sentences using words of your choice. 1. In the middle of the night — 2. A wonderful thing that happened today was 3. This weekend | want 4, One thing about myself that | am proud of is A statement or an imperative sentence ends with a full stop A question ends with a question mark (?). (). 2. Butterfly Laughter PLAY WITH WORDS A. Circle the correct words within the brackets. 1, When you want to cook breakfast, you go to a (corridor/kitchen/park) 2. When you want to buy stamps, you go to a (school/hospital/post office}. 3, When you want to play football, you go to a (house/playing field/hall). 4. When you want to board a train, you go to a (railway station/airport/ library). B. Use words from the box to make three compound words with each of the words given below. brush fly. fire port cup line ground milk waters 1. air airbrush 2, back 3. butter GRAMMAR FUN The subject in a sentence tells us who or what the sentence is about. The subject can be one word or a group of words. Tara is a friendly child, Tara and her friends are playing in the garden. The predicate always has a verb and it tells us something about the subject. Tara played with her friends outside. Tara and her friends went indoors. C. Complete these sentences using suitable subjects. a has fallen asteep on the sofa. 2 —______ praised my class-work. Ba ______ is very close to my house. collects rare books. is my favourite pastime. Underline the predicates in these sentences. Butterflies belong to a group of insects called Lepidoptera. 2. There are more than fifty different types of kangaroos on earth. 3. A panda bear is around the same size as a mouse when it is born. 4, A young eel is called an elver. 5. The blood of a lobster is colourless. WRITING FUN Read this sample paragraph. It was the ist of April, April Fool’s Day and also as it happened, a Saturday. (topic sentence) My sister Rina and | sat on our beds giggling. We had hatched a plot. Moments later we tiptoed into our parents’ room. Suddenly we flung open the door and rushed in, both of us babbling and shouting on top of our voices. My mother, sipping tea and reading the newspaper in bed, looked up startled. “Sorry, sorry, we forgot to tell you, we have school today! It was announced yesterday! We have to leave now, we can’t be late! You have to take us, we've missed the bus! The Headmistress warned us...” We pranced around making lots of noise. Mother leapt out of bed. She was scolding us for our forgetfulness as she whirled around the room. Then she turned around and got a shock. We had climbed into her bed. We burst out laughing. (body) “April Fool”, we shouted together. (conclusion) A paragraph is a group of related sentences. A good paragraph is usually about one main topic. Here are some tips for writing a paragraph. 7 + A paragraph will usually have two to three parts. The first sentence is the topic sentence. It introduces the main idea of the paragraph. ¢ The next few sentences form the body. These sentences should give the additional information about the topic. ¢ The last part of a paragraph is called the conclusion. Which is your favourite festival? Write a paragraph describing the things that you do on that day. Use these guidelines. name of the festival — how you typically begin the day — decoration of the house — food that is prepared — new clothes ~ exchange greetings ~ gifts — meet friends and family — a particular tradition or ritual that your family observes — how the day usually ends 3. The Trick that did not Work PLAY WITH WORDS A. 1 2. Circle the odd word out in each set of words. faithful devoted dependable disloyal protect guard abandon defend plead command beseech request smile happiness anger exhaustion Silent letters are letters that are not pronounced in words. honest (the his silent) _knee (the k is silent). Circle the words with silent letters and underline the silent letters. knife best hour family pneumonia know GRAMMAR FUN ‘A phrase is a group of words which makes some sense, but not complete sense. REMEMBER: A phrase does not contain a verb. c 1 in the cupboard by your side on Wednesday Make sentences with these phrases. at the theatre in the oven — till the end made of wool 5. behind the house 6. ina hurry D. Write a common noun for each of these sets of proper nouns, 4. Nile, Ganga, Amazon 2. Andes, Himalayas, Alps 3, Bangkok, Mumbai, Jakarta 4. Jupiter, Saturn, Earth — 5. The Star, The Straits Times, The Malay Mail E. Fill in the blanks with question tags from the box. isn’t it? | aren’t you? wasn’t it? haven't they? doesn’t she? __hasn’t he?,, | 1. Gautam has left for Mumbai, 2. Helen has a twin sister, 3. You are fond of gardening, 4. Your cousins have come to Kuala Lumpur to attend a wedding, 5. This soup is delicious, 6. That was an excellent musical performance, F. Choose the correct words from the box. bouquet 1. anumber of cattle = colony 2. a number of puppies herd 3. a number of ants SS | b 4, a number of flowers Yaa, litter 5. a number of sticks 10 G. Complete this singular-plural noun chart. SINGULAR NOUN, PLURAL NOUN SINGULAR NOUN PLURAL NOUN paper elf puppies | loaves box child cactus ox people sheep teeth louse WRITING FUN H. Listed below is Mrs Bahri’s schedule for yesterday. Using the timetable for reference write a paragraph about how she spent her day. 7 a.m. — wake children, breakfast, | 1 p.m. — lunch with Mrs Gupta pack lunches 8 a.m. — school carpool, our turn | 5 p.m. — buy vegetables 9am. - office 6 p.m. ~ kids’ homework 11.30 a.m. — meeting with chairman | 8 p.m. — dinner, neighbours coming Mrs Bahri woke up at 7 am. 11 4. The Prodigal Son PLAY WITH WORDS A. Fill in the blanks with the antonyms of the words within the brackets. 1, Rajiv will _______ from Bangkok tonight. (arrive) i 2, There isa_________and ancient banyan tree in my grandmother's garden. (tiny) 3. There is an acute water _______ in the city nowadays. (abundance) 4. Ivan is very _________and is sure to do well in his job. (lazy) B. Circle the words that mean the same as the words in capitals. 1. FOREIGN unfamiliar old ruined | 2. RESULT cause reply outcome 3. RAGGED clean ‘tough shabby | 4. DISGRACE shame ungraceful honour 5. POWER shower authority ruler GRAMMAR FUN C. Arrange the words in the box against the correct headings. herd audience crew clump. team pair staff swarm jury bundle pod set GROUPS OF PEOPLE GROUPS OF ANIMALS 12 1 2 3. 4 5 6 WRITING FUN GROUPS OF THINGS Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted. They are easy to. recognise. Countable nouns can be singular or plural. pens, books, children, sisters, dog, computer We can use a or an with countable nouns. achild anapple a story Uncountable nouns are things, substances and feelings which cannot be counted or assigned a number. We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. This is important news. Your honesty is your best quality. We cannot use a or an with uncountable nouns. For instance, we cannot say an information ora milk But we can say a glass of milk or a piece of information. Circle the countable and underline the uncountable nouns in these sentences. The information that you gave me was very useful. The trees in this orchard were all planted by my grandfather. Please put the garbage in the dustbin. Please return the money that you borrowed from me. | made a sandwich with butter and tomatoes. Ask the waitress to bring us some water. ‘A summary is a shortened form of a longer piece of writing. A summary allows us to revise the important points from an essay or lesson, or to recall a story or book in brief. Here are some tips for writing a summary. 13 * First read through the material you want to summarise. * Now, write down the main ideas from each paragraph. ‘* Make sure you leave out any details or unnecessary facts that are not needed to tell the main ideas. + Never include direct conversations in your summary. Instead, briefly give the gist or essence of what the conversation was about. E. You must be familiar with the fable of the lion and the mouse. In not more than eight to ten sentences write a brief summary of the story. Use this outline. End your paragraph with a line on what you think is the moral of the story. Lion in cave ~ disturbed by mouse ~ decides to eat it - mouse begs for mercy — promises to help one day ~ lion amused and lets it go ~ one day lion caught in hunter's trap — mouse gnaws through the net — helps lion escape — the moral of the story is. . . 14 5. Curious Town PLAY WITH WORDS A. What sounds do the following make? Write the missing letters on the blanks. 1. a book falling on the floor oT ___D 2. a stone falling into a river = S__L__SH 3. a car suddenly applying brakes SC _______H 4, a windowpane breaking c_ac 5. a door being closed loudly 8B __G B. Tick (v) the correct homophones within the brackets. | 1. We are planning to (billed/build) a greenhouse in this field. The painters are going to paint the (ceiling/sealing) today. 3. Danny (ducked/duct) just in time to avoid the cricket ball that came sailing towards him. 4. The teachers were full of (praise/prays) for Andy’s excellent performance. 5. Look (threw/through) this pile of old books and put aside those you want. GRAMMAR FUN C. Make contractions from the words in the box. Fill in the blanks with the contractions you have made. he will we have have not they have you are | will 1.1___ finished my project. 2, If _____going to the library, please return my books. 3, ______ promised to drop in on their way back from the museum. 4. Tim said that _______ take the dog to the vet today. 5. | promise that ______ never run across the road without looking. | 15 6. _________ decided that we will go to Manila this summer. DICTIONARY WORK D. Look up the dictionary and write down the following. 1. the first and the last words under A — 2. the first and the last words under H—______ WRITING FUN £, Write a paragraph on THE STRANGEST DAY OF MY LIFE. Use your imagination and think of weird and wonderful things that happened. You may use these ideas or make up your own. When | woke up in the morning . . On the streets animals were talking . . . | saw a purple sky with orange clouds . . . My parents were going to school while | had to go to office 16 6. The Nightingale PLAY WITH WORDS A. Make at least twelve words from the letters in the box. You may use each letter only once in a word. ep | Ble Fi s|m Tl alo best, stop, B. Match the antonyms in the two columns. 1, strong a 2. whisper b. 3. afraid « 4, improve a. 5. cruel e GRAMMAR FUN worsen weak shout gentle fearless C. Write masculine, feminine, common or neuter for the gender of the underlined nouns. 1. Adam is a teenager. 2. Harun is going to the cinema with his friends. 3. Have you seen my sunglasses? 4, The princess slept for a hundred years. 17 5. My cousins from Chiang Mai will be visiting me this weekend. 6. This bookshelf is very dusty. ee D. Add apostrophes where needed and rewrite these phrases correctly. Pu 1. The nurses caps oo a 2. The dogs puppies _ oo 1 3. The babys cradle ee 2 4, The soldiers uniforms _ | 5. The ladys purse ee ; 6. The mans hat oo ‘ WRITING FUN ‘ E. Imagine that you could be a king for one day. In not more than ten 2 sentences, write about the things that you would do. Use these hints. what you would do to please yourself - things you would do for your people : — a law that you would pass — what you would find difficult about the job — what you would enjoy most about it _ | Gt 18 7. Dear Daughter PLAY WITH WORDS A. 1 2 Tick (Vv) the more suitable words within the brackets. Tara has a terrible memory. She is very (forgetful/mindful) Kevin contributes large sums to charity every year. He is very (philosophical/philanthropic). Arjun always wants to have his own way. He is very (stubborn/flexible). The secretary keeps everything in good order. She is very (sloppy/methodical). Zoya is truthful and honest. She is very (realistic/sincere). Match the currencies with the countries to which they belong. yuan a. England pound b. Japan yen «. USA dollar 4. Pakistan rupee e. China GRAMMAR FUN c L Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs from the brackets. Animals ______(say/make/tell) peculiar sounds to show fear, hunger or pain. Writing probably ___(began/created/destroyed) with pictures. Cindy ____(smiled/laughed/blushed) out loud when she read the letter. The vase _______(landed/cracked/crashed) to the ground with a loud noise. 19 5. 9 . The little stray puppy vee ee The thieves _____ (dragged/dug/displayed) a hole in the ground to bury their loot. (wandered/strayed/followed) Mandy home from school. The spellings of some verbs change when we add ing to them. For verbs that end in e, we drop the e. rate — rating hate — hating For verbs that end in ie, we change the ie to y. die - dying tie ~ tying For some verbs with a short sound we double the last letter. pat — patting —_ jog — jogging . Add ing to these verbs. You may have to add or drop some letters. buy ee 6. skip bathe — 7 fly - spit 8. ride talk 9. swim hope — 30. tie -- Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs from the brackets. . The flooding of the roads during the monsoons each year (is/are) a nuisance. . The flooded roads during the monsoons each year (is/are) a nuisance. Either the principal or the headmistress address the students in the assembly this morning. (is/are) going to Both the principal and the headmistress _________ (is/are) going to address the students in the assembly this morning. 20 5. Ritu and Samira ______(has/have) gone outside to play. 6. Ritu, along with Samira, __________ (has/have) gone out to play. WRITING FUN Remember the tips you have learned for writing an informal letter. Here is a sample letter to help you. Jane Philips (your name) 65 Banyan Avenue | Pune ~ 76 (your address) | 20 September 2011 (date) Dear Kanika, Thank you for your letter. It was so nice to hear all your news. | am glad that your mother is feeling better. | am very well too. | have been busy with school and the debating club. (opening para) am so thrilled that you have accepted my invitation to visit us ! during the Deepavali break. Of course | understand that you want i to be back with your family on the day itself, but it will be lovely to have you for the three days before Deepavali. | am looking forward to showing you around Pune and introducing you to my friends here. (second/main para) We shall be at the station to receive you. | have kept all your arrival details carefully. Do give my love to your family. | look forward to seeing you very soon! (concluding sentence) Your loving friend, (greeting) Shabnam (your name) 21 F. Write an informal letter to your cousin telling her/him about a new sports or hobby that you have taken up recently. Dear —_______—— Your 22 8. My Tree PLAY WITH WORDS A. Match the columns to make correct phrases. 1. rose a 2. mango b. 3. coffee « 4. apple a. 5, tea e B. Circle one word in each set that does 1. bead lead read here fear there 3. shove move love 4. hatch + patch catch 5. blow wow show GRAMMAR FUN groves gardens orchards plantations estates not rhyme with the other words. head peer above watch row C. Make sentences with each of these words using them as a noun in one sentence and a verb in the other. 1. LEAVES noun verb 2. PAINT noun verb 23 ANSWER noun ——___ verb DRINK noun verb _— se BRUSH noun verb Complete this table to show the noun and verb forms of the given words. NOUN | vera 8) NOUN VERB announcement | announce deception create babysit argument decide act sing assistance punctuation revise explanation suggest protection prefer imagine explosion description 24 WRITING FUN E. Imagine that you are a hundred-year-old banyan tree. You live in a big garden next to an old house. Write a paragraph describing some of your memories of children who have played beneath your shade. Complete these sentences to form your paragraph. lam In my life here, | have seen many people . . . 1 remember one little girl who . . . | can never forget one naughty young boy who . .. Everyday a young mother with her baby would | remember a child who had a kitten that. . . 25 A. 1 2 pwN exes 1. Match the words with their meanings. . reward delicious curious stroll evil declare 9. The Magic Pot PLAY WITH WORDS £ tasty interested walk slowly announce payment cruel ‘Add the prefixes im, dis, in or un to make new words. decent possible named harmony ———_____— realistic prove jointed patient friendly ). dressed press GRAMMAR FUN . place loved =—___ credible wise agree _ afraid = —___— tidy ——+ — capable ———______ press figure correct, —__ ¢. Tick (v) the correct verbs within the brackets. j 1. Tara (left/leave) for school an hour ago. 26 2. Swimming (was/is) a particularly good exercise for toning the whole body. 3. The next Commonwealth Games (were/are) to be held in Glasglow, Scotland. j ‘4, When you hear Jyoti sing, you will agree that she (has/had) the voice of an angel. 5. Melons and mangoes (are/will be) summer fruits. 6. Yesterday Preeti and | (took/will take) some food and toys to the orphanage. D. Complete this table of verb tenses. PRESENT TENSE PAST TENSE FUTURE TENSE hi give {| pay I did t) will sleep I swam ! wipe | multiplied will think L learn | WRITING FUN E. Using the opening line given on page 28, write a paragraph about a | great gift that you have received. You may use your imagination or / write about something that actually happened. Think creatively and first answer the following questions, What is the gift that you would be so happy to receive? } Who gave it to you? } ¢ Why did the person give it to you? | 27 | | How did the events unfold - where did you meet the person, what did they say, what did you say? How did you feel when you held the gift in your hands? Now use your answers to these questions to frame your paragraph. I couldn't believe it! Tt was the luckiest day of my lifel _ 28 10. Lance Armstrong: Symbol of Hope PLAY WITH WORDS A. Where would you find these people? Choose from the box. "bus factory college temple, bank garage airplane. _ hospital 2. a nurse | 5. a mechanic 2. a conductor 6. a professor on 3. a priest — | 7. ateller 4. an air hostess 8. aforeman ———___ i! B. Read these common greetings. Write them against the correct situations. Yours sincerely "Hello. May | speak'to’Arun please? i \>© Take)care! Let’s meet soon. 1] Vim fine, thanks. How-arecyou? « Hil How-are you? | 1. You see an old friend in the market. Hil How are you? — ! 2. Your friend asks you how you are. 3. You say goodbye to your friend. ‘4, You make a phone call. oe i 5. You are ending a formal letter. GRAMMAR FUN : j A and an are called indefinite articles. Ais used with words that begin with a consonant or a consonant sound. I adog a universe An is used with words that begin with a vowel or a vowel sound. 1 an orange an honour 29 4 6. Fill in the blanks with a or an. university 7. ____ history — union 8. hour ____ egg 9, ____ knee year 10, _____ donkey hospital uu. horse appetite 12. _____ item The is called the definite article. We use the when we talk about a particular noun This is the Red Fort. We use the to talk about a kind or class of nouns. the pride of lions the. chapters of a book We use the when we talk about a person, placé, animal or thing that has already been referred to in a previous sentence. Have a biscuit. The biscuits are in that jar. The is also used to talk about certain proper nouns, such as the names of rivers, mountains, seas, oceans, famous buildings, holy books and newspapers. The Quran, the Indian Ocean, the indian Express, the Taj Mahal Insert a, an or the in the following pairs of sentences. | bought bouquet of roses. | put roses in a vase. Bangkok is in _____ north of Malaysia. It is _____ capital of Thailand: Mumbai is capital city. It is capital of Maharashtra. Ihave just read excellent book. | will lend ___— book to you. Would you like apple? All ____ apples are in that bow. herd of cattle usually grazes in this field. ____ field is now empty. 30 7. | bought _____pair of shoes yesterday. ____ shoes | bought yesterday are too tight. 8. | went for - walk with my mother. On way we met some friends. 9. My friends had planned surprise for me. _____ surprise was for my birthday. 10. Have you read _____ Times of India today? There is _____. picture of my friend Geeta in it. WRITING FUN E. Choose a secret object and write a paragraph describing it. Be as detailed as possible. You can tell its shape, size, colour, weight, and even what it is used for, but not its name! Now take turns reading out your descriptions and let your classmates guess what it is. Use this example. It is small and white. It is shaped like a rectangle. It is solid and smooth, but a little spongy to the touch. | use it to rub out mistakes when | am. writing. Answer ~ It is an eraser. 31 11. Make Room for Elephants PLAY WITH WORDS A. Add the suffixes ant, ence, ance or ment to these words. 1 prefer 5. assist 2. punish = 6. develop 3. employ 7. confer 4. consult, 8. deliver, —— B. Circle the words within the brackets that go with the words in capitals. 1. CROWDED (noise /place / books) 2. FURRY (animal pictures /joy) 3. CHILDISH (child /day/ behaviour) 4. LOVING (family / elephant / story) 5. COLOURFUL (house / picture / conversation) GRAMMAR FUN C. Rewrite these sentences correctly by adding or removing a, an or the. 1. Person who builds the houses is called architect. 2. Before building house architect makes plan of house including its size and layout. 3. Size of house will depend on money available and number of residents. 32 4. A doors and windows should be placed in way that fresh air and light can enter every the room. 5. Walls of house should be strong, damp-proof and a well-plastered. 6. Clean and a well-kept house is always joy to live in. WRITING FUN D. Write a poem of four lines on one of the topics given below. Give your poem a suitable title. Look at the lists of rhyming words given below. They will give you some ideas. Try to make similar lists of rhyming words related to the topics you have been given, before starting to write your poem. |, try, shy, bye rabbit, grab it; fluffy, puffy; tail, wail © MYSELF © MY PET ‘© MY FAVOURITE THING 33 Revision test paper 1 ‘Time: 2 HOURS Maximum Marks: 50 A. ayy Read this passage from The Tale of Peter Rabbit and answer the questions. 4 Once upon a time there were four little rabbits and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. They lived with their mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir tree. “Now, my dears,” said old Mrs Rabbit one morning, “you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don’t go into Mr McGregor's garden.” Then old Mrs Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella and went through the woods to the baker's. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries; but Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr McGregor’s garden and squeezed under the gate! First he ate some lettuces and some French beans; and then he ate some radishes; then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for some parsley. But whom should he run into but Mr McGregor! Mr McGregor was on his hands and knees planting young cabbages, but he jumped up and ran after Peter, waving a rake and calling out, “Stop thief.” Poor Peter was terrified. He rushed all over the garden, for he had forgotten the way back to the gate. He lost one of his shoes among the cabbages, and the other shoe amongst the potatoes. Then he ran straight into a gooseberry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket. Mr McGregor came up with a sieve, which he intended to pop upon the top of Peter; but Peter wriggled out just in time, leaving his blue jacket behind him. Who was Peter and where did he live? What did Peter’s mother tell the rabbits before she left? What did naughty Peter eat in the garden? How did Peter escape from the garden? 34 2 . Circle the words which can be used to describe Peter and write a line to support each of your choices. 5 docile naughty disobedient greedy cautious quick lucky Pick out four adjectives and six verbs from the last paragraph of the passage. 5 Circle an antonym for each of the words in capitals. 5 HILLY haughty frosty warm RURAL rustic urban, rude uBERTY freedom library captivity TRIUMPH failure trumpet success INDIFFERENT same attentive unimportant. Tick (V) the correct words within the brackets. 5 My mother is looking forward to her new job as a (professor/profession) at the university. The (beauty/beautification) of this plan is that it is so simple. My father is enjoying his (retirement/retireness). The appearance of Halley's comet is a rare (occurrence/occurment). (Children/Childhood) is a time to explore and enjoy the world around you. Fill in the blanks with sound words from the box. 5 crashed squealed’: bleepedsy dripped’ -gulped . The thirsty child ______ down the entire bottle of water. Water from the leaking tap and splashed on the floor. The unsteady stack of plates noisily to the ground. 35 soe we John ___ with laughter while his mother tickled him playfully. The computer screen ______ suddenly and then went blank. Rewrite these sentences as questions. | wonder when the bus will arrive. Please check the timetable for me. | would love a glass of water. You must be feeling hungry. | hope to see you tomorrow at the awards ceremony. Tick (v) the correct collective nouns within the brackets. a (bunch/clump/bouquet) of trees a (flight/swarm/troop) of bees a (leap/herd/pride) of lions a (murder/muster/colony) of peacocks a (pod/shoal/gang) of fish a (flock/troop/herd) of birds a (clutter/litter/mutter) of kittens a (rake/team/raft) of oxen a (school/shoal/posse) of dolphins |. a (parade/plague/brace) of rats Tick (V) the more suitable verbs within the brackets. Either the class teacher or the headmistress (is/are) going to take us to the museum today. | enjoyed meeting your parents. Your mother and father (is/are) lovely people. . 36 3. Gautam forgot that he (was/were) supposed to attend the meeting this morning. 4. Most of the students (is/are) against the move to extend school hours. 5. All of Class 12 (has/have) voted against the suggestion to extend school hours. J. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. Put a (x) where no article is required. 6 Do you know why water won't calm _____ tongue after eating hot and spicy food? It is because ______ spices in most of _____ hot foods that we eat are oily, As you must have learned in ________school, oil and water don’t mix. Therefore, water just rolls over ________ily spices. So what can you do to calm ____ aching tongue? The answer is to eat bread. ____ bread will absorb oily spices. _______ second solution is to drink milk. Milk contains ______ substance called casein which will bind to spices and carry them away. 37 12. The Magic Shop PLAY WITH WORDS A. Unscramble these words by using the clues given within the brackets. 1. wintekl_ (shine with a blinking light) 2. claper {another word for package) 3. thirbayd __________{a special day for you that comes once a year) 4, ressupri (something unexpected) B. Match the people with the work that they do. 1. archaeologist a. a person who writes for a newspaper 2. actor b. a person who pays out money in a bank 3. cashier ca person who sews clothes 4. nurse 4. a person who sells sweets and pastries 5. author e. a person who mends taps and pipes 6. plumber f. a person who writes books 7. tailor g. a person who attends to sick people 8. confectioner h. a person who acts in plays and films 9. journalist i. a person who digs up old, historical sites GRAMMAR FUN c, 1, 2. 3, . Tick (v) the correct pronouns within the brackets. . My name is Pia. (I/We/She) am seven years old. I have a pet. (It/Them/They) is a guinea pig. . Guinea pigs belong to the rodent family. (They/She/It) are very gentle and lovable creatures. My guinea pig is a male called Rainbow. (It/We/He) is two years old. 38 5. Rainbow's favourite food is cucumber. If (he/she/it) is being cut in the kitchen, he smells it at once and starts to squeak. 6. (She/He/They) will not stop his racket until he is allowed to have some cucumber. D. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns. Neeta is a budding artist. __________ likes to work with oils and canvas. ______ began to paint at a very young age. Neeta’s aunt, a well-known portraitist, taught ___________ the fundamentals of watercolouring. Neeta mastered watercolouring soon enough but never took to _____.. One day Neeta’s father took to an art gallery to see an exhibition by a well-known artist. Neeta walked around the gallery. were awestruck by the rich and life-like paintings. The works on display were on canvas. were all done in oil paints. As Neeta took in the | paintings, _________ thought to herself, ‘__________ too want to paint with oils and canvas’ WRITING FUN Read this sample thank-you note. 24 Anand Vihar New Delhi - 15 21 October 2011 My dearest Aunty Lily, Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon. I enjoyed the movie thoroughly and also the ice cream afterwards! It was so thoughtful of you to invite me-to join you, Thank you once again, Yours affectionately, Radha Remember the tips you have learned for writing a thank-you note. The main parts of a thank-you note are given below. 1, your address 3. the greeting 5. the closing line 2, the date 4, the paragraph 6. your name Here are some words that you can use in a thank-you note. thank you, appreciate, delighted, enjoyable, kind, grateful, caring, surprise, terrific, thoughtful, fantastic, valuable E. Your grandmother gave you a gift voucher on your birthday to be used at your favourite bookshop. Write a thank-you note to her. Dear Yours 40 13. Choosing Shoes PLAY WITH WORDS A. 1 Tick (v) the correct words within the brackets. Though Rajesh is better now, he still feels a little (week/weak). Do you know the fable of the (hare/hair) and the tortoise? Only lazy people allow themselves to be (board/bored). Karam said he would call back in an (hour/our). The two children (poured/pored) buckets of water into the sandpit. Circle the odd word out in these sets of words. correct remedy ruin amend guzzle nibble gulp devour false untrue faulty correct gush trickle flood flow genuine true actual false GRAMMAR FUN c 4 2, 3. 4, Underline the possessive pronouns in these sentences. . This is my room and this room will be yours. . The car parked outside the house is mine. Please remind Jacob to take his lunch. This lunch box is his. |. The Gangaram family has lived here for a hundred years. This mansion is theirs. You can borrow any book you like from this shelf. All these books are ours. . This essay of yours is excellent. 41 D. Write the opposite genders of these nouns and pronouns. | 1 he — 7. monk 2. empress | & groom ee 3. wife — 9. tigress 4. ram er 10, vixen a 5. cow a 11, daughter-in-law ——___ 6. hers ee 42, grandmother WRITING FUN E. Write a rhyming poem of four lines. Use some of these pairs of rhyming words or make up your own. Give your poem a suitable title. high, sky hairy, scary laugh, scarf bright, delight \" 42 14. Miss Rottenmeier has a Hard Day PLAY WITH WORDS A. Choose words from the box to replace the underlined words. harsh shocked dutifully capsized powerlessly 1, Miss Rottenmeier stood horrified. 2, The table was overturned in the middle of the floor, ___ 3. The tutor was gazing helplessly at the ruins. 4, You deserve severe punishment. 5. Heidi stood up obediently. ee B. Read the two meanings given for each of these homonyms. Use each word in a separate sentence to bring out its different meaning. 1. WATCH: an instrument to tell time; to observe 2. STAMP: used for postage on a letter; to bring the foot down heavily 3. LIKE: similar to; to be fond of someone 4, DESERT: a dry and sandy place; to leave 43 GRAMMAR FUN Adjectives are describing words. They tell us more about nouns and pronouns. Numbers and names of colours are also adjectives. many people a red sweater _two cats sat on the wall Write two adjectives to describe each of the following. your school ee your teacher — your school uniform —____— your friend — your mother — Underline the adjectives in this passage. A powerful king had a beautiful garden, and in the garden stood a tree which bore golden apples. The apples were always counted, and one day it was found that every night one of them was gone. The king became angry at this, and ordered the gardener to keep watch all night under the tree. The gardener set his eldest son to watch; but at about twelve o'clock he fell asleep, and in the morning another of the apples was missing. Then the second son was ordered to watch; and at midnight he too fell asleep, and in the morning another apple was gone. Then the third son offered to keep watch. The young man laid himself under the tree to watch. As the clock struck twelve he heard a rustling noise in the air, and a golden bird appeared. As it was snapping at one of the apples with its red beak, the boy jumped up and shot a poisonous arrow at it. But the arrow did not harm the magical bird; only it dropped a golden feather from its tail, and then flew away. DICTIONARY WORK Remember, when you are looking up a dictionary for two words that begin with the same letter, you need to look at the alphabetical order of the second letter. Thus, we know star will be listed after scar because t comes after c. If the first two letters are the same, as in stem and stick, you need to look at the third letter, and so on 44 E. Number these words in alphabetical order. Take the help of a dictionary. __ blow —— bicycle _— carton __ attach —— class carbon ___ hospital __ animal ___ despair __ apple WRITING FUN F. Look at these pictures. Which room do you prefer? Why? Write a composition in eight to ten sentences. 45 15. The Wind PLAY WITH WORDS A. Tick (V) the correct words within the brackets to complete the similes. 4. Jai is the fastest runner on the schoo! team. He runs like a (hare/dove). 2. Afzal is smart. He is as clever as a (king/fox). 3. Without my spectacles | am as blind as a (bat/cat). 4. The village well has dried up. It is as dry as a (bone/pancake) 5. Varun and Kavi are twins. They are as alike as two (cats on a wall/peas in a pod). B. Match the columns to make new words. Write the new words on the blanks. 1. wind a. bow ee 2. rain b. dream 3. hot c. mill nts 4. day 4. bird 5. snow e. shot a 6. song f. drop GRAMMAR FUN C. Underline the possessive adjectives and circle the possessive pronouns in these pairs of sentences. 1. Arun plays tennis for the school team. All these trophies are his. 2. Radha loves animals. This is her dog Rover. This kitten is also hers. 3. Meera lives at the university. Her father is a history professor. 46 4, | cannot lend you that book. It isn’t mine. 5. May | use your dictionary? | need it to complete an assignment of mine. 6. Let’s eat our lunch in the park today. 7. My friend and | wrote this story together, but the original idea was hers. 8. If your computer is not working, you are welcome to use mine. D. Write possessive pronouns or possessive adjectives for the underlined words. 1. Don’t scribble on your desk. a 2. My family is going for a vacation to Hawaii, | 3. This car of mine is very old! —_ 4, These friends of yours are very kind. oe 5. Our classroom looked neat and tidy. — 6. Their house is close to the library. 7. May | borrow your eraser? 8 . A friend of ours has sent us a telegram. - E. Insert apostrophes if and where needed. 1. The forest was full of the monkeys chatter. 2. The giraffes tail swished from side to side. 3. The birds beak was red in colour. 4, The annual doctors conference will be held at the Taj Hotel this year. 5. The rainforests of the world are being destroyed at an alarming rate. 6. Johns grandmother lives next door to us. 7. The boys father has promised them a trip to the zoo this weekend. 8. The family was awoken one morning by a kittens pitiful mewling. 9. The gardeners pair of scissors is in the shed. 10. The students shoes and bags were scattered messily around the classroom. 47 | WRITING FUN F. Write a paragraph about your last birthday. Remember the tips that you i have learned for writing a paragraph. ¢ topic sentence - mention the date of your birthday and how old you turned that day + body ~ give details about the day ¢ conclusion — talk about how you felt at the end of the day Use these words and phrases in your paragraph. | In the morning, presents, parents, at school, birthday cake, party, \ family and friends, cards, greetings, felt special 48 16. Rapunzel PLAY WITH WORDS Fill in the blanks with the more suitable phrases from the brackets. Grandfather _ ____ (dozed off/dozed up) while watching the match on television Reena loves to________ (dress up/dress down} in her mother’s clothes. Do a little homework every day or you will ____ (end away/ end up) with too much work by the end of the holidays. It is better to ____ (face off/face up) to your problems rather than ignore them. The match ___ (kicked up/kicked off) amidst much fanfare and excitement in the packed stadium. Match these idiomatic expressions with their meanings and use any three in sentences of your own. rags to riches a. something is better than nothing throw your money around b. having a very kind or good nature half a loaf is better than no bread ¢, someone who starts life very poor and becomes wealthy hand to mouth 4. time is very valuable heart of gold e. to spend money in a showy way ‘on unnecessary things time is money f. having barely enough food and money to survive 49 GRAMMAR FUN C. Make adverbs from the adjectives within the brackets. Fill in the blanks with the adverbs. 1. The lion cubs in the enclosure frolicked _______.. (playful) 2. The children laughed to see the baby giraffe ___________ chase its mother. (clumsy) 3, The sun shone __________so the children had their picnic under some trees. (bright) | 4. If you had paid attention in class, you would be able to solve these sums (easy) 5. A Deepavali fair is held in these grounds —_______. (annual) | 6. The old lady thanked the boy _____— for helping her to cross the street. (grateful) D. Fill in the blanks with adverbs from the box. gleefully merrily suddenly high sharply 1. The kite flew — ____ above the rooftops. 2. A strong wind tugged _____ at the string. 3, __________ the string snapped and the kite was lost. 4, It danced — into the sky, flying up and up till it could not be seen anymore. 5. The children cheered _________ as they launched another kite into the sky. | 50 WRITING FUN E. Imagine that you are staying with your cousins in another city. Write an informal letter to your mother at home telling her about your holiday. You may use these words and phrases. a wonderful time, many treats and outings, sightseeing, warm hospitality, wish you were here Dear Your 51 17. Buck Returns to the Wild PLAY WITH WORDS |A. Write five words that come to your mind when you read these words. WINTER — NIGHT CREATURE 1. NATURE — | B. Add the prefixes en, in, out or over to these words to make new words. | More than one prefix may go with certain words. 1. confident. —__— 5. cast | | 2. spoken = —____— 6 joy 3, capable, ______— 7. lighten, —— 4, courage 8. side GRAMMAR FUN C. Circle the more suitable adverbs within the brackets. | 1, If you can come (earlier/soonest) please let me know. 2. | have read (everywhere/most) of the book. 4, All schools were shut (yesterday /tomorrow) due to the cold weather. | | 4, The delicious smell of mummy’s cooking spread (somewhere / everywhere) in the house. 5. The children were asked to come (inside/above) when it began to rain 6. We visit Jakarta (seldom/often) as our grandparents live there. 7. Let us eat (later/first) and after that we can do our work. | 52 . All our guests have arrived (yet /already). Underline the adverbs in these sentences and write whether they are adverbs of time, place or manner. The book you want is somewhere on that shelf. If you look carefully, you will find it. | woke up early to watch the sunrise. - Seema patiently nursed the abandoned kitten back to health. The kitten flourished in her care and soon grew plump and healthy. _ | go for a walk daily in order to stay healthy. - My mother has gone out. Adnan sings beautifully. ee DICTIONARY WORK E Arrange each of these sets of words in alphabetical order. Take the help of a dictionary. salmon, seize, star, spelling hairy, hurtful, harmful, headstrong dare, dark, dreadful, dreamy expect, exact, entice, expert branch, biscuits, balloon, breath 53 WRITING FUN F. Write a paragraph describing the town/city that you live in. Use this outline. name of the city — whether it is small/large, busy/quiet — does it have tall buildings or leafy parks — name of an important landmark or building in your city — any interesting fact about the city, such as birthplace of someone famous ~ what youl wish you could change about the city ~ what you like" most about it 54 18. Thomas Alva Edison PLAY WITH WORDS A. Here are some words that begin with mar. Use the clues to fill in the blanks. 1. a flower: m go 2. low lying watery ground: mr 3. a mammal in which the female carries her young in a pouch: m su 4, a place with many shops: mk 5. a blank space on a written page: m 6. a small ball of glass you play with: m —_ bo B. Add the suffixes ish, ness or less to these words to make new words. 1. home _ 5. care 2. child 6.. root 3. kind 7. dark 4. fool 8. fever — GRAMMAR FUN C. Fill in the blanks with verbs that go with the underlined adverbs. Choose from the box. give go steps speaks’: Hear: eat 1. After two years in India, Hilda _________ Hindi fluently. 2. Because of the poor telephone connection, | was unable to Jack clearly: 3. My grandmother loves sweets, but due to her health she can them only sparingly. 55 4. You must never _ up your dreams. 5, Sharad is a homebody. He rarely out. unless it is necessary. 6. Why don’t you ____ outside and join the other children playing the garden. | D. Circle the adjectives and underline the pronouns in this poem. | THE WHALE In the south sea lives a whale, With a very broad back, And a great big tail, and a great big tail; He said: “I shall spend my life at sea, For it is just the place for me.” So if ever you get to the great south sea, Be sure to go for a sail; And if you sing this song i He may come along. PUNCTUATION WORK E. Rewrite these sentences correctly by adding capital letters and punctuation marks. 1. geneva is an important city in europe 2. peru is a country in south america 3. do you know how many states there are in india 4, english is the most widely spoken language in the world 56 WRITING FUN F. Imagine that television had not been invented. What would life be like? Write at least ten sentences, including answers to the following questions in your paragraph. Give your composition a suitable title. What would people do in their free time? . Would children read and play outdoors more, or less? How would news and information travel around the world without television? + . Would we know more about the world around us, or less? ° Would the world be a better place or a worse one? How would you fee! about a world without television? 57 19, Madam Air wants a Change PLAY WITH WORDS |. Make sentences with these words. develop ———_—_—_—$_$_—_$_—_$$_$___— ee discover = invent a aoe ee ayy eB change ——___— 5. create B. Add suitable suffixes to the words within the brackets. Fill in the blanks with the new words. 4. The children are ________ (eat) dinner in the dining room. 2. They —____— (play) in the park all evening. 3. Itis (unlike) to rain tomorrow. 4, February is often (cold) than January. 5, We are _________ (hope) that Anita will visit us this summer. 6. Sneha and Ameeta’s ——____—. (friend) went to Manila. GRAMMAR FUN C. Underline the adverbs in these sentences. 1. Hearing the bell ring, the children ran out from the classroom. 2. The evening was bitterly cold, even though the day had been pleasantly warm. 3, Jake slammed the door noisily. 4. The flight arrived late from Kuala Lumpur. 5. The headmistress announced the news yesterday. 58 D. Circle the adjectives that mean the same as the words in capitals. 1. AMUSING funny annoying upsetting 2. IMPOLITE respectful courteous rude 3. PLEASANT unfriendly likeable nasty 4. CAUTIOUS careless careful reckless 5. SUSPICIOUS wary trusting gullible WRITING FUN . Imagine that you are the tallest person on earth. Write a paragraph describing your daily life and your feelings. Use this outline. topic sentence ~ give a description of yourself stating your height body — give some idea of how and why you are different — specially made clothes, special bed and furniture — talk about your feelings ‘ negative feelings — lonely, odd, people tease me + positive feelings - warld record, proud, good view give some incident from your life that shows how your height affects you = trouble sitting in a car, great view at concerts conclusion — finish with a statement about how you feel about being the tallest person in the world 59 20. Mahatma, the Great Soul i PLAY WITH WORDS A. Complete the names of six great leaders of the world. Find the missing names in this wordsearch. co |/ajn]{[o]H}] tT RIA e¢|n}a}lo;|B]AIM/A 1. Mahatma — 4, Nelson — 2, Ahmed ——____— 5. Tunku Abdul —____ 3. Abraham 6. Barack — B. Circle the words that mean the same as the words in capitals. 1. LARGE expand vast fitted 2, UNDERGO experience indigo understood 3. UPRIGHT uphold honest arrogant 4, ADVICE counsel advance advantage 5. PLEAD please beg encourage 60 GRAMMAR FUN C. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1. [went ______ Rajasthan last year. 2. We are going the airport pick up my aunt. 3. Please sit this chair. 4. | was asked to give a speech _______ Independence Day. s. The swimmers dived the pool. 6. You must show this card receive a discount. 7. There is only one year’s age gap Howard and Hilda. 8. He lives his parents, 9. Reena’s health has improved _______she started to exercise. 10. Please drop this letter the letter box. D. Tick (V) the more suitable prepositions within the brackets. 1. Once they were (beside/inside) the cave, the miners switched on their headlamps. 2. The children ran (thoughout/through) the garden gate and into the house. 3. You will find pens and paper (offinside) that drawer. 4, The children (of/by) this class are known for their polite and obedient behaviour. 5. | waited at the restaurant (since/for) an hour but Jatin didn’t come. 6. Sidharth has been fluent in both Hindi and French (since/for) early childhood. 7, There are many varieties of fish and plant life (into/in) this lake. 8. We will swim (by/in) the lake after lunch. 9. | have lent my book (for/to) Zoya. 10. | would like to buy new curtains (for/to) my bedroom. 61 WRITING FUN E. Look at these proverbs and their meanings. getter late than never: It is better to do something, even if late, than to do nothing. All good things come to those who wait: Being patient will bring rewards. Write 2 paragraph about one of the proverbs. Include the following, * what the proverb means an example which shows that the proverb is true/untrue ¢ whether you agree or disagree with it 62 21. Laughing Song PLAY WITH WORDS A. 1. 2. Match the columns to complete the proverbs. Penny wise a The early bird b. A fool and his money « A friend in need 4. Blood is thicker e. To err is: human ft God helps those & isa friend indeed. who help themselves. than water. to forgive divine. catches the worm. are soon parted. pound foolish. Discuss the meanings of these proverbs in class. Now use any three of the proverbs in sentences of your own. GRAMMAR FUN c 1 2. 3. 4, 5, Fill in the blanks with at, on or in. 63 . Can you meet me ____ 9 o'clock? . | last visited Bangkok ___ February. | spoke with Farah _______ Thursday. . Kevin is due to arrive __a few hours. . Our guests are _________ home resting after a tiring day of sightseeing. Thomas is always ________ time. He is very punctual. 7. Allittle puppy was sitting ____ the doorstep. 8. The show will begin five minutes. D. Fill in the blanks with conjunctions from the box. and. because but although while until ___Latika is bright, she is not willing to work hard. trustworthy. | 1 2. Devan is both honest 3, Sam enjoys reading _______—.does not care for mystery novels. 4. You must keep trying you succeed. 5. | will read my book + | wait for you to finish your errands. 6. Ron is happy —— his parents have bought him a new bicycle. WRITING FUN isl E. Write a paragraph describing your daily routine. Use these picture clues. 64 22. Little Benjamin PLAY WITH WORDS A. Circle the sound words which cannot be used to describe the words in capitals. 1. LAUGHTER gurgle twitter hiss 2. SORROW wail giggle weep 3. ANGER rant roar murmur 4, SHOCK gasp gulp giggle 5. PAIN moan hoot groan 6. TIREDNESS buzz snore yawn B. Fill in the blanks with | or me. 1. Kevin and __. have been friends for many years. 2. The teacher praised the model made by Ravi and. 3. My little brother dropped the plate of cookies, but got the blame. 4. Mother has promised to take __- to the zoo on Sunday. 5. Mary told... that you-had met her yesterday. 6. Sonny and _ will fetch grandmother from the airport. GRAMMAR FUN C. Join these pairs of sentences with suitable conjunctions. You may have to make other changes. 1. Sarah is going to the market. Her mother is going to the market. 2. It might snow early this year. We will have to change our plans 3, My TV is not working. | will borrow your CD player. 65 4. Sohum is very wealthy and powerful. He is still humble and kind. 5. It was raining. Our class outing was postponed. D. Tick (v) the more suitable conjunctions within the brackets. 1. Please call me (after/while) you have checked in at the airport. 2. (Because/'f) you can’t reach me at home, you can call on my mobile phone. 3. I will be anxious (although/unless) | hear from you. 4. This is your first journey alone (but/and) to such a faraway city. 5. | will be so happy (when/for) you are safely home with me. WRITING FUN E. Write about your friend in not more than eight sentences. Choose words and phrases from the box. strong stubborn gentle kind’ “helpful short-tempéred determined fun-loving shy confident’ -loving»:‘lively naughty» responsible, brave 66 23. My Mother PLAY WITH WORDS A. . The riders _______(road) on the . The entire building is made of Fill in the blanks with the homophones of the words within the brackets. You can buy some toys ________ your cousins. (four) Don’t _______ (idol) away your time daydreaming, why don’t you read a book? (rode) that goes towards the village. (steal) and glass. Are you _______ (shore) that you left your wallet at home? Find words in the poem which mean the same as these words. baby fondness 4, stop 3. cheerful — GRAMMAR FUN c pepe Write on the blanks the parts of speech to which the underlined words belong. Antarctica is the only continent without snakes or reptiles. Tree-climbing oysters can be found in the Caribbean islands. The penguin is a bird that can swim but cannot fly. ‘A crocodile's tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth. A group of sheep is called a flock. | will wear the stripe trousers today. — Gorillas don’t drink water, they get water from the ——- plants that they eat. —— 67 ——— | 8. Hummingbirds can fly backwards. i 9. A cat has thirty-two muscles in each ear. 10. The earth isn’t perfectly round, it is slightly flattened at the north and south poles. WRITING FUN D. Recall and describe the most beautiful place you have ever visited. It could be a historical monument like’ the Taj Mahal, a hill station or even a park. Write a paragraph describing the spot. Use these tips to organise your paragraph. topic sentence ~ name and location of the place body — details about the place conclusion — whether you would like to go back there 68 ! | i | Revision test paper 2 Time: 2 HOURS Maximum Marks: 50 ‘A. Read this passage and answer the questions. 8 Monster Glowing Squids Captured on Video Monster-size squids that glow in the dark have been filmed for the first time in the wild. The squids were filmed at depths of 780 to 3100 feet during an expedition led by Tsunemi Kubodera, a scientist at the National Science Museum in Tokyo, Japan. The creatures were videotaped in the inky depths of the North Pacific Ocean off southeastern Japan. The new footage shows the squids, which can grow as big as humans, using bright, flashing lights on their arms to dazzle and catch prey. Known as the Dana octopus squid, or Taningia danae, this eight-armed species has cat-ike claws on its suckers but lacks the two long feeding tentacles that other big squids use to grab prey. Instead, scientists think the deep-sea squid traps its victims by using light-producing organs on the ends of two of its arms, stunning them with blinding flashes. These organs, about the size of lemons, are.called photophores. They are the largest photophores found in the animal kingdom and can be opened and closed like eyes. The team says the Dana octopus squid also glowed when it wasn’t hunting. The researchers think these glows are used for communication, such as to warn other squids of danger or for attracting a mate. The Japanese researchers followed whales to track down the mysterious creatures because whales love to eat big squids. Dead whales have been found with hundreds of hard squid beaks inside their stomachs. Whales obviously find monster glowing squids a lot less scary than most humans do! 1, What is this passage about? Tick (v) the correct option. a. The sighting of giant monsters at the Science Museum in Tokyo. —— b. The first recorded footage of giant squids taken in the deep. c. The food habits of whales. 69 i 2. What is the difference between the Dana octopus squid and other big squid? i 3. Write three uses of the light-producing organs in the giant deep-sea squid. 4. Why did the Japanese scientists track whales in order to find the squid? B. Write one line about each of the following. 6 I 1. Taningia danae 2. photophores 3, Tsunemi Kubodera C. Match these words with their meanings. 5 t 1. footage a. huge j 2. dazzle b. portion of a film i 3. lured c. bend and move easily ; 4, massive d. blind with a sudden, brilliant light 5. agile e. set atrap D. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from, the brackets. 4 4. The teacher asked for two students to volunteer as ——————— ; (assistance/assistants) during the science experiment. | 2. The cruel landlord was deaf to the (please/pleas) of his | poor tenants to give them more time to pay the rent. (pray/prey) every evening | 3. My family makes it a habit to before we sit down to eat our dinner. 4. Aemat is the ——— _ (heir/air} to a very large business empire. E. Use these homonyms in two sentences each to bring out their different 5 meanings. ! mean: unkind; average bear: to put up with; a wild animal poor: lacking in money or wealth; to be pitied 70 light: not heavy; the thing that allows us to see fly: an insect; to travel through air Match these idioms with their meanings. 5 a slap on the wrist a. a very small contribution to a huge task a piece of cake b. at a moment's notice a drop in the ocean «. a very mild punishment 4. when you are treated as badly as you treated someone else at the drop of a hat a taste of your own medicine e. a very easy task Write possessive pronouns or possessive adjectives for the underlined words. 5 Give this book to Sheela. It is hers. Don’t forget to take your umbrella when you leave, Gary sold his house last year. That new house of his is enormous! My cousins are visiting me. These bags are theirs. Tick (Vv) the correct adverbs within the brackets. 4 1. A new Italian restaurant opened in my neighbourhood (tomorrow/ yesterday). Would you like to come (over/under) to my house? Tanuja is very honest. She would (never/often) tell a lie, The day began (easily/well) but ended (badly/brightly). Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the box. 4 near under to “between . Grandma asked Lekha to sit Shruti and Maya. 71 Mary looked for her shoes _______ the bed. __me. Zia passed on your message That tree _____ the river is over a hundred years old. . Join these pairs of sentences by using conjunctions from the brackets. | have singing lessons on Mondays. | have dance lessons on Wednesdays. (and) . Diya is short-tempered. She has a very good heart. (but) Uma apologised. She did not seem sorry. (although) | am very excited. | have managed to get tickets for the concert. (because) . | am feeling better, | will go to schoo! tomorrow. (so) . We must hurry. We will be late for our appointment with the doctor. (or) . Lekha is my younger sister. Leena is my older sister. (and) . It is good to dream. It is more important to work hard. (but) 72

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