Gatsby - 2022 Lens - Writing

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Dacanay 1

Drew Dacanay

Ms. Weverka

English 5-6

7 April, 2022

Selfishness In The Great Gatsby

In the article The Cult of Selfishness is Killing America by Paul Krugman, the issue of

selfish and uncaring people messing things up for others is brought up. The article talks about the

selfishness and disregard for others safety during the covid pandemic. Many Americans put

others in danger by refusing to wear masks on the basis of personal freedom. This selfishness

caused by American individualism led to unnecessary deaths of around “15 times the rate in the

European Union or Canada.” This attitude goes beyond the pandemic, it is baked into American

society. “You see, the modern U.S. right is committed to the proposition that greed is good, that

we’re all better off when individuals engage in the untrammeled pursuit of self-interest.” Many

Americans act in a selfish way, Americans do things that align with their self interests,

disregarding the wants and needs of others.

This same selfishness is present in The Great Gatsby. The characters in The Great Gatsby

are selfish, they care about themselves and what they want, not caring what happens to others.

Jordan displays this attitude when driving. While driving Jordan isn't being careful and is driving

recklessly, when Nick brings this up she admits that she isn't careful but says “Well, other people

are.” Jordan drives carelessly with no regard for the safety of others because she is selfish, she

doesn't care what happens to the other people on the road. This selfishness is apparent in all the

characters especially in Tom Buchanan. Like Jordan, Tom doesn't care about other people. Tom

is constantly cheating on his wife Daisy, and ultimately gets Gatsby killed by telling George
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Wilson that Gastby killed Myrtle. When Nick brings this up and gets mad Tom says “You're

crazy, Nick.” Tom is so self centered that he thinks he is in the right. Tom knows what Mr.

Wilson was trying to do, yet he sent him off to Gatsby anyways. Tom doesn't care what happens

to others. He doesn't care about how Daisy will feel when he cheats on her, he doesn't care about

destroying the Wilsons’ marriage, and doesn't care about Gatsby’s life. Upon realizing this Nick

concludes that Tom and Daisy are selfish people and “They smashed up things and creatures and

then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them

together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” The characters in The Great

Gatsby cheat, lie, and overall act in a selfish way.

Although The Great Gatsby took place about a century ago similar selfish attitudes exist

today. In America selfishness has persisted as a common trait among people for a long time. As a

country we believe that we should function as individuals in our own self interests, instead of the

greater good of the nation. This individualism often leads to selfishness. This selfish attitude has

persisted for so long because it is tied to individualism, one of America’s core values.
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Drew Dacanay

Ms. Weverka

English 5-6

4 April, 2022

Achieving the American Dream

Data from the article The American Dream is Alive and Well By Samuel J. Abrams

shows that the American dream is indeed alive and well. This claim seems strange especially

considering today’s economic struggles, but the data shows “most Americans believe themselves

to be achieving this version of the American dream, with 41 percent reporting that their families

are already living the American dream and another 41 percent reporting that they are well on the

way to doing so.” The data shows that Americans are hopeful, we continue to dream. The article

also brings up another interesting aspect of the American dream. According to the article today

the American dream is less about wealth but more about having a “good family life” and “to

have freedom of choice in how to live.” This new take on the American dream is more

achievable than the traditional version of achieving wealth and status, and is in reach for many


This new dream comes in stark contrast to the one we see in The Great Gatsby. Despite

his efforts and belief that he could, Gatsby is unable to achieve the American dream. In the final

pages of The Great Gatsby Nick lays down on the beach after visiting Gatsby’s house one last

time. While lying on the beach he thinks about Gatsby’s dream. Here Nick concludes the

American dream is an unrealistic and unattainable dream, and trying to achieve it is like “boats
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against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Not only is the American dream

portrayed as unachievable but it also portrayed as unrealistic. When Nick goes to leave after

Gatsby shows Daisy and him around his house, Nick notices Gatsby's face is bewildered and he

is confused. “Daisy tumbled short of his dreams — not through her own fault, but because of the

colossal vitality of his illusion.” When Gatsby is with Daisy it does not meet his expectations

because his expectations are dreams, they are impossible. Things in reality will just never be as

good as in our dreams, this applies to the American dream. Fitzgerald argues that even if you get

there it won't be as good as in your dreams.

In the century since the events that The Great Gatsby takes place and now the American

dream has changed for many people. I believe that this change is for the better. The new version

of the American dream centered around freedom of choice and family life is healthier and more

attainable for Americans. I think this change happened because people realized that money

doesn't give you long lasting happiness, but people that you love do.

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