The Implication of Gadgets in The Life of Students in Brgy - Sampaloc Manila

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Republic of the Philippines

Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute

Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education







Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

1.CHAPTER 1---------------------------------------i
1.1 The problem and its background --------------1
1.2 Setting of the Study-------------------------2
1.3 Theoretical Framework------------------------3
1.4 Conceptual Framework-------------------------4
1.5 Statement of the Problem---------------------5
1.6 Significance of the Study--------------------6
1.7 Hypothesis-----------------------------------7
1.8 Scope and its Limitation---------------------8
1.9 Definition of Terms--------------------------9

2.CHAPTER 2----------------------------------------ii
2.1 Review of Related Literature and Studies-----10
2.2 Foreign Literature---------------------------11
2.3 Local Literature-----------------------------12

3.Chapter 3---------------------------------------iii
3.1 Methodology and Research Design--------------13
3.2 Methodology of Research----------------------14
3.3 Population and Sampling Procedure------------15
3.4 Respondent of the Study----------------------16
3.5 Research Instrument--------------------------17
3.6 Validation of the Instrument-----------------18
3.7 Data gathering Procedure---------------------19
3.8 Statistical Treatment of Data----------------20
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Chapter 1
This chapter presents the outline of the study, including

theoretical framework, significance of the study, scope and

delimitation, hypotheses and the terms operationally defined in

the study.

“The day will come when technology surpass human

interaction.” - Albert Einstein

Excessive use of gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets, and

computer desktops can cause physical and mental damage to


According to a study, a child will likely to

become overweight and develop seizure and vision problems when

they spend too much time using gadgets. In Central Visayas, one

of the regions in the Philippines, a National Nutrition Council

(NNC) Region 7 study reported that 3% of children are considered

as obese and overweight.

A health article also states that the thinking and emotional

development during the first five years of a child is crucial.

Allowing them to spend more than two hours a day can impact
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

irreversible damage such as slow cognitive development and

attention deficit.

Electronic gadgets were initially marketed as a source of

communication. Although we cannot deny that there are various

functions and benefits from using internet and technology through

gadgets, we need to admit that it is silently destroying

effectiveness of socialization among community. As the world

grows into technologically sophisticated, there is a great demand

for the hottest electronic gadgets. Cellphones support a wide

variety of other services such as, text messaging, multimedia,

email, internet access, Bluetooth, business apps, games,

photography, and calendaring, among others. Nowadays, many people

using gadgets and technologies some use it for study, some use it

for work and some use it for entertainment and personal matters.

Many studies about gadgets appears during this pandemic, some

have a good result, and some have a bad result. The good result

is it help us people to make our work easy, and the bad result is

it has a bad impact to our health and habit, it makes us lazy and

not productive. Technology has been found to have its negative

impact on academic performance on most of students. There are

many technological gadgets to which students are addicted. They

waste their valuable time on these silly gadgets without worrying

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

about the studies. This is resulting in their poor performance.

This is one of the biggest problems created by growing

technology. Students are future of our country, our world. The

sad thing is that due to increasing technology, students have

been found going away from their moral values. Internet is

working as curse for student’s character. Rather than using

internet in productive manner, students use it in gaming or

browsing in social media.

The modern gadgets and technology have become predominant

determinants of socioeconomic status and not only is restricted

to teenagers but is spreading fast across generations. Addiction

to technology is causing significant loss of productivity as well

as problems in interpersonal relationships. It has been

postulated that rather than a separate entity, internet addiction

is a manifestation of a variety of depression, anxiety, impulse

control disorders or pathological gambling. There have been

rehabilitative measures to correct internet overuse. Technophobia

is the fear or dislike of modern technology, particularly

computers. Let us welcome the technological revolutions with a

widespread awareness of its potential danger. The generation of

today needs to move ahead with bright vision and better tomorrow.
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

The list of modern-day gadgets is exhaustive and includes

Laptops, iPads, iPods, Video games, Smart phones and play

stations. These modern gadgets and technology have become

predominant determinants of socioeconomic status and is not only

vastly popular amongst teenagers and young adults but are fast

spreading across all generations. This increasing dependence on

technological gizmos has far-reaching consequences.

Parents often complain that their sons or daughters are

increasingly addicted to their mobile phones or play video games

and watch television the whole day. Human intelligence has

evolved, so have our gadgets and the internet. Mechanized

communications in social networking sites have largely replaced

warm interpersonal interactions that once formed the basis of

lasting bonds and relationships. ‘Emotions’ have been replaced by

Emoticons’. It would not be wrong to say that “Man has become

slaves to the modern-day gadgets.” In the words of the Michael

Cowdry the chief operating and development officer of

Sledgehammer Games, “All these gadgets, the phone and the

computer, they expose the inside of your brain in a way that’s

bad.” People prefer to spend their weekends and spare time at

home in front of these gadgets. What is the reason you conduct

this thesis.
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Setting of the study:

The setting of the study was focused on The Effects of

Gadgets in the Life of Students in Brgy.579 Sampaloc Manila under

the administrative district of Brgy. 579 Sampaloc Manila Its

population as determined by the 2015 census was 1615 this

represented 0.43% of the total population of manila and the land

size 1444 6034, 121, 0063.

Figure 1.0
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Theoretical framework

This study was anchored on the study conducted by Murah

(2016) who found that using a mobile phone and other electronic

gadgets for an extended time even affects students who habitually

study a lot. A lack of sleep or reduced study time as a result of

mobile phone usage is not the only way these devices affect

performance at school. Students who spent over two hours every

day both studying and using messaging apps, especially the

popular line, scored worse on a math exam than those who spent

less than minutes a day but didn’t-t use a smartphone at all.

Sato (2015) added that when people talk about children using

smartphones in negative sense, their main concern seems to be

about their criminal use, butt this study calls the attention of

parents and students to the risk that excessive use of

smartphones can compromise student’s effort to study. Cell phones

or mobile phones have %become a very important part of our daily

lives. It is very difficult to imagine our life without a cell

phone as most of our work is done using cell phones. Everything

has its pros and cons and mobile phones to have its positives and

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Conceptual Framework


This research paper
determined the effects of
using gadgets in the
Students in Brgy. Sampaloc Writing a letter
Manila. to the school
What is the demographic heads to
profile of the administer the
respondents in relation
1.1 age; 1. Validating
1.2 gender the survey
1.3 educational questionnai
stage res.
2. Using
1. How do the respondents
Questionnai Determine and
assess the effect of the
gadgets in terms of the res the analyse the
following variables? students IMPLICATION
will answer of using
2.1 health, the survey. gadgets among
2.2 moral 3. Analyzing, the students
development presenting in Sampaloc
2.3 social and Manila.
interaction tabulating
2. Is there a significant the data.
difference when group 4. Summarizing
into gender assessment of the results
the respondents in and
relation to the above provides
cited variables? conclusion
3. What are the problems
encountered by the
respondents in relation
to the aforementioned ions.
4. What recommendation may
be proposed to address
the problem encountered?

Figure 2. Paradigm of the Study

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Statement of the Problem

The study determined the effects of using gadgets in the

Students in Brgy. Sampaloc Manila

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

What is the demographic profile of the respondents in

relation to:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender

1.3 educational stage

1. How do the respondents assess the effect of the gadgets in

terms of the following variables?

2.1 health,

2.2 moral development

2.3 social interaction

2. Is there a significant difference when group into gender

assessment of the respondents in relation to the above cited


3. What are the problems encountered by the respondents in

relation to the aforementioned variables?

4. What recommendation may be proposed to address the problem

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Significance of the study

This study determined the effects of using gadgets in the

Students in Brgy. Sampaloc Manila and it will benefit the


Students - They will understand the advantages of using

technology in education and how it may help them study more


Parents - This study well helps the parents on how they handle

the time spent of their children using gadgets and what they will

do if their children get addicted in using gadgets. Using gadgets

to gather information may lead to improved educational

possibilities, family interaction, and communication with

individuals we would not otherwise have the opportunity to

communicate with. A gadget brings joy to the family. With the

advent of webcam and other video accessories, staying away from

family and friends is no longer painful. This importance of

machines can make distant things come near and make human

accessibility very easy.

Researchers - Future researchers may find this work useful in

their own research. They might expand the scope of their own

research or make improvements to this research study.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education


There is no significant difference between the educational stages

of the respondents on the assessment of the effects of using

gadgets among the students in Brgy. Sampaloc Manila.

Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is consisting of the students from

Senior high school and college of Brgy. 579 Sampaloc Manila. With

population of 1,703. Those students who are not from Brgy. 579

Sampaloc Manila are excluded in the study.

Definition of Terms

 The following terms are operationally and/or conceptually

defined to provide clearer #understanding of this study.

Cell phone or mobile phone - This is a device that can make and

receive telephone calls over a radio line while moving around a

wide geographical area. Besides it can also provide a variety of

other services like text messaging, playing music, email,

internet access, infrared, Bluetooth, business applications,

gaming and photography etc.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Gadget - This is a small technological object such as a device or

an appliance that has a particular function, but is often thought

of as a novelty.

 IPod - This is a combination portable digital media player and

hard drive from apple computer. The original version was about

the size of a deck of playing cards, with monochrome screen and a

/ gigabyte capacity.

 Laptop - A portable personal computer with a clamshell form

factor, suitable for mobile use.

 Listening - This refers to taking notice of and act on what

someone says.

MP3/4 - This is a digital multimedia format most commonly used to

store video and audio, but can also be used to store other data

such as subtitles and still images. Li1emost modern container

formats, it allows streaming over the internet.

Note taking - This refers to the practice of writing down pieces

of information in systematic way.

 Previewing notes - This refers to pupils- way of looking over

the lesson, test and chapters in detail.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Sophisticated gadgets - This refers to electronic devices that

provide information and satisfaction such as cellphone, laptop,

iPod, MP3, computer, tablet and many more.

Study habits - This refers to the %behaviors used when preparing

for tests or learning academic material.

Study schedule - This refers to how pupils organize things

and schedule of activities.

Technophobia - This refers to the fear or dislike of modern

technology, particularly computers.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of related literature and

study which were used by the researchers as a frame of technology

dependency in conceptualizing their study. The positive and

negative effect between the cited studies and researcher’s

proposed study and discussed briefly at the end of discussion.

Foreign Literature

Harder (2021) "The electronics and appliances in our homes

account for about 20 percent of personal energy use, according to

the U.S. Department of Energy [source: U.S. Department of

Energy]. But some gadgets can put a bigger drag on your electric

bill than others, and nearly all continue drawing power even

after they're turned off, a phenomenon known as standby power

usage (or "vampire power," one of its more colorful nicknames)."

Golden peak high school (2020) "Negative effects that children

addicted to technology/gadgets may lead you to an unhealthy

lifestyle. Too much on-screen may lead you to the poor posture or

overweight of the body. The children who are addicted to

gadgets/video games may forget to drink water, eat food on time,

and spend more time at the same place.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

In most of the world’s cases, many children/students are having

back pain, neck pain, hand pain, headache, eye problem, and more

risk of macular degeneration, which may lead you to blindness.

Diabetes, obesity, gas trouble, etc. are also the leading causes

of addiction to gadgets.

Gadgets effect on behavior and mental changes. Especially

children/students spend more time on games. Playing video games

can also slow down the brain growth. Students who spend a lot of

time on gadgets may become more violent, lose interest in other

things of the environment surrounding them, laziness, less

interest in other hobbies, and lacking interest in academics.

This problem leads children/students to bad personalities

Gadgets effects on learning things. Using gadgets is also a good

thing, but the misuse or spending more time on gadgets will

reduce the learning ability and other outdoor activity. It makes

you sacrifice other learning things and make you feel no time for

other things, which is very harmful. Also, Make the student feel

difficult to complete their work. It interferes with their study

time. Gadgets hurt your internal time management if students are

addicted to technology or misuse it."

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Ministry of Health Singapore (2021) "We’re raising a new

generation of children who lead device-driven lifestyles. While

computers and hand-held devices are becoming more of necessities

than luxuries, our children should not be inseparable from them.

We are raising a new generation of children who lead device-

driven lifestyles. While computers and hand-held devices are

becoming more of necessities than luxuries, our children should

not be inseparable from them. Two hours per day for 7–18-year-

olds is the recommendation you should stick with.

There may be parents among us who are battle-weary, having fought

to tear our children away from their handphones, tablet computers

and whatnot. It is always tempting to give in, believing that our

kids will have to learn to be tech-savvy sooner rather than


Stay easy — up to two hours a day is quite safe, but beware the

following health problems that could arise from too much screen

time and poor tech habits, besides the risks of addiction:

It is an instantly recognizable silhouette: the figure hunched

over a device. Pretty soon, that hunch is there even when the

device is not. To make it worse, the back and shoulder muscles

start complaining, too.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

An uncomfortable seat, a set-up with poor ergonomics, sitting too

long or slouching lazily — these all contribute to the problem.

Laptop computers can aggravate things because the monitor and

keyboard are so close. Users either lift their shoulders to type

or hunch their shoulders to see.

Related: “Sit up Straight, Darling”

This classic overuse injury shows up as pain, stiffness or

swelling in the fingers and wrist.

Is your child twisting his wrist to use the mouse in an awkward

way? Or does that game have him make forceful or repetitive

movements? Is she texting for long periods? These can injure

nerves and tendons. “It hurts when I write with my pen” is an

excuse for not doing homework that you don’t want to hear!

Dry eyes, a burning sensation, problems focusing… these are

symptoms of eye strain that all device users commonly face.

Bright light, high screen contrasts, glare and flickering images

may make a game or video more exciting, but really take their

toll on your eyes. Squinting at a small hand-held device adds to

the strain. An enraptured kid is also less likely to blink, which

makes things worse.

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Additionally, not spending time on outdoor activities exposes

children to the risk of developing myopia.

Children seldom get headaches, but too much screen-time can bring

one on.

A combination of muscle tension at the base of the skull and an

assault on the eyes is the usual cause, as well as stress.

Time spent on devices may feel indulgent, but studies have shown

that overuse increases stress levels instead.

Constant stress over a prolonged period could adversely affect

the heart, sleep, digestion, and emotions.

Too much time on a device does not just drain the brain, it tires

the body, too.

Being still for long periods reduces blood circulation and can

put stress on muscles and joints. The result — getting tired

without even moving much.

Research has confirmed exposure to mobile phones and other

devices can cause changes in brain activity and sleep

disturbances. This could also be a stress symptom.

Tech devices make great babysitters because they keep kids still

for so long, but that lack of physical activity is a major

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

contributing factor to childhood obesity and its accompanying


A 2011 study by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

revealed 92% of handphones harbor bacteria, including 16% with

the dangerous E.coli strain. In our climate, such bacteria can

survive for hours!

When exposed to all those germs on devices, which can easily be

transferred from kid to kid, it’s only a matter of time before

they fall ill."

Golden peak High school (2020) "The overuse of gadgets makes the

student be far from real-time human connection. Students who were

found spending more time on gadgets find themselves losing touch

with other real social relationships. They may engage in more

online friends than offline friends. They feel uneasy about face-

to-face interaction with other people. It makes students feel

difficult to face the public. They love to stay alone."

Wardynski (2019) "Technology is more than an abstract concept

associated with advanced tools and systems used by businesses and

end-users for convenience and automation of complex tasks. It

also shapes the way societies and people behave, grow, evolve,

and develop, both within their own lives and in their

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

relationships with others. While technology has developed over

the millennia that humans have existed - from simple tools such

as the wheel, irrigation systems and chariots, to complex tools

such as computers, cell phones, the Internet and airplanes - the

last century has seen an explosion in technology that has

influenced subtle but crucial changes in how humans see the world

and interact with others. Specifically, the Internet and mobile

devices (i.e. smartphones, tablet computers, mobile gaming

systems, etc.) have radically altered the way people interact

with each other, since one of the major impacts of technology is

the optimization of communication systems in the form of

telecommunications and networking. While the Personal Computer

and other electronics affected human interaction, they arguably

did not have such critical impacts on human sociology until

mobile computers came about. Mobile devices brought

groundbreaking change to human interaction due to the innate

nature of always being connected to the digital world via an

easy-to-carry device that one carries around."

Foreign Studies

Atlantis Press (2018) "Emotional development cannot be separated

from social skill development. Because people live in environment

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

with behavior and emotion which will be judged by their social

life. Therefore, the success of social development in children

will be strongly dependent on their social development because

children will not acquire various kind of characters in social

environment from gadget. Children will not be addicted to gadget

if parenting and parents’ role is prioritized for children

development. Parents are demanded to play active role to

supervise and control their children in using gadget, so their

development is not delayed because they use gadget excessively.

Parents should use smart parenting because it will strongly

influence on child individual. Letting children nto use gadget

for a long time or excessively will make them become addicted to

gadget and it give negative effect to their emotional

development, and they will less understand social adjustment in

environment because their lack of interaction. "

Qutoshi, Deeba et al., (2020) "It is concluded from the study

that usage of technological gadgets has both positive and

negative impacts on children’s socialization at their early

ages. However, the

Journal of Development and Social Sciences (JDSS)June, 2020

Volume 1, Issue 263impact, to a great extent, depends on the

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

nature and purpose of using the technological gadgets. It

also depends upon how aware parents are and what is the

amount of time parents spend with their children while they

use tools of technology and social media applications. For

example, the engagement of children with gadgets for

educational purposes is a positive sign and it leads children

towards improving their knowledge ands kills. On the other

hand, if children engage most of the time in watching

cartoons and games etc. the impact of using technology for

such purposes remains negative in many ways such as

physically inactive (i.e., remain virtually connected while

sitting in a corner of their home) and socially isolated (e.g.,

limited within a room at home etc.). The study found that parents

need to supervise their children and provide these technological

tools to their children for a limited period of time.

Children who are engaged with excessive usage of technological

gadgets limit them to engage with outdoor activities. This

unlimited use of technology also hinders on way to develop

creative skills, thinking to discover nature, and limit their

interaction with friends, family members and relatives.

Moreover, excessive usage of technological gadgets has negative

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

effects on physical, mental and emotional health of children

at their early ages, which can effect on the later ages."

Othman, Khairuz, et al.(2020) "The result of this study will help

the Ministry of Education and also secondary school itself to

plan for a better and help in reducing the number of students who

spent most of their total time on electronic gadget and

continuously affecting their academic achievement. The Ministry

of Education and schools should plan a strategy for limiting

excessive time spent on electronic gadget by promoting positive

lifestyle modification and encourage physical activity among

students. Parents also should play an important role in

controlling the usage of electronic gadget use among children.

Children tend to follow what their parents did. Therefore, if the

parents portray a good role model in controlling electronic

gadget use, encourage children to study or be a mentor for their

own child and always practice appropriate physical activities,

they will naturally follow their parent’s attitude."

Buabbas, Madawi, et al. (2020) "This study concluded that the

overuse of ST devices (in terms of both the hours of use per day

and the time per session) among school-aged children could have

detrimental impacts on their health, and this was noted among

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

students in Kuwait. Healthcare professionals, school authorities

and parents could use these results to plan strategies to change

ST device use behaviors among schoolchildren."

Singh, Gupta, et al. (2020) "As per the research that was

conducted, and upon further analysis, a very clear picture is

being depicted- over half the students are living on a relatively

tight budget to cover their expenses and support their lifestyle,

which often goes unmaintained. Those who study in their hometown

spend relatively less as compared to those studying outside their

hometown, since the outstation students have to pay bills related

to accommodations, such as electricity, gas, etc. Major spending

of these students is on their lifestyle and entertainment, which

varies for every student. Students have become extremely brand

conscious today, since every brand conveys something different

about their personality. About half the respondents find dine out

as their most unavoidable expense, followed by movies. An

interesting finding was that more students reduced their daily

expenditure when faced with a budget deficit than those who asked

their parents for money. They also prefer to save a part of their

monthly allowance, mostly in cash form or in bank, which shows

good budgeting habits. A fraction also tends to invest their

savings in the financial markets. One very simple but effective

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

way students can reduce their spending is by analyzing their

behavior. They can do so by developing a behavior chart. This is

a method of keeping constant record of the students’ behavior and

providing reinforcement for that same behavior. These charts work

wonders when dealing with and changing student behaviors. It is

absolutely critical that university students educate themselves

about finance during their adolescence phase, as it is their best

possible chance to be successful in adulthood. However, having a

good financial knowledge base is not enough. Steady success

requires healthy and positive attitude along with supportive

parents who facilitate responsible financial attitude."

Local Literature

The last few years have seen the critical effects of wearable

devices as photonics / hardware on different parts of our a day

life, as an example, medical aid checking and therapy,

encompassing observing, delicate mechanical technology,

prosthetics, adaptable showcase, correspondence, human-machine

communications, etc. As per the development lately, the leading-

edge wearable gadgets and photonics are progressing quickly

toward the amount of artificial consciousness (AI) and web of

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

things (IoT), to accomplish a more elevated level of, comfort,

association, and knowledge. Thus, this survey gives a perfect

outline of the new advancement in wearable hardware, photonics,

and frameworks, regarding arising materials, transducing

components, primary designs, applications, and their further mix

with different innovations. To start out with, advancement of

gadgets for general wearable devices (hardware and photonics,

etc.) is summed up for the uses of actual detecting, substance

detecting, human-machine collaboration, show, correspondence,

etc. Finally the paper is trying to review the available

literature based on the Artificial Intelligence enabled wearable

devices using Machine Learning for healthcare.

Fototana and Rante (2017), states that application programmers,

design, create, and test the software programs for business

applications, desktop operating system, networking, websites, and

video games. In the last few years, technology has changed the

way of teaching and learning. Even the learning and teaching

process has been changed innovated. Studies nowadays are mostly

using this type of technology which are the educational mobile

applications that can be the easy way to find or to know

something in a short period of time. Now, education is no more

restricted to lectures, talks and physical objects, as

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

digitization has overcome this pattern of study. Additionally,

there are various educational mobile applications available in

the market but selecting the right one can change their mindset

at the process of learning. Educational applications are making

things easier to understand and making learning fun to the core.


Vazquez (2014), stated that mobile applications has been

developed through two perspectives; the first being through a

descriptive methodology in which the current ST. GREGORY COLLEGE

OF VALENZUELA 162 P. Faustino St., Punturin, Valenzuela City 9

researcher has detailed the creation process of an application.

The second perspective being through a quantitative methodology

in which students' perceptions regarding the capabilities of

smartphones and apps for improving learning processes in

university subjects were assessed. Vazquez (2014), concluded that

the use of applications developed specifically for following

university subjects is highly valued by students as a new format

which both supports and enhances learning practices while also

providing not only further opportunities to establish connections

and relations with their subjects, but also fostering

collaborative work among students and professors. In this

generation using gadgets is very trend and one of the part of

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

individual's life. Using cellphone is very popular and have many

benefits according to usage like it can be used for

communication, gathering data, and also for better performance to

school and it is according to the applications that will be used.

When it comes on school performance, there's an app that can help

the students to make the study easier. It can also affect the

performance of the students in the academic purposes. In

addition, applications can be used to improve learning and

participation of the students and it can improve their self-

confidence. To conclude that, students valued the apps as their

learning materials that can help to improve their studies and to

improve learning of the student.

Alday and Pascual (2012), states that E-teaching is a method that

uses E-learning to educate the students. They also stated that

"The teachers of the graduate school are highly competent with

regards to computer skills necessary for Eteaching. They have

significant positive attitudes toward E-teaching and E-learning.

Furthermore, they demonstrated interest and enthusiasm in

indulging into various Eteaching strategies.” The proponents aim

to promote a concept of e-learning or mobile learning to the

future users of the proposed system. As imposed on the study the

educators also agreed on the significant effects of E-learning

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College of Criminal Justice Education

that will maximize the teaching potentials for teachers as well

as learning potentials of the students. Mobile learning nowadays

have such a big factor around the globe for those students

wanting to learn more not only in school, but also outside of the

school. Mobile learning provides all the information a student

needs, in order to finish paper works or and assignments. There

are private schools in the Philippines that are already using

tablets for schoolwork. This is good news, but unfortunately,

most of these tablets are only used for reading e-books and most

probably used by students for gaming. There are yet many things

that can be done in order to maximize the school and the parents’

investment on a phone tablet. This is the reason why researchers

would like to introduce M-Learning.

Gorra, Bhati (2016) "It is concluded that most students in state

colleges and universities of Caraga region in the Philippines are

likely to use technology in classroom for the purpose of positive

consequences supporting the view that use of technology helps in

enhancing learning related activities in classroom. The

excitement of students in involving these technologies as part of

their learning can cause also disruptions inside the classroom

that being considered as negative consequences. Managing this

kind of problem should be included and part of the curriculum and

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Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

the concerned staff and faculty may take efforts on how these

technologies being use as a tool to achieve learning environment.

The purpose of this paper is to study the unintended consequences

of use of technology in class room in the context of Philippines.

This study fills an important gap in the literature because there

is no previous study on unintended consequences of use of

technology in teaching and learning in the context of

Philippines. The research question relates to unintended

consequences of use of technology during classroom activities

when students are expected to do class work. Table 1 summarizes

the results of various positive and negative consequences of use

of technology in class room. The results of table 1 are based on

students‟ perception about the positive and negative

consequences. It is concluded that students regard positive

consequences of use of technology to be more than negative

consequences. The most observed positive consequences were

instant messaging through chatting, lesson enquiry about

assignments, sending and receiving e-mails, research through

surfing the net including data gathering by downloading files and

sharing cultural experiences with others through internet. Among

the negative consequences listed by students were accessing

social websites like face book, twitter etc. during classroom,

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Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

playing games, playing music, answering and returning calls and

downloading and using copyrighted material. It is further

observed that incidence of positive and negative consequences

varies with the use of technology. The ranking of positive and

negative consequences differs in all the three cases of use of

technology - computer with internet, laptop with internet and

mobile with internet. From the frequency analysis of positive,

negative and net consequences of use of technology in classroom

it is observed that students are most likely to have negative

consequences using mobile with internet. Further it is observed

that students are likely to use technology in classroom for the

purpose of positive consequences as well as for the negative

consequences supporting the view that use of technology helps in

enhancing learning related activities in class room but

technology may also be used for distracting students from their

learning activities. This study however, is limited by the fact

that results are based on students‟ perceptions about the use of

technology in class room and specific to an education setting in

Philippines. "

Every individual now has the ability to access information not

only in the Philippines but also in other parts of the world,

thanks to the development of information and communication

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Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

technologies such as internet connections. Gadgets, such as

mobile phones and tablets, have become commonplace and have

become inextricably linked to the individual who uses them. Due

to other people use of social media to communicate their

sentiments, whether happy or bad, we may utilize it as an outlet

for our emotions. Others use it to keep track of their

activities, such as trips, reunions, events, letters, reports,

and timetables. On Facebook, you may also uncover daily routines

and places they went on a specific day and time.

(Raganta, Vargas, 2021) Parry (2016) stated that modern

technological devices have captured the attention of the world.

The degree of dependency that most individuals have is leading to

addiction to technological devices. Electronic gadgets occupied a

major position in our daily lives. Though they were invented to

make life better for us the first place it is an undeniable fact

that many of the gadgets have negative effects and influence upon

the quality of our lives in some ways.

According to Brown (2005) people cannot live without them in

this modern world and they are now considered necessity, people

have to find ways to reduce the negative impact of those

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Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

modern gadget. Many students are using the modern technology


According to Nusir (2012), students who have access in their

home to new methods and tools of education through computers,

interactive learning, etc. may have also different and more

potential to absorb those technologies while used in the school

educational system. Although students commented positively toward

the use of technology, many students were unaware of certain

programs and software that could greatly enhance the learning

environment (Moawad & Ebrahem, 2016). This research study is

advantageous to students who are the main focus of this endeavor

for them to be enlightened about the crucial effects of learned

habits to them. Therefore, they would learn more to manage

appropriate, more productive and

constructive activities fundamental for their age. Students will

be guided and assisted on the advantages and disadvantages of

usage of electronic gadgets.

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Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Chapter 3


This chapter is a presentation of the methodology of

research and research design, as well as the sampling of the

respondents, tolls for the data collection procedure,

instrument/tools of measurement and the statistical treatment

of data.

Methodology of Research

The descriptive method of research in determining the

effects of using gadgets in the Students in Brgy. 579, Sampaloc

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College of Criminal Justice Education

According to Manuel and Medel (1976), descriptive

research involves the description, recording, analysis and

interpretation of the present nature, composition, or process

of phenomena. The focus is on the prevailing conditions, on how

a person, group, or thing behaves or functions at the time of

the study.

Population and sampling procedure

The study employed the random sampling technique. In this

strategy the selection process is derived from equal chances,

each sample has an equal probability of being chosen. The

researchers used fishbowl method to randomly select the

respondents of the study.

Respondent of the Study

The respondent of the study was composed of three (2)

groups. Senior high school and college students in the school

year 2020–2021. Its population as determined by the 2020 census

was 1,703 this represented 0.43% of the total population of


Research instrument

The researchers used closed structured questionnaire. The

questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part of the
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Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

questionnaire is the demographic profile of the Respondents, the

second part is the effects of using gadgets in the Students in

Barangay 579, Sampaloc Manila.

Validation of the Instrument

The instrument for this research study was validated through

survey questionnaire. It was first submitted to the thesis

professor for corrections, comments and suggestions in the

appropriateness of language used, clarity of items, right

direction and constructions.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers conducted the following procedures in gathering


1. Writing a letter to the school heads to administer the

survey questionnaire.

2. Validating the survey questionnaire.

3. Using Google Forms the respondents will answer the survey


4. Analyzing, presenting, and tabulating the data.

5. Summarizing the results and provides conclusion and

Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical procedures were used to attain

an in-depth analysis of data.

1. Percentage. This was used to calculate the number of

respondents per group.

Percentage: = x 100


f= the frequency

n= the sample size

2. Weighted Mean. This was computed using this formula.

Weighted mean: X =


X= the arithmetic mean

x= the variables

n= the number of elements

3. Analysis of Variance or One-way ANOVA. This was used to

answer SOP 2 or the hypothesis or will be used to determine the

significant difference between the TWO () groups of respondents

Students and parents.

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College of Criminal Justice Education


Directions: Please read carefully and check () the

corresponding boxes for your answer(s).

1. Demographic Profile

Name (Optional): _______________________________

1.1 Age




1.2 Gender
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Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education



1.3 Educational stage

Senior High School



Directions: The following are the common issues usually brought
to the effects of using gadgets among the students of Brgy.
579, Sampaloc Manila. Check the appropriate columns provided
opposite each item statement. Use the table below for your

Point Interval Descriptive Equivalent

5 4.50-5.00 Strongly agree

4 3.50-4.49 Agree
3 2.50-3.49 Maybe
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly disagree

2.1 Health 5 4 3 2 1

1. Gadgets or technologies can sharpen the


2. Gadgets helps to reduce stress level and

be more patient.
Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

3. Gadgets can help students to stimulates

their senses and imagination

4. Some advertisement in the internet may

cause a healthy life style to our

children , like of department of health

and sites that our children may adapt.

5. through gadgets help you to recommend

healthy foods

2.2 Moral development 5 4 3 2 1

1. through gadgets education contributes

greatly to those student need to enhance

their moral values

2. The youths might have various

strengths for their moral development by

using gadgets this includes humour,

appreciation and courage.

3. Gadget lovers partially mediate the

relationship between personal

innovativeness. implication for manager

and scholar are provided based on the

two studies result.

4. These electronic devices, and games,

encourage cognitive learning and

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College of Criminal Justice Education

development of analytical skills.

5. The gadgets, may help them to stimulate

their senses and imagination.

Additionally, it may help to promote

listening ability, learning of sounds

and also speaking ability

2.3 Social Interactions 5 4 3 2 1

1. Gadgets can affect the attitude of the


2. Faster ease communication

3. to lessen interaction to other causes of

virus spread

4. The overuse of gadgets makes the

student be far from real-time human


5. The students makes difficult to face the


Part III. Problems encountered by the group of respondents in terms of

the aforementioned variables.

2.2 Health 5 4 3 2 1

1. The students has a poor sleep pattern

so they can’t make a decision faster

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College of Criminal Justice Education

and their brain can’t function


2. Too much time using gadgets may

negatively affects in functioning

mental health of students cause of

attention deficit and impaired


3. Students are having back pain, neck

pain, and headache, eye problem and

more risky by focusing in their


4. Time spent on devices may fee

indulgent, overuse increases stress

level instead

5. Students who spend a lot of time

on gadgets may become more

violence, lose interest in other

things of the environment

surrounding them, laziness , less

interest in other hobbies, lacking

interest in academics


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College of Criminal Justice Education

1. Increased isolation, reduced

social interaction and social


2. On the other hand interaction

affects communication by making

easier, quicker and efficiently.

3. Many student become introvert and

they do not know how to socialize

to others outside of their


4. We can communicate with other

people global because of gadgets

or technologies

5. Through the pandemic you will not

get bored at home right away

because you can watch and play

online games and make call.


1. By watching violent video many of the

student see it as cool and do it to
other surround them.
2. Young people’s imaginations are

broader than adults. As a result

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College of Criminal Justice Education

these individual are more susceptible

to the content they encounter online

and can increase aggression.

3. The intensity of playing gadgets

increases so that there are gadgets

addictions that have implications for

changes in student’s social


4. As they grow older, children who are

addicted to computer games are more

likely to confront and disobey their


5. Instead of getting out and earing the

ways of the word, running and

socializing with other kids , they

would rather stay at home and play on

their gadgets.

Part IV. Recommendation that may be proposed to address the problems


5 4 3 2 1

1. Make a schedule on using gadgets so

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College of Criminal Justice Education

you can have enough time to sleep and

your brain can function normally.

2. For the parents giving them tasks in

the house household make them

responsible to be independent person.

3. Reading books helps us to improved

our vocabulary and helps us you to

learn something new and enhance our


4. Watching adventure film rather than

action with violent fight scene helps

us to make accurate decision on some


5. Buying a load that can consume one

(1) week or buy an internet


6. Have more time in playing sports

than using gadgets that can help you

to make your immunity strong.

7. Engagement with loved ones have

numerous benefits. Its package of
love, kindness, and a lifetime of
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College of Criminal Justice Education

wisdom to pass on to others. Giving

at least a little of your free to the
people around you can instantly
brighten your day.
8. Keep your mind in physically fit they

must have learned new things that

internet can’t teach, play some

instrument having a time to exercise.

9. Playing logic games such as chess,

scrable, dama etc. to sharpen your


10. Interact with other people and

make friends so that we learn who we

are and how we fit into the world

around us.
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Of Science And Technology
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College of Criminal Justice Education


Harder, Jeff (2021) 10 Gadgets that Can you save money

Golden Peak High School (2020) Worst 6 negative effect gadgets

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Ministry of Health Singapore (2021) 9 Health Hazards of

Electronic Devices for Kids

Wardynski, DJ (2019) The effects of technology on Human


Atlantis Press (2018) Influence of gadget usage on children's

Social-Emotional Development
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Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Sadruddin Bahadur Quitoshi, Farah Deeba, Sarfraz Khan (2020)

The impact of technological gadgets on the Socialization of
Children at Early Childhood ByDevelopmental Stage

Noratikah Othman, Muhammad Khaizur, Thandar Soe Sumaiyah

Jamaludin (2020) The Impact of Electronic Gadget Uses with
Academic Performance among Secondary School Students

Jasem Buabbas, Madawi Anwar Al-Mass, Mohammad Abbas Buabbas

(2020) The detrimental impacts of smart technology device
overuse among school students in Kuwait: a cross-sectional
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Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Saumya Singh, Shubham Gupta, Siddhant Jain, Siddhi Kabra,

Snehil Gupta (2020) Student Budgeting and Spending Behaviour › papers › IJC...PDF

Amit Verma. (2021). The Progressive Review of Development of the

Artificial intelligence Enabled Wearable Devices using Machine
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Lopez, C., San, A., School, S., Marie, Z., & De Guzman, F.

(2021). International Journal of Education Humanities and Social



Republic of the Philippines
Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute
Of Science And Technology
Nagtahan Street,Sampaloc Manila
College of Criminal Justice Education

Raganta, I., Vargas, D., & Raganta, J. (2021, May 2).

Purpose, Positive and Negative Effects of Using Social Media

among High School Students in Lupao District, Nueva Ecija ,


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