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What is a Virtual Assistant?

Is this a real job?
How to get a job as a Virtual
How much is the salary?

This guide is the answer to all of your questions

before starting your career as a VA


What Is
a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is all about self-employment

and SOHO (small office home office)
You can also be productive from anywhere,
even while on a vacation!

Most Virtual Assistants work online and do not

have physical offices nor in-house team to
assist to their work.
What Does a VA Do?

The main job of a virtual assistant

is to help clients with various tasks

Some example of tasks a Virtual Assistant

can perform:

Takes calls and schedule bookings

Manages websites and social media accounts
Books flights and travels
Answers emails for the clients
Organizes appointments
Data entry
Calendar management
Etc. (other tasks according to the clients' needs
and wants)


Benefits of Being a VA

What makes this profession so appealing?

Here are the reasons!

You can work from anywhere

Even housewives can also make money from home
Say goodbye to 9—5 jobs
Flexible workhours
You can create your own scale
You get to decide on your own projects
You can work on more than one project
Can I Become a VA if I Don't Have
any Experience nor a University Degree?

In order to be experienced, we just have to do one thing:



Because most of VA tasks—such as email management,

data entry, internet research—are very simple tasks but
they add so much values to businesses
Apps and Tools Needed
by a VA

To support your job as a Virtual Assistant, these are the

apps and tools you need to utilize or to master:

Time tracking—Virtual Assistants are usually paid by

the hours
Example: TopTracker, Clockify, Harvest, MyHours

Managing tasks and communicating with the clients

Example:, Asana, Trello, Slack

Payment channels (Paypal, bank details,


Meeting apps (Zoom, Google Meet)

Qualities Every VA Should
Possess to Attract Clients

Good Communication Skill

Whether you're working with local or
international clients, to be able to communicate
clearly is a must

Organizational Skill
Your job as a VA is to make your clients' lives
You need to be organized yourself

Time Management Skill

Submit all your tasks within the deadline
This shows your strong work ethic

Be honest, consistent, and accurate in your work
Show your clients you're reliable by your actions
Myths on
Virtual Assistants

All VAs are the same

No two VAs are ever the same
They vary in their specializations and working styles

VAs only help with administrative tasks

VAs can do many works like Content Creation, Social
Media Management, Event Management, Project
Coordination, Copywriting, etc.

Only big businesses need VAs

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from hiring a VA

VAs are available 24/7

Just because VAs work remotely doesn't mean they'll
always be the clients' beck and call
They have boundaries too

VAs don't have steady careers

Google it and you'll see many people transitioned
from corporate jobs to being fulltime VAs
Do Not Shopping for Jobs
on Marketplaces

Most people are tempted to visit marketplaces

like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer to seek for
remote jobs

Don't do it!

Really low payment (US$5/hr—doesn't it

seem fishy?)
High competition (you probably will
compete with at least 60—70 other VAs to
get the job)
Unfair business conditions
Chances of your account being disabled in
case of any incident
Difficulty in finding long term clients

What people don't realize is that your clients

are more likely to hang out on SOCIAL MEDIA

You can find them on Instagram, Facebook, or

even LinkedIn.
We hope that this PDF Guide gives you
a good overview of the highly-in-demand
VA services in 2022

See you soon on the #SGBVA Course so that

you can learn A—Z on how to start your own
VA business and learn many skills
for services that you can provide as a VA!

Love, Tania Gromenko

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