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1. Angga Nugraha (Universitas Sriwijaya)

2. Stevy Wahyu Dewi Shaabiriina (Universitas Esa Unggul)
3. Muhamad Fadilla Akbar (Universitas Pancasila)


This Cooperation Agreement is made and signed in Jakarta on Wednesday, 22nd of June,
2022, by and between 

1. JOSHUA SAPUTRA WIJAYA, Occupation of the Chairman of the Angin Bawalah Party
addressed at Jalan Perum Alam Sutera 5 No.18 Rt. 005/Rw.008 Alam Sutera Village, South
Here in after referred to as the FIRST PARTY in this Agreement.


2. SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH, Position as Executive Director of the National Strategy

Institute, in that position and position acts for and on behalf of the NATIONAL
STRATEGY INSTITUTION (LSN), addressed at Jalan BSD Raya No. 22B
Rt.011/Rw.018, BSD, South Tangerang.
Here in after referred to as the SECOND PARTY in this Agreement

(The FIRST PARTY and the SECOND PARTY here in after collectively referred to as the

The FIRST PARTY and the SECOND PARTY in this Agreement shall first explain the
following matters:
1. The FIRST PARTY is the Permanent List of Candidates for Members of the
DPR RI Number 3 for the Bawalah Party, Tangerang DAPIL in the 2022
Legislative General Election (PILEG).
2. Whereas to implement the plan, the FIRST PARTY has appointed the
SECOND PARTY as a Political Consultant;

Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut di atas PIHAK PERTAMA  dan PIHAK KEDUA  telah sepakat dan
setuju untuk mengikatkan diri dalam suatu Perjanjian Kerjasama Jasa Konsultan untuk
pekerjaan pendampingan penyelenggaraan Pemilu Legislatif 2022 dengan ketentuan-ketentuan dan
syarat-syarat yang tercantum dalam pasal-pasal di bawah ini:
Based on the foregoing matters, the FIRST PARTY and the SECOND PARTY have agreed
to bind themselves in a Consultant Services Cooperation Agreement for the work of assisting
the implementation of the 2022 Legislative Election with the terms and conditions set out in
the articles below:

Article 1
The Meaning of Cooperation
1) The FIRST PARTY uses the services of the SECOND PARTY as a Political
Consultant to assist the FIRST PARTY in the process of organizing the 2022
Legislative Election;
2) This Cooperation Agreement is based on the trust and good faith to protect the
interests of the PARTIES;

Article 2

The Appointment of the SECOND PARTY by the FIRST PARTY

The FIRST PARTY has appointed the SECOND PARTY as a Political Consultant to provide
assistance in the implementation of the 2022 Legislative Election, and the SECOND PARTY has
agreed to accept the appointment and is willing to become a Political Consultant in the process of
organizing the 2022 Legislative Election in exchange for a fee for consulting services;

Article 3

The Agreement Time Period

The PARTIES agreed that the term of the agreement shall be effective as of the date it was
signed, and ends until all work packages that are the obligations of the SECOND PARTY have
been completed;

Article 4

Consultation Service Fee and Payment Method

1) THE FIRST PARTY agreed to provide a consulting service fee to the SECOND
PARTY in the amount of Rp. 35,000,000 (Thirty Five Million Rupiah)
2) Payment of the consulting service fee from the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND
PARTY shall be made by the FIRST PARTY in 2 (two) stages of payment, the first
stage is 60% paid at the time of signing the contract, and the remaining 40% is paid 3
months after the first stage fee payment;
3) Fees payment by the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTY shall be made by
transfer to Bank account number 001 211 021 879 on behalf of the National Strategy
4) The consulting service fee as referred in section (1) above does not include field
operational costs and expenditures for the said legislative election campaign needs;
Article 5

Work Package

Whereas the First Party as the user of Expert Consulting Services in the fields of Politics and
Elections, has agreed on a work package with the Second Party as follows:

a) Develop a Grand Strategy for winning in written form

b) Prepare Schedule and Roadmap for Grand Strategy implementation;
c) Conducting field analysis in the socio-economic and political fields (ansosekpol)
d) Facilitating the concept of organizing Voters Education activities
e) Provide input, opinions, ideas, ideas either directly or via telephone, Whatsapp, email,
and other communication media;
f) Providing Training of Trainers for the First Party Support Team;
g) Providing Training to Witnesses

Article 6

Dispute Resolution

If in the implementation of this agreement between the PARTIES there is a dispute or

inconsistency of opinion, it will be resolved by deliberation for consensus;

Article 7

Other Provision

The parties agree that if there are things that are not sufficient or are not regulated in this
agreement, it will be arranged as an additional agreement (addendum) or change (amendment)
which is an integral and inseparable part of this Cooperation Agreement;
Article 8


Thus this Agreement was originally made in 2 (two) copies which have the same legal and
binding force and signed on a stamp duty by the PARTIES in Jakarta on the day and date
mentioned above.

Jakarta, 22 July 2022



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