The Paris Peace Conference

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 This conference took place in the Palace of Versailles.

 It lasted 1 year.
 None of the defeated countries was invited to participate (including Russia).
 5 treaties were drawn up at the conference. The most important was The Treaty of
 The big three were the most important decision makers.


Woodrow Wilson:
 Represents USA
 President of USA
 Was an idealist and reformer
 Main objective is to achieve the world peace
 He made a list of 14 points to avoid future wars

Most important points:

 No secret treaties.
 Free trade between countries.
 Armament reduction in all countries.
 Alsace-Lorraine must be returned to France
 Poland to become an independent state with access to the sea.
 League of Nations to be formed.


Not being harsh with Germany: because someday she may want revenge and because she
could become communist.

International cooperation: Nations should cooperate to achieve world peace.

Lloyd George:
 Represents Great Britain
 Prime minister of Great Britain and experienced politician

What he wanted:

 To make sure no single-power could dominate Europe.

 To return the same trading patterns that had made GB so rich before the war.
 To preserve British naval supremacy.

Not being too harsh with Germany: because she would want revenge, but most importantly because she
won’t be able to keep trading with GB. GB needs Germany to recover to start trading again with them.

Germany to lose its navy and its colonies: because they were seen as a threat to the British empire.
Pressures on Lloyd George:

British were very angry with Germany.

Lloyd George won the elections promising to “make Germany pay”. So, he had to honor his

Georges Clemenceau:
 Represents France
 Nicknamed “The Tiger”
 Prime minister of France
 He wouldn’t allow Germany to harm France again

What he wanted:

1) Germany disarm.
2) Germany had to pay reparations.
3) The return of Alsace-Lorraine.
4) The Saarland to be given to France.
5) The Rhineland to become an independent country.
6) Some german colonies given to France.


France had suffered enormous damage during the war. Germany wasn’t as damaged as

Clemenceau wanted to punish Germany ass much as they could, so they can’t attack again.

Peace making process

Clemenceau used to fight with Wilson over many issues like: The Rhineland, Coalfields in the

Clemenceau also flighted with Lloyd George: due to Lloyd George didn’t want to punish
Germany too harshly.

Wilson and Lloyd George didn’t always agree: because Lloyd George was against the idea of
allowing all nations access to the seas.

The terms of the Treaty of Versailles:

1) War guilt: Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war.
2) Reparations: Germany had to pay 6,6 billion pounds on reparations.
3) Territories and colonies: Alsace-Lorraine was given back to France, the Rhineland
became a demilitarized zone, the Saarland was given to the League of Nations for 15
years, North Schleswig was given to Denmark, Danzig was made a free city, West
Prussia, Posen, Upper Silesia were given to Poland. GERMANY LOST ALL OF ITS
4) Germany's armed forces:
1. It was limited to 100.000 men
2. Soldiers had to be volunteers
3. Not allowed armored vehicles
4. The navy could only have 6 battleships
5. The Rhineland became demilitarized zone

5) The League of Nations: Germany was not invited to joint the League until it had shown
“it was a peace-loving country”.

What did The Big Three got?


 The creation of League of Nations

 Armament reduction of the defeated countries
 Successor states

Lloyd George:

 He increased British colonial power

 He assured his naval power


 He regained Alsace-Lorraine
 Most of the money for reparations was destined to France
 The Rhineland became a demilitarized zone
 The support of UK against Germany

German Reactions
War guilt and reparations: Germany didn’t feel they started the war, she thinks that blame
should be shared. They were angry because they didn’t expected to pay all the damage due to
their economy wasn’t good.

Disarmament: Germany felt this was unfair, an army of 100.000 was very small. And none of
the allies were being forced to disarm in the same way.

German Territories: It affects its economy because she lost major industrial areas (Saar and
Upper Silesia).

Non-representation: Germany was angry because they were not included at the peace
conference. And they were forced to accept a harsh treaty.

The 14 points and the League of Nations: Germany didn’t agree with the 14 pints because
German-speaking people were being hide off into new countries. Germany felt insulted of not
being invited to The League of Nations.

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