Amazon Warrior Points

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Amazon Warrior Points (45)

Cost Buy? Name Description

-5 N Proficiency Ease The Amazon, starting at 4th Level, will gain Proficiency in 2
weapons for each Weapon Proficiency Slot earned, and may
gain Proficiency in a single weapon for a cost of 1 Character
-10 N Multiple Mastery The Amazon may gain the effects of Mastery in more than
one weapon (Proficiencies must be used normally).
-5 Y Followers On reaching 9th Level, a Amazon may establish a stronghold,
and attract followers using the Amazon charts.
-10 Y The Amazon may establish her stronghold, and attract a band
of followers, at any Level she wishes.
-10 Y Extra Followers After a Amazon has gained Followers, she may gain a new
unit at each level. There is a 10% chance, cumulative at each
new Level, that the unit is composed of Elite troops, and is
rolled on that chart. Otherwise, they are normal troops, and
rolled as such.
-5 Y Increased Followers At the time the Amazon gains her followers, she rolls for an
additional unit of regular troops, which are added to the
troops she gains normally.
-5 Y Regent Bodyguards: Amazon gains Bodyguards as a starting Regent upon gaining
Regent status.
-5 Y Commanding Presence The Amazon may, starting at 7th Level, command a number
of troops equal to 100 per Level.
-10 Y As above, but the Amazon may begin commanding troops at
1st level.
-10 N Inspiring Leader Troops that the Amazon leads into battle gain +1 to THAC0,
and suffer no penalties to Morale as long as the Amazon
is actively involved in the battle.
-10 Y Complete Strategist Any Unit (War Card) that the Amazon is attached to gains +1
to its MR.
-10 Y True Defender Any Unit (War Card) that the Amazon is attached to gains +1
to its Defense.
-10 Y True Leader Any Unit (War Card) that the Amazon is attached to gains +1
to its Melee (Melee or Missile if the Amazon is an Elf and is
attached to an Elf unit).
-5 Y Defensive Constructions The Amazon may, starting at 6th Level, oversee the building
of defensive works, such as entrenchments, stake-pits, moats,
ditches, and the like.
-10 Y As above, but the Amazon may oversee such construction at
1st Level.
-10 N Move Silently The Amazon may Move Silently, with a percentage equal to
her Dexterity plus her Level, modified for Stats, armor, and
Race as the Thief Skill.
-10 N Plane Touched The Amazon may strike creatures that require magical arms to
be struck. The bonus her strikes are equivalent to is equal to
her Level divided by 4, rounding up, to a maximum of +4.
The effect is the same as that of a magical weapon, and is
effected by distance from the fighter’s home plane.
-5 N Surprising Strike Attacks made by the Amazon from Surprise cause double the
damage rolled on the weapons die.
-5 N Horse Archery The Amazon suffers no penalty for firing from horseback
while moving up to 1/2 the animals move, and only -2
to THAC0 while moving up to full. Should the Amazon also
have the Horse Archery Style Proficiency, she receives no
penalty at up to the animals full movement.
-5 Y Fearless The Amazon is +2 to Save vs. Fear and fear-based effects, but
is at -2 to Save vs. Taunt.
-15 N Bravery The Amazon exhibits unnatural bravery. she gains +1 to her
Saves vs. Fear-based effects at 1st, 6th, 11th, and 15th level.
She also gains +1 to Horror Checks at 11th and 15th. The
Amazons own bravery inspires her allies as well, granting
them +1 to Save vs. Fear-based effects at 1st and 6th Level,
and +2 to such Saves at 11th, and 15th Level.
-10 N Enduring Warrior The Amazon can call upon reserves of strength and fortitude
beyond those of most men, fighting on after mortal wounds.
Until the Amazons’ Hit Point total drops to -5, she can still
continue the battle. Should she reach -6 or less Hit Points, or
if she is at 0 to -5 Hit Points when her enemies are defeated,
she will pass out, losing Hit Points as normal.
-10 N Deadly Strike The Amazon gains +2 to Damage with a specific weapon
of choice.
-15 N Beast Riders Bond The Amazon is a member of a tribal society which relies on
certain animals for survival and defense. A such, she gains
many benefits with the tribes animal companions, but faces
the scorn of more civilized societies, and is very limited in
the level of technology available at the start of her career.
The Beast Rider gains a riding beast (see the list elsewhere),
as a bonded mount, for free. With other animals of the
mounts type, the Beast Rider gains +5 to Reaction Checks.
When touching her mount, or within line-of-sight, she has a
telepathic rapport which allows non-verbal communication
with the animal, and allows her empathic knowledge of the
mounts needs and feelings. Should either be hurt, the other
will know of it, and sense the approximate distance and
direction to the other. Should the mount be killed, the Beast
Rider takes an immediate 2d6 Damage, and must Save vs.
Spells or suffer from an effect similar to the spell Feeblemind
for 2d6 hours.
The Beast Rider is initially limited to using natural armors
(as the 5 Point Warrior Penalty), shields, and a limited
selection of weapons (as the 5 Point Warrior Penalty of
Cultural List). Those weapons are: Short Bows; Light
Lance; Spears; Javelins; and Long, Bastard, and Saddle-
swords. Do to the prejudice that many civilized peoples have
against barbarians and savages, the Amazon Beast Rider
suffers an additional -3 to Reaction Checks with such NPCs.
-5 N Bow Bonus: +1 to Hit with Bows (Dwarves may use Crossbows)
-10 N +2 to Hit with Bows (Dwarves may use Crossbows)
-5 Y Archery The Amazon may add her Str. bonus to Hit and Damage, and
her Dex. Missile Adjustment to Damage, when using a bow
-5 Y Called Shot Bonus: +2 to all Called Shots with Bow/Crossbow, offsetting normal
-10 Y Sniper Attack May Backstab, with all attendant bonuses, using Bows.
(Those races which are not required to use the bow may
designate a different missile or thrown weapon, instead)
-15 Y Missile Backstab is at +6, with multiplier figured normally
-5 Y Exquisite Shot Figure Missile Backstab as if the Amazon were 2 levels
-5 Y Bow Masters’ Attacks May use Weapon and Non-Weapon Proficiency Slots to
purchase special attacks from Bowmasters’ Attacks.
-10 N Missile Master The Amazon begins play with Specialization in the Bow of
her choice, and Tight Group, Bows. She then gains
automatic Mastery of the weapon chosen at 3rd level, High
Mastery at 9th, and Grand Mastery at 12th.
-15 N Amazon's Bonus The Amazon gains the Bowman’s bonus: Double Damage at
7-20’; 6-30’ at 2nd, 5-40’ at 3rd, 4-50’ at 5th. At 3rd, +2 to
THAC0 at point blank with bows and +3 to Damage; +3
THAC0 and +4 Damage at 6th; +4 THAC0 and +5 Damage
at 9th. At 7th she gains +2 THAC0 at all ranges. Also at
9th, she may fire at Extreme range.
-15 Y Order of the Arrow An Amazon who is Specialized with the bow may join the
Order of the Arrow, gaining the ability to cast spells from that
list, using the Order of the Arrow progression, without using
any proficiency slots to do so.
-15 Y Spell-Archer An Amazon who is a multi-classed spell user, may cast any
Touch-ranged spell she can cast, into an arrow, and fire it in
the same round, at the rate of one spell and arrow per round.
Such spells take effect upon striking a target.
-5 Y Amazons’ Privilege The Amazon may purchase 1 ability from the Fighter,
Bowman, or Archer lists.

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