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Inter i
PAPER:Chemistry Time allowed : 1;20minutes
STUDENT NAME:__________________ ROLL No:________

MCQS 13X1=13
1. The study of heat changes accompanied by a chemical reaction is:
a) Thermodynamics b) Thermo chemistry
c) Chemical kinetics d) all of these
2. calorie is equivalent to :
a) 0.4184J b)41.84J
c) 4.184J d)418.4J
3. The sum of all kinds of heat of a sf energies of a system is called:
a) Internal energy b) Enthalpy
c) Entropy d) None
4. E = q + w is the
a) First law of thermodynamics b) Second law of thermodynamics
c) Third law of thermodynamics d)None of these
5. Pumping of water uphill is:
a) Spontaneous reaction b) Exothermic reaction
c) Non-spontaneous reaction d) Endothermic reaction
6. The change in heat energy of a chemical reaction at constant temperature and pressure is
a) Enthalpy change b) Heat of sublimation
c) Bond energy d) Internal energy
7. The shape of H2o is:
a)Tetrahedral b)pyramidal c)trigonal planar d) angular
8. The bond length of C – Cl bond CH3Cl is:
a)176.4 pm b)99.4 pm c)77.3 pm d) 1.764 pm
9. Dipole moment of CO is:
a) Zero b)1.61 D c)0.95 D d) 0.12
10. Radius of Cl is:
a)186 pm b)95 pm c)99 pm d) 181 pm
11. Which of the halogen acid has highest percentage of ionic character :
a) HCl b)HBr c)HF d)HI
12. In which of the following species central atom is SP hybridized.
a)NH4+ b)NF3 c)H3O+ d) all these
13. The numbers of bonds in nitrogen molecule is
a) One siqma and one pi b) one sigma and two pi

c) Three sigma only d) Two sigma and one pi

Q .2 : Answer the following any eight questions. 8x2=16
1. Differentiate between sigma and Pi bond?
2. No bond in Chemistry is 100% ionic in nature. Justify?
3. According to the hybridization give the structure of H2S.
4. Lone pair of electrons occupy more space than bond pair electrons.
5. The dipole moment of CO2 and CS2 are zero but that of SO2 is 1.610 D. Justify
6. Define internal energy of a system?
7. Define non spontaneous process and give 2 examples.
8. Explain that burning of a candle is a spontaneous process?
9. Give the limitations of VBT?
10. Define enthalpy of neutralization and also give an example.

Answer the following extensive questions. 8X2=16

Q . 3 a) What is lattice energy? How does Born-Haber cycle help to calculate the lattice
energy of NaCl. 4
b) what is ionization energy. Give different factors affecting on ionization energy. 4

Q.4. a) Define enthalpy. Prove qp = ΔH 4

b) Define electron affinity. Give its trends in periodic table. 4

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