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Final Reflection

I definitely saw some improvement in my writing over the course of this summer semester. Each
assignment helped my writing in a different way. The small writing assignments helped me reflect on my
own work as well as my peers. I learned how to give out helpful feedback and how to take constructive
criticism. Writing is never perfect and it was helpful to see how I would change someone's work and how
others would change my work. The instructions assignment helped to reinforce that not everyone will
know what you are writing about because some people are novices. It was a good reminder to always
keep in mind your audience. If your audience includes novices, then you should keep the language
simple and explain more complicated ideas. If your audience is more advanced, then you should be using
language that caters to a more educated audience. The white paper assignment was similar to papers I
have written in the past, so there wasn’t too much to gain, but it was still great practice. Being able to
read the research, discuss it in a paper, and expand upon it is a very important skill. The workplace
correspondence assignment was the assignment I had the most difficulty with. I am not used to writing
in an informal manner, so it was hard to deviate from a formal way of writing. After making the edits for
my final portfolio, I gained more knowledge about how to write in an informal way, but I think I still need
to practice.

My goal for this semester was to grow as a writer by thinking critically and expanding my
knowledge of how to present information. I don’t think I am done achieving these goals to their full
potential, but I do think that I am on the right track. I have grown as a writer, with each assignment
teaching me different writing techniques. I think I have also expanded my knowledge a lot on how to
present information. We learned design elements and how there are good and bad design elements. We
also learned how to identify the audience we are writing for and make sure we use the correct language
and formality for that audience. In the first week, I think we learned a lot of building blocks for writing,
and then the assignments helped us to put those building blocks to use.

The assignment I am most proud of is the white paper assignment. I got the highest grade on
this assignment and I liked the information I presented and the design elements I implemented. Weather
has always been interesting to me, so researching and writing about it was enjoyable. I like how I broke
up the paper and the sections that I came up with. Usually, I have a hard time writing, but as soon as I
had the outline figured out, the writing was pretty easy. I think that the paper had the perfect amount of
color, from the pictures to the headings. I also think that the headings are the perfect size to bring the
reader in and keep them engaged. If I could add an assignment to this course, I would add a website
assignment other than the portfolio. Building a website is a very creative process and it would be cool to
build one around a made-up business. If I could edit any assignment in this course it would be the
workplace correspondence assignment. I wouldn’t want to change anything about the actual
assignment, but I would have liked to have a lecture about how to write in an informal manner.

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