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• 250 g. Fruttamix yarn in colour no. 41
• knitting needles no. 4
• 1 brooch
• tapestry needle

SIZE: 40 (42-44)

Elastic rib (beg.)
K1/p1 rib stitch
Knitted stitch

10 x 10 cm. worked with knitting needles no. 4 in knit st. = 22 sts. and 31 rows.

Back: cast on 88 (94-107) sts. and, for the borders, work 4 rows in elastic rib and 2 rows in k1/p1 rib st., equal
to1 cm. Cont. in knit st. increasing at ends 1 st. every 6 rows 4 times, 1 st. every 4 rows 3 times. When work
measures a total of 12 (14--16) cm. from border, to shape the raglans decr. at ends, inside 4 sts., 2 sts. every 2
rows 6 (7-8) times, 2 sts. every 4 rows 12 times. When work measures a total of 20 (21-22) cm. from beg. of the
raglans cast off the 30 (32-35) rem. stitches.
Right front: cast on 46 (48-50) sts. and work the border in same way as back. Cont. in knit st. On left of work,
work the incrs. for the side in same way as back. When work measures a total of 12 (14-16) cm. from border, to
shape the raglan cross off on left of work 6 sts., then decr., inside 4 sts., 2 sts. every 4 rows 10 (11-12) times, 2
sts. every 6 rows, twice. At end of raglans cont. over the 23 rem. stitches for the first half of the back collar. When
work measures a total of 42 (46-50) cm. cast off the sts.
Left front: work to match right front.
Right sleeve: cast on 48 (52-56) sts. and work the border in same way as back. Cont. in knit st. increasing at
ends 1 st. every 8 rows 8 times. When work measures a total of 23 (25-27) cm. from border, to shape the raglans
work as follows: on right of work cross off 5 sts., then decr., inside 4 sts., 2 sts. every 6 rows 10 (11-12) times; on
left of work decr., inside 4 sts., 2 sts. every 6 rows 7 times, 2 sts. every 4 rows 5 (6-7) times. When work measures
a total of 20 (21-22) cm. from beg. of the raglans cast off the 15 rem. stitches.
Left sleeve: work to match the right sleeve.


Sew up the shoulder. Join the two parts of the collar: fix the bottom edge of the collar to the back neckline. Sew up
the sides. Sew up and join the sleeves. Use the brooch to close the cardigan.

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