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©2016 Tim Nicholson, All Rights Reserved

January 2016
“We adjourned to the movie room, where soldiers came around
and served drinks while everyone sat in overstuffed chairs …”
― from Norman Schwarzkopf’s bio It Doesn’t Take a Hero

The cover of this January 2000 Scientific American has been altered to present a hypothetical
confrontation between a Homo sapiens and a “gay” Neanderthal (A small percentage of modern man’s
DNA is now believed to be Neanderthal.) What would have happened between the two is anyone’s
guess but it is illustrative of the complex behavior between males that we know exists today and as it has
always existed in the past no matter how distant. The problem is that if homosexuality has no
Darwinian fitness (reproductive ability), as most people might believe, why does it persist in the human
genome. This paper offers some explanations on why it does and tries to break “Darwin’s Paradox.”
The same paradox applies to females as well.

Understanding the forces of evolution that has made us what we are is not just an academic problem that
should reside in institutions of higher learning. It is a topic that deserves to be on the nightly news, in
business and the political power structures that rule various nations, and perhaps within the temples of
various religions no matter where they exist or what dogma or belief systems they adhere to.

The great religions of the world all have literature in copious amounts that deal with all aspects of
human behavior, customs, and rules on how people should treat each other. When these rules are
broken, or if they are unreasonable, conflict often erupts in the minds of the perpetrators and the people
offended, which invariably spreads to others, and the State supported by the doctrine often imposes the
death penalty. The will of God has been interpreted by men for millennia and faith as a state of mind
will always be with us. But science and faith have been at odds in earnest since the geocentric concept
was assaulted by the early astronomers. The bubonic plague, syphilis, and the recent AIDS epidemic
weakened and altered people’s belief in God when they could not rationalize the cruel effects of
something they did not originally understand.

These forces motivated intelligent men to spend more time studying nature and less reading the classics,
theological texts, and going to church or synagogue every day. The doctor of theology that was so
prevalent in early European and American Universities (and elsewhere) is now a very small percentage
of degrees granted. But people who are religious today might benefit and strengthen their institutions by
incorporating scientific fact into their culture and spend less time trying to spin Charles Darwin’s theory
into something that makes no sense. The price of not doing that may be eventual obsolescence.

At the end of this document is an abbreviated version of Plato’s Symposium which is required reading in
many university courses in literature or philosophy. Recent versions have more literal translations of the
Greek but this one by British author Benjamin Jowett flows with more emotion. Seeing a small
paragraph in a book of quotes in a Palo Alto bookstore 23 years ago gave this author an idea about the
emotions of men when they are placed in mortal danger and rely on the others around them for survival.

The Symposium talks about the relationship between love and honor and that when you love someone, to
betray their trust or to place them in a disgraceful position is a dishonor. Honor has always been an
essential and vital ingredient in military organizations. “Duty, Honor, Country” is the motto of the U.S.

Marines and honor is only possible when truth predominates because trust is dependent on truth. But if
honor works well in the military, should it not be promoted in other social organizations as well?

Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is still wide spread in the United States even though the
laws on the books in many states protect most people. Even people who are very sure of themselves
about what desires they have are often afraid to freely talk to others and the ones who are unsure have
the additional problem of making up their minds and often vacillate until finding a stable relationship or
set of relationships. Those who fail often have a real problem on their hands. But the price of this
discrimination has been costly, and perhaps no more so than during World War II.

After Germany was forced into a punishing truce at the end of World War I when a stalemate was the
only way for hostilities to cease, the more numerous “victors” imposed reparations on the Germans in
the hopes of recovering some of what they lost during the war. While the U.S. economy prospered with
economic and social stability until 1929, the German society became fragmented and polarized with
right wing nationalists and communists at each other’s throats. The rise of Adolph Hitler was
spectacular and his economic apparatchiks rebuild their economy and war machine. The Germans were
ecstatic and became easy prey for whatever Hitler told them. He secretly wanted to recover the gold and
other treasure that had been “stolen” by the allies.

Political intellectuals in the west became alarmed with his racist ideology and hatred of the Jews. The
American correspondent Alan Cranston translated Mein Kampf (without permission), and CBS journalist
William Shirer went to Berlin to observe the Führer in action. The Danish journalist Inga Arvad who
was in his box seat during the 1936 Olympics described him as “a very lonely man.” Another source
remarked that the man had no sense of humor and “never heard him laugh once heartily” but “laughter at
the expense of others.” 1 The few women who managed to reach his bedroom described the experience
as pathological, disgusting, and for them utterly ungratifying with no intercourse and two of them were
reportedly driven to suicide. And yet he always had a pretty woman or two at his side during public
appearances but never married Eva Braun until it was too late. Braun disgustedly told an intimate friend
“As far as his manhood is concerned, I get absolutely nothing from him.”

A careful look into his past presents a greater insight into his pathology later in life. As a child he was
an excellent student and a teacher remarked that he was the “star of the school.” At the onset of
adolescence his academic performance deteriorated with the exception of gymnastics. He exhibited the
behavior commonly identified as monorchidic (undescended testicle) possibly inducing an inferiority
complex and producing strange compulsions later in life.

In high school he met August Kubizek (Gustl) who he became infatuated with and wanted to live with,
taking Gustl to Wagner Operas to listen to the soaring music. According to Waite when a pretty girl
came to visit Gustl, Aldoph flew into a tirade which broke their friendship. This author’s mother had the
exact same experience when her older brother, Frank, did the same thing when they went to Oakland to
see her first boyfriend, Donald Toussaint, who graduated from Stanford the same year this author’s
father did, in 1947. Frank showed extreme jealously with his pupils dilated and shaking in rage. It
broke up her relationship with Donald. Men who knew Adolf well said that their children “simply
adored him” and that he was never so completely relaxed and genuinely friendly as when he was in the
company of little children “when a warm human feeling broke through.”

The possibility that Hitler was an ephebophile or other homosexual variant has occurred to this author
even before the first draft of this document and that his hatred for the Jews was really due to their
biblical condemnation of homosexuality. His first public acts were not to imprison Jews, instead he

1 Waite, Robert G.L. Waite, “The Psychopathic God, Adolf Hitler” ©1977
went after homosexuals and other “deviants;” an indication of extreme homophobia (fear of one’s own
attraction to males). The duplicity of his anti-Semitic attitude is exposed by the fact that when his dying
mother (whom he adored) was treated by a Jewish physician, the man forgave her debt when his
treatment failed. He is believed to have had a Jewish grandparent.

The possibility that the Holocaust was really a sex crime of more than biblical proportions cannot be
dismissed out of hand. Theodor Reik noted that “Whoever has had the opportunity to observe persons
analytically for any length of time is bound to receive the distinct impression that the intimate sexual life
[or its absence] definitely marks the individual’s attitude toward society.”

Hitler’s desires to eliminate other races were primarily to gain power and control, and to please his own
race. But the subliminal motive of sex is certainly part of the mix because he only concentrated on the
“Jewish problem.” He said that he did not want concentration camps to become old age pensioner’s
homes, an indication of disregard for the wisdom of grand and great grandparents and that only the
strong should survive. He thought terror was the ultimate political weapon. He must have thought that
his intellect was so perfect that he could make no mistake. Darwin was never that arrogant.

It would be rather ironic (if the above were true) that Great Brittan’s most important weapon against
Hitler, Alan Turing, could have been sent to Berlin to placate and please the capricious dictator as well
as running in the 1936 Olympics. Turing a brilliant English mathematician designed and built the digital
machine that was used to decrypt Axis messages. Turing kept his homosexuality a secret during the
war, but after the war he was entrapped and convicted of gross indecency. He was driven to suicide
when the government forced him to undergo chemical castration. Turing was a musician and a great
athlete running the marathon in 2:47 when the world record at the time was 2:25 but cruelly unable to
pass on his genius to the next generation (a sperm bank might have solved the problem).

The following story about the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq should have been published years ago but for
the fact that making a hero, OJ Simpson, out of what most people believed to be a villain, would have
made its release appear to be the height of political incorrectness. I have great sympathy for all the
victims in this gruesome murder, but at the same time I believe the public needs to fully understand not
just who was guilty but the dynamics of what caused it to happen in the first place.

Powerful men generally have powerful sex drives which is both necessary and desirable for the benefit
of the human species; for what would happen if the opposite were true or even if one’s ability to survive
made no difference in their ability to procreate. Women have a different reproductive strategy, picking
the best male that can protect and provide their offspring. But women will cuckold their mates if they
can find a more desirable male to be the biological father. Unfortunately, in our society a long term
marriage or set of stable relationships is not as common as it was in more primitive cultures. The
children are usually the victims and that problem is too complex for this presentation.

Towards the end of this document it is revealed that Charles Darwin (who had 10 children, 7 of whom
lived into the Twentieth Century) had a romantic relationship with his colleague, Alfred Russell
Wallace, who was responsible for many of the observations that led to their mutual discovery of the
generally accepted theory of evolution. Darwin experienced health problems attributed to overwork but
it is also possible that the stress was also attributable to his sexuality and the taboos that British high
society placed upon same sex relationships. A diary of his examined at Yale University in 2006 for
authenticity finally confirmed his true feelings. Darwin died at Down House on 19 April 1882. His last
words were to his family, telling Emma "I am not the least afraid of death – Remember what a good
wife you have been to me – Tell all my children to remember how good they have been to me", then
while she rested, he repeatedly told Henrietta and Francis "It's almost worthwhile to be sick to be nursed
by you".
Matt Wuerker - Los Angeles Times – July 31, 2015

This is also a commentary on the 1991 Persian Gulf War and when I first concocted it. It presents a
lethal confrontation between Fred Friendly (CBS News), Norman Schwarzkopf, and OJ Simpson when
they go off to battle the mighty UCLA Bruins in a mythical version of their 1967 National
Championship game that I witnessed as a freshman on the USC Cross Country Team. The title “Saving
OJ Simpson” is a deliberate play on the movie “Saving Private Ryan” that came out a few years later.
In this sense OJ Simpson is a metaphor for the ideal athletic male which I liken to the Biblical King
David. The reader can use his own imagination in this comparison. The U.S. Declaration of
Independence says: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of Happiness.” But biology is at odds with this because people are different from each other
in so many ways. However, those in a position of authority can govern in a manner so they don’t use
that power to take unfair advantage of those around them. They should “resign” if they become
ineffective or cannot do that; which good MBA programs and other consul must teach. Maybe Hitler
hated the Jews because they hated people like him and he thought they were hypocrites.

Throughout human history, has genocide been a rare aberration, or has it been
common enough to rank as a human hallmark along with art and language? Is its
frequency now increasing, because modern weapons permit push-button genocide
and thereby reduce our instinctive inhibitions about killing fellow humans?
-- from The Third Chimpanzee, by Jared Diamond (1992),
Professor of physiology, UCLA School of Medicine

To subdue the enemy’s army without fighting is the acme of skill.

-- from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War

Saving OJ Simpson
An Allegory on the 1991 Gulf War

Tim Nicholson
Revised 2016

The following allegory raises issues surrounding the morality of

Modern warfare and the manner in which it is waged and also how warfare
and hunting have shaped the sexuality and hence the genetic makeup of mankind.
The people mentioned in this story are real, but their personalities and
behavior have been deliberately changed to add humor to the story.

Foreword and Explanation of the Story

Author as a freshman on the USC Track Team

April 1968

The story in the fable below was partly inspired by a very famous football game witnessed by the author as a
freshman at USC on the cross-country team (in the fall of 1967) and the track team with OJ Simpson in 1968.
The author trained with the freshman track team and OJ Simpson but was unable to compete in any races. It was
also inspired by a seminar produced by Fred W. Friendly (“Under Orders, Under Fire” ©1989) who was the
maternal grandfather of the author’s sons. One thing should be clear; there was no animosity towards anyone;
only to exploit Norman Schwarzkopf’s involvement in the Vietnam War and to introduce humor into a very
important topic. The full article on this game may be found on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under “1967
USC vs. UCLA football game”.

1967 USC vs. UCLA football game

The 1967 USC vs. UCLA football game was an American College Football game played in the 1967 College
Football Season on November 18, 1967. The University of California at Los Angeles, 7-0-1 and ranked Number
1, with senior quarterback Gary Beban as a Heisman Trophy candidate, played the University of Southern
California, 8-1 and ranked Number 4, with junior running back OJ Simpson as a Heisman candidate. This game
is widely regarded as the signature game in the UCLA-USC rivalry as well as one of the 20th century Games of
the Century.

1965-66. See also: 1965 college football season.

In 1965, USC (led by Heisman Trophy winner Mike Garrett) met UCLA (led by All-Conference sophomore QB
Gary Beban), with a berth in the Rose Bowl Game on the line. The scoring opened with All-American
Tailback Mel Farr running 49 yards for a Bruin touchdown. The extra point was blocked, despite dominating in
the statistics, USC led only 16-6 with less than 4 minutes left in the game. UCLA linebacker Dallas Grider hit
USC quarterback Troy Winslow and caused a fumble. UCLA scored on a Beban touchdown pass to Dick
Witcher and successfully converted a two-point conversion to make the score 15-14 (A tie would have sent USC
to the Rose Bowl, hence the reason UCLA went for two). Then Grider then recovered an on-side kick and two
plays later, Beban hit Kurt Altenberg on a 49-yard touchdown bomb to win the game, 20-16. In the final Poll,
UCLA was ranked 4th in the AP and 5th in the UPI. UCLA went on to upset #1 ranked Michigan State in
the 1966 Rose Bowl, 14-12. USC finished ranked #9 in the AP poll. See also: 1966 college football season.

In 1966, due to uneven scheduling that left out new AAWU members Oregon and Oregon State, UCLA was 3-1
in conference games. The Bruins lost only one game, at Washington 16-3. USC was 5-0, but lost out of
conference to Miami (Florida). It was widely assumed that the winner of the 1966 UCLA-USC game would go
to the 1967 Rose Bowl. UCLA star QB Gary Beban was out with a broken ankle, but backup Norman Dow,
making his first and only start at QB, led UCLA to a 14-7 win. A vote the next Monday among the AAWU
conference athletic directors put USC in the Rose Bowl.

It was speculated that this was to make up for 1964 when Oregon State was controversially voted in ahead of
USC, and also because the directors believed Beban could not play for UCLA in the Rose Bowl due to the
broken ankle, thereby giving the Big 10 representative (Purdue) a better chance to win. UCLA students
protested by blocking the Northbound lanes of Interstate 405 at Wilshire Boulevard. A week after the vote, USC
made the voters look really bad as they lost to Notre Dame 51-0. This still stands as the worst defeat in USC
Trojan football history. USC entered the Rose Bowl unranked and lost to Purdue, 14-13. Ironically, Beban's
ankle had healed and he could have played. UCLA finished fifth in both polls. In matches with the Rose Bowl
on the line for both teams, UCLA was 6-1-1.

1967 season
See also: 1967 college football season.
USC and UCLA began the season ranked seventh and eighth respectively. USC had been ranked #1 for six
weeks since beating #5 Texas and later Michigan State. USC notched a 24-7 victory over #5 Notre Dame
on October 14, 1967. UCLA also had been ranked in the top ten, reaching #2 before tying Oregon State 16-16
on November 4th. A week later in a downpour in Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State would beat top-ranked USC
3-0, as OJ Simpson could not get going on the muddy field. USC dropped to #2 in the UPI and #4 in the AP,
while UCLA ascended to the top ranking after their 48-0 win over Washington. It was the first time since the
1955 season that UCLA was ranked #1, and only the fourth AP weekly poll in the history of the school. UCLA's
tie and USC's loss were both inflicted by the Oregon State Beavers and their famed Giant Killers team. This
same Oregon State team had defeated #2 ranked Purdue. But a 13-6 loss to Washington earlier in the season
combined with the UCLA tie relegated the Beavers to second place.

What was at stake

This game was for the Championship of the AAWU Conference (now the Pacific Ten), a berth in the Rose Bowl
game, and for the likelihood that the winner of the game would be the AP Poll National Champion, as the final
poll was published at the end of the regular season. The next year, the final poll would be published after the
bowl games.

Aside from conference standings, the top Heisman vote getter from the previous season, Beban, would meet
Simpson, one of the most explosive running backs of that season. And as with all USC-UCLA games, the

"championship" of Los Angeles and bragging rights within the city were also at stake. USC was the established
football power with seven National championships, the most recent in 1962. UCLA was regarded as an upstart,
but had one National Championship in 1954.

"Home" game
Both teams played their home games at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum until 1982, when UCLA first went
outside the city of Los Angeles to play at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. The 1967 game would be a USC "home"
game, which meant that USC fans sat on the North side of the Coliseum, while the UCLA fans sat on the South
(press box) side of the Coliseum. Both teams also wore their home uniforms when meeting at the Coliseum,
UCLA in Powder keg blue and USC in Cardinal.

National Television coverage.

The American Broadcasting Company began showing College football on television in color the previous
season. By the NCAA rules, only 8 national and 5 regional telecasts were allowed during the season. This game
would be the ABC-TV game of the week and would be presented live in color and feature the ABC sports "Slo
Mo replay". ABC's number one broadcast team of Chris Schenkel and Bud Wilkinson called the action.


Gary Beban led the first scoring drive for UCLA. Greg Jones scored first for UCLA with a 12 yard run. Zenon
Andrusyshyn kicked the extra point. Pat Cashman would take an interception return 55 yards for USC to tie the
score. Rikki Aldridge kicked the extra point to tie the game.

In the second quarter, Earl McCullouch would run 52 yards and catch another 13-yard pass. This set up O. J.
Simpson for a 13 yard touchdown run through the entire UCLA defensive unit. He dragged two tacklers to the
end zone.

Simpson was wearing a special foam sponge encased shoe on his right foot due to an injury.
In the third quarter Gary Beban hit George Farmer for a touchdown pass for 53 yards to tie the score. UCLA
continued to dominate in the second half, despite the fact Beban had to be helped off the field numerous times
after getting hit on his badly bruised ribs. However, USC head coach John McKay had noticed that Andrusyshyn
kicked with a low trajectory, so he put 6'8" Bill Hayhoe in the middle of the line on the Trojans field goal
defense unit; Hayhoe blocked two field goals to keep USC in the game.
With the game tied 14-14 early in the fourth quarter, an injured Beban gamely threw a touchdown pass to Dave
Nuttall. The extra point attempt by Andrusyshyn was blocked by Hayhoe, resulting in a 20-14 UCLA lead.

The big play

With 10:38 left in the game, USC faced a 3rd and 7 from its own 36 yard line. Trojan quarterback Toby Page,
who had replaced Steve Sogge, called a pass play, then saw the Bruin linebackers drop back into pass coverage.
He changed the signals before the snap, calling an audible ("23 blast"), and handed off to Simpson. Simpson
veered to the left sideline, got a key block from fullback Dan Scott, and then cut back to the middle to run 64
yards for a touchdown. Rikki Aldridge kicked the extra point, and the Trojans led, 21-20. John McKay stated, "I
believe it was the most exciting college run I've ever seen." By now Beban could barely move or breathe, and
UCLA never crossed midfield as USC won. Jim Gunn came off the Trojan bench with a torn ligament and kept
up the pressure on Beban. Other key players were Ron Yary, Tim Rossovich, and Adrian Young for the Trojans.

Playing with badly bruised ribs, Beban passed for 301 yards. Simpson had a phenomenal run and finished with
two touchdowns, 177 yards and 30 carries. Commenting on Beban's heroic effort playing through injury, Famed

L.A. Times columnist Jim Murray wrote that if "Gary Beban wins the Heisman Trophy, they ought to fill it with

Keith Jackson, who was in his first year in ABC football broadcasting narrating the taped highlights of the game,
declared it many years later to be the greatest game he has ever seen. So did Giles Pellerin, a USC graduate who
attended every game USC played from 1926 until his death at the 1998 USC-UCLA game at the Rose Bowl, 797
straight games over 72 years, almost certainly a record for any college football fan.

Both Beban and Simpson were featured on the cover of the November 20 issue of Sports Illustrated magazine.
UCLA had still beat the point spread; they were a three-point underdog despite being ranked number 1.

Heisman trophy

Despite the losses, Gary Beban would win the Heisman Trophy. O. J. Simpson would win the Heisman trophy
the next season. The most common reason given is that Simpson was a junior, and would have a chance the next
year. At the time, the Heisman trophy was rarely given to an underclassman.
UCLA became the first school to have a top winner in both basketball and football in the same year with Gary
Beban winning the Heisman Trophy and Lew Alcindor (now Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) winning the U.S. Basketball
Writers Association player of the year award in 1968.

Rose Bowl

USC would go on to the 1968 Rose Bowl ranked #1 and defeat the #4 ranked Big Ten champion Indiana
Hoosiers 14-3. #3 Oklahoma would defeat #2 Tennessee in the 1968 Orange Bowl.
National Championship. USC would finish ranked #1 and win the National Championship for 1967.

Simpson and Beban in the NFL.

Simpson would go on to have one of the greatest professional careers any running back has ever had, rushing for
over 11,000 yards, mostly for the Buffalo Bills, at a time when an NFL season was still 14 games. But Beban
was a bust as a pro; he was drafted by the Washington Redskins, who already had a future Hall of
Fame quarterback in Sonny Jurgensen. The Redskins moved Beban to wide receiver, and he lasted only two

The 1967 USC Trojan football team has been named one of the best teams of the Twentieth century by the
Sporting News and college football historian Richard Whittingham.

Number 1 ranked USC would defeat a rebuilding 3-6 UCLA team again in 1968 behind Simpson, who would
win the Heisman Trophy. One week later USC would drop to #2 in the polls after being tied by Notre Dame, 21-
21. The Trojans then lost to Ohio State 27-16 in a 1 vs. 2 matchup in the Rose Bowl. In 1969 both teams would
be undefeated with the Rose Bowl on the line again. USC would prevail 14-12. The loss in 1969 reportedly
affected UCLA coach Tommy Prothro more than the 1967 loss. USC would get a 10-2-1 record against UCLA
through the 1970s, and would win all six matchups in that period where the Rose Bowl was on the line for both
teams. The Trojans would win three more National championships in 1972, 1974, and 1978. The 1972 Trojan
team also was named one of the best teams of the Twentieth century. The Trojans would regain the top position
again in college football in the Twenty-first century.

Since that meeting UCLA would come close to a national championship in 1976, 1980, 1988 with a two week #1
ranking, and 1998, with a season-ending loss in Miami keeping them out of the first BCS championship. They
did beat top ranked Ohio State in the 1976 Rose Bowl, and later won 3 Rose Bowls in 4 years in the early 1980s.

In a 1995 vote of the greatest moments in Los Angeles sports history, OJ Simpson's touchdown run ranked #5.
The 1965 UCLA defeat of USC in the UCLA-USC rivalry game to get to the Rose Bowl ranked #35. Bob Stiles
stop of Bob Apisa on the goal line to defeat Michigan State in the 1966 Rose Bowl ranked #26.

Peters, Nick. (1988) College Football's Twenty-Five Greatest Teams: The Sporting News. Number 9 Southern
California Trojans 1967 ISBN 0-89204-281-8

White, Lonnie. (August 2004). UCLA vs. USC: 75 Years of the Greatest Rivalry in Sports: Los Angeles Times
Books. ISBN 1-883792-27-4.

Whittingham, Richard. (December 1985). Saturday Afternoon: College Football and the Men Who Made the
Day: Workman Pub Co. ISBN 0894809334(Whittingham names the 1967 USC Trojans football team as the team
of the decade for the 1960s)

The Great One Confronts OJ Sports Illustrated, November 20, 1967, Volume 27, Issue 21
Florence, Mal - The Great Rivalries USC vs. UCLA. Athlon College Football Preview, Autumn 1990

Pac-12 Track & Field Championships – Eugene, Oregon – May 2017
400 Meters – Michael Norman, USC – 1st Place – 45.15*

*Permission to distribute this image must be approved by USC & UC Berkeley

Thou shalt not desire thy neighbor’s wife, neither shalt thou covet thy
neighbor’s house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant,
his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbor’s. 2
Deuteronomy 5:21

If a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved, and both
the loved and unloved have borne him sons, but the first-born is
the son of the unloved one, when he wills his property to his sons,
he may not treat as first-born the son of the loved one in disregard
of the son of the unloved one that is older.
Deuteronomy 21:15-16

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Romans 13:9

"There is no force so powerful as an idea whose time has come." 3

Everett Dirksen, 1964

Saving OJ Simpson
An Allegory on the 1991 Gulf War

Four thousand years ago there existed a small but powerful empire in the "Valley of the Smokes," now a large
metropolis in California. 4 This empire was governed by the wise ruler Jonathan McKay. The warriors in this
empire were called the Trojans who were very handsome, well trained, swift, and fearless in battle. Off the
battlefield they were kind and gentle both with their buddies and their buddies’ women. Some of these warriors
were so kind and handsome that they had more than one woman. But none of them had an excessive number of
women principally because they felt it was necessary to attend to the needs of their wives and children. One
thing they never did was to mess around with their buddies’ wives because that would sow distrust amongst each
other which could prove to be fatal in battle, thus becoming victims of “friendly fire.” The citizens had wisely
decided to allow polygamy so that their warriors would be happy and never be in want of "female

The empire became so prosperous and peaceful because of their past deeds of glory that these warriors were able
to spend more time with their wives and children and less time on military maneuvers. Still they remained in
fighting condition by participating in such sports as wrestling, running, and stone throwing. After hard sport
they would go out to a quiet spot, get drunk, and have a "really good time". Some would say that they had too
good a time, but others would argue that by spending some "quality" time together they would develop the love
and trust that would be absolutely crucial for their survival in war. 5

Now Emperor McKay was persuaded by his advisors to develop a military organization in the event that the
empire might be invaded, even though he had been warned by a retired general who was well loved to avoid a
"military industrial complex". Such a concept was unknown at the time so Emperor McKay built a magnificent
marble structure in the shape of a pentagon instead. No one remembers where he got the idea to create a
building in such a shape but when it was finished it looked very impressive, and very ready for war 6. It was

2 Moses is silent on coveting one’s own servants.

3 Dirkson was referring to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, but in this satire the issue is a theory on human sexuality. The quote was originally
attributed to Victor Hugo.
4 The Trojan War is believed by some to have taken place around 1190 BC, but is probably a myth that incorporates many conflicts that

involved the ancient Greeks.

5 The author’s theory on how both warfare and hunting affected the evolution of man's sexuality based upon current anthropological data.

See: Robin Baker's writings in Sperm Wars cited below.

6 Construction for the Pentagon started on September 11, 1941.

furnished with large offices and very comfortable sofas and the men who occupied these offices were also very
large and comfortable, so much so that they came to be known as "Push-Button Generals".

Two of these generals achieved prominence and position during this peacetime. First there was Four-Push-
Button General "Storming Norman" Schwarzkopf, a very brilliant and decisive man. Schwarzkopf had achieved
his title in battle and so he was highly respected and therefore highly decorated. During a prior war, he
positioned himself in the battlefield close enough so that he experienced heavy enemy fire in order that he could
be cited for bravery but not so close that he was very likely to lose his life 7. His commander, who had achieved
his rank during peacetime, was even larger and more comfortable; Five-Push-Button General Rushmore
Limbaugh. Both men were very gracious during peace and very certain of themselves during war. They loved
being in charge and let everyone know it.

Norman Schwarzkopf aids a wounded warrior

in Vietnam. AP Photo Peter Arnett, 1965

The Emperor decided he needed an additional general whose principal duty would be head of public relations
and publicity for the military. McKay searched far and wide, even outside the empire until he found the perfect
person for the job; a tall and handsome Jew who went by the nick name of Fred. McKay never admitted, even to
himself, that one of the primary reasons he selected Fred was because he found Fred attractive (the emperor had
rejected another equally qualified candidate that had a "Five O'clock Shadow"). As a result, they never became
very close. Instead, McKay allocated a large sum of money for this office and so the military now had Jewish
General Ferdinand Wachenheimer 8 as head of public relations.

7 Actually Schwarzkopf was almost cut in half by machine gun fire that raked his troop carrier during the Vietnam War. As a commander

he typically would dress in regular army fatigues as a way of identifying with the combat troops. American officers were sometimes killed
by their own troops using fragmentation bombs because of the officer's reckless and arrogant attitude.
8 The story goes that when Ferdinand Wachenheimer first turned up for work at radio station WEAN in Providence, RI the station manager

took in his name and then said: “From here on in you’re Fred Friendly.” Friendly's maternal grandfather, S.H. Friendly was the mayor of
Eugene, Oregon. (1893-1895). The original version had “Push Button General Wachenheimer, but was removed when the author found
out that Friendly supervised a documentary in 1966 on homosexuality.
General Limbaugh knew that his friends would be offended by this appointment, because they were suspicious of
Jews. So one day when General Wachenheimer was comfortably occupying his office, Limbaugh walked in and
said, "You know Fred, there are many citizens in this empire that are suspicious of Jews, and so I think it might
be a good idea for you to change your name." General Wachenheimer looked back at Limbaugh and said,
"Rush, I like my name the way it is and I hope you get used to it." Fred would later come to regret rebuffing
General Limbaugh in this manner.

Now in order to remain strong in the face of attack, Emperor McKay also constructed "athletic facilities" where
the warriors could train. The Trojan warriors would train hard three days a week to remain relatively fit, but not
so wasted from their training that they were useless for other responsibilities. Of all these warriors, the one with
the greatest combination of speed and strength was Lieutenant OJ Simpson. Besides Lieutenant Simpson, there
were other warriors whose deeds of glory had survived the test of time. There was the tall and powerful
Lieutenant Tim Rossovich, and equally powerful Lieutenant Ron Yary, and the swift Earl “The Pearl”
McCullouch who could leap over other warriors without loosing a stride. Lastly there was the shorter but
perfectly proportioned Lieutenant Mike Battle whose hair was long and chestnut brown.

From page 175 of 1968 USC Yearbook, El Rodeo 9

In addition to the warriors and generals, there were various other assistants worthy of note. In particular, General
Wachenheimer had an aide by the name of Cato 10 who was a slender youth with long blond hair. Cato also
wanted to be a warrior just like OJ but he was not endowed with enough “fast twitch muscles” to be of much use
on the battlefield, so Wachenheimer had reluctantly agreed to employ him.

9 Author’s note: Ironically, the quote by Everett Dirksen was in the first version of this story before I learned that he had been the Grand

Marshall at the 1968 Rose Parade in Pasadena, Ca. Dirksen was a guest on the first episode of “See It Now” on Nov 18, 1951.
10 Cato, Marcus Porcius (95-46 BC) Roman philosopher and confidante of Cicero, who engendered the resentment of Julius Caesar and

later committed suicide after his contingent of soldiers was defeated at Thapsus (in Libya). See his biography "Cato the Younger" in
Plutarch’s Lives. (Also: Kato Kaelin – OJ Simpson’s famous house guest)
When he was training, Simpson was confident and self-assured, and when he was not training, he was really a
"sweet guy". Many of the most beautiful women in the empire were always hanging around him trying to lure
him into an "affair". Their efforts were wasted however, because Lieutenant Simpson would have none of that
because he was already "married". In fact he had four beautiful wives.

His first wife, Marguerite, whom he met when he was a youth, was black like him and when they were first
married spent lots of time together. After their first child, she was so preoccupied with the baby that she was
often too exhausted or disinterested to "baby" OJ. As a result, OJ spent more time at the "athletic facilities" with
his fellow warriors and more nights out drinking with them and having a "really good time". It was during this
time that he met his second wife, Nicole, who was so beautiful that he "fell" for her instantly and so he took her
as his second wife.

At first, Marguerite was jealous, but then she realized that OJ was spending more time at home with her child.
The other mitigating factor was that she was now pregnant with her second child and so it was handy to have
Nicole around the house to help with the heavy domestic chores when OJ was out on military maneuvers or
drinking with his buddies. When Nicole bore him another child, she also became less available to OJ and so the
above process repeated itself, and soon OJ had himself another wife by the name of Madonna and later a fourth
wife, Hillary. It is useful to note that while his wives would often quarrel with each other for OJ's attention, he
never laid a violent hand on any of them because he never had to, and so you might say there was no "domestic
violence" in OJ's household.

Unfortunately, General Schwarzkopf had only one wife, and furthermore she was no longer very "sexually
aroused" by Norman's body; so instead of trying to make him feel better she spent her evenings dreaming about
the troops under his command, while Norman 11 was comfortably planning the next campaign at home. General
Limbaugh was already so comfortable that he did not have any wives that we know of. One day when
Schwarzkopf was having lunch with his commander he admitted after having two martinis that he was
exceptionally attracted to OJ's second wife, Nicole, and in fact described her as a "perfect Nordic beauty”. 12
General Limbaugh, realizing how important it was to maintain "troop moral,” warned him sternly to keep his
feelings about this matter to himself and find other avenues for his frustrations.

In OJ’s house, there were two large bedrooms, one for himself and one for his wives and children. OJ was not
into “group sex” like warriors in later empires; however he would occasionally have some wild parties and invite
the generals, their wives, and aides along to participate. General Wachenheimer was not much of a “party
animal” because he was sensitive to alcohol, so his two wives would take him home early before things got out
of hand. General Limbaugh would always be the last one to leave because he was exceptionally curious about
the “sleeping arrangements” especially when Cato was too intoxicated to ride home on his horse.

During the winter, the women and children would snuggle very close to one another because there was no
“forced air heating.” As a result of this snuggling, some of the women developed an excessive degree of
affection for one another, because OJ was not always around to comfort them, so therefore they had to comfort
each other.

Emperor McKay made sure that there were large stocks of grain and oil, in case flood or fire destroyed the crops.
The oil was stored in large vats on hills well above the flood plain. This was a wise policy because fierce "Santa
Ana" winds would blow through the valley every year and wild fire would occasionally destroy the wheat fields
or scorch the trees from which the oil was obtained. Flash floods would sometimes follow these winds. This oil
was neither overly “refined” nor was it exceptionally “crude”. It was however virgin and therefore highly

Now there was another empire in a wooded area to the west that also had brave warriors commanded by the
powerful General Gary Beban. General Beban did not have a large office like General Schwarzkopf, but he did
have a wood and grass hut overlooking the ocean. Although General Beban was not particularly fleet footed, he
could throw grapefruit sized stones 70 paces through the air with deadly accuracy. He also trained his
11 Norman Schwartzkopt received his master’s degree from U.S.C. in 1964.
12 This was Aldoph Hitler’s description of JFK’s wartime mistress, Inga Arvad, who had been a journalist in Europe.
lieutenants to throw smaller stones with such speed that they could knock the swords out of the enemy's hands
and break the bones in their hands at the same time. General Beban's forces were thus optimized to travel light
when making an attack so they could "obtain" food from neighboring empires if need be and return quickly to
feed their families.

Since this empire was closer to the ocean, the citizens there were more relaxed, and so was their charismatic
emperor. In fact he was a “playboy” and surrounded himself with as many beautiful women as he could lay his
hands on. While lying on the beach, he and his women would admire the efforts of General Beban and his troops
as they tried in vain to throw stones towards a large island "approximately" 30 miles off the coast. The natives
of this island brewed the finest "distilled spirits" in the world and the emperor's father used to "import" these
spirits for great profit. It was his father's wealth that allowed the emperor to ascend to the throne.

Because there was plenty of easily obtained foodstuffs, the emperor never held in reserve supplies in case of
natural disaster. One year, though, no rain fell and so the olive trees were not as productive as in prior years.
The same weather pattern repeated itself for two more years, and then real disaster struck and a wild fire raced
through the emperor's olive orchards and destroyed all of the trees. The emperor was extremely upset because
there was no more virgin oil to rub on the bodies of his women nor to pour on his "Caesar" salad. So the
emperor summoned General Beban to his palace and asked him to plan a secret expedition to "obtain" some oil
from the Trojan storehouses.

After General Beban had the plan presented to him, he reminded the emperor about the failed attempt six years
before to seize control of the island off the coast. The emperor admitted that fiasco and said that this plan would
be more decisive and furthermore he was not planning to conquer any territory but only obtain badly needed oil.
The emperor convinced Beban that he could pull off the mission undetected and return with oil and suffer few if
any casualties. And so General Beban and his warriors headed southeast towards the hill 13 where they knew oil
was stored.

They traveled by night so as not to be seen by any scouts and arrived at the base of the hill well before dawn and
determined that the storehouse was lightly guarded. The reason it was lightly guarded was because Emperor
McKay had several storehouses spread throughout his empire and so he did not have all his "oil in one vat" so to
speak. General Beban and his lieutenants easily occupied the hill and immobilized the guards. Beban knew that
if Trojan guards were killed in the raid Emperor McKay would become enraged and launch a war that could be
devastating for both sides. Unfortunately, one of the Trojan guards had a "sophisticated" signaling device and so
General Limbaugh quickly found out about the incursion.

Limbaugh wasted no time and contacted General Schwarzkopf and told him to assemble his warriors and
confront the invaders. Limbaugh also ordered him to capture their leader and bring him back alive and to use
whatever means were necessary to accomplish the mission. Limbaugh wanted to humiliate the invader in front
of the citizens and curry favor with Emperor McKay. He also realized that in order to enhance the humiliation of
the enemy that he would need "excellent coverage" of the battle if one took place, so he reluctantly turned to the
man he distrusted the most, General Wachenheimer.

He knew that this was the politically wise thing to do since Emperor McKay would be pleased to see that
General Wachenheimer's talents were being utilized to the greatest possible degree. So he just as quickly
summoned him into his office and said:

"Fred, it seems we have been invaded by a small band of warriors from the west and they are trying to steal some
of our finest virgin oil. I want you to accompany General Schwarzkopf and get the best ‘story’. I will also join
you as soon as possible to help with the decision making, but he is in charge and you may only assume command
if he becomes ‘incapacitated’. Is that perfectly clear?"

13 The hill in this story is Signal Hill in Long Beach.

Fred replied: "Absolutely, Rush. How many cameramen do you think I should bring on this assignment, five or
six?" 14

"I don't know what you mean by cameramen, but I think you should bring your aide, Cato." Rush replied.

"He's a flake, and is always losing my equipment." Wachenheimer replied.

"Well than bring someone else, but let’s get moving before you lose your story." said Rush.

So Wachenheimer and Schwarzkopf along with the rest of the Trojan Band headed off on their horses towards
the storehouse. General Limbaugh decided to take a more comfortable conveyance that would delay his arrival,
and brought Cato along for assistance. When the Trojans arrived at the base of the hill they could see General
Beban and his band loading up skins with the precious oil. General Schwarzkopf ordered the men to cluster next
to some bushes until he could assess the situation and plan the attack. Since Schwarzkopf wanted to be close to
the action his tactics were influenced by that desire.

He knew that the Trojans could easily capture General Beban with a frontal assault and that Beban's stone
throwing Lieutenants would either have to flee or be slain by the swords of the powerful Trojan warriors.
Schwarzkopf knew that the Trojan shields could deflect the stones of Beban's Lieutenants but he also realized
that General Beban might shatter the skulls of one or more of his men before the Trojans were able to
"neutralize" Beban's lieutenants.

Schwarzkopf then suggested to General Wachenheimer that he take a position 300 paces to the rear so that he
was far enough away from the battle so that he would not be injured by an errant stone but close enough so that
he could hear and see the Trojans rout the invaders. He also did not want Wachenheimer interfering with his
battle plans. Wachenheimer suspected his motives and decided to put Schwarzkopf on the defensive by saying:

"Norman, I appreciate your concern for my safety, but you haven't told me what your battle plan is. If you tell
me then I will be better able to understand what happens and if necessary, position myself properly for the best

Schwarzkopf curtly said "Fred, we can easily and quickly take on this lightly armed force with a direct assault 15.
I suggest you take up your position quickly before the invaders detect our presence."

Wachenheimer thought to himself for a moment. He looked off in the distance and saw Five Push-Button
General Limbaugh approaching with his (Wachenheimer's) aide Cato. Without wasting a second he walked over
to Lieutenant Simpson with his portable microphone in his right hand and asked:

"Lieutenant Simpson, do you think that you and your warriors can capture General Beban with a frontal assault
as General Schwarzkopf has planned?"

Simpson glanced at Schwarzkopf and then back at Wachenheimer and said "Sir, what's that stick you’re holding
in my face for?"

"Just answer the question!" replied Wachenheimer, raising his voice.

Simpson said, "Sir, I am concerned about my buddies attacking General Beban directly. Maybe Lieutenant
Battle and I can try to capture General Beban by approaching him from the other side of the hill, while the rest of
you draw his men towards you as a diversion."

"Wachenheimer," roared Schwarzkopf, "you’re interfering with the operation of this mission. Take your position

14 The night before the commencement of the air war against Iraq, Fred Friendly went on CBS and NPR and appealed for an extension of

the embargo.
15 The original tactics considered in the Gulf War were a direct assault on the Iraqi positions in Kuwait.

Just then a small stone, thrown by one of Beban's lieutenants, smashed into Wachenheimer's right hand
shattering his fingers and sending the "portable microphone" flying 16. With the hand immobilized at his side
dripping blood, and his judgment clouded by pain, he ignored Schwarzkopf and instinctively approached
Lieutenant Rossovich; Rossovich was a close friend of Simpson and he was as tall as Schwarzkopf, although not
as broad shouldered and massive.

"What about you Rossovich?" boomed Wachenheimer.

Rossovich hesitated, “I’m not sure, but I fear General Beban’s large stones.”

Schwarzkopf became livid, and looking across the field towards General Limbaugh, wondered what he should do
next. He noticed that Wachenheimer had brought only his ceremonial sword by mistake and that he himself had
a broad straight bladed sword. Wachenheimer would be no match for him. The only thing that stopped him
from running his blade into Wachenheimer's gut was the fact that the men under him might revolt and that the
emperor would surely remove all of his push buttons. He saw General Limbaugh bring his fist to his face, so he
did something much more sensible under the circumstances.

When Wachenheimer turned toward him he was met by Schwarzkopf's large brass knuckled fist. The impact
sent him tumbling to the ground unconscious. This was unfortunate because Fred missed a great story. With the
military's publicity director silenced, Schwarzkopf turned his attention to those under him.

Now General Beban's troops had heard all this commotion and were advancing towards the Trojans after leaving
the skins filled with olive oil at the top of the hill. Schwarzkopf agitated by frustration and the fear of being
injured by one of the enemy's stones strode over to Lieutenant Battle and tapped his sword on Battle's back side
and said "Hey, pretty boy, lets get moving before you get injured just standing there."

Lieutenant Battle was both insulted and frightened, but kept his cool long enough to say "I am not moving until
OJ does, or until you lead us up the hill into the face of death!"

Schwarzkopf realizing that he could not intimidate Battle, then faced Lieutenant Yary, and said "You're not a
coward are you, Yary?"

Yary did not have an opportunity to reply because a large stone smashed him in the face killing him instantly.
When Schwarzkopf saw Yary’s body lying on the ground the tension and fear boiled over within him. He pulled
out his “walkie-talkie” and looked up in the sky and started screaming “You sons-of-bitches, we've gotta get this
fucking body out! Why won’t you come down and help us?” 17

Rossovich shot back “What are you screaming at? There is nothing up there.”

Schwarzkopf ignored Rossovich and turned toward Simpson; and when he faced Simpson his emotions rose even
further because there was not only frustration, but also incredible jealousy because he knew that his wife
dreamed about Simpson and not himself. And so he said "What about you?"

Simpson replied coldly "What about you, sir?"

At that point Schwarzkopf lost track of where he was, and for a moment thought that he was sitting comfortably
in an air conditioned command post in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, looking at a video screen as 1,900 American and
allied tanks swept across the Iraqi border towards the hopelessly out-gunned Shiite Moslem troops that Saddam

16 Friendly had his right fingers permanently injured during WWII in India when the jeep, in which he was a passenger, collided with

another allied vehicle.

17 A slightly modified quote from Schwartzkopt’s autobiography when he was in Vietnam trying to evacuate slain Vietnamese soldiers.

Hussein had placed there as cannon fodder 18. And so he screamed at Simpson, "You mother-fucking pussy, if
you don't obey me; I am going to blow your face off with my gun!"

At that point Schwarzkopf could clearly see that his words were taking effect, because there was a long stream of
diarrhea running down Simpson's left leg. Simpson was immobilized by fear. Lieutenant Rossovich responded
to the threat to his friend crying out "OJ, What's a gun?"

"I don't know. Hey Earl, what is a gun?" OJ asked.

“You’ve got me, OJ, maybe Mike knows.” replied Lieutenant McCullouch.

“Mike, we’ve never heard of a gun. Do you know?” His words were addressed to Lieutenant Battle, but there
was no reply. "Mike where are you?"

Schwarzkopf also noticed that Battle was missing and roared "Battle!" He grasped his sword tighter and in a low
voice said to Simpson. "You’ll soon be dead unless you find Lieutenant Battle now!"

At this point Simpson's composure and stance changed completely. The grip on his sword loosened, and he
shifted the weight of his body onto one foot, and rested his left hand on his hip, because now his fear was
replaced by possible salvation. This hope came in his vision of two faces. One was a face filled with the rage
and jealousy of a man who was about to take his life, and the other, the face of the man who was going to save it.
The second face was that of his friend, Lieutenant Battle. And because of this he said coolly with a faint smile:

"I'm not moving until you tell me what a gun is, and if you want to find Battle you'll have to do so yourself."

Schwarzkopf saw how relaxed Simpson had become, and so it was now his turn to experience fear. His fears
were justified. He cried desperately “Lieutenant Battle, where are you?” Schwarzkopf looked left over his
shoulder and as he looked right, his eyes caught the flash of Battle's sword in the sun. The next thing that
Schwarzkopf saw was the horizon and the rest of the scenery spinning wildly around him, and the last thing he
saw was some branches of a large bush 19 where his head had landed.

The small band of warriors cried out in shock as the general’s head came to rest. Before the band could refocus
their attention towards invaders, Rossovich roared, "Bring me the head of the man that threatened the life of my
buddy OJ". The Trojans ignored the threat of the invaders long enough to run to the bushes and get it.

The surviving warriors then took an alternate plan of action. It wasn’t very long before Simpson and Battle had
General Beban 20 tied up and ready for delivery to Emperor McKay. Some of the invaders actually escaped with
a few skins of oil back to their homes. When General Wachenheimer regained consciousness, he saw the lower
part of Schwarzkopf. The portable microphone was lying in the blood that had pooled at the base of the
general’s neck. Fred picked up the microphone and returned home.

18 Most of the casualties on the front line Iraqi troops were inflicted during the air war. The original objective was a 50% reduction in troop

strength before commencement of the ground attack. Leaflets were periodically dropped with a message in Arabic urging Iraqis to walk
away from their equipment.
19 The original version had bush capitalized. In that version Rossovich brings down a large boulder on Schwarzkopf’s head “pushing his

brains out through his eye sockets like cookie dough out of a pastry tube,” reflecting the murder and mutilation of Navy Radioman Petty
Officer Third Class Alan R. Schindler Jr. (1969-1992) in Tokyo Bay in 1992. The author met his mother at the Pentagon in April 1993.
20 Gary Beban won the Heisman Trophy in 1967. After college he joined the Washington Redskins football team. He left professional

football in 1970 to join CB Commercial. He and his wife Kathleen have two sons, Paul and Mark according to the Heisman Trophy web
Coach John McKay after 1967 victory over UCLA

General Beban was paraded in front of the Trojan citizens and then held for ransom until the invaders could pay
tribute. Things did not work out as expected. When the invaders returned home humiliated by their defeat, they
found their emperor inebriated, on his way home from a party. They were so upset by his lack of concern for
their welfare and honor that they stoned him to death. Then they tied his corpse to six black horses and it was
dragged feet first back to the emperor’s palace as thousands of citizens looked on befuddled by the spectacle.
Later that day some of the wealthier ones looted the palace supported by their own private militias.

The emperor’s widow later married an “admiral” 21 in the emperor’s navy. From time to time he would take her
on cruises aboard one of his warships out near the island approximately 30 miles offshore and while she would
gaze wistfully at that paradise, he would get massaged by handsome young slaves.

General Beban was eventually freed and later became a member of the Trojan Senate. After burying General
Schwarzkopf with full military honors, General Limbaugh decided to go on a crash diet and was seen regularly
doing wind sprints with some of the larger Trojan warriors. Three years later he was married. General
Wachenheimer resigned from his post in the military and became a teacher in philosophy at a leading academy.

Sixteen centuries later the Greek philosopher Plato would write in the Symposium:

If there were only some way of contriving that a state or an army should be made
of lovers and their loves, they would be the very best governors of their own city,
abstaining from all dishonor, emulating one another in honor; and when fighting
at each other’s side, although a mere handful, they would overcome the world. 22

21 In reference to Aristotle Onassis who married JFK’s widow and gave her a diamond ring valued at $3M, but who was rumored to have

rarely have had sex with her.

22 Plato (427-347 BC) wrote this around 360 BC. See the notes after this story for the context of this quote.

Anecdotal Photos and Articles

Preparation for D-Day Plus Twenty Years special in 1964. From left to right: Fred Friendly facing General
Eisenhower, Walter Cronkite (CBS News Anchor), and William Paley, Chairman and founder of CBS. (Photo:
Broadcasting magazine) From Empire, William S. Paley and the making of CBS, 1987

Author (left) with WESCON's tour guide at Mao Zedong’s winter retreat, near Canton in 1980 23

23 An earlier edition of this story incorrectly noted the PRC Minister of Electronics as being in the photo, yet he instead met the WESCON

(Western Electronic Convention) entourage in Canton.

Norman Schwarzkopf received a copy of the above story from an influential Republican (Henry Kissinger)
before the publication of this photo. From Life Magazine Collector’s Edition – Great Pictures of the Century,
October 1999. His older sister, Sally, was a high ranking employee of the NSA. 24 The text above was added to
the photo before 9/11/2001.

24. During the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Tom Brokow, NBC anchor for the Games, used the above picture in a story about JFK's

rescue and salvation by the natives in the Pacific Islands.

West Point Graduation Photos of Schwarzkopf (right) and his Father (left)

From Globe magazine, December 15, 1998 issue. (This article was added 3 years after the first draft.)

An official photo of General Norman Schwarzkopf, date unknown. Added in 2009

Kato Kaelin – OJ’s Houseguest

The Cato Institute

When the Constitution Came Alive on TV

By Nat Hentoff
This article appeared on on April 6, 2011.

The most valuable, quintessential American television I have ever seen began in 1983 with the 13-part The
Constitution — That Delicate Balance on PBS. I watched, enthralled during the opener, as a former CIA director,
a prominent civil-liberties attorney, senators, renowned journalists and the head of the FBI engaged in spirited,
often bristling discussions on how this founding document affects each of our lives among present national

The series, “Fred Friendly Seminars,” still continues, not on PBS’ core program schedule, though absorbingly
available, as I’ll show, in other ways. This current PBS mismanagement decision was not caused by Republican
efforts to defund public radio and television. It was one of the customary mistakes by clueless executives in any
field, including at the current White House. It can be rectified.

As Ralph Engelman writes in Friendlyvision (Columbia University Press, 2009), through all these years, the
former U.S. presidents, current and past members of the Supreme Court and so many other who’s who of
American life are “pressed on these programs to think on their feet and explore the contradictions in their

We see some of that on scattershot Sunday TV talk shows and cable TV squabbles during the week, but the
“Fred Friendly Seminars” aim much deeper. For example, the 13-part Constitution series set the standard for the
subsequent seminars as embodied by Friendly’s introduction to that program and many of the others:

“Our job is not to make up anyone’s mind, but to open minds — to make the agony of decision-making so intense, that you can
escape only by thinking.”

How often does that happen to you in any of the media these days?

Friendly used to tell me: “People in this broadcast business forget that public broadcasting began in order to
educate.” As a previous partner of Edward R. Murrow in deeply exploratory TV documentaries on CBS, he had
shown how riveting and educational commercial television could be.

Subsequently, during his two years as head of CBS News, starting in 1964, Fred continued, and started to
expand, the legacy of James Madison, who told us: “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance. And a people
who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

Friendly, who often brandished his principles like weapons, fired himself as president of CBS News when,
despite his objections, upper management canceled the broadcast of a vital Senate hearing on our war in Vietnam
in favor of running a scheduled audience-building rerun of an episode of I Love Lucy. His like has not been
equaled there since.

He went on to become the Edward R. Murrow professor of broadcast journalism at Columbia University — and
then director of the Columbia University Seminars on Media and Society. Friendly had long believed in the
fundamental educational need for the Constitution to be taught and understood. So, with the support of the Ford
Foundation and the Annenberg/CPB Project, the “Fred Friendly Seminars” arrived — like Louis Armstrong
playing “West End Blues” — on PBS with, at first, The Constitution — That Delicate Balance.

Anthony Lewis, long an inspiringly knowledgeable educator on the Constitution at the New York Times, said:
“Television is the most powerful medium for getting people to remember, and Fred has found a way to use it that
nobody else has.” Consider the national educational impact of this first “Fred Friendly Seminar” series, as
Engelman recounted in Friendlyvision (Columbia University Press):

“The series had a significant afterlife as a widely used teaching tool in high schools and colleges. The Annenberg/CPB Project
produced curriculum materials to supplement the videos. Soon after the broadcasts of the series, more than 200 colleges acquired a set
of the videocassettes. In addition, the Annenberg/CPB Project funded a related telecourse. Several years later, Friendly proudly noted
that $800,000 worth of tapes had been sold.”

The very first program showed that the Constitution can pulsatingly come off the pages into the lives of
Americans. Friendly retired in 1993 and died of a stroke in 1998. As I shall report next week, the “Fred Friendly
Seminars” continue under the leadership of his wife, Ruth Friendly, a significant participant in the series from its
beginning, and its president, Richard Kilberg. Also next week, how you can get The Constitution — That
Delicate Balance and many of the other “Fred Friendly Seminars” from the Web.

During many periods of our history, there has been crucial need of truly informed public understanding of the
Constitution’s active involvement in many vital areas of our lives — when not silenced by a president. Never
before, however, during the growing suspensions of parts of the Constitution by George W. Bush and Barack
Obama has this public education been so critical as now.

Yet many of us, let alone members of Congress, are largely ignorant or dismissive of our founding document.
However, since Fred Friendly’s death, Ruth Friendly and Richard Kilberg have demonstrated their commitment
to Fred’s legacy. If PBS were to restore these seminars to its core national programming and more funds became
available, a new series of The Constitution — That Delicate Balance would again provide the dramatic remedial
education of Americans, including our youngest generation, that our national identity is based on the Bill of
Rights, the separation of powers and other rights and liberties in that document that makes our survival as a free
people more than a Fourth of July flag-waving.

During our conversations away from the television studio, Fred Friendly was an uncompromising mentor for me
of who we are as Americans, with the sustenance of our living Constitution.

Nat Hentoff wrote on the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. He was a
member of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and the Cato
Institute, where he was a senior fellow (1925-2017).

After Fred Friendly left CBS in February 1966 he received letters from some of the many people he covered
including President Eisenhower and Richard Nixon who wrote: “You were always unfailingly thoughtful and
considerate and I valued the wise counsel you gave me on several occasions. Whatever your future association
may be I hope we will have the opportunity to work together again.”

Historians are now acknowledging the pivotal role the JFK assassination played in the demise of Nixon.
Friendly told this author in 1981 that he believed that LBJ knew about the assassination in advance; a piece of
intelligence probably gained by Friendly’s association with McGeorge Bundy, LBJ’s national security advisor.
This along with other motives provided the impetus to research for 17 years and finally determine a probable
solution to the assassination – with the lethal shot coming from a Secret Service Agent wielding an AR-15
assault rifle.

OJ Simpson & Bruce Jenner

These photos have been added only to remark on the coincidence of having also trained with Bruce Jenner on the
Stanford Golf Course twice a week before the 1976 Olympics and being the only middle distance athlete (among
several decathletes & Jim Ward 25 – Stanford 440y record holder) there available to push his endurance limits
which allowed him to set the world record. When I was writing this paper about OJ in 1995, I received a call
from a Hollywood friend, Hank Ehrlich, with a story about Bruce that I did not believe at the time; he having
exuded confidence and virility when I was around him. I ran the 400m against Jenner (in 48.8) and also against
Lee Evens (WR 43.86) and the 1500m in 3:48 (mile equivalent is 4:06) after a five-year hiatus from running.
My PR for the 800m was 1:49.6 which is equivalent to a 4:02 mile. At the age of 33 Evans ran the 400m in 46.5
and held the world record for almost 20 years. Robert Kardashian (Kris’s ex-husband) was OJ Simpson’s lawyer
before the tragedy.

25 Jim Ward wrote the biography of Peyton Jordan who was the 1939 USC teammate of Louis Zamperini.
Notes on this Story
In his book, The Third Chimpanzee, Jared Diamond writes: "Interpretation of our past runs the constant risk of
degenerating into mere 'paleopoetry': stories that we spin today, stimulated by a few bits of fossil bone, and
expressing like Rorschach tests our own personal prejudices, but devoid of any claim to validity about the past."

How does one pondering the evolution of sexual orientation go about avoiding this pitfall? A possible answer to
this problem is to support the above story with both this author’s own observations, which are limited in scope,
augmented by a set of related concepts that now receive broad support in the field of evolution and its supporting
disciplines. Using the books cited below, plus Diamond's book, which I first started reading in 1999 as
supporting texts, plus additional references to texts from the antiquities, I will try to construct an argument that
supports a theory on the evolution of human sexual orientation and its implications for the future of our species.

I have chosen the parable form of philosophical writing as the most appropriate way to convey the essential
elements of this theory (those elements being human emotion and hidden agendas) about the nature of human
sexuality. I do this precisely because any serious discussion of sexual behaviour is likely to provoke a strong
reaction by any concerned reader. So a story, even one as obsequious towards OJ Simpson and in some ways
politically incorrect as this one is, is useful in sparking debate and further introspection by my audience. The use
of real people eliminates the need for extensive character development, and also allows for some dark humor for
all except the "victims" in the story.

The Thesis

Briefly stated, the above story attempts to illustrate that same sex relationships had a powerful influence in
shaping human sexuality, appearance, and who survived past ordeals. Thus it is possible to understand why male
and female homosexuality still persists and is ubiquitous and broadly distributed throughout the human
population, and in the genetic code of every individual to a greater or lesser extent. Furthermore because
sexuality and survival are so strongly interlinked, any component of a person's sexuality that is acquired after
birth can be thought of as being similar to one's appetite for certain types of food. The brain becomes
conditioned to a specific set of stimuli and when that is presented the desire to eat the food is manifested. But
the need to eat is instinctive, as is the craving to engage in certain types of sexual behaviour.

This is a crucial distinction because so much of we do and are capable of is learned behaviour. The part of
human sexuality that is genetic and that, which is developmental, can only be estimated (at the present time) by
observation and statistical analysis.

Evolution can be thought of as many simultaneously occurring sequences of events. These sequences can be
observed at the microscopic or macroscopic level, and for the purposes of this argument the above story is at the
macroscopic level and involves warfare.

The significant event in this story is the loss of someone (in this case Schwarzkopf) who might have otherwise
had more children as a result of social interaction as opposed to death by accident or environmental factors. In
this case, the social milieu alters in a small but significant way the population genetics. Determining the
frequency of these types of evolutionary events in relationship to other events that would negate the thesis is an
essential part of an argument in its defense. The story's brevity does not lessen the significance of the event, but
focuses on a scenario that explains the behaviour of those involved.

Cooperative Animal Behaviour

Many anthropologists and human biologists now have a deeper understanding of Charles Darwin’s theory of
evolution and what possibly motivated him to relentlessly pursue it as an explanation for his own sexual
ambiguity. Darwin gathered vast amounts of data from species across the globe and with intense cooperation
with Alfred Russel Wallace published his text in November 1859, as Wallace did also. The theory states that an
organism best suited for the environment it is in will produce more offspring then competing ones that are less
suited as long as there are sufficient resources for it to do so. But there is also cooperative behavior also. In an
article by Robert S. Boyd (San Jose Mercury News, June 9, 1996) on this subject, he states: “Recent studies of
chimpanzees and other higher animals show that unselfish, cooperative behavior goes way back in evolutionary
history," citing a study by Frans De Waal at Emory University.

De Waal, a zoologist and ethnologist specializing in the study of primate behavior at Emory in Atlanta, Ga.,
notes different levels of cooperative behavior. First there is simultaneous cooperation, such as the case where a
flock of birds will circle around a pond of fish and herd them until they can be caught. Second, there is
reciprocal behavior, evidenced by bats that develop a buddy system in the sharing of meals, because they cannot
survive more than two days without finding a host. Third, there are levels of indirect cooperative behavior that
are noticed in higher level mammals and primates. Cooperation in hunting and warfare by primitive man was
essential for success.

The above allegory, “Saving OJ Simpson” (originally titled “The Valley of the Smokes”,) tries to show that
cooperation in warfare (as well as hunting) played a crucial role in determining which males survived in past
conflicts. Rather than taking orders strictly from a dominant male who has no concern for their welfare, men
will fight most fiercely to protect those men/women for whom they have the greatest love or admiration. Since
men and their ancestor species have been hunting and fighting cooperatively for 5,000,000 years or longer to
protect their turf, this method of natural selection was constantly weeding out those who were unfit for this
activity and had a powerful influence in shaping the genetic pool. Thus men who were bisexual would have a
greater chance of survival over purely heterosexual males by virtue of the love they have for each other. Even if
the advantage were very slight, over thousands of generations the genetic traits for bisexuality would
predominate, with the mean value would be near 3 on the Kinsey scale and a small standard deviation around it.

This bisexual behaviour is commonly seen in our closest relatives, Chimpanzees and bonobos (also known as
pigmy chimpanzees) who share about 98% of their DNA with humans. Bonobos exhibit the greatest degree of
bisexual behaviour among both males and females. Exclusive homosexuality is practically non-existent but each
member of the group of bonobos expresses a wide range of sexual behaviour. This seems to indicate that in the
bonobo DNA there is a gene or set of genes that have a great number of alleles (alternate forms) which accounts
for the variation in behaviour. Common Chimpanzees exhibit a smaller amount of bisexuality but engage in
heterosexual mating only when the female is in estrus. (Bageminhl, 1999)

Other cooperative activities besides hunting or warfare could also account for bisexual behaviour. "This
evolutionary perspective on homosexual behaviour posits adaptive value for the behaviour itself in humans.
Kirkpatrick and Muscarella speculate that during the course of human evolution homosexual behaviour may
have reinforced same sex alliances, which contributed directly to survival and indirectly to reproduction.
Kirkpatrick argues that homosexual behaviour comes from individual selection for reciprocal altruism, which
would have contributed to resource exchange and a reduction in inter male aggression. In a similar vein,
Muscarella argues that adolescent and young adult hominids were probably socially marginalized and that the
capacity to engage in homosexual behavior reinforced alliances which contributed directly to survival. Further
the alliances benefited the unique reproductive needs of each sex. Same-sex allies helped males climb the social
hierarchy more effectively, giving access to females and reproductive opportunities. Same-sex allies amongst
females helped them move to the safer and resource rich center of the group, which increased their chances of
raising their offspring successfully." (Muscarella 2001)

During the course of human evolution there were three types of sexual selection operating on the gene pool. The
sexual selection between a male and a female, the most powerful and direct influence on the beauty of the
species. Then there was the sexual selection between two males and between two females. Layered on top of
this were the powerful emotions of love and hate that are in part genetically determined but are also derived from
man's intellect. All of these factors were performing a delicate dance in improving the beauty of the species.
There are incredibly bizarre sexual behaviors in other species that cannot be explained by sexual selection. And
in mankind how does one explain the persistence of trans-sexuality. This is why the biologist Joan Roughgarden
feels that sexual selection alone does not apply for virtually all other species. Sexual selection between members
of the same sex can alter the appearance of the species as evidenced by the fact that female bonobos genitals are
more suited for sex between females than with a male. There is a reason that bisexual and homosexuals are
about twice as common as with females. The relationship between males was much more important for survival
than females. The sexual bond between males is more sharply defined than in females because of this. From the
article: Joan Roughgarden thinks Charles Darwin made a terrible mistake. Not about natural selection ...but about
his other great theory of evolution: sexual selection. According to Roughgarden, sexual selection can’t explain
the homosexuality that’s been documented in over 450 different vertebrate species. This means that same-sex
sexuality—long disparaged as a quirk of human culture—is a normal, and probably necessary, fact of life. By
neglecting all those gay animals, she says, Darwin misunderstood the basic nature of heterosexuality.

Population Biology and Sexual Orientation

In Sperm Wars, the biologist Robin Baker states that in industrialized societies approximately 6% of the male
population is bisexual or exclusively homosexual with the vast majority of the non-heterosexual (about 80%)
being bisexual. Estimates of this percentage are hard to verify since the population being studied is, in many
cases, self-selecting. Those who have concealed their hidden desires stand little to gain and much to lose by
being open about them. Below, I cite some statistics that will shed more light on the situation.

Baker asserts that sexual orientation is genetically predetermined because no trait could persist in a population
for any period of time unless it was based upon inherited characteristics. He compares the inheritance
mechanism to that of sickle cell anemia. If a person inherits a limited amount of the sickle cell trait they are
protected against malaria (i.e. they are heterozygous for the sickle cell trait), but if they inherit too much of the
trait they die of the sickle cell disease and are unlikely to reproduce. People who inherit too much of the
homosexual trait do not have children.

Bisexuals, Baker notes, also have a higher rate of reproduction (i.e. children per year) than do exclusive
heterosexuals so that in the absence of sexually transmitted diseases, their genetic traits will eventually dominate
a population. He states "Anthropologically, in 60 percent of human societies, bisexuality is both common and
socially accepted. Some societies, such as certain small island communities in Melanesia, accept as normal that
all adolescent males will at some point engage in homosexual intercourse. The women also accept that their
long-term partners will from time to time have sex with other men, and they tolerate the homosexual infidelity
more than the heterosexual infidelity."

Baker states various reasons for this higher reproductive rate; first bisexuals tend to be sexualized at an earlier
age by males than heterosexuals and therefore become more experienced at seducing and pleasing women and
conceiving children at an earlier age. Second, they are more likely to have more sexual partners (male and
female) and therefore opportunities for more children over their life span. But other factors may play a role such
as personality traits and appearance. These traits possibly make bisexual males seem less aggressive and/or
appealing to a potential mate. In industrialized societies, a bisexual’s reproductive strategy usually depends upon
secrecy, deception, and self-delusion.

It is asserted by Baker that up until about 30,000 years ago that males in all societies were predominately
bisexual. As populations grew, migrated, and intermingled, sexually transmitted diseases gradually reduced the
percentage of bisexuals to the levels observed today in industrial societies. I believe that this alteration of the
genetic pool has had profound effects on the behavior and appearance of both individuals and societies at large.

Over the last several centuries the percentage of bisexuals has reached equilibrium because their higher
reproductive rate is offset by the higher morbidity due to disease. Syphilis was the primary scourge for several
centuries when it was brought back to Europe by Spanish explorers from the Americas until the condom and
penicillin largely reduced that threat. In a similar fashion AIDS will continue to sweep across 2nd and 3rd world
countries with high populations, such as India and China, via bisexuals and IV drug users into the general
population until the threat is fully realized.

The societies where bisexuality now predominates are isolated and generally primitive. The women in these
societies are prone to accept this behavior as long as it does not interfere with their sexual gratification or the
stability of their family life. Primitive tribes, for example the Acoma in New Mexico, which I visited in 1998,
conduct even to this day secret ceremonies where only males are allowed. I did not press the guide who revealed
this for details because I was in mixed company.

There are a few possible explanations for the development of male homosexuality in primates. One is that it
took cooperation between two males to drive out an alpha male that controls a harem. De Waal observed this
behavior in two male monkeys that were engaged in sex play before they approached the dominant male.
Second, in primitive man, hunting or warfare required cooperation to the extent that one male would have to risk
his life to save another male from death. If there was a mutual bond of love of a sexual nature, then the effort
would likely be greater and the probability of mutual survival would be higher.

The other factor that must be considered is that this selection mechanism was/is complementary to reproductive
success. If a male were exceptionally attractive to one or more males, then he would be more likely to be
attractive to females as well. Attractive males are more likely to successfully achieve conception in a receptive
female, and will be inclined to have more opportunities. Sexual fantasies are often an important part of
achieving orgasm by a male playing the dominant role during intercourse. Such a male can have fantasies about
a man while engaging in sex with a female and vice versa. Primitive males were rarely polygamous so I believe
sexual fantasies about other males would have been a contributing factor in improving their reproductivity.

The Kinsey Institute at the University of Indiana has the following to say about human sexuality: Kinsey's
research focused on six different outlets to sexual orgasm, namely masturbation, petting, nocturnal dreams,
heterosexual coitus, homosexual behaviors, and bestiality. He related these forms of sexuality to various
socioeconomic variables, namely age, education, marital status, occupation, and religious identification.

Many Americans in particular were shocked to learn that females are as capable of sexual response as men.
Previously, the prevailing cultural myth was that women merely engaged in sex for procreative purposes or to
please their male partners. Half of the females interviewed stated that they had engaged in premarital coitus and
one-quarter stated that they had engaged in extramarital sex.

Kinsey's findings on homosexuality also shocked the American public. He reported that a third of American
males and 13 percent of American females claimed to have had at least one same-sex orgasmic experience by
age 45. Furthermore, approximately 10 percent of the males admitted to having been predominantly homosexual

for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55, and four percent of white males described themselves as
exclusively homosexual.

Kinsey's research refuted the widely held notion that heterosexuality and homosexuality are exclusive forms of
behavior. Additionally, Kinsey found that a person's sexual behaviour could change over the course of his or her
lifetime. The two Kinsey reports also revealed a widespread prevalence of masturbation. His study found that
more than 90 percent of white males and 62 percent of females admitted having engaged in this behavior 26.

Kinsey states that about 4% of the male population is exclusively homosexual with another 29% bisexual to
some extent. All of his interviews determined sexual orientation using the criteria of the subject achieving
orgasm. It should be noted that Kinsey's results have been disputed because of his sampling techniques for
gathering data.

Several other studies have been conducted since the Kinsey report but they have all suffered from the backlash of
the original Kinsey findings on male sexuality and much later from the AIDS crisis. According to statistics
compiled by the Sexuality Information and Education Counsel (SIECUS):

• In Seattle, of 8,406 respondents in the ninth to twelfth grades, 4.5 percent of respondents described
themselves as gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB). Ninety-one percent described themselves as heterosexual.
Another four percent indicated that they were "not sure" of their orientations.
• In Massachusetts, of 3,982 respondents in the ninth to twelfth grades, two percent of the students described
themselves as GLB and three percent reported that they had same-gender sexual experience.
• In Vermont, of 8,636 respondents in the ninth to twelfth grades, 5.3 percent of young men and 3.4 percent
of young women reported having engaged in same-gender "sexual activity".
• In Minnesota, of 36,254 respondents in the seventh to twelfth grades, 1.1 percent of students described
themselves as "bisexual," "mostly homosexual," or "100 percent homosexual." Same-gender sexual
attraction and anticipated future same-gender sexual experience was reported by 5.1 percent, and same-
gender sexual fantasy was reported by 2.8 percent of respondents.
• Uncertainty about sexual orientation declined with age, from 25.9 percent of 12-year-old students to five
percent of 17-year-old students.
• In San Francisco, of 1,914 respondents in the ninth to twelfth grades, 0.2 percent of respondents reported
same-gender sexual intercourse. (This low number is probably due to the fear of HIV)
• Of 13,454 American Indian youth in the seventh to twelfth grades at reservation schools throughout the
nation, 1.6 percent of students described themselves as "bisexual," "mostly homosexual," or "100 percent
homosexual." Same-gender sexual experience was reported by 1.3 percent of respondents. Same-gender
attraction and anticipated future same-gender sexual experience was reported by 4.4 percent and same-
gender sexual fantasy by 4.4 percent of respondents.

A study of 394 self-identified bisexual and homosexual adolescents in the seventh to twelfth grades who
participated in the 1986-87 Minnesota Adolescent Health Survey found: 8

• 35.8 percent of younger girls (“younger” was defined as 14 years of age or younger) and 14.3 percent of
younger boys reported having had any kind of sexual experience with a male
• 45.2 percent of younger boys compared to 8.2 percent of younger girls reported sexual experience with a
• The majority of younger girls reported fantasizing about males, and the majority of younger boys reported
fantasizing about females. However, 27.1 percent of younger girls compared to 18.6 percent of younger
boys reported fantasizing about both genders.
• 74.1 percent of older boys (“older” was defined as 15 years of age or older) and 26.9 percent of older girls
reported sexual experience with a female
• For older adolescents, half of the boys and girls reported fantasizing exclusively about the opposite gender,
while 41.6 percent of older girls and 36.4 percent of older boys reported fantasizing about both genders

26 Summary from Kinsey's web site on his first survey involving about 5800 male subjects.
The NHSLS study reported that 11 percent of men 40-49 years of age and 9 percent 50-59 years of age have
engaged in any form of same-gendered sexual activity at some time in their life since puberty. (National Health
and Social Life Survey, p. 305) The NHSLS study reported that 5 percent of women 40-49 years of age and 2
percent 50-59 years of age have engaged in any form of same-gendered sexual activity at some time in their life
since puberty. (National Health and Social Life Survey, p. 305) (SICUS 2002)

A 1992 study of 655 gay and bisexual men in modern Japan found that 82 percent produced offspring. A 1994
U.S. study showed that 27 percent of gay men were fathers compared with 60 percent for straight men; thus in
modern societies gay and bisexual men had between the same and one half the reproduction of straight men.
(Roughgarden 2004)

Genetic Identification

Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute who was the first to try to locate a gene on the X chromosome
associated with homosexual behavior (inherited matrilineally). He postulated that personality traits are both
polygenic and multifactorial. The term polygenic refers to the fact that these traits are inherited from more than
one gene. Multifactorial refers to the way multiple genetic and non-genetic influences modify behavior, such as
exposure to violence during fetal or childhood development. In further research he identified a gene associated
with novelty seeking or risk taking behavior, the so-called D4DR gene which is not sex linked. This gene affects
the D4 dopamine receptor in the brain. This gene he found is also associated with a male’s tendency towards
bisexual behavior. Dean Hammer's research on a gay gene has subsequently not been reproduced by other
researchers. (Roughgarden, 2004)

If one makes the simple assumption that one gene determines sexual orientation then the following distribution
of genotypes can be made. Assume that this gene has two alleles (alternate forms) designated A and a and that
they are co-dominate. Then the following genotypes are possible: AA (heterosexual), Aa (bisexual), and aa
(homosexual) since each parent contributes one allele. If one assumes that all the heterosexuals and bisexuals
randomly procreate then if just 1% of the population is homosexual, then this implies that approximately 20% of
the population must be bisexual and 79% heterosexual. The reason for this is as follows: in order to produce an
aa genotype two bisexuals would have to breed. When two bisexuals breed (Aa x Aa) on average 25% are AA,
50% are Aa, and 25% are aa (if a heterosexual and bisexual breed, AA x Aa, then on average 50% of their
offspring are AA and 50% are Aa). Since 4% of the offspring are the result of two bisexuals breeding (20% times
20%), you must multiply that 4% by 25% yielding 1%.

If the number of bisexuals is just 5% of the population, then the percentage of homosexuals is 25% * 5% * 5% =
0.0625% a vanishingly small value that does not square with reality. It turns out that if one believes the Kinsey
statistics of four percent being exclusively homosexual then 40% of the population would have to be bisexual.
This is also hard to believe, so the situation is more complicated then the single gene scenario.

If two genes determine sexual orientation and each gene has two alleles then there are nine possible genotypes:
AABB, AABb, AaBB, AAbb, AaBb, aaBB, Aabb, aaBb, and aabb. If we assume that the pure homosexuals do not
breed then we are confronted with 32 unique (8 * 8 / 2) breeding combinations. Each combination yields 16
possible genotype outcomes. If the alleles for these two genes are co-dominate and contribute equally to sexual
orientation than there would be five phenotypes: AABB (heterosexual), AABb & AaBB (mostly heterosexual),
AAbb & AaBb & aaBB (bisexual), Aabb & aaBb (mostly homosexual), and aabb (homosexual).

The simulation of the breeding combinations for two or more genes is beyond the scope of this paper but it can
be pointed out that two parents that are not homosexual can produce offspring that are mostly homosexual. For
instance if genotype AABb breeds with AaBb then one of the possible 16 outcomes is Aabb.

The other possibility is that there is a single gene with multiple alleles like the gene that controls for skin color.
Depending upon each parent's contribution a child could conceivably end up more heterosexual or more
homosexual than either of his parents. Current research has been unable to fully explain how genes and
hormonal factors and environment come to play in determining sexual orientation. Although research has

proven that in mammals a gene called SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) on the Y chromosome plays a key role
in fetal development discovered in 1985. Gender differentiation is accomplished through a cascade of gene
activations. Further factors are involved, then, before as well as after the SRY expression including the release
of testosterone in males, which is responsible for testes development and de-feminizing of the brain in male
humans. There are a variety of genes not on the X and Y-chromosomes that also come into play in determining
the sex of the developing fetus. (Roughgarden, 2004)
Researchers also castrated some newborn rats very early, but then added replacement testosterone by injection.
When they did that, the rat brain still became masculine in structure and in later behavior. With one proviso;
once the critical period was passed without replacement male hormone injections, and the brain had developed
along female lines. No amount of male-hormone replacement therapy could make the brain more masculine

Likewise with female rats; they do not produce significant amounts of male hormones from their developing
ovaries, and left to itself, the brain organizes its structure in the female pattern. But when researchers injected
testosterone into these female rats at critical periods, they could create a male brain in a female body. The rat in
adulthood acted very male. It was more aggressive; it attempted to mate in the male manner, and so on. (Moir
and Jessel, 1992)

It would be logical to assume that the mechanism that controls the release of testosterone to make the brain more
masculine in both male and female bodies is a set of one or more genes on one of the autosomes (non sex-linked
chromosomes). Furthermore, the amount of testosterone that is released is more or less genetically determined
but that it could also be affected by the environment within the uterus.

Epigenetics studies

A recent study suggests linkage between a mother's genetic make-up and homosexuality of her sons. Women have
two X chromosomes, one of which is "switched off." The inactivation of the X chromosome occurs randomly
throughout the embryo, resulting in cells that are mosaic with respect to which chromosome is active. In some
cases though, it appears that this switching off can occur in a non-random fashion. Bocklandt reported that, in
mothers of homosexual men, the number of women with extreme skewing of X chromosome inactivation is
significantly higher than in mothers without gay sons. Thirteen percent of mothers with one gay son, and 23% of
mothers with two gay sons showed extreme skewing, compared to 4% percent of mothers without gay sons
(Bocklandt, et al. 2006)

Impact of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

It has been this author’s belief since 1995 that STD’s have had a profoundly negative effect on our species. This
effect distorts almost any desirable trait, foremost being appearance, intelligence, and athletic ability. In an article
(I discovered in 2008) from The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (Graves & Duvall, 1995) it

“We propose that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) would have the greatest impact on fitness of
individuals that are most successful in obtaining mates…. Therefore, the STD causes stronger selection
against preferred male genotypes and females that choose them.”

The magnitude of the above effect is species specific and more pronounced in humans because there is no longer
any isolation between the races and migratory groups. In fact, the magnitude of this distortion has increased as
the human population increased throughout the world. Thus it can be inferred that because same sex relationships
are not as common now there is less sexual selection taking place and therefore people today are on average not as
attractive or intelligent (in a natural sense) as they once were. A similar set of arguments can be made regarding
the impact of technology upon natural selection. Male Chimpanzees have been observed to spend about 40% of
the sexual activity in play with other males without anal intercourse. Chimpanzee copulation, unlike well-
adjusted and experienced humans, is usually quite rapid with several males in-line to impregnate a receptive
female. Same-sex sexual activity is known in more than 450 kinds of animals including representatives of every
major group of animals and every continent of the world. Same-sex contact includes lip contact and open-mouth
kissing (Bagemihl, 1999). Male anal intercourse occurs in orangutans, bonobo chimps, rhesus monkeys, bison,
and bighorn sheep. Same sex pairs may raise young, especially in birds.

Mixed Reproductive Strategies

Numerous studies of animal behaviour have indicated that even when animals form pair bonds they still engage
in infidelity. This reproductive strategy apparently improves their reproductive rate. Humans also engage in this
behaviour by using deception to avoid detection by their spouse.

Jared Diamond makes some powerful arguments regarding sexual deception by both males and females. The
fact that humans are by nature deceptive in some of their sexual activities only strengthens the belief that it is
very difficult to get them to tell the whole truth in surveys about all their sexual desires and actions; even when
the subject of such a survey is guaranteed absolute privacy.

Diamond points out that various paternity studies place the range of female infidelity leading to an illegitimate
child at 5% or more. In the book Sperm Wars, Robin Baker claims that 10% of the babies born are illegitimate.
Because the studies used blood typing on infants known to be born of the mothers in the study, the data are
irrefutable. Moreover, he says the rate of infidelity should actually be higher because most affairs do not lead to

When surveys are performed on married people to determine their sexual orientation (i.e. bisexual behaviour),
how can we possibly have any confidence that their answers are just as truthful for same-sex extramarital affairs
as for opposite-sex affairs, even if they are guaranteed absolute privacy. There are no offspring produced by
such infidelity (with the exception of one of two women in a committed relationship having an affair with a
man). It is a difficult and very real problem especially given the dangers of contracting HIV.

Furthermore, there are cases where married people are unhappy and therefore abusive or depressed sometimes
without even being aware of why simply because of the ambiguous nature of their sexuality. In these situations,
environmental factors play a major role in shielding these individuals from the nature of their problem. Such
people often fall into patterns of behaviour that involve drug and/or alcohol abuse and sometimes violence, thus
putting at risk those that they most care for.

“Let Heaven and Nature Sing, …”

Issac Watts, Georg Friedrich Händel, 1719

Physical Phenomena Causing Species Differentiation

The Music of the Spheres

Charles Darwin was aware of the fact that seasonal weather patterns and the effects of the ocean tides caused by
the moon were some of the factors responsible for species differentiation. But more recent research has
determined that the precession of the earth (or nutation, discovered in 1728 by British astronomer James Bradley,
but not explained in detail until 20 years later by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler) must also be
considered. Earth goes through one such complete precessional cycle in a period of approximately 25,920 years
or 1° every 72 years, during which the positions of stars will slowly change in both equatorial coordinates and
ecliptic longitude. The nutation rate is non-constant because of the presence of the moon and other planets causes
coupled harmonic motion 27 through the force of gravitational attraction (there are many types of this process).
The nutation rate would be constant in a two body system where each body has constant angular momentum.
Only a computer algorithm can accurately determine these effects upon the earth. The earth’s angular momentum
is not constant due to the change in mass distribution near the surface caused by continental drift and weather
induced effects.

The angle of the earth’s inclination towards the sun determines the average surface temperature for every point
on the surface and when combined with geological features, wind, rain, local plant life, and other factors creates
micro climates that induce species migration patterns. The anthropological concept of gene flow explains how
27 Nicholson, Tim, Coupled Harmonic Motion, Science Fair Project – Villa Park HS, California, 1967
concentrations of various types of DNA move from one place to the other. If a particular species gets spread too
widely, the reproductive rate at any particular differential boundary drops off until two or more sub-species are
created. In information theory this is referred to as a split, when two Gaussian features, or information flows
become separated. Humans, cats, and dogs represent some of the few large species that can interbreed
worldwide. The symbiotic relationship between these three species is an example of coevolution which is also
observed between humans and milk producing species but coevolution is present in all environments.

Another factor in gene differentiation is the mutation rate of DNA and RNA. A new study suggests that humans
gain 30-50 new DNA changes (or mutations) each generation. This is lower than was previously thought. The
result suggests that humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor 7 rather than 5 million years ago. A
single point mutation at a genetic crosslink (specified by three adjacent letters designated by ACGT) can be
caused by various types of radiation, cosmic, X-ray, UV, down to infrared or heat or more commonly during
DNA/RNA replication. The ionization of an atom will trigger a chemical change to the structure of a cross link
as explained by Quantum Electro Dynamics (Feynman). Different types of mutations are stable and will be
passed on during replication of the organism.

Radiation induced mutations are alterations in the genome - either a change in chromosomes or individual genes.
If they occur in gametic cells then the mutation may be passed on to future generations. Importantly, radiation
induced mutations have not been shown to create bizarre mutations (a la the Uncanny X-Men) but instead
increase the rates of hereditary diseases that occur naturally in the population.

Viruses have a much higher mutation rate and since levels of background and solar radiation may have been
higher in the primitive ocean environment which with a single DNA molecule all life came into being. Whether
this molecule was spontaneously generated or came from a distant planetary system will not be known until life
on Mars yields the same molecule, if ever. The high mutation rate of small organisms is necessary for their
survival as they fight each other for resources. This does not occur in larger species simply because they cannot
penetrate as many types of barriers, without death, and are more restricted in finding resources. For Homo
sapiens however, such barriers have been overcome by using intelligence to construct devices for more mobility.
If all human males and females were like Superman and Superwoman (who could go when and where they
please as fast as they want), whatever they do to each other on screen or off, you can imagine what would

Survey of Personal Ads

To get a better estimation of the degree to which men conceal their sexual orientation I examined the personal
ads placed on two popular web sites, Yahoo and Excite 28. I tabulated the number of ads for both men seeking
women (M->F) and men seeking men (M->M) for ages 18 through 80. A summary of this tabulation appears
below. Three different regions of the U.S. were tabulated to see if there was any noticeable difference in the
percentage of men seeking men as a function of location and age. The regions were: California, the Rocky
Mountain States, and the South (the "Bible belt"). A total of 29,967 ads were included in this tabulation. The
first table represents an aggregation of all locations:

Age Male-> Male-> Percent

Group Female Male Total M -> M
18 -- 20 1996 400 2396 16.69
21 -- 30 10083 1915 11998 15.96
31 -- 40 6693 2068 8761 23.60
41 -- 50 3789 1179 4968 23.73
51 -- 60 1205 410 1615 25.39
61 -- 80 150 79 229 34.50
Total 23916 6051 29967 20.19

28 The data in the survey of personal ads was collected in October 2001 and regional attitudes have changed since then.

When trying to generate accurate statistics there are two factors to overcome. First is the sampling bias. The
second is the measurement error on each sample. The Kinsey study used a large enough sample size to be
statistically significant but it was criticized for being biased by race, socio-economic status and other factors.
The statistics I present here are fundamentally skewed because they are a self-selecting sample i.e. there is
apparently a bias inherent towards "gay" men choosing an on-line site to search for a relationship.

However, the measurement error on each sample is quite small. A guy who advertises in the wrong category
soon finds out and makes the necessary corrections in his ad. Other problems that distort the statistics include
the possible presence of duplicate ads in the same category or people just advertising for friendship only with no
future intent of romance. I decided to include all types of ads because I wanted to include all males, even those
with ambivalent feelings. The second table shows how the statistics vary by region:

Male-> Male-> Percent

Region Female Male Total M -> M
California 8994 2471 11465 21.55
Rocky Mountains 4583 1091 5674 19.23
South Eastern US 10339 2489 12828 19.40

The Rocky Mountains included the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah,
and Wyoming. The South Eastern states included Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. There was about a
2% difference between California and the other regions.

The most interesting and striking statistic is revealed in the percentage of those who choose to put a photo of
themselves in the personal ad. For men seeking men, putting a photo in an ad is much firmer declaration of their
sexuality than just an anonymous ad containing only text.

The following table shows to what extent men seeking men suppressed their identity with respect to men seeking
women by age group and then by region.

Summary of Ads with Photos

Age Male-> Male-> Percent

Group Female Male Total M -> M
18 -- 20 1005 137 1142 12.00
21 -- 30 5988 721 6709 10.75
31 -- 40 3726 662 4388 15.09
41 -- 50 1880 335 2215 15.12
51 -- 80 693 125 818 15.28
Totals 13292 1980 15272 12.96
Percent of 35.72 24.65 33.76
Ads Listed

The last line in the above table indicates the percentage of those willing to reveal their identity by placing a
photograph of themselves in the ad. For example about 35.7 percent of all males seeking females placed a photo
whereas only 24.6 percent of males seeking males placed a photo in their ads. When one examines this statistic
by region, the differential is striking: California has a lower differential (37% vs. 29%) as compared to the Rocky
Mountain States (32% vs. 18%). One other pattern that I noticed is that for all ads, there is a significant dip in
the percentage of males seeking males between the ages of 19 and 28 with the age of 20 having the lowest
percentage at 13.54 percent. Furthermore a full 63 percent of males seeking males between the ages of 21 and
30 conceal their identity.

False Ideas about Sexual Stimulation and Risk Factors
From an Ignorant Website & Rebuttals

The University of California Berkeley definition of natural selection is: “Differential survival or reproduction of
different genotypes in a population leading to changes in the gene frequencies of a population.” The Darwinian
theory of natural selection argues that the test of the success of a species is to spread the species. As the
Wikipedia entry for natural selection states: “Modern evolutionary theory defines “fitness” not by how long an
organism lives, but by how successful it is at reproducing (reproductive rate).” Homosexuality, from a Darwinian
standpoint, is clearly a disorder. Homosexual acts cannot produce offspring – so gay men and women effectively
remove themselves from the gene pool by remaining homosexual.

Homosexual acts are medically dangerous. (Not in a disease free environment.)

This rather obvious fact is violently disputed by many in the homosexual community. But the facts are plain.
Simple human biology shows that the human reproductive organs were developed to accommodate heterosexual
and not homosexual acts. (False: the vagina of the female and the anal canal of both sexes are lined with
receptors that have a neural pathway to a particular part of the brain and when properly stimulated will produce a
powerful orgasm. A male or female orgasm alters the balance of neurotransmitters in the affected regions and
produces stress-reducing signals to the rest of the brain. A neurotransmitter imbalance in these various locations
generates a complex cascading effect throughout the rest of the brain which drives the individual to pursue
various types of sexual {and also food} gratification. A highly sexual individual will suffer depression if the
sexual appetite goes unsatisfied for a long period and psychiatric anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds are
ineffective in targeting this imbalance.)

There are many reasons why this is so – I will only list a few of them:
• The female vagina has multiple layers of protective tissue (specifically, what is known as squamous epithelial tissue) that protect
against the transmission of diseases. The mouth and the anus have fewer layers of tissue that protect against sexually transmitted
diseases. (Not when STD’s are absent)
• Ejaculation is an immunosuppressant – meaning that the immune system’s defenses are lowered at the point of ejaculation. In
heterosexual relations, this allows sperm has time to enter and fertilize the female egg. In homosexual relations, ejaculation serves
no fruitful purpose – and allows sexually transmitted diseases the opportunity to spread in places where there is little protective
tissue. (Ibid)
• Tearing of sensitive tissue not designed to withstand repeated trauma often occurs as a result of non-vaginal sex. (Possibly True:
The size of the male genitals are a factor in the transmission of STD’s which may explain the more rapid spread of AIDS in Africa
where the male genitals are on average slightly larger than other races with a greater standard deviation indicative of the different
rates of disease by region. The {length, girth in cm} by race is: African {14.75, 12.3}, Caucasian {14.5, 12.3}, East Asian {12.9,
10.5}. The spread of the AIDS epidemic was worldwide but the Middle East (for cultural reasons) and China saw the lowest rates.
When there is homosexual rape or anal rape of a female the probability of transmission increases drastically).

According to a 1,661 men study published in the July 10, 2013 Journal of Sexual Medicine, the average erect
penis is about 5.5 (14 cm) long, ranging from 1.6 inches (4 cm) long to 10.2 inches (26 cm). However, the
standard deviation is about 1 inch (2.66 cm) which means that, about two-thirds of men's erect penises in the
study are between roughly 4.5 and 6.5 inches long (12.5cm to 16.8cm). Another way to look at this is that
almost 20% of men have an erect penis size of less than 4.5 inches, or 1 inch shorter than the average. Race is
often a topic of conversation with respect to penis size but the data shows only modest variation.

It should be noted that heterosexual acts of oral sex and anal sex, and other forms of non-vaginal sex, also carry
the same risks. Behaviors commonly practiced by many homosexuals, such as anal sex and fisting {an abnormal
practice}, carry with them even more medical dangers. I have also not listed the mental issues associated with
homosexuality, which are numerous and severe. See the links at the end of this article for more details. Here are
four of the many medical conditions that spread rapidly as a result of homosexual activity (I have linked to
medical sites for each one. For more links to the negative consequences of homosexual behavior, see the links at
the bottom of the article) {Counter argument: all these problems are due to lack of self-awareness and the
opportunity to pursue a goal gained from that knowledge in a rational and safe manner.}

The 1972 pornography film, Deep Throat, which this author saw when it was shown in a smoke filled theater in
San Francisco, shows the character Linda Lovelace as a frustrated young woman who cannot experience an
orgasm with any male she meets. She finally finds a sex therapist and then is gratified by a well-endowed male

who fills all her body cavities to perfection. No one is exactly sure how many hundreds of million dollars it
grossed but its reception was varied. Critic Roger Ebert reviewed Deep Throat in an early 1973 column, giving
it a no-stars rating and writing, "It is all very well and good for Linda Lovelace, the star of the movie, to
advocate sexual freedom; but the energy she brings to her role is less awesome than discouraging. If you have to
work this hard at sexual freedom, maybe it isn't worth the effort." Al Goldstein wrote a rave review in his
SCREW magazine, saying "I was never so moved by any theatrical performance since stuttering through my own
bar mitzvah."

Signaling Systems

As the human brain became more complex in response to environmental stress, the ability to communicate
became more elaborate. Communication between males allowed for more elaborate group cooperation in
stressful situations so speaking and singing emerged as ways to send both commands and to convey emotion.
The male voice has a greater dynamic range then females, from basso profundo up to counter-tenor. This is
possibly an indication that between males, a “female” or “male” voice would signal the type of sex that is
desired. This helps to explain the narrower range of female voices given there generally receptive role in sex
with a male. For anyone who listens to, performs, or composes lyrical music, the sound of the music lifts one’s
emotions and establishes a bond between the singer and listener or listeners. In Mozart’s 1791 opera The Magic
Flute (German: Die Zauberflöte), Sarastro’s powerful aria In diesen heil'gen Hallen (Within these sacred halls)
states that within his temple revenge is never taken, and forgiveness ultimately prevails over hatred. Sarastro
symbolizes the enlightened sovereign who rules according to principles based on reason, wisdom, and nature.
Had Adolf Hitler paid more attention to this opera more than Wagner and incorporated these emotions into his
own brain his actions might have been very different. I sang in that opera as a sophomore in 1969 and the music
and words have always lived within me since then.


The genetic traits for sexual orientation have evolved over millions of years. Homosexual relationships would
not exist unless they provided some survival benefit. In the last ten thousand years sexually transmitted diseases
have altered the population of homosexuals and bisexuals by penalizing promiscuous behaviour. Attractive and
good-natured males were more likely to have more children and more alliances with other males that aided in
their survival.

One possible conclusion that can be drawn is that homosexual relationships played a powerful influence in
improving the appearance of the human species. When one considers the fact that primitive man would often
travel several days or weeks hunting for food, it shouldn’t be surprising that the most successful hunters would
be the ones that were able to obtain sexual gratification during this period. The other factor that should be
considered is that sexual gratification is very important to males in reducing stress that is known to be important
in improving concentration and performance in other activities. In essence, it is the power of love and mutual
trust in all human relationships that improves the chances of survival for those who enjoy them in a hostile
world, and conversely it is hate and indifference that have a profoundly opposite effect.

Darwin’s Secret

London 29 | Christie’s, the London based auction house, made sensation this morning as a bid for the diary of the allegedly homosexual
secret lover of Charles Darwin was made today from the San Francisco’s GLBT Historical Museum for the whopping price of 1.6 million
pound sterling. The diary that is part of a private collection of items from the 19th century British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace (8
January 1823 – 7 November 1913) reveals in detail the relationship Wallace had in his late 50′s with Charles Darwin when the two
scientists, better known for their contribution to the evolutionary theory, developed a secret, and highly taboo, love affair. “What at first
united us was our love of science and knowledge, but our mutual respect for each other’s high intellectual capacities slowly led us to be
drawn to each other in a way we both had never experienced before” reveals the highly controversial document.

Even though both men knew each other for some time, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace’s friendship only developed much later
on when Darwin was exploring ideas on sexual selection in The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, followed by The
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, which Wallace claims in his diary to have been of a great influence and even to have
written chapters of the mentioned books, although nothing has transpired historically from Darwin about this supposed collaboration. A
spokesman for the San Francisco’s GLBT Historical Museum explained that the million dollar transaction was worth every penny spent as
the document “attests to the great historical contribution of the GLBT community in the development of Natural Sciences.” At the time of
their alleged courtship, Wallace was under heavy financial burden and was forced to sell most of the specimens from his collections. He
was eventually awarded a small government pension, through Darwin’s efforts, in 1881. At Darwin’s insistence they published their
works on species evolution simultaneously.

A Letter to the Father of Dominic Crouch
"If a thing can be done adequately by means of one, it is
superfluous to do it by means of several; for we observe
that nature does not employ two instruments where one
suffices." St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

February 12, 2012

Roger Crouch
c/o St. Edwards School
Cirencester Road
Charlton Kings, Cheltenham
GL53 8EY, United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Crouch,

Last year in February I read an article on the Internet about the tragic loss of your son. My heart goes out to you.
There is nothing I can say that will lessen the emptiness you must feel; except you did everyone a great favor by
talking about it publically. This correspondence could have been easily going in the opposite direction; one of
my son’s friends committed suicide when he was in the 10th grade. There is nothing unnatural about being
attracted to the same sex. We see that this behavior is common in other primates so there must be some good
reason for its existence in humans. Your son was obviously a handsome young man and that is what makes this
whole story seem very disturbing. Every normal person appreciates beauty and wants to protect it. It is the life
blood of our species.

If Charles Darwin were alive today (born 203 years ago in Shropshire) and one were to ask him about this he
might say that throughout human evolution there must have been some advantage conferred upon those men who
loved each other to the point of sexual attraction. It may be because it increased their length of survival in a
hostile environment over other men lacking such affections. Nature abhors a vacuum and will expand in almost
any manner possible to create variety. We both know that sexual selection between males and females is
responsible for the way we look and act, etc., so why should it not apply to people of the same sex. Thus it is
possible that because of these attractions, men with desirable traits are favored over others with undesirable traits
and the human genome is the better because of it.

Dominic Crouch

Tim Nicholson
Anaheim, Ca - USA

Alan C Crickmore
Her Majesty’s Coroner for Gloucestershire

Tel: 01452 305661

Fax: 01452 412618

My Ref: PB/je

24 February 2012

Mr T Nicholson
315 S. Black Oak Road
Ca 92807

Dear Mr Nicholson

Thank you for your email addressed to my Deputy Coroner David Dooley.

The law in England and Wales is such that the information of the Inquest is only released to
what law calls properly interested parties. I regret you do not fall into that category.

I am however able to release to you the information which is in the public domain.

The verdict returned by the Coroner Tom Osborne (not David Dooley who did not officiate at
this case) into the death of Dominic Crouch, was

Killed Himself

The Inquest was heard on 29th March 2011 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England.

I regret I cannot be of more assistance, but would inform you that Mr. Crouch Senior is now
also deceased. This information I provide to you in an effort to prevent further unnecessary
distress to the family.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Boak
Coroner’s Officer

Writings from the Antiquities

And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David,

he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy,
and of a fair countenance.
I Samuel vs. 42

The story of King David is one of the most celebrated ones in the bible. David's relationship with Jonathan, the
son of King Saul, played a pivotal role in David's surviving the attempts of Saul to destroy him. Many believe
that David and Jonathan were lovers as evidenced by David's famous lament upon Jonathan's death: "How are
the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle. O Jonathan, thou was slain in thine high places. I am distressed for
thee, my bother Jonathan. Very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love
of women." 2 Samuel 1:25,26. Without the love and loyalty of Jonathan, David possibly would have never lived
to become king of Israel.

Two Renaissance artists' paintings of King David

The Youthful David David and Goliath

Andrea Del Castagno (1420-1457) Tanzio daVarallo (1575?-1633)
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC Museo, Varallo, Italy

For more information on Tanzio da Varallo see:

A copy of the above image was a gift to Harvard President, Drew Gilpin Faust in March 2011
The eyes were recolored blue to suggest a Persian origin

Context of Plato's quote from The Symposium written in 360 BC
Translated by Benjamin Jowett in 1871
Incorporated & Rendered circa 1995 by Tim Nicholson

See: (deprecated)

Note: The Symposium written by Plato in 360 BC was an account of speeches, related to Plato by his elder friend,
Aristodemus, given at a feast hosted by the Greek physician, Agathon, in 417 BC when Plato would have been
about 10 years old. The most notable of them being the speech of Phaedrus (???-393 BC). I have edited the text by
adding quotes to clarify the dialog of the different speakers. This is one of the greatest texts on the power of love
ever written and yet I have been unable to find any earlier translations into English other than that by Benjamin
Jowett in the 19th century. Thus only those English speaking (and perhaps other Europeans) literate in Latin or
Greek would have been directly influenced by it.


APOLLODORUS, who repeats to his companion the dialogue which he had heard from Aristodemus, and had

Scene: The House of Agathon.

"Concerning the things about which you ask to be informed I (Apollodorus) believe that I am not ill prepared with
an answer. For the day before yesterday I was coming from my own home at Phalerum to the city, and one of my
acquaintance, who had caught a sight of me from behind, out playfully in the distance, said: 'Apollodorus, O thou
Phalerian man, halt!' So I did as I was bid; and then he said, 'I was looking for you, Apollodorus, only just now,
that I might ask you about the speeches in praise of love, which were delivered by Socrates, Alcibiades, and
others, at Agathon's supper.'"

(text omitted)

"Welcome, Aristodemus." said Agathon, as soon as he appeared, "You are just in time to sup with us. If you
come on any other matter put it off, and make one of us, as I was looking for you yesterday and meant to have
asked you, if I could have found you. But what have you done with Socrates?" I (Aristodemus) turned round, but
Socrates was nowhere to be seen; and I had to explain that he had been with me a moment before, and that I came
by his invitation to the supper. "You were quite right in coming," said Agathon, "but where is he himself? He was
behind me just now, as I entered," he said, "and I cannot think what has become of him. Go and look for him,
boy," said Agathon, "and bring him in; and do you, Aristodemus, meanwhile take the place by Eryximachus." The
servant then assisted him to wash, and he lay down, and presently another servant came in and reported that our
friend Socrates had retired into the portico of the neighboring house. "There he is fixed," said he, "and when I call
to him he will not stir." How strange, said Agathon; then you must call him again, and keep calling him.

"Let him alone," said my informant; "he has a way of stopping anywhere and losing himself without any reason. I
believe that he will soon appear; do not therefore disturb him." "Well, if you think so, I will leave him," said
Agathon. And then, turning to the servants, he added, "Let us have supper without waiting for him. Serve up
whatever you please, for there is no one to give you orders; hitherto I have never left you to yourselves. But on
this occasion imagine that you art our hosts, and that I and the company are your guests; treat us well, and then we
shall commend you."

After this, supper was served, but still no-Socrates; and during the meal Agathon several times expressed a wish
to send for him, but Aristodemus objected; and at last when the feast was about half over-for the fit, as usual, was
not of long duration-Socrates entered. Agathon, who was reclining alone at the end of the table, begged that he
would take the place next to him; "that I may touch you," he said, "and have the

benefit of that wise thought which came into your mind in the portico, and is now in your possession. For I am
certain that you would not have come away until you had found what you sought."

"How I wish," said Socrates, taking his place as he was desired, "that wisdom could be infused by touch, out of
the fuller (to) the emptier man, as water runs through wool out of a fuller cup into an emptier one. If that were so,
how greatly should I value the privilege of reclining at your side! For you would have filled me full with a stream
of wisdom plenteous and fair; whereas my own is of a very mean and questionable sort, no better than a dream."

"But yours is bright and full of promise, and was manifested forth in all the splendor of youth the day before
yesterday, in the presence of more than thirty thousand Hellenes. You are mocking, Socrates," said Agathon, "and
ere long you and I will have to determine who bears off the palm of wisdom-of this Dionysus shall be the judge;
but at present you are better occupied with supper." Socrates took his place on the couch, and supped with the
rest; and then libations were offered.

After a hymn had been sung to the god, and there had been the usual ceremonies, they were about to commence
drinking, when Pausanias said, "And now, my friends, how can we drink with least injury to ourselves? I can
assure you that I feel severely the effect of yesterday's potations, and must have time to recover; and I suspect that
most of you are in the same predicament, for you were of the party yesterday. Consider then: How can the
drinking be made easiest?"

"I entirely agree," said Aristophanes, "that we should, by all means, avoid hard drinking, for I was myself one of
those who were yesterday drowned in drink." "I think that you are right," said Eryximachus, the son of
Acumenus, "but I should still like to hear one other person speak: Is Agathon able to drink hard?" "I am not equal
to it," said Agathon. "Then, the Eryximachus, the weak heads like myself, Aristodemus, Phaedrus, and others who
never can drink, are fortunate in finding that the stronger ones are not in a drinking mood. (I do not include
Socrates, who is able either to drink or to abstain, and will not mind, whichever we do.) Well, as of none of the
company seem disposed to drink much, I may be forgiven for saying, as a physician, that drinking deep is a bad
practice, which I never follow. If I can help, and certainly do not recommend to another, least of all to anyone
who still feels the effects of yesterday's carouse."

"I always do what you advise, and especially what you prescribe as a physician," rejoined Phaedrus the
Myrrhinusian, "and the rest of the company, if they are wise, will do the same." It was agreed that drinking was
not to be the order of the day, but that they were all to drink only so much as they pleased. Then, said
Eryximachus, "As you are all agreed that drinking is to be voluntary, and that there is to be no compulsion, I
move, in the next place, that the flute-girl, who has just made her appearance, be told to go away and play to
herself. Or, if she likes, to the women who are within 30. Today let us have conversation instead; and, if you will
allow me, I will tell you what sort of conversation." This proposal having been accepted, Eryximachus proceeded
as follows. "I will begin," he said, "after the manner of Melanippe in Euripides, Not mine the word which I am
about to speak, but that of Phaedrus."

"For often he says to me in an indignant tone: 'What a strange thing it is, Eryximachus, that, whereas other gods
have poems and hymns made in their honor, the great and glorious god, Love, has no encomiast among all the
poets who are so many.' There are the worthy sophists too, the excellent Prodicus for example, who have
descanted in prose on the virtues of Heracles and other heroes.

And, what is still more extraordinary, I have met with a philosophical work in which the utility of salt has been
made the theme of an eloquent discourse; and many other like things have had a like honor bestowed upon them.
And only to think that there should have been an eager interest created about them, and yet that to this day no one
has ever dared worthily to hymn Love's praises! So entirely has this great deity been neglected."

"Now in this Phaedrus seems to me to be quite right, and therefore I want to offer him a contribution; also I think
that at the present moment we who are here assembled cannot do better than honor the god Love. If you agree
with me, there will be no lack of conversation; for I mean to propose that each of us in turn, going from left to

30 Eryximachus appears to be intimidated by the presence of a woman (the flute girl), when he is about to propose a discussion of love and

sexual relationships.
right, shall make a speech in honor of Love. Let him give us the best which he can; and Phaedrus, because he is
sitting first on the left hand, and because he is the father of the thought, shall begin."

"No one will vote against you, Eryximachus," said Socrates. "How can I oppose your motion, who profess to
understand nothing but matters of love; nor, I presume, will Agathon and Pausanias; and there can be no doubt of
Aristophanes, whose whole concern is with Dionysus and Aphrodite; nor will anyone disagree of those whom I,
see around me. The proposal, as I am aware, may seem rather hard upon us whose place is last; but we shall be
contented if we hear some good speeches first. Let Phaedrus begin the praise of Love, and good luck to him." All
the company expressed their assent, and desired him to do as Socrates bade him. Aristodemus did not recollect all
that was said, nor do I recollect all that he related to me; but I will tell you what I thought most worthy of
remembrance, and what the chief speakers said.

Phaedrus began by affirming that love is a mighty god, and wonderful among gods and men, but especially
wonderful in his birth. For he is the eldest of the gods, which is an honour to him; and a proof of his claim to this
honour is, that of his parents there is no memorial; neither poet nor prose-writer has ever affirmed that he had any.
As Hesiod says: First Chaos came, and then broad-bosomed Earth, The everlasting seat of all that is, And Love. In
other words, after Chaos, the Earth and Love, these two, came into being. Also Parmenides sings of Generation:
First in the train of gods, he fashioned Love. And Acusilaus agrees with Hesiod.

"Thus numerous are the witnesses who acknowledge Love to be the eldest of the gods. And not only is he the
eldest, he is also the source of the greatest benefits to us. For I know not any greater blessing to a young man who
is beginning life than a virtuous lover or to the lover than a beloved youth. For the principle which ought to be the
guide of men who would nobly live at principle, I say, neither kindred, nor honour, nor wealth, nor any other
motive is able to implant so well as love. Of what am I speaking? Of the sense of honour and dishonour, without
which neither states nor individuals ever do any good or great work."

"And I say that a lover who is detected in doing any dishonourable act, or submitting through cowardice when any
dishonour is done to him by another, will be more pained at being detected by his beloved than at being seen by
his father, or by his companions, or by anyone else. The beloved too, when he is found in any disgraceful
situation, has the same feeling about his lover. And if there were only some way of contriving that a state or an
army should be made up of lovers and their loves, they would be the very best governors of their own city,
abstaining from all dishonour, and emulating one another in honour; and when fighting at each other's side,
although a mere handful, they would overcome the world."

"For what lover would not choose rather to be seen by all mankind than by his beloved, either when abandoning
his post or throwing away his arms? He would be ready to die a thousand deaths rather than endure this. Or who
would desert his beloved or fail him in the hour of danger? The veriest coward would become an inspired hero,
equal to the bravest, at such a time; Love would inspire him. That courage which, as Homer says, the god breathes
into the souls of some heroes, Love of his own nature infuses into the lover. Love will make men dare to die for
their beloved-love alone; and women as well as men.

Of this, Alcestis, the daughter of Pelias, is a monument to all Hellas; for she was willing to lay down her life on
behalf of her husband, when no one else would, although he had a father and mother; but the tenderness of her
love so far exceeded theirs, that she made them seem to be strangers in blood to their own son, and in name only
related to him; and so noble did this action of hers appear to the gods, as well as to men, that among the many
who have done virtuously she is one of the very few to whom, in admiration of her noble action, they have
granted the privilege of returning alive to earth; such exceeding honor is paid by the gods to the devotion and
virtue of love."

"But Orpheus, the son of Oeagrus, the harper, they sent empty away, and presented to him an apparition only of
her whom he sought. But herself they would not give up, because he showed no spirit; he was only a harp-player,
and did not-dare like Alcestis to die for love, but was contriving how he might enter hades alive; moreover, they
afterwards caused him to suffer death at the hands of women, as the punishment of his cowardliness. Very
different was the reward of the true love of Achilles towards his lover Patroclus-his lover and not his love. (The
notion that Patroclus was the beloved one is a foolish error into which Aeschylus has fallen, for Achilles was

surely the fairer of the two, fairer also than all the other heroes; and, as Homer informs us, he was still beardless,
and younger far).

And greatly as the gods honor the virtue of love, still the return of love on the part of the beloved to the lover is
more admired and valued and rewarded by them, for he lover is more divine; because he is inspired by God.
Now Achilles was quite aware, for he had been told by his mother, that he might avoid death and return home,
and live to a good old age, if he abstained from slaying Hector. Nevertheless he gave his life to revenge his
friend, and dared to die, not only in his defense, but after he was dead. Wherefore the gods honored him even
above Alcestis, and sent him to the Islands of the Blest. These are my reasons for affirming that Love is the
eldest and noblest and mightiest of the gods; and the chiefest author and giver of virtue in life, and of happiness
after death." This, or something like this, was the speech of Phaedrus; and some other speeches followed which
Aristodemus did not remember; the next which he repeated was that of Pausanias.

(text omitted)

References: (for uncited topics consult Wikipedia)

Plato's Symposium, See:

Darwin, Charles, The Origin of Species, 1859 (1998 Modern Library Paperback Edition)

Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, It Doesn’t Take A Hero, Bantam Books, 1992

Waite, Robert G.L., The Psychopathic God – Adolf Hitler, Da Capo Press, 1977

Diamond, Jared, The Third Chimpanzee, Harper Perennial, 1992

De Waal, Frans, Good Natured - The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals, Harvard University Press,

Baker Ph.D., Robin, Sperm Wars, The Evolutionary Logic of Love and Lust, Basic Books, 1996

Graves & Duvall, Effects of sexually transmitted diseases on heritable variation in sexually selected systems, Brent M.
Graves, Department of Biology, Northern Michigan University & David Duvall, Department of Life Sciences, Arizona State
University West, Animal Behaviour, 1995, 50, 1129-1131, 1995

Dean Hamer & Peter Copeland, Living with Our Genes, Why They Matter More Than You Think, Doubleday, 1998

Bageminhl, Bruce, Biological Exuberance, St. Martin's Press, 1999

Durham, William H., Coevolution, Genes Culture and Human Diversity, Stanford University Press, 1991

SIECUSH Report, Volume 29, Number 4 - April/May 2001

Muscarella, Frank, et ali, Homosexual Orientation in Males: Evolutionary and Ethnological Aspects, Neuroendocrinology
Letters, 2001

Roughgarden Joan, Evolution's Rainbow, University of California Press, 2004

Kinsey Institute,, 2006

Moir, Anne & Jessel, David, Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women, 1992

Bocklandt S, Horvath S, Vilain E, Hamer Dean (December 2005), Extreme skewing of X chromosome inactivation in mothers
of homosexual men, Human Genetics &

The Author’s Image of Jesus from Athens, Georgia in 1996
All Religions Have Common Values

The Rules Were Different in the Garden of Eden

Genesis: Adam & Eve & Friends

Lucas Cranach the Elder 1472 – 1553


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