CSWIP 3.1 Multiple Choice D-1

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In a welding procedure transverse joint tensile test the following

observations were made. The specimen CSA was recorded as 25mm x

12mm and the maximum load applied was recorded as 150kN. What is
the UTS?

a. 50kN/mm2

b. 5500N/mm2

c. ( answer ) 500N/mm2

d. 50N/mm2

 Transverse tensile test:

 CSA: cross section area

 UTS: ultimate tensile strength ( N/mm2; p.s.i; Mpa )

 UTS = (150×1000)/(25×12) = 500N/mm2

 Pls take note for unit of value.

2) In welder qualification testing of 10mm plates, 2 root and 2 face bends
were test … what course of action would you follow?
a. Accept them as 75% were acceptable, you are allowed one failure

b. 2 more root bends should be prepared and tested

c. 2 more root and 2 more face bends should be prepared and tested

d. Retest the welder

 Bend test: To determine the soundness of the weld zone. Bend testing can also be
used to give an assessment of weld zone ductility. There are three ways to perform
a bend test: Face bend, root bend & side bend (Generally for materials above
12mm thickness).

 But this question is for Welder.

3) In an all weld tensile test, the original specimen gauge length was
50mm, and after the test the increased gauge length was 60mm, what is
the elongation percentage?

a. %A is 50

b. %A is 20

c. %A is 29

d. %A is 36
E= (60-50)*100/50 = 20%. So, righ answer is “b”.

4) Some codes require the excess weld metal (weld cap) on cross weld
joint tensilespecimens to be flush, this is because:

a. Flushed caps will always break in the weld metal area

b. This is to remove any porosity in the excess weld metal (weld cap)

It is easier to calculate the cross sectional area of the joint when


Flushed caps have fewer stress raisers and therefore give a more
d. ( answer )
accurate result

to be double check!

 Cross weld joint tensile = Transverse Tensile Tests

 Transverse Tensile Tests: these result below to be recorded:

– Type of specimen e.g. reduced section

– Whether weld reinforcement is removed

– Dimensions of test specimen

– The ultimate tensile strength in N/mm2, p.s.i or Mpa

– Location of fracture.

5) When transverse tensile testing a welded joint the excess weld metal
is often removed. This action is done to:

a. Allow the test piece to fit accurately into the equipment

b. ( answer ) Reduce stress concentrations to the weld toes

c. Allow strain gauges to be placed over the weld face area

d. Allow weld metal ductility to be measured

see previous question!

6) In welder qualification testing of 20mm plates, why are side bends
used instead of root and face bends:

a. They are easier to produce

b. The testing equipment cannot handle thick root/face bends

c. Root defects are not important for welder qualification

d. ( answer ) They give more accurate indications

Bend test: To determine the soundness of the weld zone. Bend testing can
also be used to give an assessment of weld zone ductility.

Side bend tests are normally carried out on welds over 12mm in

When make the “Side bend”, 3 area as: root, face & side will be tested. That
tests test the full section thickness. So, it gives more accurate indications.

Specimens and testing for bend testing for butt joints shall be in accordance
with EN 910.
For thicknesses < 12 mm two root and two face bend test specimens shall be
tested. For thicknesses 12 mm four side bend specimens are recommended
instead of root and face bend tests.

7) Mechanical tests are divided into two areas, identify these from the
list below:

a. Destructive and non destructive tests

b. ( answer ) Qualitative and quantitative

c. Visual and mechanical

d. Qualitative and visual

Quantitative Tests: For measuring a ‘quantity’ ( a mechanical property )

Qualitative Tests: For assessing joint ‘quality’ (good fusion & free from


The following mechanical tests have units and are termed quantitative tests to

measure Mechanical Properties:

 Tensile tests (Transverse Welded Joint, All Weld Metal)

 Toughness testing (Charpy, Izod, CTOD)

 Hardness tests (Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers)

The following mechanical tests have no units and are termed qualitative tests
for assessing joint quality:

 Macro testing

 Bend testing

 Fillet weld fracture testing

 Butt weld nick-break testing

8) When examining a completed bend test, the angle of the bend was
found to be 175o. The testing specification calls for the sample to have
been formed through 180o.

a. The bends should be considered as falled

b. ( answer ) They should be bent to 180o then re-examined

They should be acceptable as the reduction in angle is due to material

spring back

They should be rejected as the angle is not close enough to be


Follow BS EN – 910:

9) Charpy testing is carried out on a welding procedure test plate


It gives an indication of the through thickness ductility (in the Z


The impact test results can be used to verify that the material has not
b. ( answer )
been adversely affected by the heat of the welding

c. It gives an indication of the materials elongation properties

It gives a quick indication of the weld quality for welder qualification


Some question we need use “exclusion method”.

Charpy testing:
a) It gives an indication of the through thickness ductility (in the Z direction): 
this for STRA not Charpy impact test.
c) It gives an indication of the materials elongation

d)  It gives a quick indication of the weld quality for welder qualification tests:

welder qualification test don’t require Chapry impact test.

b) The impact test results can be used to verify that the material has not been
adversely affected by the heat of the welding: this is correct answer.

10) Charpy impact tests show a 50% rough torn surface and a 50% flat
crystalline surface after the completed test, this would indicate which
type of failure?

a. Fatigue to brittle

b. ( answer ) Ductile to brittle

c. Ductile with gross yielding

d. Fatigue to ductile

Charpy impact test: These tests show that metals can be classified as being
either ‘brittle’ or ‘ductile’. A brittle metal will absorb a small amount of energy
when impact tested, a tough ductile metal a large amount of energy.
Some steels may show transition characteristics in their failure
mode from ductile to brittle gradually as temperature is decreased, which is
given in Figure-4 schematically. In this case different approaches may be
used in determining transition temperature but the average energy concept is
the most popular one. Determination of transition temperature can also be
done by examining the fracture surfaces of specimens tested at different
temperatures. For example the temperature, at which the fracture surface
consists 50 percent cleavage (crystalline) and 50 percent ductile (fibrous)
types of fracture, is called fracture appearance transition temperature (FATT).
Another common criterion is to determine the transition temperature on the
basis of an arbitrary energy absorbed.

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