Grade Computing and Inquiry System For Senior High Schools Which Aims

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This study presents the development and implementation of Online

Grade Computing and Inquiry System for Senior High Schools which aims

to help in the continuity of the schools’ productivity, effectiveness and quality

of feedback amidst the pandemic that we are and we will be experiencing. It

discusses all the features, requirements and systematic processes of the

developed system, as well as the corrective information and reactions from the

course advisers and instructors. This will show the number of advantages of

the system over the existing manual grading methods and any other existing


In this study, the proponents designed and developed a grading system

that serves as an online platform for distributing and viewing grades that

provides accurate and reliable grade reports and helps in the continuity of the

school’s effectiveness. This system was made accessible to any senior high

school, teacher and students that are registered as identified by its admin.

The features of the system focused on: administrator and teacher’s

modules, recording of students’ grades, computing of the final grades to be

posted, viewing of posted grades, uploading of important data, printing of

reports and archiving of records.

The results of this study reveal how important having a system such as

Online Grade Computation and Inquiry System for Senior High School is.

It is our genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that we dedicate this

work to our beloved parents who have been our source of inspiration to not

give up and are the ones who provide us moral, spiritual, emotional and

financial support.

To our adviser, Engr. Ardcel C. Enriquez, who always got our back

and believed in our abilities.

To our colleagues, who have been our companions on staying up all

night doing this project.

And most of all, to our Almighty God, who provides us the strength,

power of mind, protection and skills, and for giving us a healthy life. All of

these, we offer You.


The success and outcome of this project were possible by the guidance

and support from many people. We are incredibly privileged to have got this

all along with the achievement of our project. It required a lot of effort from

each individual involved in this project with us and we would like to thank


First and foremost, we are extremely grateful to Dr. Ronalyn O.

Lavilla for providing us with all the support and leadership and for presenting

such excellent guidance despite having a busy schedule enduring the school


We very much appreciate and thank Engr. Ardcel C. Enriquez for his

invaluable advice, insightful comments and continuous support during this

project. His immense knowledge and belief in us have encouraged us in all the

time of this project and in daily life.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to Mr. Arwin Neil N.

Rubia for his technical support and efforts which without, this would not have

been possible.

And also we would like to express our appreciation to our instructors,

Mr. Marlon Ornopia, Mr. Samuel Brylle Malugao, Mr. Milborne Indab,

and Engr. Cyril Don Monleon, for all their teachings that prepared us in

making this project.

We heartily thank our friends, classmates and colleagues for a

cherished time spent together.

And lastly, a special feeling of gratitude goes to our loving family.

Without their tremendous understanding, support and encouragement, it would

be impossible for us to finish this work.

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