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0 Interventions

Provide three suggestions by using change interventions to overcome the negative

outcomes of MCO.

The first suggestion by using change intervention in order to overcome the negative
outcome of MCO is by doing employee wellness intervention. This can be done by being
honest and transparent. According to the research conducted in 2020 by Maria , she
state that ove 30% of employees stated that their employer are not being honest and
truthful. To be able to implement transition more effectively, employers should play their
part in being honest and transparent. This is because not everyone are able to adapt to
changes smoothly , being transparent at every step of the change management process will
lead to higher level of trust made between employee and employer.

Next change intervention to overcome the bad impact of MCO is by empowering employee
by giving them training and upgrading their skills. Hard times do not mean that employee’s
development should come to a pause. On the other hand, this outbreak should be the
driving force for employer to send out their employee to seek for new knowledge and skill
sets. Stagnation can be the best time for skilling, upskilling and reskilling efforts to boost
capability, competitiveness, and resilience. It can also serve as the motivation for
organizations to restrategize their business model and trundle initiatives in line with the
disrupting changes in the global market. For individual employees, skill development is
pertinent as the grim economic outlook may result in reduced work or worst, job losses

The next intervention is career planning and development interventions. Over the past year,
the implementation of MCO had already make a huge percentage of employee to lost their
job thus, the used of this intervention can aid the employee to relief the stress of changed
career paths and aid them in forging new paths consistent with the new organisation
structure. On the other hand, career planning set up is involving and depending upon
personal interests, capabilities, and values, and planning how to reach the desired
objectives. The organization that dismissed their employee can also offered their former
employee to provide the resources and support needed to attain their upcoming career
goals. The activities are comprises of communication and feedback, counselling and
coaching, workshops and self-assessment programmes, and training and continuing

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