4.0 Theory On How Lewin's Three-Step Model of Change Can Be Applied To Understand The Change Process Caused by MCO

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0 Theory on How Lewin’s Three-step Model of Change can be applied to

understand the change process caused by MCO.

The route of changes during MCO is continuous. After a closer observation made for more
than a year, the fact that we had to live with COVID-19 make forces us to change our
behaviour to keep with our immediate environment with regard with the MCO enforcement
in Malaysia. Due to the implementation of MCO, as a decision maker in an organization, the
organization must be willing to accept changes if they want to sustain competition prepare
for more uncertainties and stay afloat in this calamity.

A significant careful planning need to be prepared by observing at the process of changes in

kurt Lewin change model which comprises of three different stages. This change model is
easy to be understood and implement because the anticipated direction and shape of
changes have been seen and determined. Unplanned changes will bring the organization to
extend that it can cause severe shocks and even chaos that could possibly destroy the

To start a fruitful process of change, it is essential to identify clearly why a change is

needed. This is because it will act as a basis and strong reason to implement it. Lewin states
that the motivation for change must be built first before the process of change itself takes
place. Everyone should help each other to confirm the norms built to run the organizational
change process. This is the unfreeze stage in which the process of organizational change
will begin from that point.

For the application of unfreeze stage in the Kurt Lewin model, an organization have to
cogitate new hybrid work culture that the organization have adopted. Most of company had
to transition to a work from home setup due to the MCO enforcement in Malaysia. This
action will need an unfreeze from past behaviours. Before pandemic, employees are used to
work at their office till evening. The new set up however is in contrast as they were only
allowed to work from their home, communicating via online channel and emails. Shifting to
a work-from-home culture is one of the examples of Kurt Lewin model of change. This is
how ‘unfreeze’, or the first step in Lewin’s change model, works. Organizations had to
permit their employees to learn this new way of working, helping them open up to
unacquainted territory.
On the other hand, at the next stage, a change is prepared where everyone from different
level is participated in finding new ways to do the job more effectively and efficiently. It is at
this point that all members of the organization begin to have trust and act in new ways to
support the accomplishment of the organization's new direction and goals. The change from
the first stage to the second stage takes longer time as numerous amendments frequently
require little detail. In this second stage, another thing that also cannot be overlooked is
how to translate that change benefits individuals collectively, and not solely for the benefit
of the organization.

Once all of the employees have willingly accepted the necessity for change, it is the golden
time to put all plan into action. Managers need to setting up a home office, changing all
form of communication to online and supporting their employees to transition smoothly. It is
proved to be challenging but at the end of the day most of them are able to adapt to the
new norm and with careful planning and a vision for the future, change can be implemented

On the last stage which is known as freeze, if changes had reaches its stability and desired
shape it mean that all components in the organization are already fused with new ways to
work. There are few signs to indicate that the organization had already entered this stages
which when the organization has acquire stability that has been reflected in the
organizational structure, description and implementation of work running consistently, the
flaws that beforehand occurred began to be resolute, there has been an improvement in the
performance of the organization in several other positive things. However, aspects of the
changes that have been achieved need to be maintained at all times and therefore all
elements in the organization must be integrated into each organization's daily activities.

Taking a big organization in Malaysia as an example, they have now introduced a work from
anywhere feature which offering their employee the flexibility to work freely and anywhere.
This is a good method to freeze and solidify the new system. It’s the finishing step in the
Kurt Lewin change model, one that’s on-going and can be revised. You may want to
introduce new processes in the future, but for now your employees can start to get
contented with the new system

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