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‘ b.

To inform about the meeting

0. To instruct the meeting
d. To remind the meeting
e. To restart the meeting

‘7' Sunday
Event Scheduj
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

5 7 8 9 io
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6 00 5130 Hockey: 9 5.
Basketbalt Symphony Buslhess
Sharks vs Bulls
(amp Orchestra (ontomnce

3 ” 13 10:00 Disney 1: 00 ‘5 1° 17
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‘on he Symphony Mom vs Knighh

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7. Which event is happening on the evening of the 6th at 4:00?

3. answer choices c. Annie the Musical e. Disney on ice
b. Hockey: Lions vs Knights (1. Basketball Camp

8. Disney on Ice is playing during what three days?

a. 17,18,19 b. 13,14,15 0.11,12,13 d. ll,12,14 e. l3,14,15

9. What does this sign mean?

3. Electric Shock Risk 0. Trip hazard e. Please touch it
b. Do not touch d. Watch your head

10. Stranger : Excuse me where the nearest post office?

Carly : Follow this way until second traffict light. It is on your left beside Padang restaurant.
Stranger : Thank you
a. Can I help you find 0. Could you come with me e. Could I show you
b. Could I tell you the way (1. Could you show me

Answer the question.
My name is Anna. I live on Jl. Dahlia. My house is near the post office. Today, my mother asks me to accompany her to the
supermarket. The supermarket is on JI. Anggrek. There are many public places along this street.

The park is in the corner, near the library. There is a bank across from the police station. There is also a cinema. It is
beside the bakery. At last the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore and the bus station.

1. Where does Anna live?

2. Where doeshermotherwanttogo?
3. Where is the bank?

Dear Winda,
I am writing because I am leaving to layapura. Almost two weeks I spent my holiday with you and family. i saw you were too
lazy to be a sister. I’d like you to clean up the living room and dining room every morning before going out.
Your sister,


4. What is the things that Naura asked Winda to do?

5. Why did Naura asked Winda to clean up the house?

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