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5/30/2017 Pr om etr i c Pr actice Exam for N ur ses Test 1

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Prometric Practice Exam for Nurses

Nurse s Test
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Posted on May 14, 2013 by J.Mag, RN, USRN in Practice Test with 0 Comments
May 29, 2017 |
2017 | 0

The Prometric Exam for Nurses is

Nurses is an assessment and qualifying exam for nurse
who want to work
to work in the
the Kingdom of Sa
Saudi Arabia..
udi Arabia 3 Spinal Cord Injury
Nursing Care Plan
May 28, 2017 |
2017 | 0
TIP: Focus on prioritization, medical-surgical, and fundamentals of nu
TIP: Focus nursing.

1.The nur
1.The nurse is teaching
teaching a mother whose daughter has iron de៯ciency anemia. The
nurse determines the parent understood the dietary modi៯cations, if she selects?
10 ways to Manage
Stress for Nurses and
a) Bread and
Bread  and co៛ee
May 27, 2017 |
2017 | 0
b) Fish and Pork
Pork meat
c) Cookies and milk
Cookies and milk
d) Oranges and green leafy vegetables
More than Just a
2.Which of the following is the
2.Which th e most common clinical manifestation of G6PD Textbook
following ingestion of aspirin? May 27, 2017 |
2017 | 0
a) Kidney failure
b) Acute hemolytic
hemolytic anemia Chest Physiotherapy
c) Hemophilia A May 26, 2017 |
2017 | 0
d) Thalassemia Comments

3.The nurse assesses a client with an ileostomy for possible development of which Appendicitis Nursing
of the following acid-base imbalances? Interventions
May 25, 2017 |
2017 | 0
a) Respiratory acidosis Comments
b) Metabolic acidosis
c) Metabolic alkalosis Nurse Practitioner or
d) Respiratory alkalosis Doctor of Nursing
http://r /pr acti ce- test- 2/pr om etr ic- pr acti ce- exam - for - nur ses- test- 1/ 1/7
5/30/2017 Prometric Practice Exam for Nurses Test 1

4.The nurse anticipates which of the following responses in a client who develops May 24, 2017 | 0
metabolic acidosis. Comments

a) Heart rate of 105 bpm Buscopan (Hyoscine-

b) Urinary output of 15 ml N-butylbromide) Drug
c) Respiratory rate of 30 cpm study
d) Temperature of 39 degree Celsius May 23, 2017 | 0

 5. A client has a phosphorus level of 5.0mg/dL. The nurse closely monitors the
client for? Metronidazole Drug
May 22, 2017 | 0
a) Signs of tetany
b) Elevated blood glucose
c) Cardiac dysrhythmias
d) Hypoglycemia
Being Well is Well
May 21, 2017 | 0
6. A nurse is caring for a child with pyloric stenosis. The nurse would watch out for
symptoms of?

a) Vomiting large amounts

b) Watery stool
c) Projectile vomiting
d) Dark-colored stool

7.The nurse responder ៯nds a patient unresponsive in his house. Arrange steps for
adult CPR.

a) Assess consciousness
b) Give 2 breaths
c) Perform chest compression
d) Check for serious bleeding and shock
e) Open patient’s airway
f) Check breathing

 ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___

8.Which of the following has mostly likely occurred when there is continuous
bubbling in the water seal chamber of the closed chest drainage system?

a) The connection has been taped too tightly

b) The connection tubes are kinked
c) Lung expansion
d) Air leak in the system

9.Which if the following young adolescent and adult male clients are at most risk for
testicular cancer?

a) Basketball player who wears supportive gear during basketball games

b) Teenager who swims on a varsity swim team
c) 20-year-old with undescended testis
d) Patient with a family history of colon cancer

10.The nurse plans to frequently assess a post-t hyroidectomy patient for? 2/7
5/30/2017 Prometric Practice Exam for Nurses Test 1

a) Polyuria
b) Hypoactive deep tendon reex
c) Hypertension
d) Laryngospasm

11.An 18-month-old baby appears to have a rounded belly, bowlegs and slightly
large head. The nurse concludes?

a) The child appears to be a normal toddler

b) The child is developmentally delayed
c) The child is malnourished
d) The child’s large head may have neurological problems.

12.A nurse is going to administer 500mg capsule to a patient. Which is the correct

appropriate instruction to be included in the discharge teaching of a patient
following a spinal fusion is?

a) Don’t use the stairs

b) Don’t bend at the waist
c) Don’t walk for long hours
d) Swimming should be avoided

14.A nurse is preparing to give an IM injection of Iron Dextran that is irritating to the
subcutaneous tissue. To prevent irritation to the tissue, what is the best action to be

a) Apply ice over the injection site

b) Administer drug at a 45 degree angle
c) Use a 24-gauge-needle
d) Use the z-track technique

15.What should a nurse do prior to taking the patient’s history?

a) O៛er the patient a glass of water

b) Establish rapport
c) Ask the patient to disrobe and put on gown
d) Ask pertinent information for insurance purposes

16.A pregnant woman is admitted for pre-eclampsia. The nurse would include in

the health teaching that magnesium will be part of the medical management to
accomplish the following? 3/7
5/30/2017 Prometric Practice Exam for Nurses Test 1

a) Control seizures
b) promote renal perfusion
c) To decrease sustained contractions
d) Maintain intrauterine homeostasis

17.A nurse is going to administer ear drops to a 4-year-old child. What is the correct
way of instilling the medicine after tilting the patient’s head sidewards?

a) Pull the pinna back then downwards

b) Pull the pinna back then upwards
c) Pull the pinna up then backwards
d) Pull the pinna down then backwards

18.A nursing student was intervened by t he clinical instructor if which of the

following is observed?

a) Inserting a nasogastric tube

b) Positioning the infant in a “sning “position
c) Suctioning ៯rst the mouth, then the nose
d) Squeezing the bulb syringe to suction mouth

19.Choose amongst the options illustrated below that best describes the angle for
an intradermal injection?

20.During a basic life support class, the instructor said that blind ៯nger sweeping is
not advisable for infants. Which among the following could be the reason?

a) The mouth is still too small

b) The object may be pushed deeper into the throat
c) Sharp ៯ngernails might injure the victim
d) The infant might bite

21.A nurse enters a room and ៯nds a patient lying on the oor. Which of the
following actions should the nurse perform ៯rst?

a) Call for help

b) Establish responsiveness of patient
c) Ask the patient what happened
d) Assess vital signs

22.A patient with complaints of chest pain was rushed to the emergency
department. Which priority action should the nurse do ៯rst?

a) Administer morphine sulfate intravenously

b) Initiate venous access by performing venipunture 4/7
5/30/2017 Prometric Practice Exam for Nurses Test 1

c) Administer oxygen via nasal cannula

d) Complete physical assessment and patient history

23.A rehab nurse reviews a post-st roke patient’s immunization history. Which
immunization is a priority for a 72-year-old patient?

a) Hepatitis A vaccine
b) Hepatitis B vaccine
c) Rotavirus Vaccine
d) Pneumococcal Vaccine

24.Several patients from a reported condominium ៯re incident were rushed to the
emergency room. Which should the nurse attend to ៯rst?

a) A 15-year-old girl, with burns on the face and chest, reports hoarseness of 
the voice
b) A 28-year-old man with burns on all extremities
c) A 4-year-old child who is crying inconsolably and reports severe headache
d) A 40-year-old woman with complaints of severe pain on the left thigh

25.The doctor ordered 1 pack of red blood cells (PRBC) to be transfused to a

patient. The nurse prepares the proper IV tubing. The IV tubing appropriate for
blood transfusion comes with?

a) Air vent
b) Microdrip chamber
c) In-line ៯lter
d) Soluset

26.The expected yet negative (harmful ) result for posthemodialysis is a decrease in?

a) Creatinine
b) BUN
c) Phosphorus
d) Red blood cell count

27.A patient was brought to the emergency room after she fell down the stairs.
Which of the following is the best indicator for increased intracranial pressure in
head and spinal injury?

a) Inability to move extremities

b) Decreased respiratory rate
c) Increase in pulse and blood pressure
d) Decrease level of consciousness

28.A new nurse is administering an enema to a patient. The senior nurse should
intervene if the new nurse?

a) Hangs the enema bag 18 inches above the anus

b) Positions the client on the right side
c) Advances the catheter 4 inches into the anal canal
d) Lubricates 4 inches of the catheter tip 5/7
5/30/2017 Prometric Practice Exam for Nurses Test 1

29.The medication nurse is going to give a patient his morning medications. What is
the primary action a nurse should do before administering the medications?

a) Provide privacy
b) Raise head of the bed
c) Give distilled water
d) Check client’s identi៯cation bracelet

30.A 30-year-old client is admitted with inammatory bowel syndrome (Crohn’s

disease). Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the health
teaching? Select all that apply

a) Corticosteroid medication is part of the treatment

b) Include milk in the diet
c) Aspirin should be administered
d) Antidiarrheal medication can help

Answers and Rationale

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About J.Mag, RN, USRN

 J.Mag is a registered nurse from the Philippines. J.Mag has worked
and volunteered in di៛erent hospitals. J.Mag even passed a couple
of foreign nursing board exams including Prometric for the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia and NCLEX for the state of Vermont, USA. When not
busy working for the Department of Health as a community health
team supervisor, and studying for other foreign exams, J.Mag is most
likely writing articles.

View all posts by J.Mag, RN, USRN →

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