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Nama : ___________________________________

1. A : Hi! How Are You?

B : Hi! I’m Good, Thanks. How Are You ?
A : ……………………
a. I’m Great, Thanks c. I’m Right, Thanks
b. I’m Groot, Thanks d. I’m Shy, Thanks

2. People Walk with ….

a. Foot b. Knee
c. Toes d. Neck

3. I drink …..
a. Water b. Meat
c. Food d. Vegetable

4. You write using your ….

a. Arm b. Body
c. Hand d. Stomach

5. He ….. (Play) football

a. Play b. Playe
c. Plays d. Playes

6. Synonim of the word “Father” is ….

a. Dead b. Dat
c. That d. Dad

7. The sentence “What do you watch” means…

a. Apa yang kamu tunggu? b. Kenapa kamu nonton ?
c. Siapa yang kamu nonton? d. Apa yang kamu nonton?

8. A : Do you like to read books?

B : Ya, of course. I really love to read books
A : ________________________?
B : I love to read books about animal

a. Why do you love to read? b. Where do you like to read books?

c. When do you love to read? d. What books?

9. “Saya pergi ke taman bersama seorang temanku” dalam bahasa inggris adalah …
a. I go to the library with my friend b. I go to the cinema with my friend
c. I go to minimarket with my friend d. I go to the park with my friend
10. My aunt has a husband. He is my …
a. Sister b. Uncle
c. Dad d. Grand dad

11. Cows eat …

a. Meat b. Grass
c. Milk d. Other animal

12. A : How many eyes do you have?

B : ……………………………
a. You have two eyes b. I have two eyes
c. He has two eyes d. I have two eyes

13. A : How many books do you have ?

B : ……………………………
a. I have many book b. I have 10 book
c. I have 10 books d. You have 10 book

14. A Tiger has ….

a. Feather b. Trunk
c. Wings d. Fangs

15. The following is the animals that halal to be consumed ….

a. Cow, Camel, Snake b. Fish, Owl, Pig
c. Bird, Duck, Lion d. Goat, Fish, Chicken


1. Translate the conversation below

A : Hai, apa kabar?

B : Hai, baik Alhamdulillah, Thanks.
A : Kamu mau ke mana?
B : Saya mau ke perpustakaan
A : Apa yang kamu lakukan di sana ?
B : Aku membaca buku tentang Al-Fatih
A : Apa kamu suka membaca buku?
B : Tidak, saya tidak suka membaca buku. Saya suka menonton film.
A : Film apa yang kamu tonton?
B : Film Al-fatih.

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