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“Sex Education should be taught at an early age”

“A child’s mind is not a container to be filled, but rather a fire to be kindled” a quote that
is written by Dorothea Brande. Nowadays, the rate of teenage pregnancy is rising at an
abnormal rate. It is a need to educate the youth about this topic to resolve our problem of
teenage pregnancy here in the Philippines.
Sex education is a serious topic that should be discussed with all. With the knowledge
that teens would get from their educator, they would be more knowledgeable on this topic, and
they could apply safety precautions. “Prevention is better than cure” as Desiderius Erasmus, a
Dutch philosopher, once said. Educating children about sex could help them make better
decisions, and it could also promote to have family planning. One out of ten female teenagers
are already bearing a child. According to, female teens who are around 15 years old
to 19 years old are already pregnant with their first child. Last 2020, around 70,000 families
were led by minors. By the end of 2021, the number of households headed by a minor has
increased to 133,265 (Nortajuddin, 2021). In addition, most of the minors who get pregnant
belong to the marginal sectors. Instead of worrying less, they would worry more about raising
the child because of various reasons. Reducing the rate of teenage pregnancy could help
reduce overpopulation, child poverty, and child labor here in the Philippines.
To put it in a nutshell, educating the youth will help them to be molded. Believing that by
guiding the future generation would help them have a better life. “Children must be taught how
to think, not what to think” as Margaret Mead said. To successfully accomplish this, working
together would be the best solution. Let’s start a challenge to be a start of change and be a
better version of ourselves to share our knowledge with people who are less privileged to be

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