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General spherical with a double membrane

pores are present in the membrane
contains genetic information in the form of chromosome

endoplasmic reticulum
a large, dynamic structure that serves many roles in the cell including calcium storage,
protein synthesis, and lipid metabolism.

The consists of flattened membrane sacs (cisternae)

RER: RER and sER’’

sER it has no ribosome on it

rER which r transported by vehicles to Golgi

site of ATP production
2 membranes

Golgi apparatus j
Transport of protein outside the cell

Lysosome(suicide bage)
It made of one single cell
Formed from Golgi vesicles
They contain digestive enzymes for breakdown

Site of protein synthesis
Are free-floating in the cytoplasm or attached to ER
Made of protein and RNA

Centrioles are paired barrel-shaped organelles located in the cytoplasm of animal cells near
the nuclear envelope.
Centrioles play a role in organizing microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal system.
They help determine the locations of the nucleus and other organelles within the cell.
疏水的 Hydrophobic
Hydro= water
Phobic= offer
喜水的 Hydrophilic
Hydro= water
Philia= love

Phosphor lipid 磷酸脂质

Lipid= fat
Phospholipids are a class of lipids whose molecule has a hydrophilic "head" containing a
phosphate group and two hydrophobic "tails" derived from fatty acids, joined by an alcohol

residue 磷脂是一类脂质,其分子具有一个包含磷酸基团的亲水“头部”和


The head is hydrophilic

The tails are hydrophobic

Phospholipids form bilayers

in water due to the
amphipathic properties of
phospholipid molecules
The plasma membrane is not just made of phospholipids

Surface protein = peripheral protein

What is different between peripheral protein and integral protein
The peripheral proteins (also known as extrinsic proteins) are soluble and readily dissociate
from the membrane, whereas the integral proteins (also known as intrinsic proteins) are
relatively insoluble and dissociate with difficulty.
Cholesterol is a waxy type of fat, or lipid, which moves throughout your body in your blood.
Lipids are substances that do not dissolve in water, so they do not come apart in blood.
Your body makes cholesterol, but you can also get it from foods. Cholesterol is only found
in foods that come from animals(次要)
Regulates the fluidity and flexibility of the membrane

Glycolipid(糖脂)on the extracellular face of the eukaryotic cellular


and Glycoprotein(糖蛋白) on the surface of the lipid bilayer of cell

Definition. Glycolipid refers to lipids with a carbohydrate attached by a glycosidic (covalent)
bond while glycoprotein refers to any of a class of proteins that have carbohydrate groups
attached to the polypeptide chain.

Receptors are proteins, usually cell surface receptors, which bind to ligands and cause responses
in the immune system
Drawing of the fluid mosaic model

Gorter & Grendel’s Model-

Extracted phospholipids from the cell membrane of red blood cells
Because it is twice as large as the surface area

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