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gives this deep impression of privacy; high, clear, brief in

Sherman. As it was, the enterprise became a mere diversion.

Erh. Schmid, Adiaphora, wissenschaftlich und historisch

Germany, a ``provisional line of demarcation'' was adopted in


nitride (Mg3N2) with water, Mg3N2 + 6H2O = 3Mg(OH)2 +

for a number of years engaged principally in copying the old

part thinkers have been in haste to reach some simple

most metamorphosed they are often very hard to distinguish from

absence. He appears to have been a man of honourable and

was exploded by means of a brass pin projecting from the side

the Ars catholicae fidei and the treatise Contra haereticos.

difficulty by attacking the French troops, who were obliged

any ordinary garden soil, and will grow beneath the shade of

the hostility of the papacy and the condition of affairs in

expressionalists, view it as residing in ideal content or

Coins relating to Britain (1844); Ancient Coins--Hispania,

m. Special attention has already been called to the

a successful end in September or October 640 by Moawiya, `Amr

of Edinburgh, and in London under Dr Wilham Hunter. He

of this period, therefore, it is necessary to notice only such

collegiate school there, under Dr Busby. In 1662 he entered

period. As Stein's explorations show, both alphabets

authority of the Roman congregations, Acton felt that there

the aisles by ancient columns. The collegiate church of S.

against the active material on the negative plates, and help

farming. But the progress of husbandry, evidenced by the

in periodical publications it may be well to complete,

Different substances were distinguished by the name of

exported in small quantities in the raw state; but the main

soon after, probably of fever, and his body was bulied under

height of imaginative faculty not elsewhere found in American

circumscription (academie) of Lyons. It forms part of the

by navigators in finding the variation of the compass by the

Crete indeed profited by the grant of extended privileges,

The number of ``agricultural labourers and shepherds, which affords

and by erecting numerous buildings, he greatly improved the

Remains of a Roman thermal establishment exist near the principal

in Abyssinia suitable for wheeled traffic. Transport is

and in 1503 removed to Venice, where he held office as a

or cloaca gentium of the western hemisphere, where were

lye in a close under a hedge haue longe heare and thyck, and

named and classified the species in accordance with these

Vine region.

in 1876 by Sir (then Mr) Edwin Arnold and afterwards taken

(b) Two thin lenses in contact: let f1 and f2 be

others would be scarcely affected; at 4 m. high Glaisher

Indians of the Wakashan stock. They are settled on the west

on the northern side of the great Guatemalan Cordillera.

the outer court, is the refectory (G), a large cruciform

208 m. N.W. by N. from London, and 23 m. N. by W. from

or another down to the 17th century. Of course there were

of these missions, in the winter before the Restoration, he

Bujagos Ga Efik
north to the south side of Lake Tsana. Tsana (q.v.), which

biological survey, which studies the geographic distribution

during the Celtic invasions, Sparta's prostration after

Amalric and Shirguh (Shirkuh), the lieutenant of Nureddin,

bad seasons and superstition (and discomfort from vermin

of common interests.''9 By his wise intervention Switzerland

Epist. S. Petri. His "Replies" to Bishop Morton and Dr

Kuchelspitze. . . . . . . . 10,315 Sulzfluh . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,252

English) (Leipzig, 1875); F. Ratzel, Die afsikanischen Bogen

the upper Nile valley, dispelled the French dream of an

of the Napo. It belongs entirely to the lowlands, and is very

land previously conquered, and occupied without any legal

on his shoes in the vestry, and a chapter was held, and

occupied chiefly by Egyptians; (3) Brucheum, the Royal or

into the successful strivings of the supporting structures

Indians, however, remained the faithful allies of the whites,

AMPHIBOLOGY, or AMPHIBOLY (Gr. ampibolia), in logic,

knowledge that we can ourselves exert mechanical effect on

Granada. The country was in a state of confusion under the

land, the extent to which it should be consumed on the

all, and then only for short periods of time. On the other

balloon, parachute, or similar device employed wholly or in

with boron trioxide; by fusing aluminium phosphate with

1905 .. ..

Her Majesty's government exercise any authority in that

the figures had reached L. 5,000,000; in 1868, L. 12,000,000; in

The Jedars (Arab. ``walls'' or ``buildings'') are in the

Dahomey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000

and political services. He was promoted general of infantry in

was placed under British protection, though a protectorate

prizes, each of 20,000 fr., one for the poor Frenchman who

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