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small force to the disputed territory, which was subsequently

the several colours and tones. A point still needing special

as being merely mercury inflated by gaseous ammonia and

the cruciferous crops (turnips, cabbage, kale, rape, mustard);

name spread to the whole of the pair of continents by customary

(1809-1868), A. T. Malkin (1803-1888), John Ball (1818-1889),

its mouth form a retreat for a primitive race of fishermen.

extended to little more than taking astute advantage of the

Hohthurli Pass (Kandersteg to the Kien Valley), foot path . . . . . . .8,882

and the electric oscillation Q along y, all the quantities

its northern part by chieftains WHO have left numerous rich

among the enemies of Israel -- just as Greek writers of the 6th

Weisskugel . . . . . . . . . . 12,291 Sonklarspiize. . . . . . . . . . 11,405

10 Laws, 880 (see Bosanquet, op. cit. p. 54).

the Cumberland Plateau, or Tennessee Valley region, broken

Herod the Great. It was before him and his sister Berenice

northward, stamping their language, law and religion indelibly

elected to the Massachusetts senate, and in 1803 was sent to

Meyer, who first directed his attention to it in 1887.

portable. In the construction of such an instrument it is

England allowed the Bristol merchants to fit out a western

9 Originally, as pointed out by Home and others, sight was

particularly prior to 1900---but only to a slightly less

Fitz-Hugh, the ``Blackheath,'' [1903] 122 Fed. Rep. 112).

receipt and payment of moneys; also any statement as to acts or

1905 84 970 1001 53 210 53

Anglo-French rivalry in West Africa.

conductivity for luminous vibrations must be very much greater

the female superior of an abbey or convent of nuns. The

incomplete; and, if the incompleteness of an idea is not

1870; E. L. Rochholz, Aargauer Weisthumer, Atarau, 1877; E.

acid is converted into calcium chloride, and at the same time

facilities for obtaining a more thorough training in the

shall be judged most salutary for the peace and prosperity of

(2500 B.C.?) the scattered communities of the centre of the

subject-matter. It may be noted, as an instance of the

be traced in the graffiti wirh which pilgrims adorned the

coast of the Red Sea, having persecuted the Christians, the

that had come into use. Nitrate of soda, Peruvian guano

C. Meusnier (1754-1793) proposed an elongated balloon in

conform. But these generalizations are not ultimate truths,

coast, and Prince's Island and St Thomas' Island, in the

apparatus. If, however, the gas be first passed through

explored the coast as far, perhaps, as the Bight of Benin,

is only beautiful when it helps to preserve the character of

Clackmannanshire, Scotland. It is situated on the north

conquering the remaining chief divisions of the country,

were prohibited. The triforium was omitted. The windows

and most remarkable stalactite grottos in Europe. It has a

it was clear to all Italy that he regarded the papacy as an

Alps--each peak and pass being distinguished by one of the initial

first element in which he regards as a form of @ = h. As

Danish war to a close. Since 1870 Alsen has been fortified.

and Ovelgonne were incorporated. Without these suburbs the

any influence of convection would conspire in altering both

the principal provisions of the Agricultural (Children) Act

the nickname of ``Queen of Hearts.'' The union, however, which

country. They protect the valleys from destructive avalanches,

vaulted aisles on either side. Like Lincoln, it had an

to form acid amides (q.v.), with halogen fatty acids to

Pleuro-pneumonia in Great Britain was dealt with by the

Lectures on Alloys delivered at the Society of Arts

take place. Discouraged by his failure to effect this,

the daughter of Frederick, king of Naples (who had succeeded

stated here that with the exception of these pensions and

sold. A popularity so widespread must have had some basis of

spies and secret police; an uncertain succession; an army

perpendicular axis on the wheels (n n). It is with an

Italy, were its founders. The simplest form of agriculture is

their claims to be in a special manner the aesthetic senses,

F.R.C.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Chambers the architect, and Benjamin West, presented on

but its place has since been taken by the oath of allegiance.

as to precedence that had been raised at foreign courts.

Amazons, the letter to Olympias on the marvels of Farther

iii.; Maclver, El Amrah and Abydos; and Garstang, El Arabah.

other succulent plants make their appearance. There are, too,

and Morocco and a convention relating, in part, to British

king of Bussa, but the king of Nikki, and three expeditions

trabeculae of the hairs. There is nothing to show whether

the terms of the charter-party are entitled to look to the

lakes of Scutari (135 sq. m.) and Ochrida (107 sq. m.) are

(Gen. xxv. 21, xxix. 31; Judg. xiii. 2; 1 Sam. i. 5).

Amatis and produced instruments capable of yielding greater

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