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No. DPAR 46 SCA mn Kqsatqke-G--o-r:wslslt-t59-qfslag-a!,

Vi<ihana Sot*dtra,
B anga{ore, datd : O7=S8-20 1 4.


Whereas the draft of the following .rul,os further to anreqrd ttre Karnataka
Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, N996, v!'as
published as required by clause (a) of sub-section{2) of serction 3 of {he Karna{aka
State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in Notification No.
DPAR 46 SCA 2012 dated 30.04.2014 in Part IV-A ,,(No.286) of the Kamataka
Gazette Extraordinary dated 30.04.2014 inviting objections and suggestions from
all persons likely to be affected thereby within fifteen days from ihe date of its
publication in the Official Gazette.

Whereas, the said Gazette was made available to the public on30,04.2014.

And w-hereas, objections and suggestions receiv.ed have .been considered

by the State Governrnent.

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferrcd by sub-section {1) of

section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978
(Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the
following rules, namely:-


1. Title and commencement:- (l) These nrles may becalled the Karnataka
Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionafe Grourxds) (8* Amendment)

(2) they shall come into force *om the da$e of *reir p:blicaffuxr in dre
Official Gazette.


2. Amendment of rule 3A:- in the Karnataka Civil Seryices {Appointment

on Compassionate Grounds) Ru{,es, L996, ior rule 34. the following shall be
substituted, namely:-

*3A - Appointnaent of dependent of Government Servant retired on

medica! grounds:- Without prejudice to the generality of these rules, dependent
of the Governrnent Servant on medical grounds due to permanent
incapacitation shall be eligible for appointrnent on cornpassionate grounds subject
to the following conditions, namely:-

(a) Permanent incapacitation should have incidentally occurred rn'hile on

duty/at the time of performing the duties of the post held by the
Government servant;
(b) It should be only on account of public service that too while on dutv/
while discharging the responsibility assigned to the post;
(c) The rvords 'while on duty' includes his journey to and from his place
of residence to the place of rvork.
(d) The Government Servant is eligible to get pension under the
Kamataka Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 2AO3;
(e) Certification by the Medical Board that the Governrnent servant is
not fit to perform any duty is necessary.

Provided that appointnrent of dependent of a Government Servant under

this clause can be made by the Govemment in exceptional cases, only after the
FIead of the Department in which the Govemment Servant was working, after
examining the above conditions, certifies that the services of the Government
Servant cannot be utilized in any other post rn the Departrnent due to the disability
acquired by him while performing his.official dufy-

Frovided fuifier that no dependent of any Governrnent Servant t*ro retires

from service oR nredical grounds with the benefit of invalid pemion
under rule 273 of Karnataka State Civil Service Rules or who
takes voiuntary retireine*t on r*dical grounds with t?re benefat of retiring pension


under ru{e 285 of Kana{aka Civil Service Rules because of incapacitation

(a) common illnessor any other progressive disease/disorders, etc.

(b) accidents / incidents which occur while not on duty

is eligible to seek compassionate appointrnent under these rules.

Byorder in the nameof t*re

Governorof Kamataka,

Under Secretary to Govemment,
Department of Personnel and Administrative Re.forms
To: tfervice
The Compiler, Karnataka Gazette - for publication in the Extraordinary Gazette and
to supply 1000 copies to DPAR (Service Rules-B) immediately.

Conv to:-
1) The Chief Secretary to Govemment
2) The Additional Chief Secretary to Government
3) The Additional Chief Secretary to Government and Developrnent Commissioner
4) Principal Secretary to Governor
5) Principal Secretary/Secretary to Chief Minister
6) All Additional Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/Secretaries to Co.rernmenr
7) All Heads of Departments.
8) All Regional Commissioners
9) All Deputy Commissioners/Chief Executive Officers of ZillaPanchayats
10) The'Resident commissioner, Karnataka Bhavan, Kautilya M*g,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-l10 011
1l) *The Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore
12) * The Registrar, Kamataka Lokayukta, Bangalore
13) *The Registrar, Kamataka Administrative Tribunal, Kandaya Bhavan,
K.G.Road, Bangalore
14) *The secretary, Karnataka Public Service commission, Bangalore
I 5) *The secretary, Kamataka Legislative Assembly/council, Bangalore
16) Private Secretary to all Ministers / State Ministers
L7) All Special/Additional /Joint/DeputyAJnder Secretaries to Govemrnent
l8) All Sections of the Secretariat
19) Cabinet Section.(C. 138/ZA#)
20) The President, Karnataka State Covemnrent Ernployees' Association,
Cubbon Park, Bangalore- 1
2I) Press Table
22) Weekly Gazette
23) Section Guard File/Spare Copies
(*With a eovering lette)

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