Topic 4 - Afrianto Dwi Wijaksana - MTP 1C

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Nama : Afrianto Dwi Wijaksana

No / NIT : 02 / 2140501

Prodi : MTP 1C

Ir. Tundjung Inderawan, M.Si

Regarding tenacity and hard work, the Director General of Railways at the Ministry
of Transportation, Tundjung Inderawan, can be given a thumbs up. The challenges in the
railway sector that he is involved in are indeed extraordinary. It not only requires good
thought and planning, but also careful strategy and cooperation with various parties to
create security and comfort for millions of people who use rail transportation services,
including the lower class. The mentality of this 1987 ITB Civil Engineering alumnus was
forged very hard before he finally arrived at his current position. Joining the Ministry of
Transportation under the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, where he was involved
from design to planning, Tundjung was transferred to Aceh. It was here that his civil
engineering knowledge was tested because it was not only in the field of sea transportation,
but he began to penetrate the field of land transportation. Tundjung is involved in various
projects ranging from the construction of a weighbridge, meteorology and geophysics, SAR,
to railways.He was faced with the challenge of reviving the railways in Aceh. “I was finally
able to build the Aceh railway, namely the Kuala Simpang route to Kuala Langsa, then from
Bireun to Lhoksemauwe for 25 kilometers. But the project was not completed because of
the situation in Aceh,” recalled Tundjung when met in his office.

Tundjung emphasized that the role of the railway as a mode of mass transportation
largest. Even in a survey conducted regarding 'ability to pay' and 'willingness to pay', it is
clear that people are willing to pay any amount as long as mass transportation is
comfortable and safe. Based on that, Tundjung is determined to dedicate himself sincerely
and work even harder to make it happen. This comfort and security also applies to economic
trains for small economic communities so that one day trains can become a mainstay of
transportation for all parties. Some of Tundjung's efforts to realize this dream include
building railway infrastructure by inviting private investors, implementing electrification
programs for existing fleets as part of the go green campaign, providing air conditioning to
economy class trains and so on. "Hopefully there will be a shift in the use of road
transportation to trains, because this will have a significant impact on saving the
maintenance of the Pantura road, especially which can cost up to Rp1.1 trillion. Another
impact is saving on the use of fuel consumption, exhaust emissions, reducing traffic density,
accident rates, so that in the end it is hoped that it will be able to move the local economy
between cities," he explained.
Not only building awareness among ITB Civil Engineering colleagues, Tundjung also
continues to improve the capabilities of human resources (HR) in the Directorate General of
Railways by providing opportunities to continue their education to the Masters-S3 level in
Belgium or the UK. In this case, his party held cooperation for the implementation of further

education, through international cooperation, especially in terms of safety. "I want

the railways in Indonesia to be like the railways in Japan or in Europe," he said, adding that
he had already conducted a pre-study for the development of a fast train with a speed of
300 Kilometers per hour.

He also hopes that at the secondary school level, a curriculum can be inserted that
can accommodate subjects about railways. So far, a good response has been obtained from
the Regent of Salatiga who is pleased to urge STM in his area to include subjects on
railways.These HR capabilities will also be equipped with appropriate certifications, namely
certification of skills for machinists, assistant machinists, PPKA, JPJ (road inspectors), JPL
(train gate guards), and others.This thorough preparation will not only strengthen the
relatively young railway organization but also at the same time answer the challenge of
making rail a solution to mass transportation that is comfortable, safe and affordable for all
levels of society and the rail mode of transportation is ours. Let's take care of the modes of
transportation in Indonesia.

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