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By Tarun Goyal
• The Indus Valley Civilization was an ancient civilization thriving
along the Indus River and the Ghaggar-Hakra River (the river is
known as Ghaggar before the Ottu barrage in Haryana and as
the Hakra downstream of the barrage) in what is now Pakistan
and north-western India. Among other names for this civilization
is the Harappan Civilization, in reference to its first excavated
city of Harappa.
• An alternative term is Saraswati-Sindhu Civilization, based on
the fact that most of the Indus Valley sites have been found at
the Ghaggar-Hakra River.
• There were however earlier and later cultures often called Early
Harappan and Late Harappan in the same area; for this
reason, the Harappan civilisation is sometimes called the
Mature Harappan to distinguish it from these other cultures.
• R.B. Dayaram Sahni first discovered Harappa (on Ravi river) in
1921. R.D. Banerjee discovered Mohenjodaro or ‘Mound of the 3
Dead’ (on Indus river) in 1922. Sir John Marshal (DG of ASI
from 1902-28) played a crucial role in both these.
Charles Masson (pseudonym of James Lewis), a deserter from the East
India Company's Bengal Artillery, was the first European to discover and
document the ruins of Harappa.
One day in 1827 he left his regiment at Agra with a fellow soldier. They
headed west, towards Indus River and lands not yet under British control.
During many years of wandering, he stumbled on the ruins at Harappa in
the late 1820's. He became the first European to report their existence in
his book Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan and
The Panjab (published in 1842).
Masson was impressed by the site's extraordinary size and by several large
mounds formed from long-existing erosion.
Masson is best known as a numismatist whose unearthing of various coins
provided the first new clues to the Bactria-Greek and Kushan Empires 5
which once ruled Afghanistan and Punjab. His desertion was ultimately
• IVC was a Bronze Age civilisation in the northwestern regions of
South Asia, lasting from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE, and in its mature
form from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE (According to NCERT).
• It forms part of the proto history (period between prehistory and
history) of India and belongs to the bronze age.
• It was contemporary to Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt, but was
bigger than both of them.
• Mediterranean, Proto-Australoid, Mongoloids and Alpines formed
the bulk of the population, though the first two were more
• More than 100 sites belonging to this civilization have been
• The large cities of Mohenjodaro and Harappa very likely grew to
containing between 30,000 and 60,000 individuals, and the
civilisation itself during its florescence may have contained
between one and five million individuals.
• Copper, bronze, silver, gold were known but not iron.
• Covered parts of Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, Gujarat,
Rajasthan and some parts of Western UP.
• It extended from Manda in Jammu in the north to
Daimabad in the south and from Alamgirpur in Western
UP to Sutkagendor in Baluchistan in the west.
• Major sites in Pakistan are Harappa (on Ravi in W. Punjab),
Mohenjodaro (on Indus), Chanhu-Daro (Sindh), etc.
• In India, major sites are Lothal, Rangpur and Surkotada
(Gujarat), Kalibangan (Rajasthan), Banwali (Haryana), and
Alamgirpur (Western UP).
• Rakhigarhi in Hissar district (Haryana) is considered the
largest Harappan site overall. Next comes Mohenjodaro,
then Harappa.
• Elaborate town-planning. It followed the Grid System (except
Banwali). Roads were well cut, dividing the town into large
rectangular or square blocks. Lamp post at intervals indicate
the existence of street lightning. Flanking the streets, lanes
and by-lanes were well-planned houses.
• Used burnt bricks of good quality as building material.
Elsewhere in contemporary world, mud-bricks were used.
• Houses, often of two or more storey, varied in size, but were
quite monotonous – a square courtyard, around which were
a number of rooms. No doors and windows faced the streets
(except Harappa and Lothal, which had houses with
entrances on the main street). The houses had tiled
bathrooms (separate places for toilet and bath in houses). 9
Concealed drains were there from upper floors.
• Good drainage system (except Banwali). Drains were made of
mortar, lime and gypsum and covered with large brick slabs for
easy cleaning (shows developed sense of health and sanitation).
• The towns were divided into 2 parts: Upper part or Citadel and
Lower Part (best example is Harappa) (exception Chanhudaro,
which was without a Citadel).
• The Citadel was an oblong artificial platform some 30-50 feet high
and about 200-400 yards in area. It was en closed by a thick (13 m
at Harappa) crenelated mud-brick wall. In Citadel, public
buildings, granaries, important workshops and religious buildings
were there.
• In lower part people used to live. In Kalibangan and Lothal, the
lower town was also walled.
• In Mohenjodaro, a big public bath (Great Bath) measuring 12 m by
7 m and 2.4 m deep, has been found. Steps led from either end to
the surface, with changing rooms along side. It was probably used 10

for ritual bathing.

• However, the biggest structure found in Mohenjodaro is a granary
(45.71 m by 15.23 m).

• Dholavira, situated in the Rann of Kutcchh
in Gujarat, is the second largest Harappan
site in India (after Rakhigarhi). A striking
feature of Dholavira is the water
management system, where the main
sources of water were the two seasonal
water streams out side the settlement. Both
these streams were dammed, and all the
water was diverted inside the settlement.
• Excavations show that the city was divided
into three parts and in each part had
underground water tanks and they are
connected by an underground water
channel. 13
• The Indus people sowed seeds in the flood plains in November, when the
flood water receded, and reaped their harvests of wheat and barley in April,
before the advent of the next flood.
• Grew wheat, barley, rai, peas, sesamum, mustard, rice (in Lothal and
Rangpur), cotton, dates, melon, etc. The Indus people were the first to
produce cotton.
• The fields had two sets of furrows at right angles to each other, suggesting
that 2 different crops were grown together.
• In Kalibangan, fields were ploughed with wooden ploughs (terracotta
plough in Banwali).
• Domesticated animals on large scale. Besides the cattle, buffalo, sheep,
pigs, cats and dogs were domesticated. Horse wasn’t in regular use but
elephant was. Remains of horse at Surkotada and dogs with men in grave
at Ropar have been discovered.
• Produced sufficient to feed themselves.
• Food grains were stored in granaries.
• Well-knit external and internal trade. There was no metallic money in
circulation and trade was carried through Barter System.
• Weights and measures of accuracy existed in Harappan culture (found at
Lothal). The weights were made mainly of chert and limestone, steatite,
etc. and were generally cubical in shape.
• The weights proceeded in a series, first doubling from 1, 2, 4, 8 to 64 and
then in decimal multiples of 16.
• Flint tool-work, shell-work, bangle making, pottery making, etc were
practiced. Raw material for these came from different sources: gold from
N. Karnataka (Kolar, Anantpur), silver and lapis lazuli from Afghanistan
and Iran, copper from Khetri and Baluchistan, etc.
• Bead making factory existed in Chanhudaro and Lothal. They were items
of export. Beads were made from carnelian and steatite.
• Nageshwar and Balakot were the specialised centres for making shell
• A dockyard has been discovered at Lothal (connected through Bhogava
river). Rangpur, Somnath and Balakot functioned as seaports. 16
Suktagendor and Sutkakoh functioned as outlets.
• The inland transport was done with bullock carts.
• Every merchant or mercantile family
probably had a seal, bearing an emblem,
often of a religious character, and a name
or brief description, on one side. The
standard Harappa seal was a square or
oblong plaque made of steatite stone.
The primary purpose of the seal was
probably to mark the ownership of
property, but they may have also served
as amulets.
• The Mesopotamian records from about
2350 BC onwards refer to trade relations
with Meluha, the ancient name of the Indus
region. Harappan seals and other material
has been found at Mesopotamia. Also
traded with Sumer (Modern S. Iraq), Egypt
& Bahrain.
• The Harappan culture belongs to the Bronze Age.
• Bronze was made by mixing tin and copper. Tools
were mostly made of copper and bronze. For making
bronze, copper was obtained from Khetri in
Rajasthan and from Baluchistan, and tin from
• Cotton fabrics quite common. Woollen in winter.
• The Harappans’ most notable artistic achievement
was their seal gravings, esp. those of animals (bull,
rhinoceros, elephant, etc.).
• The red sandstone torso of a man (in Harappa) is
particularly impressive for its realism.

• Very fond of ornaments (of
gold, silver, ivory, copper,
bronze, precious stones) and
dressing up. Ornaments
were worn by both men and
women. Women wore heavy
bangles in profusion, large
necklaces, ear-rings,
bracelets, finger-rings,
girdles, nose studs and
• Potter’s wheel was in use.
Their pottery was red or
black pottery. Played dice
games. Their favourite 19
pastime was Gambling.
• The most impressive of the
figurines is per haps the bronze
idol of the famous dancing girl
(identified as devadasi), found at
• For their children, they made
cattle-toys with movable heads,
model monkeys which could
slide down a string, little toy-
carts, and whistles shaped like
birds, all of terracotta.

• Main object of worship was the Mother Goddess.
• But the upper classes preferred a god, nude with two
horns, much similar to Pashupati Siva. Represented on
the seal is a figure with three horned-heads in a yogic
posture. He is surrounded by an elephant, a tiger and a
rhinoceros, and below his throne is a buffalo. Near his feet
are two deer. Pashupatinath represented male deity.
• Phallus (lingam) and yoni worship was also prevalent.
• Many trees (pipal), animals (bull), snakes, birds (dove,
pigeon) and stones were worshipped. Unicorn was also
• However, no temple has been found, though idolatry was
• At Kalibangan and Lothal, fire altars have been
• Although no definite proof is available with regard to
the disposal of the dead, a broad view is that
probably there were three methods of disposing the
dead – complete burial, burial after exposure of the
body to birds and beasts, and cremation followed by
burial of the ashes. The discovery of cinerary urns
and jars, goblets or vessels with ashes, bones and
charcoal may, however, suggest that during the
flourishing period of the Indus Valley culture the
third method was generally practiced. In Harappa,
there is one place where evidence of coffin burial is

• Evidences of Double Burial is there in Lothal and Kalibangan.
• The people probably believed in ghosts and evil spirits, as amulets were worn.
• Dead bodies were placed in the north-south orientation.

• The script is not alphabetical
but pictographic (about 600
un deciphered pictographs).
• The script has not been
deciphered so far, but
overlaps of letters show that it
was written from right to left in
the first line and left to right in
the second line. This style is
called ‘Boustrophedon’.

• Excavations at the site have led to following specific findings :
 two rows of six granaries with brick platforms; 12 granaries
together had the same area as the Great Granary at
 evidences of coffin burial and cemetery ‘H’ culture (two
antelopes and the hunter on a potsherd from a cemetery
have been discovered);
 single-room barrack;
 evidence of direct trade interaction with Mesopotamia;
 a red sandstone male torso;
 stone symbols of female genitals.
 houses with entrances on the main street.
 a college, a multi-pillared assembly hall;
 the Great bath (the most important public place of the city);
 a large granary (the largest building of Mohenjodaro);
 a piece of woven cotton along with spindle whorls and needles;
 superficial evidence of horse;
 a pot-stone fragment of Mesopotamian origin;
 evidence of direct trade contact with Mesopotamia;
 a bronze dancing girl; a humped bull;
 evidence of violent death of some of the inhabitants (discovery of
human skeletons put together);
 a seal representing Mother Goddess with a plant growing from her
womb, and a woman to be sacrificed by a man with a knife in his
 a bearded man; and
 a seal with a picture suggesting Pashupati Mahadev. 28
• The word ‘Kalibangan’ means ‘black bangles’. A ploughed field was the most
important discovery of the early excavations. Later excavations at Kalibangan
made the following specific discoveries.
 a wooden furrow;
 seven ‘fire-altars’ in a row on a platform, suggesting the practice of the cult
of sacrifice;
 remains of massive brick wall around both the citadel and the lower town
(the second Harappan site after Lothal to have the lower town also walled);
 bones of camel;
 a tiled floor which bears intersecting design of circles;
 a human head with long oval eyes, thick lower lips, receding forehead and
straight pointed nose; and
 evidences of two types of burials :
(a) burials in a circular grave and
 (b) burials in a rectangular grave. 29
 double burial.
• Important trade centre of the Harappan culture. The town planning in Lothal was
different from that of Harappa and Mohenjo daro. The city was divided into six
sections. Each section was built on a wide platform of unburnt bricks. Each platform
was separated by a road with width ranging from 12 feet to 20 feet.
 remains of rice husk (the only other Harappan city where the rice husk has been
found is Rangpur, near Ahmedabad);
 an artificial dockyard;
 evidence of horse from a doubtful terracotta figurine;
 impressions of cloth on some of the seals;
 evidences of direct trade contact with Mesopotamia;
 houses with entrances on the main street (the houses of all other Harappan
cities had side entries);
 a ship designed on a seal;
 a terracotta ship;
 a painting on a jar resembling the story of the cunning fox narrated in the
 evidence of double burial (burying a male and a female in a single grave);
 evidence of a game similar to modern day chess; and
 an instrument for measuring 180°, 90° and 45° angles (the instrument points to
modern day compass).
• Excavations at Chanhu-daro have revealed three different cultural
layers from lowest to the top being Indus culture, the Jhukar culture
and the Jhangar culture. The site is specially important for providing
evidences about different Harappan factories. These factories
produced seals, toys and bone implements. It was the only Harappan
city without a citadel. Some remarkable findings at Chanhu-daro
include bronze figures of bullock cart and ekkas; an inkpot, footprints
of an elephant and a dog chasing a cat.

• Kot Diji is known more as a pre-Harappan site. It gives the impression
of a pre-Harappan fortified settlement. Houses were made of stone.
The remains of Kot-Diji suggest that the city existed in the first half of
the third millennium BC. Excavations at the site suggest that the city
was destructed by fire.
• Amri also gives evidences of a pre-Harappan settlement. However, it
lacks the fortification plan of the pre-Harappan phase. A spectacular
feature of Amri is that it gives the impression of existence of transitional
culture between pre and post-harappan culture. Important findings at
Amri include the actual remains of rhinceros; traces of Jhangar culture
in late or declining Harappan phase and fire altars.
• Ropar is a Harappan site from where remains of pre-Harappan and
Harappan cultures have been found. Buildings at Ropar were made
mainly of stone and soil. Important findings at the site include pottery,
ornaments, copper axes, chert blades, terracotta blades, one inscribed
steatite seal with typical Indus pictographs, several burials interred in
oval pits, and a rectangular mud-brick chamber. There is also an
evidence of burying a dog below the human burial (Though the practice
was prevalent in Burzhom in Kashmir, it was rare in the Harappan 32
• Situated in Hissar district of Haryana, Banwali has provided two phases
of culture during its excavations; the pre-Harappan (Phase I) and the
Harappan (Phase II). Though phase II belonged to the Harappan period,
chess-board or grid pattern of town planning was not always followed
as in other Harappan sites. The roads were neither always straight, nor
did they cut at right angles. It also lacked another remarkable feature of
the Harappan civilisation—a systematic drainage system. A high quality
barley has been found in excavations. Other important material remains
include ceramics, steatite seal, terracotta plough, and a few terracotta
sealings with typical Indus script.
• Situated in Kutch (Bhuj) district of Gujarat, the site is important
particularly because it has provided the first actual remains of horse
bones. A cemetery with four pot burials with some human bones has
also been found. A grave has been found in association with a big rock, a 33
rare finding of the Harappan culture.
• Sutkagendor, situated in Baluchistan (in Pakistan on Makran coast on
the bank of Dasht river), was an important coastal town. It is the
western-most site of the Indus civilisation. Excavations of Sutkagendor
have revealed a two-fold division of the township: the Citadel and the
Lower City. It is said that Sutkagendor was originally a port which later
cut off from the sea due to coastal uplift.
• The Harappan culture lasted for around 1,000 years.
• Researchers believe a 900-year long drought in the concerned area led
to the abandonment of the settlements. Other reasons that are cited
are Invasion of the Aryans (weakest reason), recurrent floods, social
breakup of Harappans, Earthquakes.
Amalananda Ghosh (1965) was the first Archaeologist to identify
similarities between a Pre-Harappan culture (better known as Early 34
Harappan) and the Mature Harappan cultures.
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