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Green Skills

Environment Protection and Conservation
an Farth makes it a unique planet in comparison to other planets. It home
is to millions of species of piants and
al It is possible because of our environment as it involves remarkable conditions that make life
possible on Earth

The wOrd environment is

derived from the French word environ
which means 'surroundings' Our environment
marises our surroundings-the air we breathe, the water that covers the earth's
surface, the plants and animals
around us, and much more.

The environment can be categorised into two types:

1 Natural Environment

2. Human-made Environment


includes all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth, for
example, plants, animals, birds, insects,
mountains, water bodies, air, sun, rain, minerals, etc. The natural environment is subdivided into
two-biotic and abiotic

Biotic Components: These components consist of all the

living organisms within an ecosystem, for example, plants,
animals, birds, insects, fungi, and other living organisms.
Living Things Non Living Things

Abiotic Components: These components comprise all the

non-living things in an ecosystem, for example, water, air,
soil, sunlight, and minerals. Water Soil
Protists Animals
Our environment provides the platform for the interaction
between these two factors. The biotic factors depend on Air

the abiotic factors to fulfil their requirements to grow and Light

FungusBacteria Minerals
Biotic and Abiotic Components

The human-made environment inciudes human activities and their interaction with the abiotic components. It

comprises the structures made by humans, such as houses, buildings, parks, bridges, roads, markets, factories, dams,
vehicles, and so on. In addition to these, the human-made environment also includes all the social institutions and
organisations which we see in our society. Thus, human-made environment consists of physical, biological, social, and
Cultural factors. Cities are the best example of human-made environment.

ne naturai and human-made components of the environment depend on each other and interact with each other as a

natural process. No living organism can survive alone. The natural environment provides all the resources for the

development, growth, and survival of human beings.

Computers with MIPS 113
smmall pond nea find
your home YoU May
dous tVpes of iving
things from mier0 organis to
nsects ànd Suntigft ard hwat
plants in it
These may depend on non ivig
Omponents such as water, sunlight and the
m the water for
their survival This
pond is an exampie o
ecosystem A few more
examples are forests, deserts, dno
ecosystem is a community of
living and non-living
components which are
interdependent on each other. An
formed when living
and things (plants, animals,
organisms) in an area interact with each other as
as with the wel
non-living components (weather, sun, sol,
climate, and
In an
atmosphere) that surround the living things. An Ecosystem
ecosystem, each orgar has its role to play. Each
ecosystem is unique, but all ecosystems con,
Autotrophs: They are the ducers of energy. Plants make up the majority of the
energyfrom the Sun or other sources into food. autotrophs in an ecos
Heterotrophs: They are the consumers of energy. These are organisms which depend
directly or indirectv
autotrophs for their food. They are also
known as consumers. Most of the upO
heterotrophs are animals.
Non-living matter: It is soil, sediments, leaf litter, and other
aquatic system. organic matter found on the ground or at
the botm


Every living organism on Earth needs some basic things to survive. The amount and
organism to organism. For example, water is the type of these needs vany
basic need for
survival, but the amount of water a
less than the amount of
water needed by an
elephant. Similarly, indoor plants require almost frog needs to suy
compared the outdoor plants.
to minimal amount of
Five basic needs that all
living things require to survive:
Sunlight: The sunlight is an essential
It provides heat and requirement for all living organisms because it is the main source of enerEy
light to all living things. Life would not be

onEarth without the warmth of the

Water: It is considered to be the
most important necessity of life Food
Water provides habitat to many living organisms. It
helps to regulate
metabolism in organisms and assists the
intestine. Water also helps in
absorption of food in the
maintaining body heat. Waier

Air: Air is made up of several

gases, but the two most
important gases
are oxygen and carbon dioxide. Without oxygen,
animals will die,
and without carbon dioxide, plants cannot
Food (Nutrients): Food plays a vital role in overall
development of all
Needs of Living things
Computers with KIPS 11à
gs The tood
tood we eat
nutrients that are
fNDg beings
required hy the body o grow moVe
thinandlearn. Moreover, t helps in maintaining proper health by protertingus from d seses N

habitat with the righttemperature: Imagine, if you have to live in a place which is either too cold or ton hot 't wo
t or maybe even imposSible to survivel In the same way, every iving organism needs an deai temDe
suvive, whether on land or in water


ra interrelation between the man and the environment is well
ctablished from the earliest times to the present day. However,
the relationship has varied during different stages of the
evolution of humans and their society. In this relationship, the

anvironment influences the life of human beings.

Humans adapt
to their changing environment, but sometimes they also modify
the natural environment according to their requirements.

The early humans lived in the lap of nature. Their survival

depended on their natural environment, so they adapted to their
environment. Their food, shelter, and clothing, all came from
their natural habitat. Therefore, they did not harm their natural Pacon
Nitrogen bactena

environment but lived in harmony with nature and devised fixing NTRIFICATON NO
bacteria NH
various ways of preserving it. In fact, nature was worshipped in
different forms as a way to honour the natural environment Nitritying bacteria

Relationship between Environment and Living Things


With the advancement in technology, the relationship between man and environment also changed. Humans are the
onily living organisms capable of modifying the environment according to their needs. Gradually, humans explored and
exploited the natural resources for the development and the comforts of human society. To fultill the needs of increasing
population, human beings have undertaken certain activities like rapid industrialisation, unplanned urbanisation
deforestation, and overexploitation of natural resources. These activities have significantly contributed te

environmental degradation and are disrupting the environmental stability and ecological balance

Environmental degradation is now a global problem. More than 1.4 million people have died as a resuit of natural
disasters over the past fifty years. Why are the natural disasters on the rise? Are we tampering
too much nature

Human-made disasters are also on the rise. Human

beings, supposedly the most intelligent creatures

on tarth, by the misuse of scence and technoiogv

are probably on the verge of threaternng the very

XIstence ofite ontarth

Some ot the natural events that ca use
environnental degiadation Jre volcainc eruption.

etc. let read

forest tires, earthquakes, floods

about some human activities which are harming

the natural environment and causing ecologual


Fffects of Human Activities on Fnvironment Learning Kips


,athreaten thes

i a t e
ihe aan e t h e
e sfeith
hat e
tthe mportant s
er tationreterstothe overuse of naturalaa
aimost ieaches a stage of enhaustio

explotatonofnaturalvegetation and forests medauns hehome

wildlitefish stoks.fossl fuels and water aquteis
minerals oil dalling and unplanned
Mnng andsand contnbutng to the destructionof the eosystem
a g rorests tovDtan tmber and provide space for either :ones
is caled detorestation A majonty of animal and plant

e esve nthe forests and many

ot them have become extinct or endangered
0ec au se the
isot thew homes due to
detorestation. Economic activties suh
d 88 mng and constructron often involve clearing the cover
the taura ot
vegetat on Ot places This tampering
a have
with one factor of the ecosystem
ple ette ton many other tactoS in any
The s that ofrestatie
provides nutrients for
learng apiece of the torest for timbervegetation the ecosystems RTeath affe ied b

otthe Sun canexpose the upper layes of the solto

in the heavily detorested the w
tAanpie thereby
iedu ing the tertility of the soitareas soil eroson and nutnent un t e edu

Wate: an snd
aipl ay dui ial tole m the
oluto eiease hamtul health ot out
Pors gaves eieaveu heme als ipollutants) ecosystems Any &ind t
nto the nto the
a tory
hinney> ause a environment trom vehi envroniment
dustrial and iity pollution and ular emission au
poiution Plastu
ewage wastes unto respuatoty diseases
aie me of tihe most lakes 1ivers and DumpnR O
oeait waters seas are
aiUsing We
ahes woukiwiuie ommon and persistent
whiuh a in potlutant h
hazard to mane

Laaning and

Lamputerswaa PS
douschemicals are being used in modern agriculture to
control pests and weeds.
cetOxic chemicals are accumulating in the environment and LefsSearchFor
causing a threat of diseases What are some common

cancer. They alsokill beneficial microbes and

ike insects, birds, butterflies,
es, and fishes. The respiratory diseases
extinction of ddifferent species affect our
ctian of caused by air pollution?
biodiversity and ecosystems.

Cthat trap the heat in the

atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. The primary
reenhouse gases
tnat numans emit
directiy in significant quantities in the earth's Lets Kaow More
carbon Earth Day is celebrated
are dioxide, methane, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and CFCs. These
gases worldwide every year on
aISe global warmingof the environment. The rising April 22 to supoort
temperatures could melt the polar ice environmentai
caps, submerging much of low-lying
protection it was
land masses and many coastal cities eScaping radiuion proposed by Gaylord
elecled Anton Nelson (an
(like London, New York, Mumbai, American politician and
environmentalist). Earth
Kolkata, and Chennai) under sea aboorbed by
phore and Day was
water. According to scientists, if the first celebrated in 1970

emission of CFCs is not reduced by

2030, there will be irreversible global
warming and large-scale depletion of
the ozone layer. Causes of Environmental Pollution

The ozone layer helps to keep out harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiations that cause sunburn to
human skin and damage to plants. The most common form of UV radiation is sunlight which
produces three main types of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. The UVA rays help generate
vitamin Dfor living things. UVB and UVC are destructive and can cause DNA and cell damage
to plants and animals. The depletion of ozone layer exposes living things to UVB and UVC
rays. The harmful effects of these rays can affect ecosystems and humans and can cause the
Let's Know More
extinction of certain species.
CFCisan abbreviation
for 'chlorofluorocarbon'
NUCLEAR WEAPONS CFCs are commonly used
in refrigerators and air
A single thermonuclear weapon can have a million times more destructive power than the conditioners. They cause
serious damage to the
largest conventional weapon. Several countries possess nuclear bombs. If a major nuclear ozone layer as they
attack and destroy
conflict happens, extreme climatic and global environmental changes would occur with
ozone molecules.
SIgnificant health implications and would destroy life on Earth.

Nuclear wastes generated in nuclear reactors are a real threat to life on Earth. Exposure to
radioactive elements can have severe health effects on human beings, which can resuilt in Collect information on at
least three major
rreparable DNA damage leading to a life-threatening condition, tumours, cancers, etc.
nuclear disasters. Find
Radioactive substances can also contaminate soil, water, air, and infuse harmful substances out the reasons for the
occurrence of these
" eenvironment,thereby affecting vegetation, wildlife, and marine disasters and their
impact on living things.

ComputerswithKIPs 117
wartare s another threat to
bacteria, viruses or fungi for
of disease producing
n e production

when released,
will disseminate tnrough air or
ater and an

evironment These super powered pathogens,

catastrophic epidemics to man and animal life


an abundance of natural
At the beginning of human civilisation, there was about
humans did not think
on tarth Since everything was available in abundance,
industrialisation and
their depletion or exhaustion. However, with increasing
as the
also increased. Moreover,
urbanisation, the consumption of these resources
population is continuously growing, the use of natural resources is also increasing.
we Keep exploiting nature, there will be no more resources left for future generations.
The greed for possessing more of everything and a careless attitude towards nature

has now brought us to a stage where conservation has become the need of the time.
Conservation of Natural Resoure

ACTIVIY ZONE Think About This

Today you do not get natural pure water to drink. You have to carry your own water bottle.
Imagine the scens
where you are extremely thirsty, and you have no water left to drink. What would you do? enaro
Deforestation and mindless cutting down of
trees are reducing the sources of oxygen supply on Earth, Will uwe
carry oxygen cylinders on our back in the future?
Fossil fuels will get exhausted. There will
be no diesel petrol left.
or Your cars and other vehicles
useless. Think, how will you will becoma
manage without these conveyances?

There areseveral ways of
conserving natural resources. Some
of the methods are-to
judiciously, reduce the consumption natural resources, do not harm the
use renewable
communities to take care of the natural environment, and
environment. educate
Tips to conserve natural resources
We can contribute towards the conservation
of natural resources
are by adopting the three Rs in our
daily life The three ks
Reduce: Buy only the essential
things and reduce the
This is the
best way to conserve
these resources. This
consumption of natural resources.
waste inthe environment way, we can reduce the
amount of Red
Recycle:Process old items and create
that we use
something new. We can
recycle some of the things
day like paper bags,
soda cans, milk cartons.
newspapers, cardboard, sheets of plastic bottles,
paper, magazines, etc
Reuse: Use the same
object over and over
throwing it away. Reusing again before
saves valuable natural
things is a
great way to extend the recycling, composting, or
life of
resources. things, which in turn
Computers with Kips 118
to reuse things are
some tips

both sdes of the paper

Write on
riak from glass or reuUsabie stainless steel cups instead of throwaway paper, plastic, or thermocoi produjcs

Usecloth towel and napkins instead of paper towels and napkins.

Take a cloth bag to the grocery store instead of using a paper or plastic bag

lce the comic pages trom the newspaper as wrapping paper.

glass/stainless steel containers or reusable lunch bags to carry lunch to school.

Llse coffee cans, jam bottles, and other types of containers to store things.

no not throw your old clothes, toys, furniture, and other things that you no longer use. Rather, donate them to 3
centre that collects donations or exchange them with your friends.

lo can contribute towards the conservation of natural resources by taking these three important steps reducing
consumption, recycling waste, and reusing old things.


Conservation of environment means the proper use and management of natural resources. It includes water, air, land,
earth deposits, wildlife, and natural vegetation. Protection of the environment has become a significant issue today, not
the world.
only in India but all over
Some of the essential steps for the protection of the environment are:

Develop environment friendly habits, such as proper handling of wastes and

refrain from using polythene bags. (When discarded, such bags do not
decompose in the soil). Also, do not throw things in the seas, rivers, and lakes.

Use less electricity by making sure that lights and appliances are turned off
when notin use.

Refer to the energy star ratings while buying electrical appliances like
air conditioners and refrigerators. These appliances would consume less
power, reduce electricity bills, and reduce the effects of global warming.

Use LED and CFL bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. Utilise renewable
energy sources as much as possible. Use solar heaters, solar cookers, and
other appliances that function on solar power.

The emissions from cars are harmful to the environment.

Whenever possible, walk short distances or use a cycle instead of

pool, public transport. It

driving. When required, use car or use

reduces environmental pollution and it is healthy for you too!

Use water judiciously for daily chores like bathing, brushing teeth,
drinking, washing, cooking, etc.

Practise rainwater harvesting at home. Encourage the use of drip


Computerswith KIPs 19
" a t e timpostng I h i i a n e f t e tive way toredn e greenhousea semissto

y t o e r ate p r o p l e in your ox alityfor t h e protec tion a n d judieion u s eo f natural resoure es

Tneourageaftorestation, ie plantinK 1growing more trees in deforested areas ( ontribut

ute as mn h as
conservationjprojetthat happeninyour locality
ehat ive fuel. like (NG((ompressed Natnal oas) in vehictes, insteadof petrolanddievel

ndustrial wastet and

sewage must be treated before they are released iht
the water bodies

Ue biogas and biofuel at home

f 6 not the
responsibility of Rov men and big ompanies only to take steps to
onserve the
envionment Ivery one of u should
partiipate in protect a
preserving the planet lor urnelves and
future generation

ACTIVITY zONE For Implementation

ter y le, Reute, and lede, n e of the best waya
Prepare t onerve the natial
plan ar tion baned on the hree I'a enou en and the einiomment
otraleuy fo y home
nEmber hae yo plan with the lane whie h an he a tised ihy ali the fam

Multiple f hoit a
Biti far l i lude all he
Ni li viny hy
Brthliitny anl liviny iiimga
a anles of aliti Natm al ream
aAhe walete
Waleril si ight Allhe landfmne
A e lman ade thing

t and

They ili eoon deray
b They er 40on get ovhausterf

h e ar Ver rnetly 9one f the thesn

FR in the Blanks:

An S8 rommunity of iving and non-iving components whirh ars ntertependent

o each ofher

an ecosystem,
n components include all the iying organisms f he orosystem

Human made environment inciudes human activities and therr interaction with the

iving organisms which depend directly or indirectly on autotrophs for their food are called

Atr i5 made up of several gases but the two moost important gases for living beings are


HINTS Ecosystem Oxygen, Carbon dioxide Heterotrophs AbIotic

C.Answerthe Following Questions:

What is environment?

Ans Environment comprises our surroundings-the air we breathe, the water that covers the eartn's surtace, the
plants and animals around us, and much more.

Define the term 'ecosystem'.

Ans An ecosystem is any community ofliving and non-living things that function together

3Why is it important to conserve natural resources?

Ans It is important to conserve natural resources because as we continue to overuse the natural resources, a
serious natural imbalance will be caused in the environment and many natural resources may soon get

What are some of the most dangerous effects of the depletion of ozone layer?

Ans. The depletion of ozone layer exposes living things to UVB and UVC rays. The harmful effects of these rays can
affect ecosystems and humans, and can cause the extinction of certain species.

What does the term 'conservation ofenvironment' imply?

Ars.Conservation of environment implies the proper use and management of natural resources.

D. Answer in One or Two Sentences:

What do you understand by overexploitation of natural resources?

When is farth Day celebrated?

3Define greenhouse gases

4 What is the full form of three Rs?
5. Wnat do you rnean by conservation of environment

Computerswilh KiPS 121
cGive su
table amoe,t
Q u e s t i o n s . environment

F o l l o w i n g
the tactor

ofbiotiu primarye
primary componente
of tthree
consist of
N p i a i n

tors c o n s i s t

the two ta e c o s y s t e m s

but all hand

plain your point
t a c h e c o s v

of new
onservation e c o s y s t e m ?

d e v e l o p m e n t
arnd i m b a l a n c e
ln a n

today. Sunn
i ssue Suppose yo
someof an

environment towards
of the contribute

how will vou


Application B a s e d Q u e s t i o n s :

are facing
an acute water Crisic
sis Suggest
in a society
where the
ome Na
residents to c o n s e r v e

*****'***** *****
* * * * * *

in her
Kitchen. She is not aware th-
Swati uses wood and cow-dung cakes as fuel
fuels to her to avoid air pollutinn
on. fuels o
alternative eco-friendly
environment. Suggest
*************************" *********** ****

****** "******** ***** ***** *******

, .
******** ** **********

ACTIviTY ZONE For Better Concept Clarity

Prepare posters showing environment conservation in the neighbourhood, school, or public plac

Conduct Group discussion in your class
on the topics
a. Hazards of deteriorating
bVarious factors that influence

Compuders with KIPS 122
S kills

Importance of Green Economy
ife on
Earth is possit sible because of the natural
of the growing population, natural
environment, but today our
ur natural environment is at risk To fuifil the

resources are being consumed at

h faster rate than ever berore. Irees are
being cut down for making new
aNOressways, shoppinE COmplexes, and for
constructing housing societies. Such
man activities have various adverse effects on
the natural
Danid industrialisation, commercialisation, and the growing needs of the
lod to an increase in the number of people has
industries, power plants, vehicles, and use of
hemical fertilisers. All this is leading to environmental
pollution (air, land, and
water). Increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and
resources contribute to global climate change. depletion of natural The Need for Green Economy


Environment and human activities are
closely linked to each other, one impacts the other.
Therefore, by gradually
damaging the natural environ and ment depleting the natural resources by their activities, humans are
very own existence. threatening their
The environment affects people Environment People affect the environment
Burning fossil fuels
Water availability
Creating urban areas
Shelter availability
Cutting forests for wood
Soil for plant growth People +Flushing waste into rivers
The future of this planet is in our hands. There is need to
develop an attitude to care and preserve the quality of the

environment. This can be achieved by developing green skills, which deal with
protecting the environment for the
future, creating jobs that protect the environment, reducing energy
consumption, and minimising waste and pollution.
Green skills refer to the
knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes needed to live in, develop, and support a society
which reduces the
negative impact of human activity on the environment.
Our life
depends on natural resources present in the environment like air, freshwater, and soil. By emitting pollutants,
Ereenhouse gases, and waste, we cause drastic and irreversible damage to the environment. For a long time, we humans
Delleved that natural resources are
unlimited. Therefore, we exploited the resources available to us with a little thought
e r replenishment. The economic prosperity we are enjoying right now will not last forever because natural
e s are getting consumed at a much faster rate than before. There is already a scarcity of food, water, fuel, and

d i r in many parts of the world. What is the solution to these problems? Environmental scientists believe that

an'sition towards green economy will help in countering these ecological problems.
e r to understand green economy, it is essential to first understand the term 'economy'. An economy is a system of
g4sations and institutions that either facilitate or play a role in the production and distribution of goods and services
among the members of a society.
Computers wilh KiPs123
e e n economy C Ci118 1tosults , 1171provei hurmi
q i t y while gn.firantiy edif ing Eoonystem
(raturet apitst)
mentalrishand1eroiogi alstatitins
economy an be seen as àmean to ac hieve ality
bette qudhey
ite this planet by balancing environmental ecOnomt,
soa elements t lcads to sustainable development, which PM an well-beingg
ultls the
need of the present generation without exhausting
(sociat arnd human cepa
ge entco see
the resources for future Fair irden sa
Over the past
decade many scientific studies have highlighted
the problem of environmental
degradation and climate change. As a result, the concept of Lets Se
green economy has become a
global agenda. Some important global events over the last
few decades focusing on green economy
1972 Stockholm Conference
1987 Brundtland Report
1992 Earth Summit and
What war he
Agenda 21 2012 Rio+20 Conference aim agenda of


The United
Nations Environment
Ereen economy: Low
Programme (UNEP) has proposed a three-pronged approach for the attainm
carbon growth, Resource efficiency, and Social inclusion. nment g
Human activities like
burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) have increased the
gases (GHG) like concentration of CO2 and
Nitrogen Oxide and Methane in the other gres
global warming and climate
atmosphere. This prevents Earth from cooling at
change. The term 'Low Carbon' means reduction of all night, thus caue..
Carbon Growth greenhouse
is now
generally expressed using
Low Emission term
gas emissions
generally used to describe the national Development Strategies (LEDS).
economic development plans or LED
climate-resilient economic growth, which strategies that include
means, economic development that does loW-emission
Consequences of carbon growth not harm the
greenhouse effect has warmed up oceans and
which in turn caused melting of
resulting in rising sea levels and glaciers,
pattern of changes in the amount and
precipitation Rising sea levels flood coastal
areas and influence
Global warming is causing more
wildfires, droughts, and
Climate change is
causing tremendous loss of property and storms
destruction of infrastructure from human life. The
take years to recover hurricanes, tsunamis, and other disasters
Moreover, these disasters cause
diseases and lasting chronic waterborne
psychological traumas Melting Glaciers
Carbon dioxide also contributes to
further pollute water and sol pollution creating acid rains
Acid rains damage trees and othet p
Poiluted water and soil
contaminate vegetation that
Carbon dioxide emissions we eventually consume
displace oxygen in the
Cise in health issue, like
breathing atmosphere, thus impacting human
carbon dioxide levels problems, skin diseases, health There tid Sbeena
headaches, etc., due to the increaSE
Computers with p s 124
law carbon e
Carbonis essential tor environmental sustainatbility and fiture prosperity io achieye iow (arooi

reen economy develops economie activity which has minimal output of greenhouse gas omissions into the
re in other words, the green economy controls carbon emission in the environment by using fuels more

th restoring carbon in soil and biomass, and using low carbon technologies to generate energy eticient produ
e f f i c i e n t h y


As discussed,
Issed, earlier, we are depleting our natural resources by overusing and exploiting them Green economy
serves these resources as it involves increasing prosperity by using the resources econormicaliy and without affecting
c o n s e r v e s

t h e e n v i r o n
ment. in other words, the green economy emphasises becoming more resource efficient
m e n t .

Resource eficie e efficiency involves efforts at three levels government, corporate, and individual. Apart from environment
diy technological innovations, it requires changes in almost all aspects of our life-clean transportation, efficient
andcleaner energy prOduction, Water management, land management, greener buildings, waste management and

and so on.

Clean More Better water Greener Clean and improved tand

Transportation efhicient and Usage and buildings efficient Usage through
cleaner management waste SUstainabie
energ management farming and
production forestry

Lef's Know More
Social inclusion essentialy means sharing the responsibility as well as the benefits of What is a green building?
economic growth across all sections of society. The shift towards green practices require It is a building which in ts
investments by both, private and public sectors leading to the growthin income and design, construction, and
operation, reduces or
employment through green jobs. eliminates negative
Acording to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a Green Job is defined as a impacts, and can create
positive impact on our
work in agricultural, manufacturing, research and development, administrative, and senvice
climate and natural
activities that contribute towards preserving or restoring the quality of the environment. environment. Green
buildings preserve precious
Greenjobs involve greater efficiency in the use of energy, water, and material. These jobs help natural resources and
to protect ecosystems and biodiversity, de-carbonise the economy, and minimise all forms of improve the quality of life

waste and pollution.

in almost all fields. For
Greenjobs span a wide range of skills, educational backgrounds, and occupational profiles. They

Example, people employed in setting up a solar panel or operating a wind turbine are involved in a green job because they
are working towards generating wind energy, which is an alternative to burning fossil fuels. Even the industries that supply

ow material for building wind turbine towers are also contributing to the green economy.


Gven below are some of the main global impacts of moving towards green economy:

preventing melting of glaciers and resulting rise of
onribution in sea

r i u t i o n in preventing climate changes such as variations in raintal,

Emperature and crop production, and climate disasters like droughts and tloods
Ontrbution to fight against global warming, desertification (fertile land becoming
in particular
le), and loss of biodiversity (the variety of plant and animal life

habitat) Learning
Computers with Kips 125
oveer1 ate an pi g

ronment oliof and rhahilitatinn ofperni.

osert ry1nesrw
binfiyels aned ronewabio onerRy
pee areat a n f a r t n g as

more onergy offir ont

ectrmgt th
altermat rve energy c y r r e s ant ber oming
ndustrial and agric uiturai pro odurtion
Tpreng e s t : e offe iet y andtthus i n reasng

Tese in new areas of employment


hela has led by exampie in moving towards greer economy tna tane
t O w a r d s a green economy in the last decade and has tried to balance t with

Continuous deveiopment
a i a aims to address the following three issues through green economy initlatives

Issues of energy scarcity

Issues of environmental pollution

Issues of unemployment or underemployment

The Skill India Mission of the Government of india, Ministry of Environment


FORR BETTESa Climate Change, has started the Green Skill Development Programme GS0P
target large number of people who will be trained
a as per the needs of the gren
Aims of the Green Skills Development Programme (GSDP):

1 To train green skilled workers with technical

knowledge and commmer
conserve and preserve the

INDIA To generate new jobs for green skilled workers who wil! help to protect ecci
and biodiversity, reduce energy consumption, and minimise waste and poli
3 To preserve or restore environmental that it lasts for tuture generau
quality so

Some of the fields covered under Green Skill Development Program are:

Sewage Treatment Plant

Waste Management

Forest Managemer

Pollution Monitonng lAir/Water/$Soil)

Sewage reatrment Platits (StP). tMluent treatinent Plants (t TP), ànd ntsiE
Common Eftluent Ireatmentr


Computers with KiPS 16

economy is expected to generate many jobs in the green sector Youths 8amboo Management
The Indi

Bamboo is 2 common
the GSD Course(s) can be employed in the following fields:
qompieting tropical perennial gra55.
Wildh (zoos, wildlldlife sanctuaries, national parks, which grows widely in

biosphere reserves, botanical Asia It grows rapidly and

gardens, nurseries, wetland sites, State Biodiversity Boards, Biodiversity Management many raw materials are
amittees, and Wildlife Crime Control Bureau) obtained from it. It sa

source of raw material for

industr (involved in production or manufacturing of green products)
building paper. Young
shoots are used as food. It
Tourism (as
eco-tourist guides)
iS a very important plant
to control soil erosion. Its
Agriculture (as organic tarmers or green practitioners)
cultivation is being
encouraged as a
research sectors
Education and Commercial crop

waste management (in Municipal Corporations, Councils, urban local bodies to advise
on how to improve sewage, sanitation, land use services, and tackle pollution)
Lef's Know More
According to a recent
Water management
WHO (World Health
Organization) survey, 13 of
Construction related areas
the 20 most polluted cities
are in India.
Climate change and pollution are posing

an alarming and fast approaching threats

and for our future generations. The Lef's Know More
to us Skill Council for Green
world needsto take drastic and immediate Jobs is one of the most
actions to protect our planet for our recently launched
initiatives of the
continual existence. Governments,
Government of India
private sector, NGOs, and groups of aligned to the National

awakened citizens worldwide are working Skill Development

Mission. It is promoted by
diligently towards an efficient and inclusive green economy. However, there is a dire need to
the Ministry of New and
bring awareness to the citizens of the world to adapt to an eco-friendly lifestyle. Renewable Energy (MNRE)
and Confederation of
Indian Industry (Cll)

Recap Green skills refer to the knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes needed to live in,
develop, and support a society which reduces the negative impact of human activity
on the environment.

Our environment comprises our surroundings-the air we breathe, the water that covers the earth's surface,
the plants and animals around us, and much more.

An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living components which are interdependent on each other.

Several ways of conserving natural resources are to use renewable resources judiciously, reduce the
consumption of natural resources, do not harm the natural environment, and educate communities to takecare
of the environment.

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Multiple Choice Questions:
Green skiil is the ability to

aPlanttrees cIdentifytrees
Setting up solar panels is an example ot
b. Protect trees
d.Conserve the envirs
Green job b. Social job c. Traffic job d. Hydel work
Green economy can lead to
a. New
job opportunities b. Low carbon economy
Better quality of life this d. All of these
on planet
Imparting green skill sets will
generate ******

a More nurseries
b. New species of trees
Renewal of fossil fuels d. New employment opportunities
Manufacturing diesel generator sets is an example of green job.
a. True b. Partially True c. False d. Partialiy False
B. Fill in the
Green economy
emphasises on becoming more ******
buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve the
quality of lifa
a tropical commercial grass which controls soil erosion.
4 A green economy is essential for
5 Transition towards a
'***** **** . . .

sustainability and future prosperity.

can help us in countering the ecological problems.
HINTS Green economy Bamboo Green Environmental
C. Answer the Foliowing Questions:
Define green skills.
Ans Green skills
are the
which reduces the
knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live
negative impact of human activity on the in, develop and
environment. support asc
Define green economy
Ans Green
economy is an economy that results in
reducing environmental risks and improved human well-being and social
ecological equity while signfitar
What do you understand scarcities
by the term green job?
Ans Green
job is defined as a work in
service activities that agriculture, manufacturing, research and
preserving or restoring the qualitydevelopment,
contributes towards adminisrau
Wnatarthe aims of green economy? of environment.
Ans Green
economy has three aims Low carbon
What are the six key growth, Resource efficiency, and Sociai inciusion
points on wlich green
Ans Green economy Is based
on the
economy is based?
Production, Water following key points: Clean Cleaner Ev

Management, Land
Management, GreenerTransportation, Efficient a ame
Buildings, and Waste
Exptain the term sustainabte
Sustainable development development
means the
exhausting the resources for
development that fulfills the
D. Answer in One or Two generations. of the prese
Enlist any three human
activities that cause
damage to the environment.
Learning with Kips 128
ist any two Job Opportunities in the green sector
How dogreenhouse gasses affect our environment
How do greenj
jobs help in restoring the quality of the environment?

Whah at jssues does India aims to address through qgreen economy initiatives?

Answer the Following Questions:

What is green skill and what is its importance in the present times?
ExDlain the relationship Detween man and environment. How does one impact the other?

Explain the concept of social inclusion.

How can the youth benefit from the Green Skills Development Programme (GSDP) of the government of India

What are the benefits of moving towards green economy?

Why is low carbon growth the chief aim of green economy? How do the increased carbon emissions impact the

F. Application Based Questions:

nagine you are involved in Green Skill Development Programme. Some students have come to your office to
know about some of the fields coOvered under this programme. Suggest them some job opportunities involving
green skills.

*************************************************** ********* .. .. ... ...**r*******.****

. ************"*****"* *****'****'****"********* * .. .************"

Bahadur Lal is working as a junior officer in the National Park. How is he contributing towards green economy
Justify your answer.

. . . . . . . . .. . . *** ****************** ****'*** ** r**** "*************************

................ .. ** **** .*****s***********os*************************.**ressesseens****s

ACTIVITY zONE For better concept Clarity

list down the different sources of
or your teacher) and
A. Take trip of your city (along with an elder

environmental pollution. Prepare a table

under the following headings:

Types of Pollution (Air, Land, Water, etc.)


Effects of the pollution

Suggestions for controlling pollution
the topic, 'Benefits of Green Buildings.
presentation on
a PowerPoint
B. Referto the Internet and prepare of newspaper/magazine cuttings.
of green economy with the help
C. Prepare a poster showing the importance

Also, write a slogan on the green economy.

Organise a debate in the class on the following
environmental pollution
in reducing
Banning diesel vehicles will help
as technical skills
Green skills a r e not a s important
lobal impact ofmoving towards green
Computers with Kips 12

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