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Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High
Schoolstudent has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the
student’spostsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to
and become familiarwith work-related environment related to their field of specialization
to enhance theircompetence. Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain relevant and
practical industrial skillsunder the guidance of industry experts and workers; (ii)
appreciate the importance andapplication of the principles and theories taught in school;
(iii) enhance their technicalknowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their skills in
communications and human relations; and (v)develop good work habits, attitudes,
appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them tomeet the needs and
challenges of employment or higher education after graduation.
Academic institutions are faced with challenges particularly on the skills they
producedwhich do not match the needs of the industry. A significant number of
graduates today are unableto fill the job openings due to job-skill mismatch. A great
number of these skills found lacking bycompanies are taught in the academe that is,
technical, human resource and conceptual skills. Inaddition to that, these same skills
can also be reinforced through on-the-job training programs. On-the-job training (OJT)
programs are course requirements providing an opportunity toapply the theories,
principles and ideas learned in the academe under supervision. These trainingprograms
expose the students to work realities which will ideally hone their skills and preparethem
once they get out of the university or college.
A study conducted by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP)
in2006, emphasized the importance of an effective on-the-job training program.
Achievement of the OJT program objectives ensures the possibility of good performer
graduates. The oppositewill most likely produce poor performer graduates thus,
promoting job-skill mismatch.
One of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop in learners
thecompetencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further education and/or
joining theworld of work. To achieve greater congruence between basic education and
the nation’sdevelopment targets, Work Immersion, a required subject has been
incorporated into thecurriculum. This subject will provide learners with opportunities: (i)
to become familiar with thework place; (ii) for employment simulation; and (iii) to apply
their competencies in areas ofspecialization/applied subjects in authentic work

Dear Sir / Madam:
I would like to convey my gratefulness to you and your colleagues for the excellent OJT
which I have undergone in your company. The skills and knowledge which I have
gained throughout my practical training I perceive as very valuable component in my
future career development. As you know this OJP was part of my educational curricula
and therefore I have to thank you for providing me this opportunity.
I would especially like to thank Mr. Name Surname, Mr. Name Surname for their
generous support, coaching and companionship during my OJT. I shared their expertise
with me very generously and I have learned a lot from them. My thanks and
appreciation also to your HR staff mainly Ms. Name Surname for willing to help us, and
above all to your good companionship.
Thank you once again for your great support in the successful completion of my OJT.



As well as everything that I do, I would be honor to dedicate this Final Portfolio to my
parents. The two persons that gave the tools and values necessary to be where I am
standing today. My parents support me on every step I make, and decision I take; but is
necessary to understand that they let me take my decisions alone in order for me to
learn from my personal mistake and as my father says to “learn and grow from each
seatback”. I will never finish to thank my father and my mother for all the opportunities
that they have offer and gave me, for all the teachings that they have told me and for
every advise that come out of their mouth. I am so graceful with them for trusting me
that I would do a Good job in the university, and letting me come to achieve a higher

So that’s why I dedicate this Portfolio to my parents, whom expect my effort on every
thing that I do, and I think that this Final Portfolio is the perfect image and reflection of
my effort and hard work on my first semester on the university.
Mom & Dad: I hope that I can make you proud, the same way that I am proud of having
both of you as my parents and as the compass of my life!
Values and attributes as a student in a work immersion
As a student who needs to go under work immersion, it is very important to possess
work-related skills and values so that you may practice and internalize working under
real-time processes in your chosen profession. Some of the key values and attributes
that you need to portray are:
Professionalism - school can teach you how be work professionally by providing skills
that you need in a specific work but through work immersion, real-life situations and
stress will bring more experience to a student. Though the company may have a little
expectation from you, still you must possess how a professional should work. You may
learn this through adapting the work culture in that company, the work priorities of your
immediate superiors and top executives of the company. Learn by observing them,
listening well when being instructed, or coping up when unfavorable circumstances
arise. This will boost your morale and develop high sense of professionalism and job
acceptance. As days passes by, you'll notice that there will be changes in the way you
move and work within the department. Some companies offer vacancy slots to their
trainees if they notice above satisfactory performance during the work immersion.
Promptness - this pertains to coming on time, even going before the schedule is
expected from students who go in work immersion. It creates a sense of responsibility
and full acceptance of the job that he has to accomplish. In contrary, those who come
late may find themselves less favored because at some point, they cause delay to the
work production and processes. Being on time is very commendable and given special
recognition after the work immersion.
Accuracy - this pertains to the application of skills learned in classroom. The actual
processes done in workplaces may differ from what is taught in the school so it is very
crucial for the students to learn these alterations and variations. Also, some mentors are
critical if the students really know what they are about to do once they started their work
immersion. It is very important to listen to instructions during the orientation and ask
questions if confused. Proper communication is very important as well. Keep in mind
that work immersion is the best place to apply what you have learned but be careful not
to cause delay in the company's workflow.
1. To become familiar with the work place;
2. For employment simulation; 
3. To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects
in authentic work environments,
4. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and the
stories learned in school;
5. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
6. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
7. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

The Kto 12 Basic Education programs’ purpose is to discover, improve and develop
thelearners Learning Competencies and to guide the learners to pursue their chosen
career. And todevelop a better nation. The work immersion is under the K to 12
curriculums. It givesopportunities to the learners:1.To develop a better
communication.2.To adapt a new environment.3.To improve, develop, and apply their
competencies.4.To prepare them for employment.Learners are distributed in different
establishments, offices and Laboratories as theirwork place for their work
immersion/actual job. Through company’s partnership, they areexpected to help the
learners in their work immersion, to give them the opportunities, tohave or experience
perform actual job, for new learning’s. To make the learners 1.Improve their knowledge
and skills to be more productive.2.To develop a good communication and good
relationship towards others.3.To build up work ethics, attitudes, and the value of
works.During the work immersion in Senior High School, the learners develop a good
socialinteraction, that will help them to build-up and maintain a good relationship
towards others, workimmersion gives them a chance to apply what they have learned
about their specialization fortheir improvement and development of their skill and to
increase their knowledge and for thepreparation of employment, for proceeding in the
higher education. The objectives written abovewas guided by policy to:1.Create an
adaptable work immersion.2.Give an optional work immersion.3.Provide / give a safe
and comfortable work place.

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