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Tiếng Anh 1 Family and Friends National Lesson Plan (sample)

Date of lesson

Unit 1 What color is it?

Lesson 1 Words
Student Book page 10, Workbook page 10

Objectives To identify five colors

To use the color words in the context of a chant
Language Language focus: listening, speaking
Vocabulary: red, green, blue, black, yellow
Resources and materials Audio tracks 1, 15–16; Flashcards 6–10, Crayons (red, green, blue, black,
yellow); Stickers
Further practice Workbook page 10; Classroom Presentation Tool

Stage Procedure Interaction Time

Warmer  Play and sing the Hello song to start the unit. Teacher to whole 5
 Play Freeze (see Teacher’s Guide page 75). class

Lead-in  Use Colors flashcards 6–10 to introduce the vocabulary Teacher to whole 10
 for this lesson: class
 Hold the flashcards up one at a time and ask What color is it?
 Say the words for children to repeat in chorus.
 Once children have learned the words, go around the class
Teacher to
practicing with individual children.
Presentation Exercise 1
 Ask children to look at the picture. Teacher to whole 10
 Play the first part of the recording, while you point to the class
coloured bricks in the picture, in time with the audio.
 Play the audio again for children to listen and point to the
picture with you.
 Play the second part of the recording while you say the new
words in time with the audio.
 Play this part again for children to repeat the colors.
 Call out a color for children to point to objects in the room that

Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National 1 Lesson Plan  Oxford University Press 2020
are the same color.
 Reverse the activity. Point to different objects in the room for
children to call out the color.

Development Exercise 2
 Play the recording for children to listen to the chant. Teacher to whole 5
 Divide the class into groups of five. Give each child in the group class
a colored pencil/crayon.
 Tell the children to hold up their pencil or crayon each time they
hear their word.
 Practice the chant several times before handing out the colored
pencils or crayons.

Consolidation Exercise 3
 Point to the picture. Point to the colored bricks in the picture to Teacher to whole 5
elicit the color words. class
 Say Let’s stick! and demonstrate sticking the blue sticker, while
saying blue.
 Say Now your turn! and invite the children to copy you.
Encourage them to say the color word when they stick.

Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National 1 Lesson Plan  Oxford University Press 2020

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