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GROUP PRESENTATION (Mid-term) – Speaking 2 – 2021-2022

Group #: 3 Topic: Manners Date: 19th April

1. .My Duyen 2. Thanh Xuan.5 Thanh Tam
3. .Ngoc Duyen 4. Phuong Chi 5. Hue
Topic Development (2 2
1.6 + Nice beginning
Creativity/ Materials (1
+ Good interaction
Groupwor + A little bit short (10 mins/5 members)
k 1 -> need to extend the speaking time
Cooperation (1pt)
+ Some other kinds of media are
(5 points)
0.8 expected (like pictures to show you are
Time allotment (1pt)
on the bus/ sounds)
Total (Groupwork)

S1 S2 S3 S4 S 5 S6
1 1 1 1 1 1
Topic relevance (1 pt)

Individual Grammar & Vocabulary 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
work (1.5 pts)
(5 points) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Pronunciation (1.5 pts)

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

Fluency (1 pt)

Total 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0

1. What do you think about the way people behave today?
Are there any different from past time?
Scoring Criteria for Group presentation
Speaking 1 Year: 21-22 

The presentation of each group will be assessed by the following criteria:

A. Group work:

1. Topic Development (2 pts)

● Presenting relatively relevant information
● Organizing information /ideas in an appropriate order 

2. Creativity/ Materials (1 pt)

● Approaching the topic relatively creatively and interestingly 
● Using appropriate materials to the topic  
● Showing good preparation and several attempts to use audio/visual aids

3. Cooperation (1pt)
● Balanced work and time division among members
4. Time allotment (1pt)
● Delivered within the assigned time limits.

B. Individual work:

1. Topic relevance (1pt)

● Presenting ideas and information relatively clearly 
● Showing attempts to support ideas with some interesting examples and evidence

2. Grammar & Vocabulary (1.5 pts)

Relatively accurate and appropriate use of a range of grammatical forms and vocabulary relevant to the
topic; Having some errors but still understandable.

3. Pronunciation (1.5 pts) 

● Producing relatively comprehensible utterances with relatively appropriate sentence and word stress and
● Speaking with a clear, audible voice
● Having some errors but still comprehensible.

4. Fluency (1pt)
● Having relatively poised, controlled, and smooth delivery
● Speaking with little hesitation
● Showing some attempts to maintain good eye contact with the audience
● Showing attempts to use some non-verbal communication strategies (e.g., gestures, moving around,

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