11 CulvertDesign v22

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Project No: Sheet: 1

Date: Revision: 2
Project Title:
R.C. Drain Detailed Design To BS8110 Part 1: Code Of Practice For Design And Construction
600mm R.C CULVERT DRAIN (Wall Design)

1.0 Design Characteristic And Data Information Input:

1.1 Forces Made By: FJ
design ultimate loads (1.4Gk + 1.6 Qk), w: KN/m
design ultimate maximum moment, M: 4.05 KNm
design shear force due to ultimate loads, V: 46.20 KN
1.2 Rectangular beam dimension Checked by: CCL
beam height, h: 150 mm
beam width, b: 2100 mm
effective depth for tension reinforcement, d: 90 mm cover = 40mm
effective beam length, L: 800 mm
1.3 General characteristic strength
Characteristic strength of concrete fcu: 30 N/mm^2
Characteristic strength of main reinforcement fy: 460 N/mm^2
Characteristic strength of links reinforcement fyv: 460 N/mm^2

2.0 Main Reinforcement Design (Cls

2.1 K value where K' = 0.156
M (KNm) b d^2 K=M/fcubd^2 Take
4.05 2100 8100 0.008 K = 0.008
* If K < or = K', singly reinforced beam: GOTO 2.2
** If K > K', doubly reinforced beam: GOTO 2.3
2.2 Singly reinforcement
K d B=(0.25-K/0.9) A=SQRT B z=(0.5+A)d z=0.95d z>0.95d, Take 0.95d !
0.008 90 0.241 0.491 89.20 85.5 z = 85.50
*z must not be greater than 0.95d
z M (KNm) As prov (mm^2)
85.50 4.05 As req = M / 0.95fyz T12-150
= 108.39 mm^2 954
T 3.27 As min = 409.5 mm^2
As max = 12600 mm^2
2.3 Doubly reinforcement
K d' d z=0.777d
As' prov (mm^2)
Thus, As' req = {(K-K')fcubd^2} / {0.95fyz(d-d')}
= mm^2

where As' min = mm^2

As prov (mm^2)
so As req = (K'fcubd^2) / (0.95fyz) + As' req
= mm^2

3.0 Deflection Check (Cls 3.4.6) Modification factor<2.0

3.1 Singly reinforced beam If > 2.0, apply value 2.0
T 3.10 L/d As prov As req Fs M /bd^2 Mod. Factor Take Mod. Factor
20 954 108 78.399 0.238 3.469 2.000
Thus, allowable deflection L/d = 40.00 mm
actual deflection L/d = 8.89 mm Deflection Check ok !!
3.2 Doubly reinforced beam
T 3.12 L/d As prov As' prov As req Compression Mod. Fact.

T 3.11 Fs M /bd^2 Mod. Factor

Thus, allowable deflection L/d = mm

actual deflection L/d = mm
Jurutera Perunding Akal S/B Project No: 0 Sheet: 2
Consulting Engineers Date: 30-Dec-99 Revision: 2
Client: 0
Project Title: 0
R.C. Drain Detailed Design To BS8110 Part 1: Code Of Practice For Design And Construction
600mm R.C CULVERT DRAIN (Wall Design)

4.0 Shear Reinforcement Design (Cls 4.3.5)

(fcu)^1/2 0.8(fcu)^1/2 v = V / bd (must be < 0.8(fcu)^1/2) 5.477 4.382
= 0.244 N/mm^2

T 3.90 As prov 100As / bd (100As/bd)^1/3 must be < 3.0 (100As/bd)^1/3

954 0.505 0.796 if > 3.0, apply value 3.0 Take 0.796

400/d (400/d)^1/4 (400/d)^1/4

4.444 1.452 must not be < 1.0, if < 1.0 apply the value 1.0 Take 1.452

fcu / 25 (fcu/25)^1/3 (400/d)^1/4 (100As/bd)^1/3

1.2 1.063 1.452 0.796 therefore, Vc = 0.776 N/mm^2
where v = 0.244 N/mm^2

Vc > v
Provide Min. Links.
4.1 Where v < 0.5Vc or 0.5 Vc < v < 0.4 + Vc
T 3.90 Provide minimum links
bv 0.4bv 0.87fyv Asv / Sv
2100 840.00 400.2 2.099

Link size Nos input Asv mm^2

T12 2 Area mm^2 113 226.00
Minimum links
Thus, Sv = 107.67 mm Provide
must be < 0.75d T12-100
where 0.75d = 67.5 mm 1130

4.2 Where 0.4 + Vc < v < 0.8(fcu)^1/2

T 3.90 Shear reinforcement required
bv v - Vc 0.87fyv Asv / Sv
2100 -0.532 400.2 -2.791

Link size Nos input Asv mm^2

Area mm^2 Shear links
Thus, Sv = mm must be < 0.75d

5.0 Beam Details / Cracking Check

input 2100
Main Bar: T12-150
Links: T12-100
Cls Minimum clear spacing is hagg + 5mm: mm
T 3.90 Maximum allowable clear spacing: mm 150
Horizontal spacing between bars is: mm

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