Tokuda Mãi Trong Tim Bông Anh Chị IT What is career success?

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Tokuda Mãi Trong Tim Bông Anh Chị IT

What is career success?

There is a huge difference between accomplishment and success.
Many people are accomplished.
They earn competitive credentials, secure high-profile jobs, build sought-
after careers and earn top-tier salaries and incomes.
These are several examples of the standards by which many in society define
career success.
But these items—degrees, job titles, desirable careers and great pay—
represent accomplishments.
And the problem here is that accomplishments alone don’t necessarily equate
to career success.
Career success is a combination of achieving a reasonable level of financial
stability while doing work you enjoy and then finding that you are also happy
and fulfilled with your life and career choices as well.
If you love your job but find that it doesn’t lead to financial self-sufficiency,
career success is diminished, and if you get paid very well but lack joy or
interest in your chosen career field, career success is diminished.
True career success requires that there is alignment between the two.

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Why so few people ever experience career success.
They suffer from one or more debilitating fears and resist taking the kind of
career risks that could open new opportunities.
They feel powerless to change their circumstances, or they feel like they
simply don’t have any good choices or options because every choice requires
a sacrifice that they don’t want to make.
They get stuck waiting around expecting others to create career opportunities
for them whether it be their friends, boss or some other company manager.
They worry too much about pleasing other people so they end up putting off
their own needs and then complain about it later and, sometimes, too much.
They lack grit and the ability to persevere in the face of life and career
obstacles and challenges.
They give up too easily and get overly deflated when presented with—and
challenged to overcome—barriers.
They try to mask insecurities and weaknesses by touting how much they
don’t need anybody else, and this causes them to refuse to ask for help. As a
result, people who might otherwise help them just get pushed away.
They have a victim mindset that severely limits their ability to succeed. As a
result, they lack the ability to learn where necessary and, even more
importantly, unlearn when necessary.

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Do this if you want to experience career success.
If you want to experience career success, you first have to define what it is
for yourself.
If you want to experience career success, you have to resist the lure of tying
your success to the admiration and approval of others.
If you want to experience career success—the kind that is connected to inner
peace and happiness—you need to focus on aligning your purpose, passion
and principles with your decisions, behaviors and career choices.
If you want to experience career success, demonstrate that you have the
mental fortitude to be truly successful. Also, stop giving other people the
power to decide whether or not you are important, worthy or successful.
The most successful people are those who demonstrate the mental strength to
lead and own their power to make the decisions—personal, professional and
career—that drive sustained inner peace and happiness. By doing these
things, you can start to create positive change, and you can begin to
experience real career success.

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