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"A 2 Z Cargo Movers" is a software which is developed to minimize the manual work of logistic
process or cargo process to cargo people. Before this they used to maintain different books to
handle entire process i.e. cargo process the existing system is very difficult to maintain because
they need to enter the transaction needed in many books and in different accounts to maintain the
accounts of different people involved in a particular transaction. This software reduces the
duplication in the system. By using this software there’s no need of maintaining books for
different accounts, because the data will be stored constantly.

The aim of “A 2 Z Cargo Movers” project is to reduce the manual work of the cargo movers.
This is developed by considering the user’s requirements. In this project we included the
following modules for maintain the cargo process. The main disadvantage of the manual process
was the searching and updating of particular record which is overcome in our computerized
system, because we can search any transaction record at any given time very easily and update
the record.

 Manage Transporters: In this module we provide an environment for maintain the records
of all transporters in at once. In this adding new transporter detail, editing, and deletion of the
record is done in same page.
 Manage Truck Owner: This module is developed for maintaining the truck owner’s detail,
such as adding new record or editing a record or deleting the record.
 Manage Truck: In this we maintain the all truck details like truck owner truck no and truck
type. But before adding a new record of a truck the truck owner detail must be added.
 Manage A/c Detail: This module is for maintaining the bank account details of truck
owners. Before adding a/c detail for any truck owner first owner detail must have to add.
 Add Commission Memo: In this we have a format for adding new memo for every
particular, i.e. commission given to all transporters and truck owners.
 View Commission memo: This module is for displaying the commission memos. In this we
may edit the memo or delete the memo. And also display the fright charges and balance
 Commission Amount: In this we display the given commission amount and fright charges.
“Vinutan IT Solution is a leader in high-value global business services. It partners with its clients
to deliver end-to- end customer engagement services, technology innovations, analytics, process
optimization, and Business improvements.”
At Vinutan IT Solution we as a tool to help your enterprise grow smarter and Better.
Our expertise helps clients from the simplest to the most complex processes in their business.
The name of Vinutan indicates we are a diligent and persevering worker who enjoys a routine
occupation where we can do a job well and finish the work what we start.
Mission: Vinutan IT Solution is committed to total client satisfaction. We measure the success of
our company and the growth of our people by our ability to exceed our Clients’ expectations.
Vision: Vinutan IT Solution Provides Maximum best Service and Solutions to meet Customer
And strengthen our relationship with the Clients.

Our services:
1. Website Development
2. Software Development
3. Android Development
4. BPO Services
5. Data Entry.


2.1.1 Existing system:

The System which are in use now are difficult to maintain because they need to enter the
transaction needed in many books and in different accounts to maintain the accounts of different
people who involved in the particular transaction.

The merits of the current system are as follows

 The records are still accessible if the power cut occurs.

 It keeps the hard copy which works as a documentation.
 It will not require any skilled people to operate the system.

The demerits of the current system are as follows

 Lot of manual work increases waiting i.e., requires a lot of time to accomplish the work.
 Not able to access faster.
 Requires more man power to be accomplishing a work.
 Management of system is not easy.
 Filtering the detail based on the requirement becomes extremely difficult.
 Older records are difficult to monitor.

2.1.2 Proposed System

This software reduces the duplication record in system, by using this software there isn’t need of
maintaining books for different accounts, because the data will be stored consistently and if you
update or else delete the data which will be reflected in all the table. All the data is easily
available for the owner so that searching, updating and deletion become easier.

The feasibility study is very useful in our project development as it evaluates the following two
view points:
 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility

2.2.1 Technical feasibility:

As in the current existing there may be a chances which attracts errors so we have designed the
computerized system which provides the correct and effective outcome for the entire cargo
movers processes as the user requires and makes searching the required record easy.

2.2.2 Economic feasibility:

This proposed system “A 2 Z Cargo Movers” saves the time and man power requires for
maintaining the cargo process. As the data accumulated, the manual work becomes hard to
maintain. It requires more attention to old records to keep as storing it in a proper space to
maintain it for longer time duration. Well in our proposed system there will be no further
investment as we purchase system once and use it for longer period some form of cost may add
up such as startup cost and operating costs where in startup cost which comprises the salary to
the programmers, system manual, the documents which supports the system and the salary or the
cost of teaching workers or staff. In operating cost which may consist of software and hardware
costs and salary for the maintenance of machine and as well as the cost for the installment and

2.3.1 PHP
One of the known scripting languages among others which is used for the development of
dynamic web pages. The command line interface capability of PHP can be used as to developed
standalone web applications. Rasmus Lerdorf father of PHP designed in 1995.

It runs more over on a web servers, these servers take input as PHP code and generates the
output as html page which can be viewd in any browser. It works as regardless of platform

2.3.2 My SQL

Data base is an organized collection of data which we are using as the backend in our project
where the data is been saved and later retrieved as per the user requirement to process the task.

These tasks include the facility of adding, deleting or modifying the store data in the database
with the help of queries.

2.3.3 HTML

HTML that is Hypertext Markup Language. In HTML we can display the formatted document
that can be viewed in any web browser. It may consist of variety of files like moving images,
virtual reality, still images, sounds. HTML is been used in our project that is A 2 Z Cargo
Movers as the front end which can interact with the user for taking the input and transferring the
data to the server. It acts as the interface between user and server.

2.4.1 Software Requirement

 Tools: Dream Viewer
 Operating System: Windows 2000,Windows Xp,Windows98
 Front End: HTML
 Middle Ware: Php
 Back End: MySql
 Scripting: Java Script
 Server: Apache Tomcat(Wamp/Xampp)
 Browser: Google Chrome

2.4.2 Hardware requirements:

 Ram: 128MB and Above
 Processor: Pentium1 and Above
 Hard Disk: Min of 20GB

3.1. USERS

The major users of the application:

1. Admin

3.1.1. Admin:

Provides the ability to login where he can view the complete details of the open tasks, closed
tasks, cancelled tasks, he can search any transaction record at anytime very easily and can update
the record, and details of the application. The aim of “A 2 Z Cargo Movers” project is to reduce
the manual work of the cargo movers, and this is developed by considering the client
requirements. The following modules are included which are managed and controlled by the

 Manage Transporters: In this module an admin can maintain the records of all transporters
in a single place. In this adding new transporter detail, editing, and deleting is done in same
 Manage Truck Owner: In this module the admin maintains the truck owner’s detail, such as
adding new record or editing a record or deleting the record.
 Manage Trucks: In this admin maintains the all truck details such as truck owner, truck no
and truck type. But before adding a new record of a truck the truck owner detail must be
 Manage Acc Details: In this module the admin maintains the bank account details of truck
owners. Before adding a/c detail for any truck owner first owner detail must have to add.
 Add Commission Memo: In this admin can add new memo for every particular, i.e.
commission given to the transporters and truck owners.
 View Commission Memo: In this admin may edit the memo or delete the memo, and also
display the fright charges and balance amount.

The functional requirement of a system describes about the services that the system
provides which is accepted as per the user's requirements. It depends on which type of
application or software that is being developed. It describes the system function in detail.

A 2 Z Cargo Movers is a web application which is able to fulfill all the requirements
provided by the user and it works efficiently. A 2 Z Cargo Movers is restricted and
maintains privacy by providing a login id and a password so that this application cannot be
accessed by other unauthorized users.

The functional requirements include the data which is recorded into the system, operations
that are performed in each module of A 2 Z Cargo Movers, work flow performed by the
application, system reports and other applications. The requirements should be provided
such that it is understandable even by the common users.

 The system should able to generate new details.

 System should able to search any detail based on the available information
 The application should be able to generate the unique id for each detail

Non-functional requirements specifies the properties of the system application. It specifies the
condition and that condition must be satisfied. They tell the product qualities.

Following are the non functional requirements.

3.3.1 Performance

Performance of A 2 Z Cargo Movers includes time management, updating the record

details, managing of multiple service requests at a time. The actual performance of an
application can experienced when it is being executed.

3.3.2 Security

 The A 2 Z Cargo Movers provides uname and password to manage the system from
unauthorized access.
 The system do not allow unauthorized person to access.

3.3.3 Maintainability

This application can be used for a long time by various users. The design of the system is
based on the modules and if there are any changes done to the modules it does not affect
the operation of the application developed.

3.3.4 Portability

There is a lot of effort involved in moving any application to a different platform. The
modules of A 2 Z Cargo Movers that are being developed are capable with all the
platforms. This application can be used for Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac etc.
3.3.5 Reliability

It tells how often and when and in what conditions the software fails. For example when
the server becomes busy the application becomes slow in responding to the user. Though
the application becomes slow the data is not mishandled.

3.3.6 Time Response:

 A 2 Z Cargo Mover is quick response to user and better experience to access.
 Flexible time takes to operations.


We have considered the waterfall model for our project i.e. A 2 Z Cargo Movers, it is very
convenient and easy to follow all the phases are well designed to stick with for the better
development of the product in efficient manner.
The waterfall model mainly includes five phases which are shown in the below figure.

Fig 4.1.1 Waterfall model

 Requirements Definition:

In this phase the user requirements are collected through interviews, group discussion. Other
requirements collection methods are also used. The collected requirements are validated and
 System and Software Design:

During this phase the actual design of an application is made. Various tools and technologies are
used to make a easy and requirement oriented application.

 Implementation and Unit Testing:

In this phase the actual requirements are implemented through the programming languages and
the implemented functionalities are tested as a unit.

 Integration and System Testing:

While in this phase the sub units are combined together to make a complete system. The entire
integrated system is tested as a whole to check whether it meets user requirements or not.

 Operation and Maintenance:

During phase the developed application is deployed in the real world for use and it is periodically
maintained for long term use.

Fig 4.2.1 Admin Context Diagram



Fig 5.1.1: Use case Diagram for admin of Cargo Movers


Fig 5.2.1 Sequence Diagram for Cargo Movers

5.3 CLASS DIAGRAM of A 2 Z cargo Movers:

Fig 5.3.1 Class Diagram

5.4 ACTIVITY DIAGRAM for A 2 Z Cargo Movers:

Fig 5.4.1 Activity Diagram of Admin


Fig 5.5.1 ER Diagram of A 2 Z Cargo Movers

5.5.1 Data Flow Diagram:

The data flow diagram one of the best tool to represent or display the flow of data which is a
graphical tool used for expressing system in a graphical form. DFD represents the flow of the
data between the entities or step wise reorientation.

Representation of DFD is done with certain notations which are as listed in the below table

Notations Used For Dataflow Diagram: Symbol Meaning

1. Process

2. Flow

3. Input/output

4. Database File

Table Notation for DFD

5.5.2 Level 1 DFD:

Fig First Level DFD

5.5.3 Level 2 DFD:

Fig Second Level DFD

 Main Page:

Main Page
 Login Page:

Login Page

 Home Page:

Home Page
 Manage Transporters:

Manage Transporter Page

Manage Transporter Page

 Manage Truck Owner:

Manage Truck Owner Page

 Manage Truck Details:

Manage Truck details Page

 Manage A/c Details:

Manage Account Details Page

 Add Commission Page:

Add Commission Page

 View Commission Page:

View Commission Page

 Commission Amount:

Commission Amount Page

 Change Password:

Change Password Page


Testing is the debugging program which is the basic parts of the Project. Testing is superlatively
achieved when client advancement is assisted in recognizing all developer side mistakes or the
bugs left over in the code which is tested as under.

7.1 Unit testing:

Unit testing is done in A 2 Z Cargo Movers as first designing the whole project in terms of units.
each units are then tested separately with the test cases as mentioned in the test plan below. the
project is divided into various units such as login, changing password, managing truck details,
managing transporters, managing truck owners and etc.

7.2 Test plan:

The Test plan or Test Cases typically contains a detailed understanding of the eventual
workflow. This gives the detailed testing of each of the test id with the supporting input and to
verify the required and actual output.
 Test Plans:

ID Test Case Input Supplied Expected Result Actual Result Remark

1 Login Page Valid uname and passwd Login Success Login Success Pass

Invalid uname and passwd Invalid uname or Invalid uname or Fail

passwd passwd

Valid uname and invalid Invalid uname or Invalid uname or Fail

passwd passwd passwd

Invalid uname and valid Invalid uname or Invalid usname or Fail

passwd passwd passwd

Table.7.8.1: Test plan for Login form

Test Case ID Fields/Text Box Input Supplied Expected Actual Result Remark

Transporter 1 Company Name Contains only Valid Valid Pass

page alphabets

Contains alphabets Enter only Enter only Fail

with numbers or letters letters

2 Contact Person Contains only Valid Valid Pass


Contains alphabets Enter only Enter only Fail

with numbers or letters letters

3 Contact No Contains only Valid Valid Pass


Anything but Enter only Enter only Fail

number numbers numbers

4 City Contains only Valid Valid Pass


Contains alphabets Enter only Enter only Fail

with numbers or letters letters

5 State Select state Valid Valid Pass

Not selected state Please select Please select Fail

state state
Table.7.8.2: Test plan for Transporter Form
Test Case ID Fields/Text Box Input Supplied Expected Actual Result Remark

Truck Owner 1 Name Contains only Valid Valid Pass

page alphabets

Contains alphabets Enter only Enter only Fail

with numbers or letters letters

2 Contact No Contains only Valid Valid Pass


Anything but Enter only Enter only Fail

number numbers numbers

3 City Contains only Valid Valid Pass


Contains alphabets Enter only Enter only Fail

with numbers or letters letters

4 State Select state Valid Valid Pass

Not selected state Please select Please select Fail

state state

Table.7.8.3: Test plan for Truck Owner Form

Test Case ID Fields/Text Box Input Supplied Expected Actual Result Remark

Truck Details 1 Truck Owner Select Truck Valid Valid Pass

page Owner

Not selected any Please select Please select Fail

truck owner Truck Owner Truck Owner

2 Truck No As per the format Valid Valid Pass

Any other input Enter as format Enter as Fail


3 Truck type Select a truck type Valid Valid Pass

Not selected any Please select Please select Fail

truck type truck type truck type

Table.7.8.4: Test plan for Truck Details Form

Test Case ID Fields/Text Box Input Supplied Expected Actual Result Remark

Commission 1 Transporter Select transporter Valid Valid Pass

Memo page

Not selected any Please select Please select Fail

transporter transporter transporter

2 From Contains text as Valid Valid Pass


Blank Enter From Enter From Fail

Location Location

3 To Contains text as Valid Valid Pass


Blank Enter To Enter To Fail

Location Location

4 Particulars Contains text as Valid Valid Pass


Blank Enter The Enter the Fail

Particulars particulars

5 Lorry Owner Select truck owner Valid Valid Pass

Not selected any Please select Please select Fail

truck owner truck owner truck owner

6 Fright Charges Contains numbers Valid Valid Pass

Anything but Please Enter Please enter Fail
numbers amount amount

7 Advance Contains numbers Valid Valid Pass

Anything but Please Enter Please enter Fail

numbers amount amount

8 Commission Contains numbers Valid Valid Pass


Anything but Please Enter Please enter Fail

numbers amount amount

9 Extra Charges Contains numbers Valid Valid Pass

Anything but Please Enter Please enter Fail

numbers amount amount

10 Driver Paid Contains numbers Valid Valid Pass


Anything but Please Enter Please enter Fail

numbers amount amount

11 Balance Contains numbers Valid Valid Pass

Anything but Please Enter Please enter Fail

numbers amount amount

12 Weight Contains numbers Valid Valid Pass

Anything but Please Enter Please enter Fail
numbers amount amount

13 Remarks Contains Text Valid Valid Pass


Blank Please Enter Please Enter Fail

Remarks Remarks

Table.7.8.5: Test plan for Commission Memo Form

Test Case ID Fields/Text Input Supplied Expected Actual Result Remark

Box Result

Change 1 Old Password Valid old password Correct Correct Pass

Password Password

Enter invalid Incorrect Incorrect Fail

password Password Password

2 New Password Enter password Valid Valid Pass

Blank New Password New Password Fail

is required field is required field

3 Retype Enter password Valid Valid Pass


Blank New Password New Password Fail

is required field is required field

Table.7.8.6: Test plan for Password Change Form


“A 2 Z Cargo Movers” is web application which helps in the management cargo activities, and
provides good attractive Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the user.


 User friendly screen, simple to learn and easy to work.

 Fully validated to ensure correct and error free data entry
 Data will be much secured as the MySql is highly secured database.

The software is efficient, easy to use, has good interface, which reduces the communication gap
between system and users. As it is available any time, it is reliable and robust, an also it provides
faster access to user of the system.

The system is feasible enough for amendment and modifications that may arise in future.

 In future Truck Owners and Transporters can get notified that they are registered with A 2 Z
Cargo Movers via email or SMS.
 In future truck images and owner’s image and necessary documents can be uploaded to the
 In future online communication can be established with the transporters and truck owners.
 In future trucks can be tracked via GPS through web application at any given time.
 Search facilities can be improved further more.

Text Book References

Web References

Step 1: Open framework

Step 2: Click on Login and type username and password

Step 3: Click on Manage Transporters and then on Add record
Step 4: Click on Manage Truck Owner then on Add record and post and can
search any details by clicking on search by
Step 5: Click on Manage Truck Details then on Add record and post and post
and can search any details by clicking on search by

Step 6: Click on Manage A/c Details then on Add record and post
Step 7: Click on Add Commission Memo and Fill details and post.

Step 8: Click on View Commission Memo and post and can search any details
by clicking on search by
Step 9: Click on Change Password if admin wants to change password in

Step 10: Click on the Logout option in the navigation to logout from the
application and you will b redirect to main page.

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