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Topic: : - : Chemical reaction and equations L10 A. rh S AC Vil S.No: Classes IT JEE | MEDICAL | FOUNDATION Sub Topics Covered: BY: Dou sey (CA LEED) Senior Chemistry Faculty at Vidyamandir Classes (VMC) ‘Chemi | Reactions & Equations RUC GIMEuC Uc To re-balance K atoms, multiply K on LHS by 2, We get, 2K + 2H,0 —> 2KOH + Hy This is required balanced equation. Alternatively, sometimes, in such equations, itis convenient to write the equation first inthe atomic form and then make it ‘molecular This is explained below ‘Writing the equation in the atomic form, we have K +,0 —> KOH + In this equation, the number of atoms of each element are equal on the two sides. Hence, it is a balanced chemical equation in the atomic form. To make it molecular, multiply throughout by 2 and write 2H as H,. We get 2K + 2H,0 —> 2KOH + Hy EXERCISE BASED ON CBSE [SUBJECTIVE] 10. wu. 2. 13. 2 SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS ‘Suppose you burn a magnesium ribbon of about 2 cm after cleaning it by sand paper and collecting it ina watch glass. Now answer the following: () Whatis the colour ofthe flame i) Whats the colour and name of the compound that your have collected in the watch glass ? Why is it necessary to balance an equation ? Name two methods by which a chemical equation is balanced ? How will you know that a chemical reaction has occurred ? ‘What information does an equation give us ? ‘Write the balanced equation for the following chemical reactions: (Hydrogen + Chlorine > Hydrogen Chloride (i) Barium chloride + Aluminium Sulphate——> Barium sulphate + Aluminium chloride (iii) Sodium + Water —> Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen A solution of a substance ‘x’ is used for white washing, ©) Name the substance °x’ and write its formula, (ii) Write the reaction of the substance ‘x’ named in (a) above with water Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped in it. Give an example of a double displacement reaction, Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the following reactions: ()-ANa(s)+0,(g)—+2Na, O(s) (i) CuO(s) +H, (g) > Culs) +H, 0(1) LONG TYPE QUESTIONS Distinguish between exothermic and endothermic reactions. Give examples. Why is respiration an exothermic reaction, Explain. ‘Write one equation each for decomposition reactions where energy is supplied in the form of heat, light or electricity CBSE Exercise Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support ACCUM Chemical Reactions & Equations 14, Distinguish between displacement and double displacement reactions. Write equations for these reactions 15. @)__ Whydowe apply paint on ion articles. ) Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen Why ? 16. Explain the following terms with one example each: Revers! ble A=SB ©) Corrosion (i) Raneiy 17. Whatare th drawback ofthe chemical equation? Explain it withan example anesis Goa 18. Mlustrate acombination reaction with the help of an experiment. 19. Canadisplacement reaction bea redox reaction. Explain with the help ofan example. 20. What happens when a piece of (0) aine metal is added to copper sulphate solution? (©) aluminium metal is added to dilute hydrochloric acid? (@ silver metal is added to copper sulphate solution? Also, write the balanced chemical equation, if reaction occurs. EXERCISE BASED ON CBSE [OBJECTIVE] Quiet lime Choose the correct alternative. Only One Choice is Correct : ¢ Cao + Hao 7 1. Dissolving sugar in water is an example of: AK) Calcium oxide mixed with water Caton), 2%) Physical change (8) Chemical change (8) Calcium carbonate mixed with water Slaked (©) Redoxreaction (D) None of these (©) Caleium sulphate mixed with water ade Which ofthe folowing representa double displacement ge) Somehvitmied wih water reaction? (©) A reaction in which, under equilibrium conditions, () 2H, +0) —> 28,0 both the reactants and products are present is called, (B) 2Mg +0, —> 2Mgo LA reversible) Ineversible AO) ARNOs + NsCl—> AgC1L + NaNOg (©) endothermic ¢ (D) exothermic > (D) Hy +Cl—> 2HCL 7. Which of the following is a combustion reaction 3. Which of the following is a displacement reaction? (A) Boiling of water (3) Melting of wax (A) CaCO; —4 C20 +CO, —> ecomposihom (G47 _Burming of petrol 0) None of these B) Hy +Ch—>2HCl —> Combination ‘Brel Identify ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘in the following balanced reaction AO) Fe + CuSO, ——> FeSO, + Cu XPBINO,),(5) _t_, yPhO() +2NO,(g) +02) (D) PCls —> PCI; + Cl —— decomposition (A) 2,42 AT 224 4. The reaction Hy +C—> 2HClisa: A= B+ © 244 (D) 422 (&) Decomposition reaction KL 9. Which statement is correct about the following Combination reaction 1? “a AP Combination react Aree 8 Pane (© Doukle displacement resetion Tas 805 Ins OS sp 7, ©) Disvlacement reaction (A) Za is being oxidized ©) woichone ofthe following is used in the white washing (8) CO is being reduced 20S educed of walls? (©) COz is being oxidized co is oxidized DT Z00 is being reduced Sel study course for TEE with Onine Support 23 decompesikon ram > absoro heat 3 endothermic. C. combustion A— B + Heat Cexo) exothermic. > neulraligakon. “Ny displacement (most, A+Heat — & (ends) il Reactions & Equations idyamandir Classes © +“ 10. The resco +0,—+ C0» + Heat f a 16. When Iron nails ate added to an aquous solution of (Q48-3¢) (A) Combilfation reaction C copper sulphate, a chemical change occurs, which of Cher (B) Oxidation reaction vee oe sas cen. the Following i not ue about this reaction? [raise (©) Exothermic reaction (exothermic) (A) Blue colour of the solution fades. @) OF All of the above (B) Iron nails becomes brownish in colour) gis, 11, Conversion of CaCO into CaO as per following reaction (©) Wis a displacement reaction. @) p fe + Gasoq~ sean stanple of (400,-—-> G10 + COy © ena sh omy By Pe" ord Peco 17. Which of the folowing is, redox reaction? ABE owing, 8a (B) Reduction reaction (9) Geo S'Cg0'4C0,” et reson FESO (©) Oxidationreacion Limestone Gvick @) FaxG,—> hcl, Radon, © (D)_None of these (©) “a6 aficl’ — Gach; + 10" sor redox 12, Heats not evolvéd during released. (D) NaOH + HCI—> NaCl + H,0 "rot we 0) Endothermie reaction 18. Which ofthe following is nota decomposition reaction? (B) Displacement reaction () CaCO, —9 C20 + CO, (© Combustion reaction (B) 2KCIO,—> 2KC1 +30, Se COs (©) Combination reaction (©) Digestion of food in the body gk Ly aanR a2 18, In reaction $09 + 248 — 2H:0 + 38 the reducing D> Hy +Cl— > 2HC1_ com 2exestajeo agent is 7 [1 Which of the following statement is inconecr? = 44 ($0; Br Hs oxidiges (A) In oxidation, oxygen in added to a substance. © Be os ale (B) In reduction, Hydrogen is added to a substance 4. Which of the following reaction is double displacement Oxidizing agent in oxidized. reaction? (D) Reducing agent is oxidized ST FeCl + 3N2OH — Fe(OH, + 3NACl 20. FeyOs + 2AL—> Alz0s + 2Fe This reaction is an (B) Zn-+ HySO,—> ZnSO, + Hy example of (©) 2C0+0,—3 200 (A) Combination reaction (A+B ¢) * (D) N,+0,—+2N0 (B) Double displacement reaction >< (©) Decomposition reaction Q—> B+ C x (D> Displacement reaction 15, What happens when dil hydrochloric acid is added to iron fillings? 4S Hydrogen gas and Iron chloride are produced (B) Chlorine gas and Iron hydroxide ate produced. Concert (©) NO reaction takes place Reversible ram Aes (D) ron salt and water are produced. om~ + A converts into B omd B also Fe + Hel ——s Feehod he ‘converts im ‘A’ i-@ ram cam go ~ im both dixectons G@ 4+ HU — > x + At equilibrium both ‘A’ and *B' are present. Irreversible ren. A.B + Am tris rem & gels cowerted fo B. Ram com go oly im one divection * AY tre emd only ‘B! is present 24 CBSE Exercise Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

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