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Bài thi: Ngoại ngữ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

ĐỀ 1
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. produced ​ ​B. urbanized ​ ​C. established ​ ​D.
Question 2. A. apply ​ ​ ​B. multiply ​ ​C. capacity ​ ​D. occupy

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose stress differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. dominant ​ ​B. connection ​ ​C. integrate ​ ​D. cultural
Question 4. A. custom ​ ​B. protect ​ ​ . unite
C ​ ​D. respect
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5. That was one of ________ best films I've ever seen.
A. a ​ ​ ​ ​ ​B. an ​ ​ ​C. the ​ ​ ​D. no
Question 6. What the teacher said went for nothing because the student was ________.
A. absent-minded ​ ​ ​B. kind-hearted ​C. weather-beaten ​D. long-term
Question 7. I don't want them to impose their ________ beliefs on my children.
A. religion ​ ​ ​ ​B. religious ​ ​C. religiously ​ ​D.
Question 8. _________ the release of her single album on September 10, Lisa debuted the title track the
same day on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
A. Following ​ ​ ​ ​B. Followed ​ ​C. Having followed ​D. To
Question 9. When Tim ________ yesterday, I ________the washing up in the kitchen.
A. called - did ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​B. called - was doing
C. was calling - did ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​D. was calling – was doing
Question 10. I'm getting married next week, but please don't ________ to anyone.
A. get over ​ ​ ​ ​B. split up ​ ​C. let on ​ ​D. go over
Question 11. You shouldn't expect immigrants to assimilate ________ an alien culture immediately.
A. into ​ ​ ​ ​ ​B. on ​ ​ ​C. with ​ ​ ​D.
Question 12. They socialize together and ________ in the same mosque.
A. migrate ​ ​ ​ ​B. adjust ​ ​C. reflect ​ ​ . worship
Question 13. You have to sit the exams, ________ much you don't feel like doing them.
A. because ​ ​ ​ ​B. however ​ ​C. therefore ​ ​D. so
Question 14. He fell off his bike and his friends ________ him to a doctor.
A. took ​ ​ ​ ​B. is taking ​ ​C. have taken ​ ​D. take
Question 15. The tool enables users ________ their computer's exposure to a wide range of online threats.
A. testing ​ ​ ​ ​B. test ​ ​ ​C. to test ​ ​D. having
Question 16. We should be able to trust Silva to negotiate a good deal for us - he's an old ________ at the
A. hand ​ ​ ​ ​B. hat ​ ​ ​C. age ​ ​ ​D. boy
Question 17. The new model ________ an unfortunate tendency to break after a few weeks' use.
A. gets ​ ​ ​ ​ ​B. makes ​ ​C. takes ​ ​D. has
Question 18. Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many families living in ________.
A. advance ​ ​ ​ ​B. awe ​ ​ ​C. short ​ ​D. want
Question 19. Aren't you chancing your _________a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business?
A. arm ​ ​ ​ ​ ​B. leg ​ ​ ​C. foot ​ ​ ​D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 20. I have a vague recollection of meeting him when I was a child.
A. faint ​ ​ ​ ​B. clear ​ ​C. unambiguous ​ ​D. explicit
Question 21. She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.
A. went off ​ ​ ​ ​B. came across ​C. saw through ​ ​D. put off

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. The situation raises important questions about solidarity among member states of the UN.
A. unity ​ ​ ​ ​B. integration ​ ​C. division ​ ​ ​D.
Question 23. When I suggested he was mistaken he got rather hot under the collar.
A. felt anxious ​ ​ ​B. remained calm ​
C. got emotional ​ ​ ​D. became furious

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
Question 24. A: You have missed the deadline twice. What happened to you?
B: _________.
A. Forget about the last deadline. The new one is approaching.
B. The deadline is April 1 . Can you finish it as soon as possible?
C. I am sorry for my tardiness. I promise it won’t happen next time.
D. Don’t worry about it. I will help you finish it by the next deadline.
Question 25. Two students are talking in the library.
- Nick: “How long does it take you to go to school?”
- Henry: “______. I walk every day.”
A. My father drives me to school ​ ​B. About 5 kilometres
C. About 15 minutes ​ ​ ​ ​D. Let me see

Choose the letter A,B,C or D to complete the following passage.

The African continent with 1.4 billion people received 404 million doses. Today only 7% of the population
is (26) ________ in Zambia and the rest of Africa. People in Zambia do not have car transport so they have
to walk three to six kilometers to get to a vaccination center, when they (27) ________ up at a center and it
is out of vaccines they stop coming. Other problems are the social media accounts (28) ________ show the
vaccination drives as harmful to people, or CNN and other news that talk about blood clots that when
carefully understood affect a tiny fraction of people.
There are (29) ________ issues also. Ida Musonda, a nurse in a clinic near Lusaka says that she should go
to markets and churches, but says there is no fuel for the vehicle to get clinic workers there. Bernadette
Kawango is shown with her children. She works at an auto parts store and lives in a low-income
neighborhood on the edge of Lusaka. She ignores all the social media accounts that scare people from
vaccines, yet she says she worries more about cholera, TB and malaria, and also HIV, AIDS. And she does
not know anybody diagnosed (30) ________ coronavirus.

Question 26. A. vaccinated ​ ​B. vaccine ​ ​C. vaccination ​ ​D.

Question 27. A. go ​ ​ ​B. take ​ ​ ​C. turn ​ ​ ​D. get
Question 28. A. who ​ ​B. that ​ ​ ​C. when ​ ​D. where
Question 29. A. another ​ ​B. others ​ ​C. one ​ ​ ​D. other
Question 30. A. with ​ ​B. in ​ ​ ​C. on ​ ​ ​D. at

Read the passage and choose the best answer for the below questions.
Brainstorming is the simplest example of intentional creative thinking that most people have tried at
least once. With the quick generation of many ideas at once we can block-out our brain’s natural tendency
to limit our solution-generating abilities so we can access and combine many possible solutions/thoughts
and invent new ones. It is sort of like sprinting through a race’s finish line only to find there is new track on
the other side and we can keep going, if we choose. As with critical thinking, higher education both
demands creative thinking from us and is the perfect place to practice and develop the skill. Everything
from word problems in a math class, to opinion or persuasive speeches and papers, calls upon our creative
thinking skills to generate new solutions and perspectives in response to our professor’s demands. Creative
thinking skills ask questions such as - What if? Why not? What else is out there? Can I combine
perspectives/solutions? What is something no one else has brought up? What is being forgotten/ignored?
What about …? It is the opening of doors and options that follows problem-identification.
Consider an assignment that requires you to compare two different authors on the topic of education
and select and defend one as better. Now add to this scenario that your professor clearly prefers one author
to the other. While critical thinking can get you as far as identifying the similarities and differences
between these authors and evaluating their merits, it is creative thinking that you must use if you wish to
challenge your professor’s opinion and invent new perspectives on the authors that have not previously
been considered.
So, what can we do to develop our critical and creative thinking skills? Although many students
may dislike it, group work is an excellent way to develop our thinking skills. Many times I have heard from
students their disdain for working in groups based on scheduling, varied levels of commitment to the group
or project, and personality conflicts too, of course. True - it’s not always easy, but that is why it is so
effective. When we work collaboratively on a project or problem we bring many brains to bear on a
subject. These different brains will naturally develop varied ways of solving or explaining problems and
examining information. To the observant individual we see that this places us in a constant state of back
and forth critical/creative thinking modes.
(The passage is adapted from Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom – Thinking Critically
and Creatively)

Question 31. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Brainstorming skills in class
B. Critical thinking skills in higher education
C. Problems with critical thinking
D. Critical and creative thinking in higher education
Question 32. The word “generate” in paragraph 1 is closest meaning to ________.
A. create ​ ​B. solve ​ ​C. explain ​ ​D. require
Question 33. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about creative thinking?
A. Creative thinking is not as important as critical thinking.
B. Challenging your professor’s opinion and inventing new perspectives facilitate creative thinking.
C. Creative thinking helps you identify the similarities and differences between different authors.
D. While critical thinking can get you to evaluate authors, creative thinking gives you a fresh view of the
Question 34. Which of the following statements answers the question “what can we do to develop our
critical and creative thinking skills?” in paragraph 3?
A. Students work on projects individually to avoid conflicts. ​
B. Teacher instructs students what to follow and explains the task.
C. Students work in groups to discuss the projects.
D. Students who dislike working on projects can do them on their own.
Question 35. What of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A. Critical thinking doesn't help the author.
B. Similarities and differences between the two authors.
C. An analysis and comparison exercise to find out which is better on the subject of education.
D. The author's change in creative thinking.
Read the following and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
The city of Teotihuacán, which lay about 50 kilometers northeast of modern-day Mexico City,
began its growth by 200–100 B.C. At its height, between about A.D. 150 and 700, it probably had a
population of more than 125,000 people and covered at least 20 square kilometers. It had over 2,000
apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of industrial workshops, an administrative center, a
number of massive religious edifices, and a regular grid pattern of streets and buildings. Clearly, much
planning and central control were involved in the expansion and ordering of this great metropolis.
Moreover, the city had economic and perhaps religious contacts with most parts of Mesoamerica (modern
Central America and Mexico).
How did this tremendous development take place, and why did it happen in the Teotihuacán Valley?
Among the main factors are Teotihuacán’s geographic location on a natural trade route to the south and east
of the Valley of Mexico, the obsidian resources in the Teotihuacán Valley itself, and the valley’s potential
for extensive irrigation. The exact role of other factors is much more difficult to pinpoint—for instance,
Teotihuacán’s religious significance as a shrine, the historical situation in and around the Valley of Mexico
toward the end of the first millennium B.C., the ingenuity and foresightedness of Teotihuacán’s elite, and,
finally, the impact of natural disasters, such as the volcanic eruptions of the late first millennium B.C.
This last factor is at least circumstantially implicated in Teotihuacán’s rise. Prior to 200 B.C., a
number of relatively small centers coexisted in and near the Valley of Mexico. Around this time, the largest
of these centers, Cuicuilco, was seriously affected by a volcanic eruption, with much of its agricultural land
covered by lava. With Cuicuilco eliminated as a potential rival, any one of a number of relatively modest
towns might have emerged as a leading economic and political power in Central Mexico. The
archaeological evidence clearly indicates, though, that Teotihuacán was the center that did arise as the
predominant force in the area by the first century A.D.

Question 36. In paragraph 1, each of the following is mentioned as a feature of the city of Teotihuacán
between A.D. 150 and 700 EXCEPT:
A. regularly arranged streets
B. several administrative centers spread across the city
C. many manufacturing workshops
D. apartment complexes
Question 37. The word “ingenuity” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:
A. ambition ​ ​ ​B. clarity ​ ​ ​C. faith ​ ​D. inventiveness
Question 38. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as a main factor in the
development of Teotihuacán?
A. The presence of obsidian in the Teotihuacán Valley
B. The potential for extensive irrigation of Teotihuacán Valley lands
C. A long period of volcanic inactivity in the Teotihuacán Valley
D. Teotihuacán’s location on a natural trade route
Question 39 . What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about Cuicuilco prior to 200 B.C.?
A. It was a fairly small city until that date.
B. It was located outside the Valley of Mexico.
C. It emerged rapidly as an economical and political center.
D. Its economy relied heavily on agriculture
Question 40 . The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to ______ .
A. Mexico City ​ ​B. Teotihuacán ​ ​C. population ​ ​D. apartment
Question 41 . The word “edifices” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:
A. large buildings ​ ​B. unique shrines ​ ​C. tall churches ​D. big pagodas
Question 42 . Which of the following could be the title of the passage?
A. The rise of Teotihuacán ​ ​ ​B. The extent of Teotihuacán
C. The division of Teotihuacán ​ ​D. The overall view of Teotihuacán
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 43 . When you acquired a basic range of computing skills, you will be ready to start the job.
Question 44 . Schools must be sensible to the needs of students from different backgrounds.
​ A ​B ​C ​D
Question 45. The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a
thorough manner. A B C ​
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 46. Once I get home, I’ll send you my photo.
A. I’ll send you my photo as soon as I get home.
B. I will send you my photo as soon as possible.
C. I sent you my photo when I got home.
D. By the time I get home, I will have sent you my photo.
Question 47. His disabilities didn’t prevent him from travelling around the world.
A. Although he is disabled, he still travels around the world.
B. Now that he was disabled, he still travelled around the world.
C. In spite of being disabled, he still travelled around the world.
D. His disabilities encouraged him from travelling around the world.
Question 48. It was his incompetence which led to their capture.
A. If it hadn’t been for his incompetence, they would not have been captured.
B. His incompetence prevented them from being captured.
C. Despite his incompetence, they were captured.
D. However incompetent he was, they were captured.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49 . The master of ceremonies has a very soft voice. Everyone listens to her attentively whenever
she appears on the stage.
A. So soft is the voice of the master of ceremonies that everyone listens to her attentively whenever she
appears on the stage.
B. As long as the master of ceremonies hadn’t had a very soft voice, everyone wouldn’t listen to her
attentively whenever she appears on the stage.
C. Only after everyone listens to the master of ceremonies attentively whenever she appears on the stage
does she have a very soft voice.
D. But for a very soft voice, everyone would listen to her attentively whenever she appears on the stage.
Question 50 . The director decided to reward the employee. The employee had added value to the
A. The director made a decision to reward the employee with a view to adding value to the company.
B. The director made a decision to reward the employee because of his adding value to the company.
C. The employee had added value to the company, which led to the direction’s decision.
D. The director’s decision to reward the employee discouraged him to value to the company.


Question 1. A. produced /t/ ​B. urbanized ​/d/ ​C. established ​ /t/ ​D.
stopped /t/
Question 2. A. apply ​ /əˈplaɪ/ ​ ​B. multiply /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ ​ ​
C. capacity /kəˈpæsəti/ ​D. occupy /ˈɒkjupaɪ/
Question 3. A. dominant /ˈdɒmɪnənt/
B. connection /​ kəˈnekʃn/
C. integrate ​/ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/
D. cultural /ˈkʌltʃərəl/
Question 4. A. custom /ˈkʌstəm/
B. protect /prəˈtekt/
C. unite /juˈnaɪt/
D. respect /rɪˈspekt/
Question 5. C Sau one of the + so sánh nhất: một trong những
Question 6. A
Absent- minded: đãng trí
Kind-hearted: tốt bụng
Weather-beaten: dạn dày sương gió
Long-term: dài hạn
Question 7.B religious: Adj+ Noun,
Question 8. A Following : rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, ở thể chủ động.
Question 9. B khi Tim gọi hôm qua, tôi đang rửa chén trong nhà bếp: thì quá khứ đơn- quá khứ tiếp diễn.
Question 10. C
Get over: vượt qua
Split up: chia tay
Let on: tiết lộ bí mật
Go over: xem xét kĩ
Question 11. A
assimilate (into/to something): /əˈsɪməleɪt/: đồng hóa vào cái gì…
Question 12. D
Migrate: di cư
Adjust: điều chỉnh
Reflect: phản ánh/ suy ngẫm
Worship: cầu nguyện
Question 13. B
However +Adj/ Adv: dù
Question 14. A
Fell off: quá khứ-> vế sau quá khứ đơn: Anh ta ngã xe đạp và bạn anh ta đem anh ta tới gặp bác sĩ.
Question 15. C : enable sb to do sth: làm cho có thể
Question 16. A: old hand: người có nhiều kinh nghiệm
Question 17. A: have a tendency + to-v: có xu hướng làm gì
Question 18. D: in want: cần giúp đỡ, hổ trợ
In advance: trước
In short: tóm lại
In awe: tôn trọng ai ( có 1 chút sợ)
Question 19. A Chance one’s arm: liều lĩnh
Question 20. A vague = faint: mơ hồ
Clear: rõ ràng
Unambiguous: rõ ràng, không mơ hồ
Explicit: rõ ràng, dễ hiểu
Question 21. B encounter = come across: tình cờ gặp
Go off: nổ, reo, ngừng thích
See through: nhìn thấu
Put off: hõan, hủy
Question 22. C Solidarity: đoàn kết>< division: sự chia rẽ
Unity: thể thống nhất
Integration: sự hòa nhập
Combination: sự kết hợp
Question 23. B Get rather hot under the collar: tức giận, hay quá háo hức về điều gì >< become calm: bình
Question 24. C: Bạn đã lỡ deadline 2 lần. Chuyện gì đã xảy ra?
A. Quên deadline vừa rồi đi. Cái mới đang đến gần
B. Deadline vào ngày ¼. Bạn có thể hoàn thành nó càng sớm không?
C. Tôi xin lỗi vì sự chậm trễ của tôi. Tôi hứa sẽ không lập lại lần nữa
D. Đừng lo về nó. Tôi sẽ giúp bạn hoàn thành nó trước deadline lần sau.
Question 25. C Mất bao lâu để đi từ nhà bạn đến trường?
C. khoảng 15 phút
Question 26. A. vaccinated ​ ​B. vaccine ​ ​C. vaccination ​ ​D.
To be vaccinated : được tiêm vaccine. ​
Question 27. A. go ​ ​ ​B. take ​ ​ ​C. turn ​ ​ ​D. get
Turn up: đến
Question 28. A. who ​ ​B. that ​ ​ ​C. when ​ ​D. where
social media accounts : những tài khoản truyền thông-> dùng đại từ liên hệ that
Question 29. A. another ​ ​B. others ​ ​C. one ​ ​ ​D. other
Other issues: những vấn đề khác
Another +N(ít)
Others không đi với danh từ
Question 30. A. with ​ ​B. in ​ ​ ​C. on ​ ​ ​D. at
Diagnosed with: được chuẩn đoán với…
Question 31. D : tư duy phản biện và tư duy sáng tạo trong giáo dục đại học.
Question 32. A generate = create: tạo ra
Solve: giải quyết
Explain: giải thích
Require: yêu cầu
Question 33. B: phủ nhận quan điểm của giáo sư và sáng tạo ra những gốc nhìn thúc đẩy tư duy sáng tạo.
Dẫn chứng cuối đoạn 2 “it is creative thinking that you must use if you wish to challenge your professor’s
opinion and invent new perspectives on the authors that have not previously been considered”
Question 34. Câu phát biểu nào sau đây trả lời cho câu hỏi :”Chúng ta có thể làm gì để phát triển tư
duy phản biện và tư duy sáng tạo?”
Đáp án C:
Dẫn chứng: “Although many students may dislike it, group work is an excellent way to develop our thinking
skills”: Mặc dù nhiều học sinh có thể không thích nó nhưng làm việc nhóm là một cách xuất sắc phát triển
tư duy phản biện.
Question 35. Câu nào sau đây được suy luận từ đoạn 2.
Đáp án C: So sánh và đối chiếu bài tập để chọn ra cái nào tốt hơn về chủ đề giáo dục.
Dẫn chứng: Câu đầu đoạn 2: “ Consider an assignment that requires you to compare two different authors
on the topic of education and select and defend one as better.”: Xem xét 1 bài tập cái mà yêu cầu bạn so
sánh hai tác giả khác nhau về chủ đề giáo dục và lựa chọn, ủng hộ cái tốt hơn.
Question 36. Đáp án B: nhiều trung tâm hành chính trải khắp thành phố.
Dẫn chứng : It had over 2,000 apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of industrial
workshops, an administrative center, a number of massive religious edifices, and a regular grid pattern of
streets and buildings. ( trong bài chỉ đề cập 1 trung tâm hành chính)
Question 37. D ingenuity = inventiveness: tính sáng tạo
Question 38. Cái nào sau đây không được đề cập trong đoạn 2 như nhân tố chính trong sự phát triển của
Đáp án: C. A long period of volcanic inactivity in the Teotihuacán Valley : 1 thời gian không hoạt động
của núi lửa ở thung lũng Teotihuacán.
Dẫn chứng: Câu 2 đoạn 2 : “Among the main factors are Teotihuacán’s geographic location on a natural
trade route to the south and east of the Valley of Mexico, the obsidian resources in the Teotihuacán Valley
itself, and the valley’s potential for extensive irrigation”
Question 39. Cái gì có thể được suy ra từ đoạn 3 về Cuicuilo trước năm 200 trước công nguyên?
Đáp án: D. Its economy relied heavily on agriculture.: nền kinh tế chủ yếu dựa vào nông nghiệp.
Dẫn chứng: “Around this time, the largest of these centers, Cuicuilco, was seriously affected by a volcanic
eruption, with much of its agricultural land covered by lava”.
Question 40. B: “ it” thay cho từ Teotihuacán
Question 41. A. edifice = large building
Question 42. A: The rise of Teotihuacán.
Question 43. A : acquired -> have acquired: sau trạng từ chỉ thời gian.
Question 44. A. sensible -> sensitive
Question 45. D : in a thorough manner -> throroughly : parallel structure.
Question 46. A. Tôi sẽ gửi bức hình ngay khi tôi về nhà
Question 47. Sự khuyết tật của anh ấy không ngang cản anh ấy đi vòng quanh thế giới
Đáp án: C: mặc dù khuyết tật, anh ấy vẫn đi vòng quanh thế giới ( hợp thì và nghĩa)
Question 48. Đó là sự thiếu khả năng của anh ấy dẫn đến sự bị bắt của họ.
Đáp án: A: Nếu anh ấy có đủ khả năng, họ sẽ không bị bắt. (câu điều kiện loại 3)
Question 49. MC có giọng rất êm. Mọi người lắng nghe cô ấy chăm chú bất kể khi nào cô ấy xuất hiện trên
sân khấu.
Đáp án: A: Giọng MC quá êm tai đến nói mọi người lắng nghe cô ấy chăm chú bất kể khi nào cô ấy xuất
hiện trên sân khấu.
Question 50. Giám đốc quyết định thưởng cho nhân viên. Nhân viên này đã làm tăng giá trị cho công ty
Đáp án: B: Giám đốc quyết định thưởng cho nhân viên vì nhân viên này đã làm tăng giá trị cho công ty.

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