Calculations Cross-Field: Capacitor

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I(- SavM) +I2m(SaXo) +Ia( -ja2XM) +

Capacitor Motor Performance Calculations 12a(a2r2+ja2Xo) = 0

Let the first three equations now be
by tle Cross-Field TIeory devided by XO and the last equation by
a2XO. Also let

THERE may be question as to the XO= "open-circuit" reactance=xl+xM Ks =
need for writing this paper. Morrill's x= primary leakage reactance of main
classic 1929 paper1 presented the analysis winding Since
x2-secondary leakage reactance, referred
of the capacitor motor with the revolving- to main winding X1 =X2
field theory, and others have arranged his xai= primary leakage reactance of auxiliary
equations for routine calculation, such winding XM XM XM
x2a=secondary leakage reactance, referred Ks =Kp = XM+X2- =
as the present writer.2 Puchstein and to auxiliary winding
XM+X1 X0
Lloyd presented a paper on the cross-field XM = magnetizing reactance of main winding Let
theory in 1941.A Various short-cut meth- xMa = magnetizing reactance of auxiliary
ods have been devised which are very winding
Kr =Kp2 =X Xo-
useful within their limitations, such as the xo
balanced method,4 and the equal-volt- Basic Equations
ampere method.' where
Of the many calculation sheet arrange- Fig. 1 shows the arrangement of cir- X =xI+x2Kp
ments of Morrill's equations only a few cuits in the capacitor motor. Writing
have been published. That of the writer, the equations for the voltages in these and let
published in 1941,2 has been used ex- circuits,
tensively for many years in routine design Is(rl +j(XM +X1))+2m(-jxm) +Ia(O) + Xo
work. It has been particularly useful to I2(0)= V
those unskilled in vector calculations. rpm
This paper presents an analysis using
I( +JXM) +Im [r2 +j(XM +X2)] + synchronous rpm
Ia [SxMa/al +12a [-S(XMa+X2a)] /a =O
the cross-field theory, and a calculation-
sheet arrangement, which the writer be- Ii(0) +h2m(0)+Ia [Kria+Rc)+ r +jl +I2M(jKp) +Ia( ) +
lieves to be considerably faster and easier j(Xla+ Xma +Xc)I +I2a( -jXMa) = V I2a(0) = im
to use than the former.2 The advantage II( -SaxM)±+2M[Sa(xM+x2)] +
is greatest when points are required at a Ia( -jXMa) +I2a [r2a+j(XMa+X2a)X =0 I,( -jKp)+12m ( +j) +Ia(SaKp)+
number of different speeds, such as for a
complete speed-torque curve. There I2a( -Sa) =0
seems to be less hazard of numerical and
decimal-point errors. The following basic assumptions are Ii(0)+h2m(0) ±Ia( a2(riaa2XO+
made: .a2(a2XQ+Xc) +I2af(-ja2KP) im
Nomenclature 1. Iron loss, friction, and windage are a2X
subtracted from rotor output.
The following symbols correspond in II (- Kp) +12M(- +
2. Only the fundamentals of magneto-
general to the new Proposed Standard for motive force and voltages are considered.
Induction Motor Letter Symbols.8 Harmonics are neglected. Ia(-jKp)+12a ( X_+jl 0
_ effective conductors in auxiliary winding 3. Effects of saturation are considered
effective conductors in main winding constant. Substitute
f=frequency, cycles per second 4. XI=X2, xta=a2X, x2a=a2X2, r2a=a2r2'
IA=main winding current XMa = a 2xM. rr
I2,=secondary current in main-field axis rlu =
Ia-auxiliary winding current 5. xo=xm+xi
I2a = secondary current in cross-field axis, and since xl =X2 XO
referred to auxiliary winding Xo XM +X2-
r2U =
N=speed in revolutions per minute
N5 =synchronous speed rla+Rc
p=number of poles Simplified Equations r3u=-
Rc = equivalent series resistance of capacitor
r,=resistance of main winding With the foregoing assumptions, the
r2 = secondary resistance, referred to main equations become
winding Paper 56-945, recommended by the AIEE Rotating
ria =resistance of auxiliary winding Il(ri ±jXo) +Im( -jXM) +Ia(O)+I2a(0) V Machinery Committee and approved by the
r2a = secondary resistance, referred to AIEE Committee on Technical Operations for
auxiliary winding I( -jXM) +I2m(r2+jXO) +Ia(SaxM) + presentation at the AIEE Fall General Meeting,
S=speed divided by synchronous speed Chicago, Ill., October 1-5, 1956. Manuscript
Ia( -SaXo) =0 submitted May 31, 1956; made available for
s=slip = 1-S printing August 7, 1956.
V=applied voltage I(O) +I2m(0) +IaI(rna+Rc) + P. H. TRICREY is with the Wright Machinery
Xc= reactance of capacitor j(a2Xo+Xc)] +12a( -ja2xM) = V Company, Durham, N. C.

FEBRUARY 1957 Trickey Capacitor Motor Performance Calculations 1547

ment and simplification, results in the fol- N, Nlh +jN1 v N2h +jN2v
lowing equations for the N and A termns.
A= - U+jW' 2
N3h +jN3v N4h+jN4v
A=U-f+jW U+jW U+jW
N1 = 2r3U + r2UXU -SKr /a -(1 -S2)X4U/ Nh =G16 -G4S- GO(-S2)
r2U +j [X3U+-X4U -r2ur3U+( 1-S)r3u/r2u] N2h = G2 -G3S-Go( 1-S2)
N2 Kpr3u -SKp/la -(1 -S2)KpX4U /r2U + N23h = G20 + G4S G 9(1 32)
j [KpX3u+SriuKp/a +(1 -SI)Kpr3u/r2u]
N4h =Gm +G8S- G1 1-S2)
N3 = 2riu/a2+ r2u/a2 + SKr/a- (1 -S2) X U = G24-G22( 1-S2)
(1 -Kr)/(r2ua2)+j[(2-Kr)/a2 -

riur2U/a2 +( 1-S2)rlu/(r2ua2)] N V = G7+Gii(l-S2)
In IrI T N2V = Gi +G6S+G12(1-S2)
C.] I II I V4 = ruKp/a2+ SKpX3u/ca -(1 -S2)Kp
(1 -Kr7)/(r2ua2) +j [Kp/a2- SKpr3u/ N3V =G21 +G14(1 -S2)
a+-(1 -S2)Kprlu/(r2ua2)]
N4V = G5-G7S+G15(l1S2)
im I [rlur2u-(2-Kr)Tx3u+K,+
U=* W= G25+G23( 1-S2)
jXc (2r,u+r2U)r3uJ3i-- im [-(1-
G1 = KpX3u
Kr )r3U/r2U- rlUX4U/r2U] (1 - S2)
Fig. 1. Capacitor motor circuits G2 = Kpr3r,
W= [(2 -Kr) - rlur2U r3U+(2rlU + G3 =Kp/a
im G4 = (Kp/a)Kp
a2Xo+Xc r2U )X2u -
r,uKr} + [rlur3u/r2u-
'm -
GC = (Kp/a)/a
(1-Kr)X4u/r2u](1 -S2) G6 = (Kp/a)rlu
X4U =X3U -Kr - X+Xc/a2 G7 = (Kp/a)rwu
Torque and Output G8 = (Kp/a)X3u
I1(riu7 +jl) +12m( -jKp) +Ia(O) +I2a(0) = im Gg = (l/r2u)X4u
I,T(-jKp) +I2M(r2 u +jl ) +1a(SaKp) + The torque equation given in a previous
paper,7 applies equally well in this case. GCo = (1/r2u)X4uKP
I2a(-Sa) 0 =

T =. 94(P/f) [xM(I-I2m) conjugate I2aa-

GCl = (1/r2u)r3u
I,(0) +I2m(0) +Iaa2(r3u+jX3u) +
12aa2(-jKp) = Irtt XMa(Ia -I2a) (conjugate I2m)/a] in ounce-feet G12 = (1/r2u)r,uKp
Rewriting in terms of the foregoing cur- G,3 = (riu/a2)Kp
I1 (- Kp) +12m(S/a)+Ia(-jKp)+ rents, where N1 = Nlh+jN1,, etc. G14 = (riu/a2)/r2u
12a(r2U+j1) =0 .94P XoKpa G15 = [(riu/a2)/r2u]Kp
f U2+W2 [(N1h-N2h)(-N4h)-
T= -2 {
GI6 = 2r3u + r2UX3U
Determinant Solution (Niv-N20)(N4v)1-[(N3h-N4h)X G17 = X3u +X4u - r2ur3u
The determinant solution is given in (-N2h)-(N3v-N4v)(A2v)1) G18 = (1 -Kr)Kp/(r2ua2)
Appendixes I and II, where certain terms 94P XoKpa Gig = (I -Kr7)/(r2ua2)
(average torque)+ U2+W2XX
are zero and certain terms are repeated. G20 = (2ruu+r2u)/a2
J,{ [(Nlh-N2h)(N4v)-(Nlv-
I =N1/A, 12= N2/A, 13 =N3/A, I4 = N4/A N2v)(N4h)] + [(N3h -N4h)(N2v)- G21= [(2-Kr)-rlur2u]/a2
(N., - N4V)(N2h)) I} (double-frequency 1 /riu (I1Kr )r2u\
where G22 = --_iuX4U+ -K)3
pulsating torque) im r2U r2U
N1 = K1 [b2(c2b2-a2b1bj) +b4(c2a2b, -d2c3) +
bl(c2b2-d2bi)] Since output in watts equals Sf/(0.94 C22 =1 -
rlu r-(1-Kr)X4u\
2E-- -I
p) times the torque in ounce-feet, and the im r2U r2U /
N2 = -K1 [b1(cb2-a 2bibi) +a4(c2a2bi -
d2c3) +-a(c2b2 -d2b1)] real term only is taken to give average
I Kr + (2r,u + r2U)r3u-

output, with some simplification there is G24 =

N3 K1 [b,(-a2b,b4) +a4(b2a2b,) +ai(b2b2 -
d2b4) -b,(bib2)+a4(b,d2)] X3U [(2 -Kr) -rlur2u] }
N4= -K1 [bl( -c3b4)+a4( b2c3)+a,(b2b1- Output = SXoKpa [LN3hN2h +N3vN2 - G25 =. (2r -u+r2U)(X3U) +
U12± W2
c2b4)-b,(b1bi)+a4(bic2)1 ,m
( N1hN4±
+N1,,N4v)] [(2 -Kr) -rlur2u]r3u-rluKr}
A =a1 [b2(c3b2-a2b,b,)+b4(c2a2bi -d2c3)] -
bi [bi(c3b2-a2b,b1)] -a4[b1(c2a2bj-d2C3)]
Calculation Constants Calculation Sheet
In order to simplify numerical calcula- Figs. 2 and 3 show an arrangement of
As shown in Appendix II, the substitu- tions and require a minimum of slide rule these equations into a calculation sheet or
tion of the proper values in the deter- settings, the terms of the current equa- form. Considerable effort has gone into
minant solution, along with rearrange- tions have been grouped into "constants." choosing the order and arrangement for a

1548 Trickey-Capacitor Motor Performance Calculations FIEBRUARY 1 957

minimum number of slide-rule settings Very often a close approximation to Development of A by Minors
and operations. The sheet is primarily the speed-torque characteristic of per- b2 C2 d2 lb1 cl di
arranged to avoid the use of vector opera- manent, split-capacitor motors with only A=ai b3 C3 d3 -£a2 b3 C3 d3 +
tions. However, spaces are left so that moderately high rotor resistance can be b4 C4 d4 b4C4 d4
they may be used if desired. obtained by calculating the single-phase
In an attempt to minimize the effect of speed-torque curve by Veinott,8 and a3 b2 C2 d2 -£a4 b2 C2 d2
possible small numerical errors, the input making a small addition. b4 C4 d4 b3 C3 d3
is obtained as the sum of output plus T= T (single-pliase) +(.4 full-load torque
losses. However, a somewhat independ- (balance-point torque) A =a, d3| _b;Nl C2 d4d2
b2: C3 d4 +b41C d2 }
ent check can be made by obtaining the C4 C4 C3 d3
input as the product of in-phase currents xcapacitance (EVA method) a2 d3|b
bi| C43 d4 N cldi +b4] di|
C +
capacitance (balanced method) -b3 d C3 +
and voltage as given in item 83 of Fig. 3.
b C2 d4 b Cc1 d4
C4 di +b4CC2
cl d2di
If various speeds are being tried to get aS31C4
exactly full load output, the following
relationship is often a convenience in Appendix 1. Determinant 1b4 C2 d2 _b i di d+i}
+b cl
reducing the number of trials. Solution oF General 4-Equation C3 d3 C3 d3 C2 d2
Electrical Circuit Analysis where
1 -S2=(l -S)(1+S) =s(2-s)
aiIi + bI2±+ciI3+diI4+K, C3 d3 =C3 d4-C4 d3
where C4 d4
a2IIi+b212 +C213 +d214 = K2
s = 1-S=slip etc.
a3I + b312+c3J3+d3I4 =K3
a4l1+b4I22+c413+d414 =K4 Development of N1 by Minors
In order that the torque approach the
standstill value smoothly, and not have 1L = N1/A, 12 = N2/A, I3 = N3/A, 14 N4/A This is exactly the same as for A except
incorrect values at very small speeds, the except if A= 0 that K replaces a.
term for iron loss, friction, and windage
(item 93 in Fig. 3) must be reduced a, b1 ci di Development of N2 by Minors
gradually to zero, as zero speed is ap- A a2 b2 C2 d2 This is exactly the same as for N1 except
a3 b3 C3 d3 that a replaces b, and with minus sign.
proached. Usually this is done by causing a4 b4 C4 d4
this term to vary as some function of Development of N3 by Minors
speed such as the square. K1 bi cl di
This is exactly the same as for N2 except
For the zero-speed point itself, it is N= K2 b2 C2 d2 that b replaces c, and with plus sign.
necessary to rearrange the torque equa- K3 b3 C3 d3
tion to avoid the indeterminate condition K4 b4 C4 d4
Development of N4 by Minors
of zero output divided by zero speed. If
item 93 = 0
a, K1 cl dij This is exactly the same as for N3 except
N2= a2 K2 C2 d2 that c replaces d, and with minus sign.
112.7 (90)(91)S a3 K3 c3 d3
rpm (11) a4 K4 c4 d4 Expansion to Algebraic Form
but since rpm = NsS where N3 = syn- a, b1 K1 di N1 = K1 [b2(C3d4-C4d3) -b3(c2d4 -c4d2) +
chronous speed N3= a2 b2 K2 d2 b4(C2d3 -d2C3)] -K2 [b1(C3d4 -C4d3)-
a3 b3 K3 d3 b3(c1d4-C4dA) +b4(Cd3 -C3dA)] +
112.7 (90)(91)S 112.7 (90)(91) a4 b4 K4 d4 K3 [b(C2d4-C4d2) -b2(Cd4- C4d ) +
NsS (11) Ns (11) b4(cld2 - C2d )] -K4 [b(C2d3-C3d2) -
a, bi c1 K1
in ounce-feet b2(Cd3-C3d ) +b3(Cd2 - C2dA )
N4 = a2 b2 C2 K2
a3 b3 C3 K3 N2 =-K1 [a2(C3d4 -d3C4) -a3(c2d4 -CAd2) +
Conclusions £a4 14 C4 K4 a4(C2d3 -C3d2)] +K2[a£(C3d4-C4d3)-
a3(c1d4 - C4d ) +a4(CdA - C3d )] -
A calculation method has been de- Rearrange K to the first column. K3 a(C2d4- C4d2) - a2(cd4 - Cd1) +
veloped and a calculation sheet arranged K1 b1 cl di a4(c d2-dic2)] +K4[a,(C2d3-d2C3)-
to give more speed and ease in calculating a2(C1d - C3dl ) +£a3(C d2-C2dl
the performance of capacitor motors.
N= K2 b2
K3 b3
C2 d2
c3 d3 N3 =K1 [a2(b3d4-b4d3) -a3(b2d4-b4d2) +
The improvement is greatest when a com- K4 b4 C4 d4 a4(b2d3-d2b3)J -K2 [a,(b3d4-d3b4) -
plete brake test or speed-torque curve is a3(bid4-b4di) +a4(b1d3 -b3dl] +
required. Like all cross-field methods, it K1 a£ cl di K3 [a(12d4 -b4d2) -a2(bd4 -b4di) +
__ K2 a2 C2 d2
does not bring out the double-frequency a4(b1d2- b2d1)] -K4 [a1(b2d3 - b3d2) -
K3 a3 C3 d3 a2(b-d3-M3d1) ±a3(bd2 -b2dt )]
character of the secondary currents or K4 a4 C4 d41
show readily when the motor is "bal- N4 =-K1 [a2(b3C4 - c3b4) -a3(b2C4 -b4C2) +
anced. " K1 a, bi di a4(b2C3-1b3C2)] +K2 [a1(b3C4-b4C3) -
The new user also should be cautioned N3= K2 a2 b2 d2 a3(b1c4 - b4cl) ±a4(b1c3 - b3c)] -
not to overlook the various, previous, sim- K3 a3 b3 d3 K3 [a£(b2C4-b4C2)-a2(biC4-b4Cl) +
pler methods which apply to specific K4 a4 b4 d4 a4(blC2-b2Cl)] +K4£[a(b2C3-1b3C2) -
conditions such as the stand-still single- K1 a, b1 ci
a2(blC3-b3c1) +a3(blc2- b2Cl )]
phase formulas of Veinott,8 the balanced N4=- K2 a2 b2 C2 A=ai [1b2(c3d4-C4d3)-M3(c2d4-C4d2) +
method,4 the equal-volt-ampere method,5 K3 a3 b3 C3 b4(C2d3 -CAd2)] -a2 [b(C3d4-C4d3) -
and the tapped-winding method.9 K4 a4 14 C4 b3(c1d4-dlC4) +b4(c1d3 -c3d1)] +

FEBRUARY 1 957 Trickey-Capacitor Motor Performance Calculations 1549

a3 [bW(cd4-c4d2)- b2( cd4 -c4d, )+
Xo 82. 1 44 IK
-Kr .15 8 bN(cid2 -c2d)] -a4 [ba(c2Ad -cdA) -
2 X 2 8.7 45 2-Kr 1.15 8 b2(cid3-c3di) +bb3(cad2- c2,i)]
3 X0-X 153.4 46 r u r2U .0 135
4 O=Ckwa/Ckwm .7 6 3 47 (4 5)-(46) 1.145 Appendix II. Derivation of
5 a2 .583 48 2 r3U .172 Current Equations
6r hot (1.153) 11.6 849 r2UX3u -.202 As shown previously, the four simul-
taneous equations for the currents are
7 r2hot (1.153) 38.4 50 G16=(48)+(49) -.030
8 r 1h5t(llI3) 8.812 51 2 rlu .128 Ia(r,u+jl) +2m( -jKp) +Ia(O) +12a(0) = im
I( -jKp) +12m(r2u+jl) +Ia(SaKp) +
9. RC .305 52 r2U .2105
12a( - Sa) = 0
1 0 r,,c= (8)+(9) 9.11 7 53 (51) +(52) .339 I,(O) +I2m(0) +laa2(r3u +jX3U) +
Mfd 12.74 54 (44) / r2 u .750 L2aa2(-jKp) =itn
21X = /27rf mfd
13 (2)= X
- 208.

(2 1)= X4U
IM(-SKp1a)+12m(S/a) +Ia( -jKp) +
Ia2a(r2u+jl) 0

(12)/(5)=X/a2 357. 57 (55)+(56) -2758 With reference to the beginning of

Appendix I, it will be seen that the following

5 X'=(13)+(14) -328.3 58 r2U r3U .0181 coefficients are equal to zero: as, b3, Cl,
dl, K2, and K4. Also it will be noted that
16 r3 riac a2 15.67 59 G,7z(57)H58) -2.776 a2= bi, d4=b2, c4=bi, d3=a2b,, and K3=
60 K1 = im. With these substitutions
17 Imr -V 1.26 (44)Kp/ .688
N1 ='im [b2(b2c -a2b12)+b4(c2a2b, -c3d2) +
18 rlu=jo r .064 61 Gl=(1/a2)(60) 1.180
bi(b2c2- b1d2)]
1 9 r2= 0 r2 .2105 62 G -(/o2) (54) 1.288 N2 = -im [b1(b2c3-a2b,2)+a4(c2a2b,-c3d2)+
20 r3u= -k-0 r3 .086 63 G2 (I/a )(53) .582 ai(bac2-b1d2)J
21 X4u= xO X'3 -1.800 64 G22=(I/)(47) 1.966 N3 =im [b,(-a12bb4)+a4(b2a2b,)+
a1(b22-b4d2) -b1(b1b2) +a4(b1d2)I
22 Kr= (X,-XPfr(,) .842 65 (rlu /r2U) X4U -.547
N4=-im[bi(-b4c3 )+a4(b2c3) +
23 X3u=(21)+(22) - .958 66 (54) r3u .0645
24 KP =Kr .917 67 (65)+(66) -.4825 = a, [b2(b2c3 -a2b,2)+b4(c2a2bj -c3d2)] -
25 G,= Kp X3u - .877 68 (54) (-X4U) 1.350 bi [ba(b2c3-a2b12)] -a4[ba(c2a2ba-cad2)]
26 G2- Kp r3U .0788 69 (rlt / r2U) r3U .0261 By substituting a4 =- SKp/a, bi = -jKp,
b2=- Kr, b4=S/a, C2= SaKp, d2=-Sa,
27 G3-Kp a 1.202 70 (68)+(69) 1.376 multiplying through by the minus sign in
28 G4=(Kp/a) Kp 1.103 71 (47) (-X3U) 1.098 the second and fourth equations, and
dividing all equations by i,,,, the following
29 G5=(Kp/a)(I/a) 1.574 72 (53) r3U .0292 are obtained
30 G6=(Kp/a)rlu .077 73 Kr .842 N1 = b2(b2c3+a2Kr) +S2( -ja2Kr +C3)-
31 G7=(Kp/a)r3u .1034 74 (71)+(72)+(73) 1.969 jSaKr(b2 -jl)
32 G8= (Kp/a)X3u - 1.15 75 (53)(X3U) -.325 N2 =jKp(b2c3+a2Kr) +
S2Kp( -ja2Kr +c3) -a,SaKp(b2 -jl)
33 GgF(I/r2u)X4U -8.55 76 (47) r .0985
34 Gl,=(I/r2u)X4uKp -7.85 77 (75)+(76) -.2265 Ns =SK,a+jaSKb2+a±a(b22±S2)±
b2Kr -jS2Kr
35 G r- (1/ .409 78 rlu Kr .054 N4 = (SKpc3/a)(b2 -jl)+aKp(jb2 +S2) +
36 G12=(l/r2U)r3uKP .3755 79 (77)-(78) -.2805 jKpKr-jKpKrS2
37 G13=(ru/02) Kp S1007 8C G22=(W/lm) (67) -.382
{a b2(b2C +a2Kr) + S2( _ja2Kr +
3 8 Gl4_(r7u/&)(I/r2t) .521 81 G23(/Im) (70) 1.09
391G15-(rlU/O)G/2r2u)Kp .478 82 G24=(I/Im) (74) 1.56 c3)j +Kr(b2cS+a2Kr) -jS2Kr( -ja2Kr+C) J
40 8 G3-2(1/ m) (79) -.2225 Referring to the original equations, where
a1=(rju+jl), b2=(r2u+jl), C3=a2(rsU+
41 841 jXsu), determine the substitutions for the
foregoing terms.
42 __ 85 -
86 I (b2-jl ) =r2u+jl-jl =r2u
[431 I
(C3-ja2Kr) =a2(r3u +jX3u) -ja2Kr
Fig. 2. Page1 of calculation sheet for capacitor motors a2 [rsu+j(Xau-Kr)I =a2(r3U +jX4u)
(b22+S2) =r2U2+2jr2U- 1 +S2
=r2U2-(l -S2)+j2r2U
(jb2 +S2) =j(r2U +jl ) +S2 =jr2u -(1-S2)
c3b2 =a2(r2uru-X3u) +ja2(r2uX3u +r3U)

1550 Trickey-Capacitor Motor Performance Calcukltions FEBRUARY 1 957

S= /NM .9875.868 .856 .6915 51 (50) .0735 -.1893 -.21,33 -.5143
2 S2 .977.754 .734 .479 52 Sy G8 -1j1,4 -1.00 - .985 -.795
3 1-S2 .023 .246 .266 .52 1 53 N4h =(51) + 52) -1.061 -1.189 -1.198 -1.309
4G4 1.560 1.560 1.560 1.560 54 G 1.574 1.574 1.574 1.574
5 (3) xG22 -.0088 -.094 -.1016 -.1 99 55 (3) x G 5 .011 .1176 .127 .249
6 U = (4) -(5) 1.569 1.654- 1.662 1.759 56 (54)+(55) 1.585 1.692 1.701 1.823
7 G25 -.2225 -.2225 -.2225 -.2225 57 S xG 7 .102 .0898 .0886 .0715
8 (3) G 23
x .0251 .268 .290 .568 58 N4K=(56)-(57) 1.483 1.602 1.612 1.752
9 W=- (7)±+(8) -.1974 .0455 .0675 .3455 59 N4h- ~±Nv1.827 .994 2.011___
IO0A=-/U2±~W2 1.58 1.655 1.663 1.792 60_________
II A2 61__________________
2.50 2.74 2.765 3.22
12 ____________62 II=-N1/A 1.80 1.75 1.784___
13_______ -03 -03 -.030 -.030 63 I2M-N2/ .775 .728 .0 __
141 (3) xG9 -.197 2.10 -2.270 -4.46 64
- Ia =N3/AZ 1.627 1.463 1.45
IS1 (13)-(14) .167 2.070 2.24 4.43 65 I20- N4/A 1.156 1.205 1.21___
161 S xG4 1.090 .956 .945 .7 64 66 Zj- VR2 x2 208 208 208___
171N, hz(I5) -(16) -.923 1.114 1.295 3.666 67 E- I0 Zc 348 304.5 302___
181 G17 -2.776 -2.776 -2.776 -2.776 68 I2 r, 37.8 35.7 3 7.3
191 xGI,(3) .094 .1 007 .1 088 .213 69 T2m r2
I2 q
230 20.4 24.9___
20N,vZ(18)+(19) -2.~682 -2.675 -2.667 -2.563 70 23.4 18.9 18.6
21 1N, V'K/Nj7FiNJT 2.84 2.90 2.970 711 I Rc .8 .7 .6___
22 _____1_ __ 72 I 2a r-2 a2 30.0 32.6 32.6 ___
231___ __ 73 Fem+Fec+F+W 35.0 27.0 26-2 17.2
241 .0788 .0788 .0788 .07887 oss(8tr(3 150.0 135.3 140.2___
25 (3) xGI0
-.1806 -1.93 -4.09 75 (17)=Nih
-2.085 -.923 1.114 1.295___
26 (24)-(25)- .2594 2.009 2.164
4.169 76 (41) =N3h 1.642 1.221 1.185___
271 SXG3 1.190 1.042 1.030.833 77 (75)±C76) .719 2.335 2.480___
2N2h=(26)-(27) -.931 .967 3.3367 (20) NV
I.1138 -2.682 -2.675 -2.667___
291 G_____
(3) xG12
-.877 -.877
.0087 .093
-.877 79 (44)= N3V 1.978 2.094 2.105___
30 .0998 . 197 80 (78)+ (79) -.704 -.581 -.562___
31 (29)-f(30) -.868 -.78 4 -.777
-.680 81 (~77)2±8 0 2 1.004 2.40 2.54 __
32 SxG .076 .067 .0659 .053 82 I -(8I)/(I0)=(8l)/AL .635 1.450 1.528 ___
33 N2v=(31)+(32) -.792 -.717 -.627 83 [(77)U+(80)WV/(i i) 116.9
-.711 322 339
~ 2- /2h2±N2v 1.222 1.206 ___
1.34 841(28)
(41)=N2h N3h -1.531 1.183 1.349 2.257
3 5____________ 85 (33) (44)=N2VN3v -1.568 -1.503 -1.500 -1.404
361___ 86 (84) +(85) -3.099 -.320 -.151 .853
,371 G2
.582 .582 .582 .582 87 (17) (53)=N1h N4h .98 0 -1.323 -1.550 -4.80
38 (3)XG1 .0296 .317 .342 .670 8 (20) (58)=NlvN4Y -3.98 -4.29 -4.310 -4.50
39 (37)-(38) .5524 .265 .240 -.088 9 (87)+(88) -3.00 -5.613 -5.86 -9.30
40 SxG4=(16) 1.090 .956 .945 .764 -90 (86)-(89) -.099 5.293 5.709 10. 153
41 N3h= (39)±(40) 1.642 1.221 1.185 '.676- 91 KFp
X0 a 127.8 127.8 127.8 127.8
21 2 1.966 1.966 1.966 1.966 921(91)(90)
S/(Il) 5.00 214.0 226.
31 (3) x G4 .012 .128 .1386 .272 931(73) 35.0 27.0 26.2 17. 2
44 N3v% (42)±(43) 1,978 2.094 2.105 2.238 94 Output=(92)-(93) -30. 187.0 199.8 260.8
45 jN3=`N-3h2±N3v?
2.57 2,425 2.415 9___5 RPM=N=SNs 1185 1042 1029 830
6 ___________ _____ _____ _____ _____ 6 Tor.=1127(94)/(95)1___ 20.2 21.9 35,.4
47 _____i J97 1Inp.= (74)±(94) {120 322 340___
f48[_ G___13_
.1007 ].1007 ~.100 7 1.1007 }98 Eff,=(94)/(97)___ 58,0 58.7 J
j49[ .0272J .290 f.314 j.615 ~99 P. F. =(97)/[V(82)] ___96.5 96.74
Iso0 (48)- (49) .0735 J-1893 ~2133 j-13 _________ __ __I__
Fig. 3. Page 2 of calculation sheet for capacitor motors
FIEBRUARYFEBRUARY 1957 ~Trickey-C~apacitor MUotor Performance Calculations 1551
c3b2+a2Kr =a2(r2ur3u- X4u) + r3U(1 -S2)] +ja2 [r2u(2r3U+r2UX3U) -
Kp _ s
ja2(r2UX3u + r3U) SKr2ul/a -X4U( 1 - S2)] (j S"") +j +r (I
( S
a a r2ua2
b2(c3b2 +a2Kr) = a2(r2u2r3u-r2UX4U- N2= -a2 [r2uKpX3u +SKpr2uriu /a +
r2UX3u- r3U) +ja2(r2ur3u -X4U + Kpr3u( 1-S2)] +ja2 [Kpr2ur3u- = { [rlur2U-(2-Kr)]X3U+Kr+
r2U2X3U +r2ur3u) SKpr2u/a -KpX4U(1 - S2)]
al(b22+S2) = r1ur2U2-rlu(l -S2)-2r2U + N3 =r2U[rlur2u-(2 -Kr)] -riu(l -S2)+
j [r2u(r2u+2riu) +SaKrr2u -
(2riu+r2u)r3u} + [-(l-Kr)r3u
imL rU
j [r2U2-(1 -S2) +2rlur2u]
(1 -Kr)(1 -S2)] r
a,Kp(jb2+S2) =Kp(riu+jl)H-(1 -S2)+ juX4 _I(1-52)+.1 jf [(2-Kr)-
N4 =-r2uKp + Sar2uKpr3u - riuKp( 1- S2) + r2U TM
jr2U] =K [- riu( 1- SI) - r2U] +jKp [rlur2U- j [Kpriur2u+Sar2uKpX3u- KP 1-
(1 -S2)] rlur2u]r3u+(2r1u+r2U)X3U-rluKr} +
Kr) X(1 -S2)]
imIj (r3U _(I1-Kr)
aiSaKp(b2-jl) = (riu +jl )SaKpr2u A = (1/im) [rlua2(r2u2r3u - r2UX4U - r2UX3U - X4U )( 1-S2)
r2U r2U
= SaKpriur2u +jSaKpr2u r3u) +a2r,ur3uS2 +a2( -r2ur3u +X4U-
(SKpca/a)(b2 -jl) = SKpr2ua(r3u+jX3U) r2U2X3U -r2ur3u) - a2X4uS2 +
a2Kr(rnuu - X4u) +a2S2KrX4u] + References
Substituting these values (1 /im)j [a2rlu(rur3u -X4U +r2U2X3U + 1. THE REVOLVING-FIELD THEORY OF THE
N1 = a2(r2U2r3u - r2UX4U -r2uX3u -r3u) + r2ur3U) +a2rluX4uS2 +a2(r2U2r3U- CAPACITOR MOTOR, W. J. Morrill. AIEE Trans-
r2UX4U - r2UX3U -r3u) +a2r3US2 + actions, vol. 48, Apr. 1929, pp. 614-29.
ja 2(r2ur3U - X4U + r2u2X3u + r2Ur3U) +
a2r3US2 +ja 2X4uS2 -jaSKrr2u a2Kr(r2UX3u + r3u) - a 2Krr3uS2] 2. PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS ON CAPACITOR
In order to simplify and make the power Trickey. Ibid., vol. 60, Feb. 1941, pp. 73-76.
N2 =jKpa2(r2ur3u-X4u) -Kpa2(r2uX3u +
r3u) +S2Kpa2r3u +jS2Kpa2X4u- factor of the denominator nearer to unity, 3. THE CROSS-FIELD THEORY OF THE CAPACITOR
multiply all terms by -j/a2r2u MOTOR, A. F. Puchstein, T. C. Lloyd. Ibid., pp.
SaKpriuru -jSaKpr2u 58-62.
N3 = SKra -aSKr +jaSKrr2u + rlu2ru2- Vi =2r3u+r2uX3u-S
Kr X4U (1-S2)±
a r2U OPERATION, P. H. Trickey. Ibid., vol. 51, Sept.
riu(l - S2) -2r2U-+j[r2u2-(1 -S2)+ 1932, pp. 780-85.
2rlur2u] +Krr2U +jKr -jS2Kr [(X3U +X4U r2ur3U) + r2U (1- S2)
N4 = SKpr2uar3u +jSKpr2uaX3u + 1941, pp. 990-92.
( 1- S2)] +jKpKr -jKpKrS2 N2 =Kpr3u-S - Kp X4U (I S2)+ LETTER SYMBOLS. AIEE Standard no. 58, Jan.
a r2U 1956.
= (1/im) { (rlu +jl) [a2(r2u2r3u-r2UX4U - j[KpX3U+S p rlu+Kp u (1-S2)] 7. PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS ON SHADED
POLE MOTORS, P. H. Trickey. AIEE Trans-
r2UX3U -r3U ) +ja2(r2ur3u- X4U + a r2U actions, vol. 66, 1947, pp. 1431-38.
r2U2X3U + r2ur3U) + a2r3US2 +
ja2X4uS2] +a2Kr(r2ur3u-X4u) + N r2U+2rlU+S Kra _ (1-Kr) S2)+ 8. STARTING WINDINGS FOR SINGLE-PHASE INDUC-
TION MOTORS, C. G. Veinott. Ibid., vol. 63, June
a2 r2Ua2 1944, pp. 288-94.
ja2Kr(r2uX3u + r3u) + S2a2KrX4u-
jS2a2K,r3u } (2-Kr) rlUr2U rlu (1-52)] 9. PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS ON TAPPED-
L 2 - 2 r2U2 jI- WINDING CAPACITOR MOTORS, P. H. Trickey.
Ibid., vol. 62, Jan. 1943, pp. 1-3.
Grouping the real and quadrature terms r SuKp X3u Kp(l-Kr) 10. PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS ON INDUCTION
N1 =a2 [r2U(r2ur3u-X4U-X3u)-
a2 +SKaa a2r2U
X MOTORS, C. G. Veinott. Ibid., vol. 51, Sept. 1932,
pp. 743-54.

Discussion minutes and, therefore, the cross-field form

does save time for more than one point on
primary constants, such as resistances,
reactances, and iron loss. The form being
the speed-torque curve. discussed starts from primary constants
F. A. Yates (Diehl Manufacturing CoIn- There are shorter approximate methods which have been previously calculated.
pany, Somerville, N. J.): Mr. Trickey is of calculating permanent-split-capacitor mo- It should also be kept in mind that this
to be commended for his perseverance in tors when the motors do not have critical form is usable for points on the speed-
reorganizing his voluminous notes, which or tight requirements as is inentioned in torque curve where the combined main
date back many years, into a new form for the balanced method and equal volt- and starting windings are in operation on
calculating capacitor motors by the cross- ampere approximations. When the ac- capacitor-start motors, as well as for
field theory. It is his opinion that this curate method is used, there is a reason for permanent-split-capacitor motors. It can
form takes less time than the form which doing so and in general there would be also be used for points in the negative speed
he developed in his 1941 paper (see reference more than one point calculated on the region as well as the positive speed region.
2 of the paper) for calculating motors by speed-torque curve. For instance, a check It might be necessary to check certain
the revolving-field theory. is sometimes made of the no-load watts points in the negative speed region, for
In order to compare the time, I cal- to determine that the motor will not over- instance, on capacitor motors which need
culated a permanent-split-capacitor motor heat on no load although at full load the to be instantly reversible.
by both methods, and found that it took losses would be acceptable from the stand- In the revolving-field form, the author
by slide rule 1 hour and 45 minutes to point of heating. Even if the motor were assumed that only the high-frequency iron
calculate the full-load performance by calculated on a computer there should be loss acted as a load on the motor and he
the cross-field method and 1 hour and 20 a saving in time because of the arrangement used this loss in the calculation sheet ac-
minutes by the revolving-field method. of the formulas for which the computer cordingly in order to get calculated speeds
However, the form for the cross-field would have to furnish the answers. It which were more representative of the actual
method is so arranged that certain constants would be interesting to determine how long test, such as that of a capacitor motor
are calculated on the first sheet (Fig. 2 of the computer would take as compared to the driving a fan.
the paper) which remain constant and need slide-rule time. In the cross-field form he has assumed
not be recalculated for any other speed. It should be emphasized that the per- both the fundamental iron loss and the
Because of this simplification, performance manent-split-capacitor motor is calculated high-frequency iron losses as a load so that
at a second speed would take only 55 first as a 2-phase motor to obtain the the watts output for the same speed do

1552 Trickey-Capacitor Motor Performance Calculations FEBRUARY 1 957

not agree with those from the revolving- equations 4 and 5 (see reference 1 of the paper. Mr. Yates is quite correct in stating
field sheet. It is suggested that only the paper). These current values are used that it would be slightly more accurate to
high-frequency iron losses (plus friction in the usual manner to obtain input, output, subtract only odd frequency iron loss and
and windage) be subtracted as a load and performance data. Circuit constants friction from the output and to add the
(item 93 of Fig. 3). The fundamental iron are predetermined. fundamental frequency iron loss to the
loss then canbe added to the input (item 97). With use of the card programmed cal- input. In fact, there will be an in-phase
culator, 70 seconds are required to obtain component of primary current due to this
one set of load data, corresponding with iron loss which should be added to the
R. F. Munier (The Emerson Electric a selected slip value, and 25 seconds are primary current. However, for the same
Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, Mo.): required for transcribing each set of load output, there will be very little difference
In this paper and in the discussion by Mr. point data from the computer forms to in total values. Since the same motor
Yates, data were given covering the amount the usual test sheets. was used for an example in both this paper
of time required for calculating load points With the 650 computer, the calculation and the 1941 paper, a comparison can be
of permanent-split capacitor motors by time for one set of load data is 12 seconds, easily made.
(1) by the method and calculation sheet of with the same 25 seconds for transcribing I tend to disagree with Mr. Yates'
the paper, and (2) by a corresponding to the test sheet. conclusion that the new method is only
method and calculation sheet following the The time required for either computer slightly better than the previous one.
revolving-field theory (see reference 2 of for altering performance equations as My experience in working quite a good
the paper). These data may be compared required, programming, punching cards, many calculations by each method points
with the time requirements when calcula- and correcting errors is in the range of 16- to more nearly 25-per-cent improvement or
tions are made using International Business 20 hours. better.
Machines card programmed calculator Mr. Munier's result with the card pro-
and 650 computers. grammed calculator indicates that even
Both of these have been programmed P. H. Trickey: I appreciate the interest the lower cost computers are well worth
based on the solutions of Morrill's current of both Mr. Yates and Mr. Munier in this using for motor calculations.

The Heating and Mechanical EKects of

practical guidance, it kept the interested
divisions of the electrical industry in-
formed of what was taking place, so that
Installing Insulated Conductors in the investigation would be regarded in its
proper light as a public service.
Wire, raceways, and cellular-metal floor
Steel Raceways manufacturers provided the large amount
of materials necessary for the investiga-
tion. A qualified electrical contractor,
M. M. BRANDON L. M. KLINE K. S. GEIGES F. V. PARADISE under the auspices of the National Elec-
worked with the engineers of the Under-
writers' Laboratories in the conduit pull-
THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL is the current-carrying capacities of wires in test installations so that these would be
CODE (NEC), which is prepared by installed in multiple in steel raceways with comparable to typical installations
a committee of the National Fire Pro- various percentages of raceway fill. throughout the United States.
tection Association, is the recognized The American Iron and Steel Institute,
American standard for the safe installa- in recognition of this condition, sponsored, Scope
tion of electric equipment in the United as a public service, a fact-finding investi-
States. It is based on the combined ex- gation of steel raceways when installed in Inasmuch as the installation require-
periences of all groups in the electrical different types of building construction ments for more than nine wires in con-
industry and all factual information that with different numbers and types of wire. duit or tubing, and for the use of more
is available at the time of each edition's TIhe results of the investigation will be than 20% (per cent) of the cross-sec-
preparation. made available to the National Electrical tional area of wireways and auxiliary
Sometimes the information available is Code Committee with the view towards gutters, are not stated in the 1953 NEC,
not sufficiently complete to justify the improvement of the Code requirements. the investigation was divided into two
inclusion of installation practices that One of the unique factors of the inves- parts in the following manner. The
might be considered safe if all the facts tigation was the co-operation of all seg- first part consisted of a study of the heat-
were known. One of the oldest of these ments of the electrical industry through ing of more than nine rubber- or thermo-
the formation of an Advisory Working plastic-insulated conductors in steel race-
Committee which assisted in outlining a ways as the result of carrying current
Paper 56-952, recommended by the AIEE Insulated general test program. As the program under various load conditions. The
Conductors Committee and approved by the AIEE progressed, the committee met with repre- second part was a study of the mechani-
Committee on Technical Operations for presenta-
tion at the AIEE Fall General Meeting, Chicago, sentatives of Underwriters' Laboratories, cal factors affecting the installation of
Ill., October 1-5, 1956. Manuscript submitted
June 18, 1956; made available for printing August Inc., and discussed the work completed. more than nine rubber- or thermoplastic-
16, 1956. Comments made during such discussions insulated conductors in the steel race-
M. M. BRANDON, L. M. KLINE and K. S. GEIGES resulted in the extension and modification ways.
are with Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.; Mr.
Brandon in New York, N. Y., Mr. Kline and Mr. of the test program, represented by the The comments made on test results
Geiges in Chicago, Ill.; F. V. PARADISE was
formerly with Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.,
four phases in this paper. At the same during the progressive discussions with
Chicago. time that the committee provided such the Advisory Working Committee are

FEBRUARY1 957 Brandon, Kline, Geiges, Paradise-Insulated Conductors in Raceways 1-5a3

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