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Atm spheric Pollution Research 

Correlation between atmospheric deposition of Cd, Hg and Pb and their

concentrations in mosses specified for ecological land classes covering

atmospheric deposition of heavy metals. This paper investigates correlations between the concentrations of
cadmium, lead and mercury in atmospheric deposition and mosses within the units of an ecological land
classification of Europe. To this end, measurements from the 2005/2006 European moss survey and modeled
atmospheric deposition in the previous three years were intersected with a map on ecologically defined land
computed. Considering spatial auto–correlations, subsequently the correlations between the concentrations of CorrespondingAuthor:
Winfried Schröder
the mean of measurements for the above mentioned three spatial levels within 20% of its true value with 95%
confidence. Spatial patterns of correlations between the atmospheric deposition and bioaccumulation were
Keywords:Bioaccumulation,biomonitoring,ecologicallandclassification,minimumnumberofsamplingsites Received:18February2013


1.Introduction mosses(Harmensetal.,2010;Harmensetal.,2013).Comparedto
 the EMEP monitoring network, the spatial resolution of the moss
The Convention on Long–range Transboundary Air Pollution surveyintermsofextent,i.e.areacoveredbysamplingsites,and
(LRTAP)from1979hasbeenextendedwitheightprotocolsaiming grain,i.e.numberofsamplingsites,ismuchhigherandspatialand
at reducing emissions of air pollutants. Amongst them, the 1998 temporal trends are determined for more metals. Although the
Aarhus Protocol on heavy metals addresses the abatement of heavymetalconcentrationsinmossesprovidenodirectquantitaͲ
cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) pollution. Within the tive measurement of atmospheric deposition, the moss survey
LRTAP Convention, the European Monitoring and Evaluation data yield a time–integrated measure of the spatial patterns and
Programme(EMEP)collatesemissiondatafromparties,measures temporal trends of heavy metal deposition from the atmosphere
airandprecipitationqualityandmodelsatmospherictransportand to terrestrial ecosystems. This was corroborated at the national
deposition of air pollutants (Torseth et al., 2012). The EMEP level by, amongst others, Berg and Steinnes (1997), Berg et al.
monitoringnetworkforCdandPbisscarceorabsentinsouthern (2003)andbyHarmensetal.(2012),andattheEuropeanlevelby
andEasternEurope,whereasHgisprimarilymeasuredinnorthern Holyetal.(2009),Schröderetal.(2008)andSchröderetal.(2010).
 Referring monitoring data to single countries, such as those
In addition to EMEP, under the LRTAP–Convention, the participatingintheEuropeanmosssurvey,orfederations,suchas
Working Group on Effects, established in 1980, provides Europeasawhole,maybeadequateforenvironmentalreporting
information on the impacts of air pollutants on the environment and political decisions. Nevertheless, impact assessments would
and human health, and reports on the deposition of atmospheric profitfromrelatingmonitoringdatawithinformationonecological
pollutants to ecosystems and the exceedances of critical loads or characteristics of the receiving environmental systems. AdditionͲ
levels. This information is supplemented by the International ally, from a review of surface flux modeling approaches it was
Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural concluded that, amongst others, “ecoregion information” (Pleim
Vegetation and Crops (ICP Vegetation, 2005) which has been and Ran, 2011) could effectively support deposition modeling.
coordinating the European moss survey since 2000. That survey, Therefore,thecurrentstudyinvestigatedtherelationshipbetween
conducted every 5 years since 1990, collects data on concentraͲ EMEPmodeledatmosphericdepositionofCd,HgandPbandtheir
tions of heavy metals (since 1990), nitrogen (since 2005) and concentration in mosses for up to 40 ecologically defined land
persistent organic pollutants (since 2010) in naturally growing classes covering Europe (Hornsmann et al., 2008). Although

Schröder et al. – Atmospheric Pollution Research (APR) 268

previous studies have shown good correlations between both (Section2.1)andtheecologicallandclasses(Section2.3)withina
parameters, other factors than atmospheric deposition also GIS.
contribute to the variation of Cd, Hg and Pb concentrations in 
mosses(Harmensetal.,2008a;Harmensetal.,2008b;Schröderet 2.3.EcologicallandclassificationofEurope(ELCE)
and their influence on the relationship between deposition and Thedataonatmosphericdepositionandtheaccumulationof
bioaccumulation are likely to be different for land classes with traceelementsinmosseswereconnectedtoamapdepictingthe
different ecological characteristics, we hypothesize that the geographical distribution of ecological land classes across Europe.
correlations between both element concentrations in deposition ThismapwascalculatedbymeansofClassificationandRegression
andmossesarelandclass–specific. Trees (CART) (Breiman et al., 1984) from 48 digital maps, each
 visualizing the spatial pattern of one of 48 ecologically relevant
2.MaterialsandMethods land characteristics covering climate, altitude, soil, and potential
 natural vegetation in Europe (Hornsmann et al., 2008). ELCE
2.1.Mosssamplingandchemicalanalyses subdivides Europe into spatial units mapped on grids of about
Moss sampleswere collected at a maximumof 7300 sites in potential natural vegetation (Bohn et al., 2005), on altitude
up to 29 European countries since 1990 every five years. The (Hastings et al., 1999), on soil texture (FAO, 1996) as well as the
results of the surveys 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 were published monthly averages on air temperature, sunshine duration, relative
byRühling(1994),RühlingandSteinnes,(1998),Buseetal.(2003), humidity, and precipitation (New et al., 2002). The potential
Harmens et al. (2008a), and Harmens et al. (2010), respectively. natural vegetation was set as the target variable whereas the
This investigation relies on the moss survey 2005, conducted above mentioned data on altitude, soil texture, and climate were
according to the guidelines published by ICP Vegetation (2005). chosenaspredictors.CARTallowstheproductionofseverallevels
Since the sampling sites cover a broad range of ecologically of grain, that is in this investigation the numbers of ELCE units
different habitats several carpet–forming moss species were differentiated (Lam, 2004), illustrating the spatial patterns of 200
collected. Only the last two to three years’ growth of moss (ELCE200)to40(ELCE40)units.InthisinvestigationELCE40wasused.
Eachsamplingsitewaslocatedatleast300mfrommainroads reliablestatistics
and populated areas and at least 100 m from any road or single 
house. The majority of mosses were sampled in forests Measurement values should be meaningful not only for one
(coniferous, broad–leaved or mixed), followed by “moors and certain point in space and time. Measurements taken in a
heathland” and natural grassland. In forests, samples were geographically specified area should rather allow for generalizeͲ
collected as far as possible in small open spaces to preclude any tions so that, e.g., their mean value is reliable with respect to
significant effect of canopy drip. Sampling and sample handling variabilityandnumberofmeasurementscoveringthatregion.The
werecarriedoutusingplasticglovesandbags.Eachsamplewasa number of samples required is to be based on a specified
compositeofaboutfivesub–samplescollectedinanareaof50m confidence interval about the mean of the variable considered
by50m.Deadmaterialandlitterwereremovedfromthesamples (Nelson and Ward, 1981). Therefore, in this investigation the
andonlythelast2–3years’growthofmossmaterialwasusedfor minimum number of sampling sites needed for reliable statistics
the analyses. The concentrations of Cd, Hg and Pb were were calculated prior to the calculation of correlations between
determinedbyarangeofanalyticaltechniquesandqualitycontrol theconcentrationsofCd,HgandPbinatmosphericdepositionand
exercises were conducted (Steinnes et al., 1997; Harmens et al., in mosses. Hox (2010) provides an overview ofsample size issues
2008a;Schröderetal.,2009;Harmensetal.,2010). with regard to minimum sample sizes (MSS) needed. In this
 investigation, the minimum number for estimating the mean of
For this investigation we used the data on concentrations of measurements within 20% of its true value with 95% confidence
Cd, Hg and Pb in mosses sampled in the European moss survey wascomputedusingthisformula:
themwiththemodeledatmosphericdepositionofCd,HgandPbin ܵ‫ ݒ݁݀ݐ‬ൈ ͳǤͻ͸ ଶ
the previous three years (Section 2.2) and the ecological land ‫ ܵܵܯ‬ൌ ൬ ൰  (1)
ͲǤʹ ൈ ‫݊ܽ݁ܯ‬
moss growth was selected for heavy metal determination, repreͲ Calculations were processed for (a) Europe in terms of the
senting the accumulation of atmospheric deposition in mosses in sumoftheterritoriesofcountrieswhichparticipatedinthemoss
thethreeyearsprevioustosampling(ICPVegetation,2005),EMEP survey2005;(b)eachoftheparticipatingcountries;(c)eachofthe
atmospheric deposition data averaged for the years 2003, 2004, 40 ecological land classes of Europe covered by the survey
and2005wereincludedinthestatisticalanalyses. network. For the countries (b) and the land classes (c) both, the
 percentage of countries and classes with missing monitoring sites
2.2.Modelingatmosphericdeposition and the percentage of area covered were calculated. Since
 contrary to the countries, ELCE units are not necessarily spatially
Using EMEP transport models, atmospheric deposition of Cd, contiguous,thepercentagewasonlycalculatedforthosepartsof
HgandPb(TravnikovandIlyin,2005)arecalculatedfromemission landclassescoveredbymosssurveysamplingsitesbufferedbythe
data compiled by EMEP. The modeled data are verified against minimum auto–correlation range of elements dealt with.
concentrationsinairandprecipitationmeasuredat66(CdandPb) Compared to Hg and Pb, for Cd the smallest auto–correlation
andat22(Hg)EMEPsites,respectively(AasandBreivik,2009).The range, amounting by 62.5km, was calculated with the help of
EMEP monitoring network for Cd and Pb is scarce or absent in VariogramAnalysis(Schröderetal.,2010).
northern Europe. Finally, after validation by measurements, the 2.5. Correlations between modeled deposition and measured
modeling results are mapped on grids of 50 km by 50 km. The concentrationsinmosses
Ilyin (2005) and Travnikov et al. (2012). In this investigation we As a widespread phenomenon in environmental systems,
used the modeled EMEP deposition data averaged for the years auto–correlation of a random process is defined as the similarity
2003, 2004, and 2005 and related them to the concentrations of of, or correlation between, values of a process at neighboring
Cd, Hg and Pb in mosses collected in the moss survey 2005 points in time or space. Positive autocorrelation means that the
Schröder et al. – Atmospheric Pollution Research (APR) 269

individualobservationscontaininformationwhichispartofother, modeled and measured Hg wet deposition accounted for 0.73
timely or spatial neighboring, observations. By this, subsequently, (numberofmodel/measurementpairs=163).However,thecorrelaͲ
theeffectivesamplesizewillbelowerthanthenumberofrealized tion between modeled and measured Hg concentrations in air
observations. Thus, positive spatial auto–correlation enhances (r=0.24; number of model/measurement pairs=99) indicates that
typeI errors, so that parametric statistics such as Pearson spatialandtemporalvariabilityofHgbackgroundconcentrationsin
correlation coefficients are declared significant when they should air is low. Modeled concentrations of Pb agree well with the
not be (Nelson and Ward, 1981). Therefore, spatial auto– measured concentrations in wet deposition as indicated by a
correlations of both EMEP deposition data and moss data across correlation of about 0.76 (number of model/measurement
Europe were calculated according to Dutilleul et al. (1993) and pairs=796)(Travnikovetal.,2012).
Then, for each ecologically defined land class Spearman rank theuncertaintycausedbyanalyticalmethods.Accordingly,mostof
correlations between EMEP modeled atmospheric dry, wet and thenationallaboratoriesparticipatingintheanalysisofCdandPb
total deposition and concentrations in mosses for Cd, Hg and Pb sampled at the EMEP stations met the data quality objective
weredetermined.Inthisinvestigation,Spearmanrankcorrelation criteria meaning that the accuracy in the laboratory should be
coefficients rs were calculated because the measured concentraͲ betterthan15%and25%forhighandlowconcentrationsofheavy
tions mostly proved not to be normally distributed. Although this metals, respectively (Travnikov et al., 2012). While laboratory
non–parametric correlation method is less powerful than comparisons provided estimations of the accuracy of analytical
parametric methods if the assumptions underlying the latter are methods, overall measurement accuracy was estimated by field
met,itislesslikelytogivedistortedresultswhentheassumptions campaigns. Field comparison of measurements of Hg concentraͲ
fail.Thecoefficientrsequalsо1,ifthetworankingsarecompletely tionsinprecipitationaccountedfor±40%(Aas,2006;UBA,2006).
inoppositetoeachother,rsequals0iftherankingsarecompletely Uncertainty of wet deposition of Pb and Cd, estimated from the
independent and +1 if there is complete agreement between the results of 2006–2007 field campaign, was around 20% (Travnikov
two rankings. Within the interval [о1, +1] the strength of etal.,2012).
between0.2and0.49low,from0.5to0.69moderate,between0.7 Moss data. The moss sampling and chemical analysis was
and0.89highandш0.9veryhigh(Schröderetal.,2010).Mossdata according to the guidelines described by ICP Vegetation (2005).
outsidethemean±3standarddeviationswereeliminatedfromthe Qualitycontrol exerciseswereconductedin1995(Steinnesetal.,
analysisleadingtoexclusionof2–3%ofthemossdata. 1997) and 2005 (Harmens et al., 2008a; Harmens et al., 2010;
 Harmens et al., 2012) with moss reference material being
3.ResultsandDiscussion distributed amongst participating laboratories. In addition, some
 laboratories used other certified reference material for quality
3.1.Reliabilityofatmosphericpollutiondata assurance,andinGermanymossdatawascheckedforplausibility
Depositiondata(EMEP).ThedepositiondatacompriseuncertainͲ establishedin1995formossreferencematerial.Forexample,the
ties of data collected from emission inventories, monitoring and recommended values for Cd, Hg and Pb for moss reference M2
modeling. The uncertainty of emission data isdifficult to quantity were 0.454±0.019, 0.058±0.005 and 6.37±0.43mgkg–1
since the national emission inventories do not provide respective (mean±standard deviation), respectively, and 0.106±0.005,
information. Travnikov et al. (2012) assumed “a relatively high 0.035±0.004 and 3.33±0.25mgkg–1, respectively, for moss
level of uncertainty for all metal emissions”. The uncertainty of reference M3 (Steinnes et al., 1997). In 2005, the mean values of
country–specific totals of heavy metal emission might range M2 and M3 were generally in good agreement with the
between30and60%(Harmensetal.2012).Thus,analysesofdata recommendedvalues(Steinnesetal.,1997):theM2–recoverywas
consistency revealed that data on anthropogenic emissions 95, 94 and 103% of recommended values for Cd, Hg and Pb and
officially submitted cannot explain observed levels of Pb and Cd the M3–recovery amounted for 102, 117 and 104% of respective
wetdepositioninEurope(Pacynaetal.,2009).“BasedonobservaͲ recommendedvalues.Thus,thequalitycontrolofthemosssurvey
tions of these metals in the EMEP monitoring network one can data yielded satisfying results (Harmens et al. 2008a; Harmens et
expect 2–3 fold underestimation of emission data in Europe” al.,2010).
intrinsic model uncertainties, the overall model uncertainty and Table1containstheresultsofcalculatedminimumnumberof
the comparison of modeled values with field observations. The moss sampling sites for each of those 40 ELCE units which were
intrinsic model uncertainty abstracts form the influence of coveredbytheEuropeanmosssurveynetwork2005.Accordingly,
emission data and amounts for the total deposition of Cd and Pb inmostcasesthenumberofsampledsitesexceedsthenumberof
by 33% and for Hg by 39% on average. The overall model sites required for estimating the mean of measurements for the
uncertaintyisabout58%forthetotaldepositionofCdandPband above mentioned three spatial levels within 20% of its true value
46% for Hg (Ilyin et al., 2005; Travnikov et al., 2012). The with95%confidence.ForHgmeasurements,theminimumnumber
agreement of modeled and monitoring data covering the period ofsamplingsitesrequiredfailedin3outof26ELCEunits(11.5%)
between 1990 and 2010 was proved to be element–specific: for where Hg was determined in mosses: in land class ELCE40D_22
wet deposition of Cd the observed levels are underestimated by (locatedinCentralSwedenandNorthwestRussia),23sitesinstead
the model in all years of the considered period. Nevertheless, of 3 should have been sampled, 47 instead of 35 sites in
modeled and measured concentrations of Cd in wet deposition ELCE40G1_0 (mainly located in Italy and Southeast Europe–
were correlated with r=0.59 (number of model/measurement Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria
pairs=772). The discrepancies between modeled and measured and Turkey and covering small areas of Northeast Austria, the
data are assumed to be caused by uncertainties in emission data Czech Republic and Central Poland), and 48 instead of 22 sites in
(see above) and in measurements (see below). Concentrations of ELCE40S_0 (occurs in Ireland and Northern Great Britain, Iceland,
Cd in precipitation are much lower than those of Pb, hence, the ScandinaviaandNortheastEurope,i.e.NorthwestRussia,Estonia,
reliability of analytical detection is more challenging compared to Latvia and Belarus). In case of Pb and Cd measurements, the
the measurement of higher concentrations that are, e.g., due to percentageofELCEunitswithlesssamplingsitesthanneededwas
bio–accumulation found in mosses. The correlation between 9outof29(31%)and7outof29(24.1%),respectively.
Schröder et al. – Atmospheric Pollution Research (APR) 270

The determination of minimum numbers of sampling sites 0.2 and 0.49 (40.8% of total area). In Figure1they are colored in
needed for calculating reliable mean values for each of the 25 greenandlocatedinGreatBritain,ScandinaviaandIcelandandin
countriesparticipatingintheEuropeanmosssurvey2005revealed somepartsofFranceaswellasCentralandEasternEurope.Finally,
a similar picture as found for ecologically defined land classes as intheremaining8outof28ELCEunitsthersvaluesaremoderate
spatialreferencesystem:7outof25(28%),1outof14(7.1%)and withvaluesbetween|0.5|and|0.69|(28.6%oftotalarea)(7out
2 out of 26 (8.7%) of the countries participating in the European of28=25%)and,respectively,highwithvaluesabove|0.7|(2%
mosssurvey2005didnotsamplemossesfromasufficientnumber oftotalarea)(1outof28=3.6%).InFigure1theyarecolouredin
of sites to estimate reliable mean values for the bioaccumulation yellow and orange, respectively, and occur from the North and
ofPb,HgandCd,respectively. SouthDowns(England)toNormandy,coversthePyreneesaswell
 as parts of the Alps, the Carpathian Mountains, the Dinaric Alps,
Comparingthepercentageofnumberandofareacoveredby the Balkan Mountains and parts in Eastern Germany, Poland,
countriesandELCEunitswithmissingmosssamplingsitesenables southernBelarusandtheNorthoftheUkraine.
ranking the elements monitored according to the need for 
enhancingthespatialresolutionofthesurveynetwork:Pb>Cd>Hg. ComparedtotheCdcorrelationpattern,thespatialstructure
The results for the minimum sample size needed give reason to for Pb is different: the correlations between deposition and
discusswhetherthenetworkshouldbeadjustedaccordingly.Pesch accumulation of Pb lower than 0.2 (21.3% of total area) occur in
and Schröder (2006) developed a methodology how to optimize ELCE units mainly located in Great Britain and within a corridor
the moss monitoring network by example of Germany without that ranges from Central Norway through northern parts of
reduction of statistical power. Accordingly, the German moss Sweden and Finland as well as in parts of Central and Eastern
survey network 2005 was designed. Hornsmann et al. (2008) Europe (grey colored in Figure2). Correlations between 0.2 and
complementedthatapproachforEuropebyuseofELCE. 0.49(38.4%oftotalarea)dominatecontinentalEurope,especially
3.3.CorrelationsbetweenconcentrationsinatmosphericdeposiͲ (green colored in Figure2). Correlation values from 0.5 to 0.69
tionandinmossesspecifiedforecologicallydefinedlandclasses (34.9%oftotal area)areclearlyclusteredinIceland,westernand
Positive spatial auto–correlations could be proved and in low mountain ranges in Eastern Europe as for example the
accountedforinthecalculationofstatisticalcorrelationsbetween CarpathianMountains(yellowcoloredinFigure2).
atmospheric deposition and bioaccumulation within ELCE units. 
Theresultsshowedthattheauto–correlationconsiderablyreduces The spatial pattern of the correlation between atmospheric
the degrees of freedom. Despite this, the correlations remained deposition and accumulation of Hg in mosses clearly differs from
statisticallysignificant(Schröderetal.,2012). thatfoundforCdandPb.Correlationscoefficients<0.2(53.9%of
 total area) including negative values are widespread in Europe
Harmens et al. (2012) correlated metal concentrations in (greycoloredinFigure3).However,rsvaluesbetween0.2and0.49
deposition and mosses for single European countries. This is (38.1%oftotalarea)weremeasuredinELCEunitscoveringpartsof
reasonable in terms of environmental policies but should be theBalkanPeninsula,Scandinavia,Icelandandinsomeregionsof
supplemented with correlation analyses within the spatial Central Europe (green colored in Figure 3). Correlations between
framework of ecologically defined land classes. Such spatial units 0.5and0.69arerestrictedtooccurinoneELCEunit(2.5%oftotal
are,contrarytospecieswhichareusedtoindicatesingleaspectsof area)locatedinwesternandCentralEurope.
habitat quality including pollution, complex indicators compreͲ 
hending the ecological coverage of land in terms of, e.g., soil, GaseouselementalHgconstitutesmorethan95%ofthemass
vegetation, elevation and climate (Aspinall and Pearson, 2000; of atmospheric mercury. Additionally, Hg can also be found
Wallace et al., 2004). Figures 1–3 depict the spatial structures of oxidized,bothingaseousandaqueousphasesandpossiblylinked
Spearman Rank correlation coefficient between concentration of to the particulate matter. Atmospheric residence times of Hg
Cd, Pb and Hg in atmospheric deposition and mosses calculated speciesvaryfromoneyearforgaseouselementalHg(Lindqvistand
and mapped for each of the ELCE40 units for the moss survey of Rodhe,1985),daystoweeksforHgadsorbedtoparticulatematter,
2005. and hours to days for oxidized gaseous species (Seigneur et al.,
 2003). These very different life times are due to the rates of dry
Correlation coefficients were calculated only for those ELCE and wet deposition which are in turn governed by physical and
units containing more than 10 observation sites. Therefore, the chemical properties of the species. Owing to the long life time of
numberofELCEunitsaccountedforinthecorrelationanalysis(e.g. the dominant Hg component in the atmosphere, gaseous
28forCd)doesnotautomaticallymatchthenumberofELCEunits elementalHg,Hgisconsideredasaglobalpollutant(Roustanand
considered within the analysis of the minimum number of Bocquet,2006),meaningthatthesource–sinkrelationshipisrather
samplingsites(e.g.29forCd). weak due to both, long residence time of Hg in the atmosphere
 and long–range transport. Therefore, the statistical correlation
ForCdin8outof28ELCEunits(28.6%)thersvaluesarebelow between the Hg concentration in atmospheric deposition and
0.2(20.2%ofareaofELCEunitscoveredbymosssamplingsites).In mosses,actingasbiologicalsinks,islowerthanthatofCdandPbin
afurther12outof28ELCEunits(42.9%)rsvaluesrangebetween mostELCEunits.

Cd Hg Pb
NumberofsitesmissingforadequatecoverageofEurope 53 4 268
AreaofEuropecoveredbycountrieswithmissingsites(km ) 668672.5(6.5%) 26204.1(1.1%) 1725928.2(28.9%)

NumberofELCEunitswithmissingsites 7/29(24.1%) 3/26(11.5%) 9/29(31.0%)

AreacoveredbyELCEunitswithmissingsites(km ) 498186.7(12.3%) 105844.8(4.2%) 858911.5(21.5%)

Numberofcountrieswithmissingsites 2/26(7.7%) 1/14(7.1%) 7/25(28.0%)

Areacoveredbycountrieswithmissingsites(km ) 668672.5(6.5%) 26204.1(1.1%) 1725928.2(28.9%)
Schröder et al. – Atmospheric Pollution Research (APR) 271


Schröder et al. – Atmospheric Pollution Research (APR) 272


ConsideringtheuncertaintiesintheEMEPmodeleddeposition heavy metal deposition monitoring network and measurement of
data (Section 2.2) and the potential limitations and confounding concentrations in mosses at the same sites is likely to reduce the
factorsintheuseofmossesasmonitorsofatmosphericdeposition uncertaintyinmodeleddepositiondataandmightprovidefurther
(Harmensetal.,2008b;Aboaletal.,2010),thespatialpatternsand insightintowhyinsomeoftheecologicallandclassescorrelations
temporaltrendsofbothdatasetsagreereasonablywellforCdand were not significantly positive between the two data sets. In a
Pb. The results specified for ecological land classed confirm that more general perspective this study allows concluding that moss
metal concentrations in mosses can serve complementing surveys may complement monitoring and modeling atmospheric
depositionmonitoringandmodelingtodeterminespatialpatterns depositionofheavymetals.Thisisespeciallyhelpfulincasessuch
and temporal trends of Cd, Pb deposition (Aboal et al., 2010; as Hg with spatially scarce monitoring networks (Sprovieri et al.,
Harmensetal.,2010). 2010). Advancements in land surface and chemical surface flux
4.Conclusions use and vegetation characteristics. Combining them with
 “ecoregion information” (Pleim and Ran, 2011) should help for
From the current investigation the following conclusions can betterdefiningkeyparameters.
tions in mosses and the EMEP modeled total atmospheric Acknowledgments
deposition are land class–specific and metal–specific. However, 
significant positive correlations were found for about 71% (Cd), We thank the United Kingdom Department for Environment,
35% (Hg) and 75% (Pb) of the ELCE units. Non–significant or FoodandRuralAffairs(Defra;contractAQ0810andAQ0816),the
significantlownegativecorrelationswerefoundinecologicalland UNECE(TrustFund)andtheNaturalEnvironmentResearchCouncil
classeswheremossesweresampledinarelativesmallnumberof (NERC) for funding the ICP Vegetation Programme Coordination
EMEP grid squares. Correlations were generally not affected by Centre at CEH Bangor, UK. The contributions of many more
using EMEP modeled deposition data for the year previous to scientistsandallthefundingbodiesineachcountryaregratefully
sampling (data not shown) or averaged over three years previous acknowledged.FordetailsseeRühling(1994),RühlingandSteinnes
to sampling of the mosses. For the majority of land ecological (1998),Buseetal.(2003)andHarmensetal.(2008a).
classes across Europe, the moss biomonitoring could be corroboͲ 
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