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1 Head and Shell Efficiency ver2.11 29-Jun-22 Page 1 of 1
2 ASME Code VIII Div I 2001 no addenda

4 Verification Calculations <- Vessel

5 ASME L-1.5.6 <- Item

7 Head to Shell Weld (Cap, Semi-Elliptical and Flanged and Dished Heads) (UW-12) Category A or B (Long. Stress)
8 Single welded butt joints with backing strip <- Circ seam joint type
9 Full <- Radiography of head to shell joint (Full, Spot or None) - Red Line on drawing
10 Met <- UW-11(a)(5)(b) met or not met for this joint?
11 0.85 <- Maximum allowed weld joint efficiency
12 Limitations: See UW-13(b)(4) and Fig UW-13.1 Sketch (k) for circ. joint with one plate offset

14 Shell Longitudinal Weld (UW-12) Category A (Circ. Stress)

15 Butt joints, double welded or equivalent <- Long seam joint type
16 None <- Radiography of shell longseam (Full, Spot or None) - Green line on drawing
17 NOT Met <- UW-11(a)(5) Met for this weld?
18 0.7 <- Maximum allowed weld joint efficiency
19 Limitations: None

21 Head Efficiency (UW-12 (d)) Category A

22 Seamless <- Head seam joint type
23 None <- Radiography of head seams (Full, Spot or None) - Magenta lines on drawing
24 Met <- UW-11(a)(5) Met for this weld?
25 0.85 <- Maximum allowed head efficiency
26 Limitations: None

28 UW-12(d)
29 Met <- UW-11(a)(5)(b) met for Head to Shell Weld?
30 NOT Met <- UW-11(a)(5) met for Shell Long Seam Weld?
31 Met <- UW-11(a)(5) met for Head?
32 0.85 <- UW-12(d) Maximum Efficiency for seamless sections


38 D A
39 B B
41 A
43 D B
44 B A

46 A C D C
Cap, Semi-elliptical or F&D head on Shell


50 See UW-51 for the requirements for full radiography.

51 See UW-52 for the requirements for spot radiography.
Allowed Head Efficiency ver1.1

Written By: Laurence Brundrett

Addenda: A2000
Sections: UW-11-12-51-52

Update Log

Date Change
16-May-99 Added Audit Sheet
Check Spelling
Update Allowed Joint Category
Moved UW-12 onto separate sheet
Reviewed Sections UW-12, UW-11(5)(b) and UG-22
Checked against Figure L-1.4-2 (Seamless heads only)
23-May-99 Added seamless shell category to UW-12
Separated Head Efficiency from Head to Shell Weld Efficiency
Removed Allowed Stress Levels
17-Sep-99 Changed format to match A99 standard
Changed title block
23-Sep-99 Changed graphic from scanned to drafted
12-Jan-00 Modified print protection macro
20-Jan-00 Changed Size and location of spreadsheet when not full sized
20-May-00 Reviewed Calculations for ASME Audit
Checked Head Efficiency against Appendix L Fig L-1.4-2
Increased width of colored lines to improve readability of illustrations
Checked Long Seam and Circ Efficiency for Circ Weld against Fig L-1.4-1
No changes to logic
2-Jul-00 Removed interaction of shell long seam on Head Efficiency - change in logic
Removed design pressure - can now be found in the "material properties" spreadsheet
Added notes on definitions of Spot and Full radiography.
Cells locked - Password = "100"
17-Jul-00 Updated drawing on page "Calculate Head"
Checked against Appendix L-1.5.1 to 1.5.6
Added UW-52 and UW-11(a)(5)(b) requirements
Cells Locked - Password = "100"
25-Sep-00 Separated Head for Shell Calculation Sheet
Put all info on one sheet
New Print Macro
New Page Number Format
Tested Sheet after moving to a new workbook and renaming
10-Oct-00 Changed to A2000 format
New print macro
Updated drawing
Moved to separate workbook
Verified against ASME VIII L-1.5.1 through L-1.5.6 Shell and Ellipsoidal End
Cells Locked - Password = "100"
28-Jun-01 Removed joint type 3 from longitudinal welds
Cells Locked - Password = "100"
9-Mar-02 Updated to 2001 code version
Changed UW-12(d) logic - see web site for comments (major change)
This is a completely reworked program
Added joint limitations
This program is difficult to verify short of submitting every possible combination for ASME committe
14-Mar-02 Errors with maximum efficiency of long and head joints
Program revised - Version 2.11
perties" spreadsheet
e combination for ASME committee code interpretation

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