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Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43 – 72

Geology and geochemistry characteristics of the Chiapanecan

Volcanic Arc (Central Area), Chiapas Mexico
J.C. Mora a,⁎, M.C. Jaimes-Viera b , V.H. Garduño-Monroy c ,
P.W. Layer d , V. Pompa-Mera b , M.L. Godinez e
Departamento de Vulcanología, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coyoacán 04510, México D.F., Mexico
Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM Coyoacán 04510, México D.F., Mexico
Instituto de Metalurgia, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico
Geophysical Institute University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK, 99775, USA
Instituto de Geografía, UNAM Coyoacán 04510, México D.F., Mexico
Received 27 February 2006; received in revised form 5 December 2006; accepted 7 December 2006
Available online 12 January 2007


The Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc (CVA), located in the central portion of the State of Chiapas, is a 150 km stretch of volcanoes
irregularly aligned in the northwest direction between two great volcanic features: the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt to the
northwest and the Central American Volcanic Arc to the southeast. The CVA is located in a complex zone marking the interaction
of the North American, Caribbean and Cocos plates, near the Motagua–Polochic fault system, the boundary between North
American and Caribbean plates. The central part of the CVA is composed of an irregular northwest alignment of at least 10 volcanic
structures generally lying along NNW–SSE-trending faults splayed from the Motagua–Polochic system. Among the structures
there are seven volcanic domes (Huitepec, Amahuitz, La Iglesia, Mispía, La Lanza, Venustiano Carranza and Santotón), one
explosion crater (Navenchauc), one collapse structure (Apas), and one dome complex (Tzontehuitz). In the majority of the
structures there is a clear resurgence with the formation of several domes in the same structure, with the destruction of previous
domes (Navenchauc) or with the formation of new explosion craters or collapse structures (Apas). The volcanic activity in the CVA
was mainly effusive accompanied by explosive and phreatomagmatic events and is characterized by volcanic domes accompanied
by block-and-ash-flows, ash flows with accretionary lapilli, falls, and pumice flows. The volcanic structures and deposits are
calcalkaline in composition with a medium to high content of potassium. CVA volcanic rocks vary from andesite to dacite with
SiO2 between 57 and 66 wt.%, show low concentrations of Ti, P, Nb and Ta, are enriched in Light Rare Earths, depleted in Heavy
Rare Earths, and show a small Eu anomaly; all indicative of arc-related volcanism associated with subduction of the Cocos plate
under the North American plate, but complicated by the geometry of the plate boundary fault system.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc; volcanic dome; subalkaline magma; Chiapas

1. Introduction

The Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc (CVA) is located in

southeastern Mexico, in the central part of the State of
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 56224118x13; fax: +52 55502486. Chiapas, between 92°00′ and 92°20′ W and 17°00′ and
E-mail address: (J.C. Mora). 16°15′ N. It lies in a tectonically complex region where
0377-0273/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
44 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

three great plates interact: the North American Plate, western extension of the Polochic Fault through the
the Caribbean Plate and the Cocos Plate. A zone of rocks of the Chiapas Massif, in Mexico where it
lateral displacement and a zone of convergence define intercepts the trench. The same author advances the
the limit between these plates. The first is characterized hypothesis that the curvature of the trench, located in the
by a regional system of left-lateral strike–slip faults Gulf of Tehuantepec, represents the western-most
known as the Motagua–Polochic Fault System, formed extension of the Polochic Fault beyond the continental
by the eastward migration of the Caribbean Plate margin.
relative to the North American Plate, and the second is Guzmán-Speziale et al. (1989) have studied the
formed by the subduction of the Cocos and Rivera locations of earthquake hypocenters associated with the
plates under the North American and Caribbean Plates faults that delimit the contact between the North
(Fig. 1A). American Plate and the Caribbean Plate. They suggest
The boundary between the Caribbean and North that the triple point formed by the union of the three
American Plates has been widely recognized as a plates (North American, Caribbean and Cocos) cannot
system of transform faults (Sedlock et al., 1993). In the be considered as a classic triple point and propose that
Caribbean Sea, east of Central America, this boundary the continuation of the western-most part of the
corresponds to the Cayman Trench (Sedlock et al., Motagua–Polochic system is an wide and long zone
1993, and references quoted therein). In the northern of faults that starts in northern Guatemala and continues
part of Central America, this contact has been widely into southern Mexico. This zone includes a wide system
interpreted as a zone of faults with left lateral move- of faults of lateral displacement with a slight extensional
ment. This system of faults has a general east–west component (Fig. 1B).
orientation, which crosses Guatemala, where redirects The subduction zone extends from the south-central
the courses of the Polochic and Motagua rivers, and part of the Pacific coast of Mexico to Panama. At the
continues to the northeast into the west-central part of western margin of Central America it is known as the
Chiapas (Guzmán-Speziale et al., 1989, Sedlock et al., Mesoamerican Trench (Sedlock et al., 1993, and
1993). references cited therein), while along the Mexican
In Chiapas the limit between the North American Pacific coast it is known as the Middle American
Plate and the Caribbean Plate is delineated by: Trench (Fig. 1). Dengo (1968) reported a maximum
depth of the trench of nearly 6600 m near the border
– A tectonic province of strike–slip faults, located in between Mexico and Guatemala, in front of Tacaná
the eastern portion of the Sierra de los Altos de volcano. The subduction of the Cocos Plate under the
Chiapas (Sanchez Montes de Oca, 1978; Guzmán- North American Plate presents variations in the depth
Speziale et al., 1989). and in the angle of the subducting plate (Sedlock et al.,
– A tectonic province of reverse faults, located in the 1993). In the zone including the southern part of
south-central part of Chiapas and the northern part of Mexico, the angle of subduction varies from 10° to 20°
Guatemala (Guzmán-Speziale and Meneses-Rocha, and the depth is of about 100 km (Sedlock et al., 1993,
1999). and references cited therein).
The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), Chiapa-
Malfait and Dinkelman (1972) and Plafker (1976) necan Volcanic Arc (CVA) and the Central American
concluded that the western part of the Motagua– Volcanic Arc (CAVA) are associated with Cocos Plate
Polochic Fault System is inactive. They associated this subduction. The TMVB is one of the most spectacular
inactivity to the compression produced by convergence geologic provinces in central Mexico thanks to the large
between the Cocos Plate and the North American Plate. volcanoes that include, among others, Sangangüey,
Based on their study of orbital photographs (Skylab), Ceboruco, Volcano of Colima, Popocatépetl, Iztaccí-
Muehlberger and Ritchie (1975) have suggested that the huatl, Nevado de Toluca, Citlaltépetl (Pico de Orizaba).
Cuilco–Chixoy–Polochic Faults System continues to The TMVB is an E–W volcanic chain located between
the Mesoamerican Trench. Bowin (1976) inferred that 19° and 20° N latitude that extends from the Pacific to the
the extension of the Motagua–Polochic Faults System to Gulf (Mooser, 1969). The TMVB was built during the
the northeast, crosses a zone of compression in Miocene to the Quaternary by accumulation of lavas
Guatemala, and southern Mexico, and intercepts the and pyroclastic materials, and also of rocks of lacus-
Mesoamerican Trench, where it forms the denominated trine origin (Demant, 1978; Aguirre-Díaz et al., 1998;
Triple Point (Transform Fault Triple Junction). Burkart Ferrari et al., 1999). The interpretation that has been
(1978), using Landsat satellite images, outlined the given for the TMVB province is that of an active
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

Fig. 1. (A) Location map and tectonic setting of Southern Mexico (Modified from Tepley et al., 2000). (B) Map of the North America–Caribbean plate boundary, west of the Motagua–Polochic Fault

System (map modified from Guzmán-Speziale, 1985). (C) Location map of the Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc (CVA), and El Chichón Volcano (ECV), Tacana Volcanic Complex (TVC), and study area.
Abbreviations; CAVA, Central American Volcanic Arc; MPFS, Motagua–Polochic Fault System; TMVB, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt.
46 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

continental arc related to the subduction of the Cocos and CVA and showed 10 volcanic structures with deposits
Rivera plates under the North American Plate along the of pyroclastic flows and associated fall deposits. All
Mesoamerican Trench (Siebe et al., 1995; Suter et al., products emitted by the eruptive centers of the CVA
1995; Aguirre-Díaz et al., 1998; Wallace and Carmi- have intermediate, calc-alkaline compositions except El
chael, 1999). The TMVB has a length of 1000 to Chichón which has some basic alkaline products
12000 km, a width between 20 and 150 km (Demant, (trachybasalts) (Damon and Montesinos, 1978; Capaul,
1978; Nixon, 1982) and an orientation that differs by 15° 1987; Macías et al., 2003; Garcia-Palomo et al., 2004;
to 16° with respect of the orientation of the Mesoamerican Jaimes-Viera et al., 2004; Jaimes-Viera, 2006). As with
Trench (Urrutia-Fucugachi and Del Castillo, 1977; Pardo the TMVB, the CVA does not parallel to the coast or the
and Suárez, 1999). The volcanic sequences in the TMVB trench that represents the contact zone between the
are predominantly calc-alkaline, with common occur- North America and Caribbean Plates (Fig. 1C; Sedlock
rences of alkaline magmatism (Negendank et al., 1985; et al., 1993).
Nelson and Livieres, 1986; Nelson et al., 1995; Ferrari et In this work we report the results of new geologic
al., 2001; Gómez-Tuena et al., 2005; Petrone et al., 2003; mapping and geochemical analyses on the volcanic
Aranda-Gómez et al., 2005). Recent studies have structures and deposits from the central part of the
proposed some tectonic models to try to explain the Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc. Our study area is located
coexistence of alkaline and calc-alkaline magmas in the ∼ 80 km to the SE of the El Chichón volcano, and
TMVB, the most recent model was proposed by Ferrari ∼ 100 km to the NW of the Tacaná Volcanic Complex
(2004). (Fig. 1B, C).
The CAVA formed as the result of the subduction
of the Cocos Plate under the western border of the 2. Regional geology
Caribbean Plate. The CAVA presents a well-defined line
of composite volcanoes and eruptive centers parallel to The geology of State of Chiapas has been described
the Mesoamerican Trench (Chan et al., 1999). The by several authors as consisting of a pre-Mesozoic
approximated length of this arc is 1100 km from the metamorphic and sedimentary basement, a sequence of
Mexico-Guatemala border to Costa Rica (Carr et al., Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and a sequence of volcanic
1982). Carr et al. (1982) grouped the volcanoes in this and Cenozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks (Fig. 2).
arc into seven segments with an approximate orientation The oldest of the pre-Mesozoic units are Proterozoic
of N60°W. The lavas generated in this arc are calc- granites, diorites, and gneisses (Pantoja-Alor, 1974;
alkaline andesitic to basaltic principally with a chemical López-Ramos, 1975; Salas, 1975). These units are
signature typical of a subduction tectonic environment covered by a sequence of sedimentary deposits, and
(Chan et al., 1999). metamorphic rocks (serpentinites, schists, quarzites and
The CVA has been the least studied of the volcanic gneisses) (López-Ramos, 1975; Castro-Mora, 1999).
belts in Mexico, and hence, is the focus of this These rocks are in turn intruded by gabbros, granodiorite,
investigation. The CVA was first described by Damon diorite and granite rocks of the Chiapas Batholith (or
and Montesinos (1978) who named it “Modern granitic Chiapas Massif), which outcrops mainly in the
Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc”. Damon and Montesinos southwest portion of Chiapas (Damon in Salas, 1975).
(1978) described it as a 150 km long volcanic structure The Mesozoic units are composed of a sequence
aligned NW–SE composed of 6 volcanoes and reported of marine and continental clastic-carbonate deposits
K–Ar ages: Huitepec (0.85–1.95 Ma), Santa Fe from Triassic–Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous in age.
(2.17 Ma), Tzontehuitz (2.14–1.95 Ma), Zinacantan These deposits outcrop in the north-central part of the
(0.85 Ma) and Navenchauc (0.432 Ma). Damon and State forming steep mountains (Castro-Mora, 1999;
Montesinos (1978) concluded that the CVA was formed Fig. 2).
as a result of a readjustment of the direction of plate The Cenozoic sequence (Paleocene to Pliocene) rests
motion of the Cocos Plate at 2.79 Ma, they believed it to on the Mesozoic rocks and consists principally of igneous
be essentially continuous with the TMVB. Capaul and sedimentary rocks (Fig. 2). In addition two episodes
(1987) renamed this arc the “Chiapanecan Volcanic of intense igneous activity are recognized (Damon and
Arc” (CVA), and described it as composed of Quater- Montesinos, 1978) based in K–Ar radiometric ages from
nary volcanoes, including El Chichon volcano, of low rocks that outcrop in the south, southwest, center and east
eruptive volume and that were formed in a tectonically parts of Chiapas. The first episode occurred during the
complex region of Chiapas. Jaimes-Viera et al. (2004) Miocene with the intrusion of igneous rocks into the
conducted preliminary mapping of the central part of the metamorphic rocks of the Chiapas Massif. The second
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Fig. 2. Generalized geological map of Chiapas modified from Castro-Mora (1999).

episode occurred during the Late Cenozoic (Pliocene) and (Tecpatán–Ocosingo), Oxchuc (Tenejapa), Chicoasén–
is characterized by the predominance of the volcanic Malpaso–Hixtán (Telestaquín–San Cristóbal), Mal-
activity in the central and northern parts of Chiapas. This paso–Muñiz, Bajucú, San Fernando, Quintana Roo,
activity is exemplified by the El Chichón, Tzontehuitz and and La Venta faults. Guzmán-Speziale and Meneses-
Nicolás Ruiz volcanoes. Again, these authors used the Rocha (2000) concluded that these faults represent the
term “Modern Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc” to distinguish northern extension of the Motagua–Polochic Fault Sys-
this episode of activity from the pre-Cenozoic igneous tem and are characterized by both reverse and left-
units (Damon and Montesinos, 1978). lateral strike–slip motion. (Fig. 1B). In the study area
there is clear evidence of a left-lateral transpressive fault
3. Structural geology system aligned with the geometry of the Motagua–
Polochic System.
De la Rosa et al. (1989) divided the State of Chiapas In addition, mapping and our geomorphological
into 8 tectonic provinces which are: (1) Granitic Chiapas study have shown that there is a second set of high-
Massif; (2) Comalapa Anticlinal; (3) Central Sinclinal; (4) angle NNW–SSE faults with a right-lateral displace-
Strike–slip fault; (5) Simojovel; (6) Miramar; (7) Liberty ment. These faults form part of the Riedel system (R′),
Arc; (8) Yucatan Peninsula (Fig. 3). The CVA is located which is distinct from the Motagua–Polochic system.
mainly in the Strike–slip fault province (Fig. 3). The main In the study area these faults clearly displace the
faults present in this province are the Chacté–Ocosingo Tzontehuitz Dome Complex and Motagua–Polochic
48 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

Fig. 3. Tectonic provinces map of Chiapas from De la Rosa et al. (1989).

system faults with a right-lateral component (based on Concentrations of Fe2O3, MgO and Na2O were obtained
satellite interpretation field observations of the lava through wet-chemical analysis; and MgO and Na2O
dome). These faults were probably active from the through atomic absorption spectroscopy. The loss
Upper Miocene to the Pleistocene. Morphologically ignition (LOI) was obtained measuring the loss of
both the R′ and Motagua–Polochic fault systems mass after subjecting the sample to a temperature of
present evidence of Quaternary activity, however the 900 °C for 24 hours.
recent activity has not been well studied. The concentration of the Rare Earths Elements (REE)
and U, Ta, Hf, Sc, Cs, and Tb were analyzed by
4. Methodology Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-
MS) and by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis
We analyzed blocks and juvenile lithics of block- (INAA) (Ba, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sr, Ta, V, Y, Zn, and Zr
and-ash-flow deposits, ash flow, and fall deposits, as b1 ppm; Cs, Hf, Tb, U and Th = 0.5 ppm; Rb, 20 ppm;
well as samples of domes, and one small black aphanitic Sm, Eu and Yb = 0.1 ppm; detection limits) at the
xenolith. Chemical analyses were performed in the Activation Laboratories, Ancaster, Canada.
Laboratorio Universitario de Geoquímica Isotópica At LUGIS elemental determinations of REE were
(LUGIS) at UNAM and at Activation Laboratories, made with induced-coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Ancaster, Canada (Actlabs). LUGIS and Actlabs (ICP-MS). For the analysis, 0.2 g of dried powdered
analyzed major elements (SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, FeO, rock was digested with a mixture of concentrated acids
MnO, CaO, K2O and P2O3) with an accuracy b 1%. (10 ml HF and 4 ml HClO4). The solution was
Actlabs the trace elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Pb, Th, Zr, Nb, evaporated to dryness and dissolved with 4 ml HClO4.
La, Ce, Nd, Y, Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, and Zn) uncertainty is After evaporation, 1% HNO3 was added to make a
approximately 5% for Rb, Sr, Ba, Zr, Nd, Ni, Co, Cr, Zn solution with a total volume of 50 ml. The ICP mass
and Cu; 10% for Nb, La, Ce and Y, and 15% for Pb. spectrometer employed was a VG-Elemental model
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 pp. 49–52

Fig. 4. Geological Map of the central part of the Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc. The study zone cover an area of 4900 km2 and is composed by 10 volcanic structures: one collapse ctructure (Apas; ACS), one explosion crater (Navenchauc; NEC),
dome complex (Tzontehuitz; TzDC) and seven volcanic domes (Huitepec, Amahuitz, La Iglesia, Mispía, La Lanza, Venustiano Carranza and Santotón; Fig. 4).
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 53

Fig. 5. Photographs of the Apas Collapse Structure (ACS) volcanic deposits. (A) Discordant contact between ash flow deposit and limestone from the
basement sequence rocks. (B) Outcrop of the medium part of the Apas Volcanic Sequence. (C) One outcrop of block-and-ash-flow deposit along the
fan to the south of the ACS. (D) Outcrop of the block-and-ash-flow deposit in the south of the ACS, in the fan area.

PQ3. Detection limits are calculated as the concentration standard deviation). Data obtained for JA-2 showed
equivalent to three times the standard deviation of five good agreement with certificated values.
replicates of the blank solution. For all elements it is
better than 50 ppt. Calibration was performed with a 1, 5. Geology of the CVA
10, 100 and 200 ppb multi-elemental standard solution
(SPEX-High Purity) and a blank solution of deionized The study area covers approximately 4900 km2 and
water, all containing HNO3 at 2%. Matrix effects and extends along a northwestern trend of at least at least 10
instrumental drift can be eliminated by the use of In 115 volcanic structures among which include a collapse
(10 ppb) as internal standard. The validity of the structure (Apas), an explosion crater (Navenchauc), a
analytical procedure was assessed by accuracy and dome complex (Tzontehuitz) and seven volcanic
precision tests. These were calculated by comparison of structures or volcanic domes (Huitepec, Amahuitz, La
measured versus reference values for standard JA-2. All Iglesia, Mispía La Lanza, Venustiano Carranza and
elements have better precision than 3% RSD (relative Santotón; Fig. 4).
54 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

6. Apas Collapse Structure (ACS) tary basement (AC-04; Fig. 5A). This is a brownish
deposit with a massive, slightly compact structure, and
This collapse structure is located in the “Sierra de los with a thickness of ∼15 m consisting mainly of gray ash
Altos de Chiapas” (UTM coordinates: 15Q 522815E, composed of crystals of plagioclase, amphibole, glass and
1848210N; Fig. 4). It has a crater 2.87 km in diameter, few dense fresh lithic fragments. The lithics are light gray
and an associated sequence of block-and-ash-flows, ash and angular with dimensions of up to 20 cm. We defined
flows, and pumice flows, with two directions of em- these fragments as juvenile lithics composed of phe-
placement: to SW and NW. Inside the ACS we identified nocrysts and microphenocrysts of plagioclase (10%),
two outcrops. The first is located on the road to the village pyroxene (15%; clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene), am-
of Apas where there is an outcrop of ash flow deposits in phibole (13%; hornblende), and Fe–Ti oxides (1%; ilme-
discordant contact with carbonates rocks of the sedimen- nite and titanomagnetite).

Fig. 6. Navenchauc Explosion Crater (NEC), Navenchauc Dome, and Volcanic Deposits. (A) Panoramic photograph looking to the north of the NEC,
The village of Navenchauc lies along a lake in front of the dome. The white line delineates the diffuse contact between dome rocks and carbonate
rock. (B) Photograph of an approximately 35 m high vertical dome wall. (C) Ash flow deposit from the NEC located along the NW caldera wall.
(D) Photograph of detail of the ash flow deposits with accretionary lapilli.
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 55

Fig. 7. Huitepec Volcanic Dome. (A) Panoramic photograph showing the HVD from San Cristobal de las Casas. (B) Outcrop of ash flow deposits
associated with the HVD.

The second deposit is located at an elevation of length and, in less proportion, accidental red lithics of
2258 m inside the ACS (AC-41). Here the outcrop is 2 cm in size (Fig. 5C). This deposit varies in color from
predominately an ash flow deposit with small intercala- beige to brown to gray, with a thickness of ∼ 20 m. It has
tions of pumice flow deposits. The total thickness of this a semicompact massive structure, consisting principally
sequence is ∼ 80 m (Fig. 5B). The ash flow deposits of juvenile light gray angular blocks whose maximum
vary in color from light gray to dark gray to brown, with dimensions are 5 m. This deposit is supported by a
a compact to semi-compact and massive structure. The matrix of fine to medium sand composed of crystals of
matrix of this deposit is composed of crystals of plagioclase, pyroxene, and amphibole, together with
amphibole, pyroxene and plagioclase, together with brown glass and lithic fragments (Fig. 5D). The juvenile
shards of glass and some juvenile gray lithics. The lithics have low density with cooling fractures and
lithics have a porphyritic texture with phenocrysts of phaneritic and aphanitic textures, crystals of plagioclase,
plagioclase (0.3 cm) and amphibole (0.3 cm) in an amphibole, and pyroxene (0.4, 0.8, and 0.3 cm; respec-
aphanitic matrix. tively) are seen.
The pumice flow deposits intercalated with the ash
flow deposit have a maximum thickness of ∼ 5 cm, are 7. Navenchauc Explosion Crater (NEC)
light yellow in color, and are composed principally of
light brown pumice with vesicular texture. The pumice The NEC is located to the north of the ACS and has
fragments have crystals of plagioclase (0.2 cm), amphi- an approximate diameter of 1.34 km (Fig. 4). Associated
bole (0.3 cm) and pyroxene (0.2 cm) (Fig. 5B). The two with this structure are a dome and pyroclastic flow
deposits inside this structure were named the “Apas Ash deposits. The Navenchauc Dome, thus called after the
Flow Deposits” after the name of the closest village. village of the same name, is found outcropping along the
These deposits indicate deposition in a wet (water northern periphery of the caldera, at the kilometer
dominated) environment and are semi-compact with a 64 milepost of Federal Highway 90 (Tuxtla Gutiérrez-
massive structure (Fig. 5B). San Cristóblal de las Casas) (Fig. 4). This dome has a
The block-and-ash-flow deposits outcrop predomi- maximum height of 100 m and a mean diameter of
nantly outside of the ACS and the largest of these shows 575 m (Fig. 6A). The rock that constitutes this dome is
the form of a large fan to the southwest with a maximum light gray in color with porphyric texture, and a massive,
length of 10.2 km (it terminates close to the Grijalva compact structure. It has crystals of plagioclase
river), a width of 18.8 km, and covers an area of (0.7 cm), pyroxene (0.2 cm) and amphibole (0.3 cm),
∼ 137.9 km2 (Fig. 4). The block-and-ash-flow deposits surrounded by a light gray matrix.
are light gray in color and generally show a semi- The pyroclastic flow deposits are distributed princi-
compact and massive structure, with predominantly pally towards the NW with a maximum extent of
light gray sub-angular juvenile lithics of up to 5 cm in ∼ 9.5 km, with a thickness of ∼ 20 m and cover an area
length. We also found carbonates rocks of ∼ 6 cm in of ∼ 48 km2 (Fig. 6A). These deposits are composed of a
56 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

sequence of block-and-ash-flows, ash flows, pumice are concentrated mainly in the upper part of the deposit
flows, and surges. The block-and-ash-flow deposits are where dimensions of up to 1 m in length are observed.
brown in color, with blocks (b 5 m) surrounded by a
matrix of medium to fine sand, composed of crystals of 9. Tzontehuitz Dome Complex (TzDC)
plagioclase, pyroxene and amphibole, glass and lithic
fragments. The color of the blocks varies from gray- This volcanic structure was first studied by Damon and
brown to light gray in fresh rocks. The blocks are similar Montesinos (1978) who referred to it as “Tzontehuitz
to the dome rocks with sub-angular form, phaneritic volcano”. These authors described this volcano as being
texture and massive structure with plagioclase (0.3 cm), composed of augite andesite with disseminated pyrite and
amphibole (0.5 cm) and pyroxene (0.2 cm). report a K–Ar whole-rock age, of 2.14 ± 0.04 Ma.
East of the NEC (AC-31; Fig. 4) sequence of volcanic In our study, we observed that the volcanic structure
deposits is exposed. The upper part is a 1.5-m-thick dark is composed of at least three domes (Tzontehuitz 1 and
gray ash flow deposit with semi-compact, massive 2, and El Calvario) aligned in a north–south orientation
structure, composed of crystals of plagioclase, amphi- (Fig. 4) and pyroclastic flow deposits. Because it
bole, and pyroxene, glass and fragments of dense lithics appears to be a multi-phase structure, we refer to it as
(Fig. 6B). The middle part is a semi-compact and a dome complex, rather than as a single dome. (Fig. 8).
massive block-and-ash-flow deposit with juvenile The area covered by the TzDC is approximately 16 km2.
gray dark and light gray lithics (Fig. 6B). The dark The El Calvario Dome (15Q 5433300E, 1857600N
gray are sub-angular (b 9 cm), coarse grain (porphiritic UTM) outcrops with a height of 80 m and a mean
texture), with abundant crystals of plagioclase (0.4 cm), diameter of 1 km (Fig. 8B). It is composed of a dark gray
pyroxene (0.2 cm) and amphibole (0.3 cm).The light gray rock with porphyritic texture with plagioclase (0.7 cm),
lithics are sub-angular, of phaneritic texture with crystals pyroxene (0.5 cm) and amphibole (0.3 cm). Tzontehuitz
of plagioclase (0.3 cm), amphibole (0.3 cm) and pyroxene Dome 1 (15Q 544,200E 1859800N UTM) is located to
(0.3 cm). The lower part of this sequence corresponds the north of El Calvario, and outcrops with a height of
to an intercalation of light gray ash flow and surge ∼ 200 m and a mean diameter of 1 km (Fig. 8A). The
deposits (with accretionary lapilli) 1.4 m in thickness. rock is light gray in color, with a massive and compact
(Fig. 6C–D). structure, with plagioclase (0.6 cm), amphibole (0.4 cm)
and pyroxene (0.3 cm). In these rocks we observed some
8. Huitepec Volcanic Dome (HVD) isolated megacrystals of amphibole (2.5 cm) and some
dark mafic enclave with elongated shapes (b1 cm).
The Huitepec Volcanic Dome (15Q 0533,300E, Tzontehuitz Dome 2 (15Q 543850 and 1861400
1852608N UTM) is located 1 km west of San Cristóbal UTM) is located to the north of Tzontehuitz 1. It is a
de las Casas (Fig. 4). This structure has been studied by semicircular structure with a mean diameter of 1.5 km
Damon and Montesinos (1978) and, according to them, and a height of 180 m. It is dark gray in color, with a
it is a dome of hornblende andesite with a K–Ar whole- massive and compact structure, and porphyritic texture.
rock age 0.850 ± 0.030 Ma. The HVD has a mean It is composed of plagioclase (0.4 cm), pyroxene
diameter at its base of 5.18 km (5.5 km along its major (0.3 cm) and amphibole (0.3 cm).
axis and 4.87 km along its minor axis), covers an area of Two pyroclastic flow deposits have been recognized
∼ 21.2 km2 with an approximate height of 520 m as being associated with the TzDC. They were emplaced
(Fig. 4). Associated with this dome is a deposit of ash in east and southeast directions with maximum lengths
flows. The rock of this volcanic structure varies in color of 9.5 and 11 km respectively. They have a mean
from light to dark gray. It is phaneritic in texture with thickness of 8 m, and cover an area of approximately
coarse grain with plagioclase (0.9 cm), amphibole 73 km2. These deposits are principally block-and-ash-
(0.4 cm) and pyroxene (0.4 cm) (Fig. 7A). flows of dark color, and are semi-compact and massive
An ash flow deposit (BO-54) outcrops 5 km northwest structures, with lithics and some yellow pumice
of San Cristóbal de las Casas, on the road that goes to San surrounded by a matrix of medium to coarse sand with
Juan Chamula (Fig. 7B). It is gray, semi-compact and crystals of plagioclase, amphibole, pyroxene and glass.
massive, with a thickness of 25 m, composed of crystals of The lithics are either red accidental lithics or juvenile
plagioclase, amphibole, pyroxene and glass. This deposit lithics. The juvenile lithics are pumice and slight dense
contains juvenile gray lithics (b8 cm) with porphyritic gray rocks with cooling fractures and have porphyritic
texture containing crystals of plagioclases (0.7 cm), textures. They contain crystals of plagioclase (0.6 cm),
pyroxene (0.2 cm) and amphibole (0.6 cm). These lithics pyroxene (0.3 cm) and amphibole (0.4 cm).
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 57

10. Amahuitz Volcanic Dome (AVD) (Fig. 4). This volcanic structure is ∼ 400 m in height,
has a diameter of ∼ 2.5 km and covers an area of
The Amahuitz Volcanic Dome (15Q 558,128E ∼ 4.4 km 2 (Fig. 9A). The main structure consists
1,824,081N UTM) is located at the most eastern part of of massive, very compact, light gray rocks with a
the study area ∼ 33 km southeast of San Cristobal de las phaneritic texture with abundant plagioclase (0.4 cm),
Casas and 1 km southwest of the village of Teopisca amphibole (0.3 cm) and pyroxene (0.3 cm).

Fig. 8. Tzontehuitz Dome Complex. (A) Panoramic photograph showing the TzDC (Tzontehuitz 1). (B) Photograph of Calvario Dome and gray rocks
of its structure.
58 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

Associated with the IVD are deposits of block-and-

ash-flow that were emplaced principally to the south-
west, with a maximum length of 13 km, a mean
thickness of 15 m, and covered an area of approximately
90 km2. These deposits are gray in color, with a semi-
compact and massive structure, consisting of gray
blocks surrounded by a matrix of medium to fine sand
composed of glass, crystals and dense lithics similar to
the dome rocks (Fig. 10B). The lithics are gray in color,
sub-rounded (9 cm) and phaneritic in texture. They
contain plagioclase (0.6 cm), pyroxene (0.3 cm) and
amphibole (0.2 cm).

12. Mispía Volcanic Dome (MVD)

The MVD (15Q 549177E, 1818487N UTM) is

located 5 km southeast of the IVD , this structure was
identified by Capaul (1987) as Nicolás Ruiz Volcano
and for which he reported K–Ar ages of 0.34 and
0.84 Ma. In this work the name has been changed to
Mispía because this is the name by which it appears in
the INEGI 1:50,000 topographic charts used in this
study (Fig. 4). This volcanic structure is an ovoid form
extending in a north–south direction with a mean
diameter of ∼ 3.6 km., a height of 600 m and covering
an area of ∼ 8 km2 (Fig. 11A).
The rock that composes the structure of this volcano
Fig. 9. Amahuitz Volcanic Dome (AVD). (A) Panoramic photograph is of light gray color with a coarse grain phaneritic
of the AVD. (B) Fall deposit in the village of Teopisca. texture composed of plagioclase (0.4 cm), amphibole
(0.4 cm) and pyroxene (0.3 cm). This rock also contains
In Teopisca there is a 15-cm-thick outcrop of fall black xenoliths of aphanitic texture and elongated form
deposits, which is associated with this structure based on and some crystal cumulates of amphibole with a length
its proximity (Fig. 9B). This is a yellowish-brown of up to 5 cm. Associated with this structure are some
deposit consisting mainly of fragments of yellow block-and-ash-flow deposits that were emplaced prin-
pumice supported grain by grain with normal gradation. cipally to the southeast, with a maximum extent of
The size of the pumice varies between 4 and 20 mm with 6.8 km and a mean thickness of 6 m. They cover an area
angular shapes and abundant vesicles. The observable of approximately 32 km2. These deposits are brown in
minerals are plagioclase (b0.3 cm) and amphibole color, with a semicompact and massive structure,
(0.3 cm), surrounded by a yellow glass matrix. This consisting of surrounded blocks (80 cm in length)
deposit is found between two light brown clay-rich immersed in a matrix of medium to fine sand composed
lacustrine deposits. of glass, crystals and lithics. The blocks have similar
characteristics of dome rock with a dark gray color with
11. La Iglesia Volcanic Dome (IVD) phaneritic texture, whose mineralogy is composed of
plagioclase (0.9 cm), pyroxene (0.3 cm) and amphibole
The IVD (15Q 547372E, 1824242N UTM) is located (0.3 cm) (Fig. 11B, C).
26 km to the SE of San Cristóbal de las Casas. It is a
circular structure with a diameter of ∼5 km and a height 13. La Lanza Volcanic Dome (LVD)
of 600 m, and covers an area of ∼ 18.1 km2 (Figs. 4 and
10A). The rocks from the structure that compose IVD are The LVD (15Q 0544322E, 1819402N UTM) is
light gray color, with massive structure and porphyritic located 2 km east of the MVD. Damon and Montesinos
texture. The principal mineral phases are plagioclase (1978) described this structure as a hornblende dacite
(0.3 cm), amphibole (0.2 cm) and pyroxene (0.3 cm). volcanic neck with vertical banded-like appearance of
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 59

Fig. 10. La Iglesia Volcanic Dome (IVD). (A) Panoramic photograph of the IVD. (B) Photographs of gray block-and-ash-flow deposit with a semi-
compact and massive structure; the blocks are surrounded by a matrix of fine to medium size sand.
60 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

Fig. 11. Mispía Volcanic Dome (MVD). (A) Panoramic photograph of the MVD. (B) Photograph of brown block-and-ash-flow deposits, with semi-
compact structure and gray blocks. Surrounding the blocks there is a fine and medium in size sand matrix, composed by glass, crystals and lithics.
(C) Panoramic photograph looking to the south of the MVD, where there is the distribution of dome, block-and-ash-flow deposit and sedimentary basement.

“pelean” type, with a K–Ar age of 0.846 ± 0.024 Ma of medium to fine sand composed of glass, crystals and
(Fig. 4). This volcanic dome is composed of a main lithics (Fig. 12B). The blocks are surrounded and have a
structure with the form of spine surrounded by deposits dark gray color with phaneritic texture, composed of
of pyroclastic flows. The spine is semi-circular with a plagioclase (0.9 cm), pyroxene (0.3 cm) and amphibole
mean diameter of 1.5 km, covering an area of (0.3 cm). These blocks are similar to the dome rocks.
∼1.18 km2, and a height of 140 m (Fig. 12A). This
structure is composed of a light gray rock with medium 14. Santontón Volcanic Dome (SVD)
grained phaneritic texture. The mineral phases are
plagioclase (0.4 cm), amphibole (0.3 cm) and pyroxene The SVD (15Q 547452E, 1812539N UTM) is located
(0.2 cm). The rock is slightly altered with reddish brown 4 km south of the MVD (Fig. 4). It has a height of
oxidation spots. ∼ 400 m, an elongated shape with a major axis of 3.6 km.
Pyroclastic flow deposits have a principal direction and a minor axis of 2 km and covers an area of ∼ 6.5 km2.
of emplacement toward the southeast, with a maximum It is also surrounded by deposits of associated pyroclastic
range of 9.5 km., a mean thickness of 4 m, and cover an flows (Fig. 13). The deposits are brown, monolithologic,
area of ∼ 50 km2. They are brown in color, with a semi- block-and-ash-flows with a massive and semi-compact
compact and massive structure, with dark gray blocks structure. The blocks are gray in color and are supported
with phaneritic texture, which are immersed in a matrix by a matrix of medium to fine sand. The main structure is
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 61

Fig. 12. La Lanza Volcanic Dome (LVD). (A) Panoramic photograph of the LVD. White lines delimit the block-and-ash-flow and sedimentary
deposits surrounding this volcanic structure. (B) Photograph of one block from the block-and-ash-flow deposit surrounding La Lanza.

composed by light gray rocks of phaneritic texture the enveloped by a light gray matrix. The crystals are
principal mineral phases are plagioclase (0.4 cm), plagioclase (0.4 cm), amphibole (0.3 cm) and pyroxene
amphibole (0.8 cm) and pyroxene (0.3 cm). (0.3 cm).
The pyroclastic flow deposits of are found surround-
15. Venustiano Carranza Volcanic Dome (VCVD) ing the volcano with a mean radius of 2 km and an
estimated area of 13.7 km2. The deposits are mono-
The VCVD (15Q 0547071E, 1807974N UTM) is lithologic of brown color, massive and semi-compact.
located 4 km to the south of the SVD, has an estimated This is a block-and-ash-flow deposit with light gray
height of 280 m, a diameter of ∼ 1.2 km and covers an blocks (25 cm) supported by a matrix of medium to fine
area of 1.2 km2 (Fig. 4). The VCVD is dome shaped with sand (Fig. 14B). The blocks are similar to the structure
block-and-ash-flow, fall, and lahars deposits (Fig. 14A). rocks and vary from angular to sub-angular forms with
The rock of the main structure is light gray in color, of porphyric texture with plagioclase (0.7 cm), amphibole
massive structure and porphyric texture with crystals (0.3 cm) and pyroxene (0.2 cm).
62 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

Fig. 13. Photograph of the Santoton Volcanic Dome (SVD).

The pumice fall deposit has a thickness of 1.5 m, is could be related to phreatomagmatic activity followed by
light gray in color and supported grain to grain. The emplacement of dome and ash flow deposits.
pumice is sub-angular, light yellow in color, vesicular
texture, with observable mineralogy composed by 17. Whole-rock chemistry
plagioclase (0.3 cm) and amphiboles (0.3 cm). The
size of the pumice varies from 0.5 cm and 2.0 cm. Thirty-two chemical analyses were performed on
representative rocks of domes, and on juvenile lithics of
16. Summary of CVA volcanic structures and deposits pyroclastic flows and fall deposits (Table 1). Whole-
rock silica content of the CVA samples range from 55%
In general in the study area there are two groups of to 65% (Table 1). Based on SiO2 content, in the TAS
volcanic structures: The first group is composed by diagram (Total Alkalis vs. Silica), the rocks of the CVA
volcanic dome structures (TzDC, IVD, LVD, MVD, are classified as trachyandesite to andesite (57–63 wt.%
SVD, AVD, and VCVD) with a NNW–SSE alignment SiO2), and trachydacite–dacite (63–65 wt.% SiO2)
following the Venustiano Carranza –Tzontehuitz fault (Fig. 15A). The samples show K2O content that varies
(Fig. 4). The TzDc is the oldest dated structure with an from medium to high. Using the classification of Irvine
age of ∼ 2.1 Ma. The HVD is located west of this and Baragar (1971), the samples of the CVA fall in the
trend. It was emplaced in a graben structure (Ixtapa sub-alkaline field (Fig. 15B). The sub-alkaline rocks can
Graben). The main characteristics of these volcanic be further subdivided into tholeiitic and calc-alkaline
structures are that they have vertical walls and are based on the presence or absence, respectively, of an
surrounded by block-and-ash-flow deposits where the iron enrichment trend (Irvine and Baragar, 1971). On
lithics components are similar in color, mineral and this basis, the analyzed rocks follow the typical calc-
chemical compositions to those of the dome rocks. alkaline trend.
These characteristics imply that the formation of The Fe2O3 contents decrease from 10 to 4 wt.%
pyroclastic deposits were at the same time as the corresponding to increase of silica content from 56 to
growth of the dome. 65 wt.% (Fig. 15C). The rocks contain b 4 wt.% MgO,
The ACS and NEC are two structures associated with with MgO contents slightly decreasing with increase of
very large volume of block-and-ash-flow and ash flow silica content to values of 0.9 wt.% in dacitic rocks
deposits, with intercalated small deposits of pumice flow (Fig. 15D). TiO2 content is b 1.1 wt.% and decreases to
and surges. There is only one dome structure associated 0.4 in dacitic rocks (Fig. 15E). CaO content varies from
with the NEC. The presence of accretionary lapilly in the 3 to 9 wt.% (Fig. 15F). The general trend of CaO is a
ash fall indicates that the origin of these two structures decrease (from 9 to 6 wt.%) in CaO with an increase in
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 63

Fig. 14. (A) Panoramic photograph looking to the north of the Venustiano Carranza Volcanic Dome. The white line indicates the division between the
volcanic structure and the volcanic deposits. (B) Photograph of block-and-ash-flow deposit.

silica. Only the TzDC samples do not follow this trend, Fig. 16A shows multielemental diagrams of trace
but rather we see an increase in CaO from 3 to 6.5 wt.% elements and rare earth element data (ppm) normalized
with an increase in silica from 56 to 60 wt.%. This to primitive mantle (Wood et al., 1979) and Fig. 16B
anomalous trend may reflect contamination by calcar- shows the rare earth elements also normalized to
eous basement rocks. chondritic values (Nakamura, 1973). In these diagrams
Al2O3 content varies from 16 to 19 wt.% in the the rocks of the CVA present the typical pattern for
majority of analyzed rocks. Only in the TzDC sam- samples from orogenic environments, with enrichment
ples does the Al2O3 content anticorrelate with silica of the incompatible elements and light rare earths, and
(Fig. 15G). K2O contents vary from 1 to 4 wt.% negative anomalies of Ta, Nb, P, Ti and Eu.
without a well definite trend to increase the silica
content (Fig. 15H). Na2O content varies from 2 to 18. Discussion
5 wt.%. In general its concentration is constant from 3
to 5 wt.% (Fig. 15I). Only in the TzDC samples do we The Upper Miocene to Present volcanism in Mexico
see an increase in Na2O from 2 to 4 wt.% in the 56 to and Central America is characterized by andesitic
60 wt.% interval of SiO2. magmas presumably produced by the subduction of
64 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

Table 1
Whole-rock chemical analysis of selected samples from the CVA
Sample AC-02jl a AC-03b-jl a AC-27jl a AC-01b-jl b AC-01a-jl b AC-28jl b AC-32jl b AC-41jl b AC-04a-jl b AC-04b-jl b VC-21 b
SiO2 58.37 63.72 62.54 58.02 60.87 58.58 61.20 62.79 61.37 61.19 64.00
TiO2 0.59 0.41 0.51 0.65 0.54 0.62 0.49 0.47 0.45 0.45 0.43
Al2O3 18.23 16.80 16.62 18.36 18.43 18.35 18.10 18.79 18.46 19.05 17.35
Fe2O3⁎ 6.14 4.31 4.95 6.62 5.06 5.74 4.91 4.91 4.57 4.65 4.42
MnO 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.13 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.16 0.10
MgO 1.44 1.12 1.46 1.71 1.11 1.66 1.37 1.18 1.26 1.26 1.13
CaO 6.09 5.46 5.69 5.90 5.75 6.34 5.60 5.02 6.10 6.12 5.35
Na2O 4.38 4.38 4.12 3.97 4.40 4.06 4.30 3.57 4.10 4.13 4.11
K2O 3.03 2.50 2.85 2.96 2.85 2.55 2.79 2.31 2.05 2.00 2.32
P2O5 0.32 0.21 0.23 0.30 0.24 0.28 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.18
LOI 0.79 1.05 0.75 1.04 0.64 1.38 1.22 1.03 1.19 1.32 0.76
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 100 100 101 100

Trace elements ppm

Sr 827 617 679 715 826 802 753 517 659 674 644
Ba 672 505 588 809 769 560 585 669 666 649 578
Co 11.1 7.9 8.9 15 17 37 16 25 27 30 25
Cr 6.0 11.5 11.4 5 b2 7 13 5 6 6 b2
Cu 21 68 5 35 5 14 32 11 9 25 9
Ni 157 99 4 8 7 12 9 10 9 10 7
Sc 8.27 5.63 8.46 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Th 7.1 6.5 7.1 4 7 7 8 5 6 6 5
Pb 7 8 11 7 8 7 7 5 7 6 6
V 139 74 92 139 110 115 84 79 81 77 74
Zn 73 46 50 65 62 67 46 58 57 70 47
Y 20 22 23 25 26 37 26 32 30 32 30
Rb 81 90 98 99 98 86 94 89 77 78 98
Zr 128 166 171 152 182 246 223 183 207 216 191
Be 2 2 2 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Cs 3.9 3.5 4.0 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Hf 3.2 3.8 4.5 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Ta udl udl udl nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
U 3.3 3.0 3.2 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Cd 0.6 0.9 1.8 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
La 24.4 21.4 25.7 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Ce 45 40 47 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Nd 20 19 23 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Yb 2.00 2.20 2.33 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Lu 0.30 0.34 0.35 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Eu 1.31 0.94 1.20 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Sm 4.48 3.70 4.58 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Tb 0.7 0.6 0.6 nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm
Nb 31 24 26 11 14 13 10 11 10 11 16
(continued on next page)
the Cocos
Sample Plate
AC-31-jl b at varying
AC-53d c geometries.
AC-06d b The
BO-54jl c subduc-
OX-08jl b to theb Tuxtlas
OX-11jl OX-38d Volcanic
b and bChiapanecan
OX-40jl OX-59d c Volcanic
AC-22jl a
tion zone in Mexico is different from that of Central Arc, and continues south to the Central American
SiO2 63.55 63.21 60.17 57.57 59.66 54.43 53.84 54.89 57.40 55.00 62.78
America in that the distribution of volcanism is not Volcanic Arc (Fig. 1). However there are several aspects
continuous and not parallel to the trench. Several hypo- that need to be considered. The first is that the volcanism
(continued on next page)
theses with different petrologic or dynamic points of from Tuxtlas Volcanic Field has coexisting alkaline and
view have been proposed to explain the distribution of cal-alkaline magmas, an observation that is not easy to
volcanism. explain with a simple subduction zone model (Robin,
Damon and Montesinos (1978) considered that the 1982; Nelson and Gonzalez-Caver, 1992; Nelson et al.,
volcanism of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt extends 1995; Gómez-Tuena et al., 2005; Ferrari et al., 2005).
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 65

Table 1 (continued )
a a a b b b b b b b
Sample AC-02jl AC-03b-jl AC-27jl AC-01b-jl AC-01a-jl AC-28jl AC-32jl AC-41jl AC-04a-jl AC-04b-jl VC-21 b
TiO2 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.69 0.71 0.96 1.03 1.01 0.81 0.93 0.44
Al2O3 17.74 17.87 18.70 18.05 17.62 16.97 20.68 19.55 18.26 19.08 16.86
Fe2O3⁎ 4.37 4.75 6.07 7.16 6.75 9.26 9.31 9.03 8.18 8.22 4.13
MnO 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.20 0.16 0.19 0.12
MgO 1.11 1.13 1.56 2.28 1.75 3.49 1.71 2.17 2.13 2.28 0.84
CaO 5.83 5.40 7.33 7.66 6.21 8.04 2.80 3.74 5.68 4.69 4.84
Na2O 4.21 3.79 3.48 3.97 3.75 2.97 1.74 2.09 3.02 2.18 5.24
K2O 2.29 2.38 1.74 1.41 2.84 2.60 3.40 3.21 3.00 3.19 3.13
P2O5 0.21 0.20 0.22 0.23 0.33 0.30 0.37 0.36 0.32 0.35 0.18
LOI 0.50 0.70 0.35 0.86 0.37 0.55 5.43 4.09 1.47 3.95 1.18
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Trace elements ppm

Sr 632 596 488 565 773 670 402 402 610 533 750
Ba 555 655 390 395 660 554 965 1039 738 903 870
Co 15 21 20 35 18 31 18 19 21 17 5.8
Cr 7 b2 7 3 9 28 22 2 8 6 9.9
Cu 12 7 6 8 14 37 19 16 12 32 10
Ni 9 9 8 12 8 15 12 10 10 10 8
Sc nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 3.32
Th 6 4 6 6 10 7 8 8 11 9 12.5
Pb 6 7 5 6 10 12 10 7 11 9 7
V 76 75 86 134 105 223 170 132 139 155 66
Zn 52 46 40 51 72 75 95 75 75 71 45
Y 27 28 26 30 33 35 46 47 32 37 30
Rb 80 93 61 54 95 82 111 99 101 105 107
Zr 209 156 172 150 279 178 204 236 216 148 188
Be nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 3
Cs nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 4.1
Hf nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 4.6
Ta nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm udl
U nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 4.7
Cd nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm nm 0.8
La nm 20.96 nm 23.84 nm nm nm nm nm 76.86 39.1
Ce nm 44.95 nm 48.98 nm nm nm nm nm 133.37 69
Nd nm 19.85 nm 23.30 nm nm nm nm nm 58.12 30
Yb nm 2.14 nm 2.72 nm nm nm nm nm 3.76 3.16
Lu nm 0.30 nm 0.35 nm nm nm nm nm 0.54 0.45
Eu nm 1.52 nm 1.50 nm nm nm nm nm 3.27 1.40
Sm nm 4.30 nm 5.04 nm nm nm nm nm 11.33 5.93
Tb nm 0.58 nm 0.72 nm nm nm nm nm 1.38 1.0
Nb 10 13 10 13 21 14 19 18 15 17 32

Second, the large stratovolcanoes and the monogenetic of two aspects: the magma is generated due the Cocos
volcanism in the Tuxtlas Volcanic Field were emplaced Plate subduction and the distribution of volcanism
in NNW–SSE structures with a right-lateral compo- is dependent on structures associated to tectonic
nent. Third, in the volcanism of the Tuxtlas there is a activity.
migration of the active volcanic center from south to Despite the fact that the CVA is in the dominion of
north contrary to the volcanism in the Trans-Mexican the Motagua–Polochic fault system, the volcanism is
Volcanic Belt. preferentially aligned along NNW–SSE structures with
The geochemical, petrologic and tectonic analyses a right-lateral component that cut older structures. The
from both the CVA and the Tuxtlas Field indicate majority of the volcanic structures from the CVA have
that the distribution of volcanism is likely the product been emplaced along one of these NNW–SSE faults that
66 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72
Table 1 (continued )
Sample VC-15d a VC-16d a AC-23jl a VC-18b-d b VC-18a-d a VC-13c-d b OX-12p-jl a VC-14jl c VC-20d b VC-19d a
SiO2 63.47 61.15 61.48 56.94 55.10 60.87 60.60 61.76 58.67 56.75
TiO2 0.49 0.63 0.60 0.74 0.77 0.41 0.51 0.41 0.70 0.64
Al2O3 16.76 16.42 16.78 18.24 15.67 18.73 17.09 18.07 17.05 17.45
Fe2O3⁎ 4.93 5.92 5.36 7.68 8.16 5.32 5.43 5.13 7.78 7.17
MnO 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.11 0.13 0.09 0.16 0.16
MgO 1.17 1.97 1.55 2.82 3.64 1.70 1.28 1.68 2.76 2.75
CaO 5.26 6.00 5.75 7.36 8.46 6.94 5.51 6.78 7.43 8.46
Na2O 4.42 3.99 4.41 3.45 2.91 4.23 3.59 4.15 3.48 3.91
K2O 2.61 2.40 2.91 1.66 1.87 1.32 2.50 1.38 1.83 2.05
P2O5 0.20 0.22 0.25 0.19 0.23 0.17 0.19 0.17 0.20 0.26
LOI 0.52 1.25 0.85 1.12 3.12 0.49 3.19 0.31 0.37 0.58
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Trace elements ppm
Sr 578 566 669 471 372 598 582 565 457 638
Ba 761 713 785 691 442 608 762 698 518 566
Co 8.3 13.4 10.6 31 24.2 46 8.5 38 37 20.3
Cr 8.1 18.0 14.4 37 39.8 4 15.0 b2 29 41.9
Cu 13 14 12 134 36 40 54 14 30 55
Ni 22 13 10 20 24 13 26 11 24 23
Sc 5.65 10.3 6.80 nm 16.7 nm 6.24 nm nm 13.9
Th 8.8 9.2 11.4 6 5.7 5 9.6 6 7 7.2
Pb 13 8 10 5 11 6 12 6 5 10
V 82 118 105 186 162 67 82 89 142 147
Zn 59 56 61 114 55 68 60 56 63 61
Y 23 26 27 35 26 24 23 22 30 26
Rb 95 81 90 58 52 51 96 65 65 76
Zr 170 178 187 150 146 161 165 129 166 155
Be 2 2 2 nm 2 nm 2 nm nm 2
Cs 3.5 3.2 4.0 nm 3.6 nm 3.7 nm nm 1.0
Hf 3.8 4.2 4.5 nm 3.3 nm 3.8 nm nm 3.8
Ta udl udl 1.5 nm udl nm 1.2 nm nm 1.0
U 3.6 3.7 4.0 nm 2.2 nm 4.2 nm nm 2.1
Cd 1.8 1.7 0.6 nm 1.7 nm 1.8 nm nm 0.7
La 26.8 29.8 39.2 nm 23.2 nm 30.1 18.27 nm 30.0
Ce 49 57 66 nm 43 nm 53 34.48 nm 54
Nd 22 27 30 nm 21 nm 26 16.07 nm 25
Yb 2.35 2.45 2.61 nm 2.39 nm 2.56 1.34 nm 2.44
Lu 0.35 0.35 0.36 nm 0.35 nm 0.38 0.18 nm 0.37
Eu 1.07 1.21 1.44 nm 1.16 nm 1.16 1.20 nm 1.23
Sm 4.31 5.06 5.76 nm 4.49 nm 4.70 3.25 nm 4.79
Tb 0.7 0.8 1.0 nm 0.7 nm 0.9 0.40 nm 0.7
Nb 24 23 29 10 15 8 24 12 9 23
Abbreviations: jl, juvenile lithics; d, dome rocks; nm, not measured; ud, under detection limit; ACS, Apas Collapse Structure; NEC, Navenchauc Explosion
Crater; HVD, Huitepec Volcanic Dome; TzDC, Tzontehuitz Domic Complex; IVD, La Iglesia Volcanic Dome; MVD, Mispía Volcanic Dome; AVD,
Amahuitz Volcanic Dome; SVD, Santoton Volcanic Dome; VCVD, Venustiano Carranza Volcanic Dome; LOI: Loss on ignition. Note: Fe2O3⁎ as total iron.
Note: Fe2O3⁎ as total iron. The quality of these analyses is realized in methodoly.
The analysis was realized in Canada Ontario Laboratories.
The analysis was realized in Laboratorio Universitario de Geoquímica Isotópica (LUGIS; UNAM).
The analysis was realized in Laboratorio Universitario de Geoquímica Isotópica (LUGIS) Instituto de Geofísica.
we name the “Venustiano Carranza-Tzontehuitz Fault”. presence mainly of large stratovolcanoes which have
In this way the volcanic structures, type and intensity of experienced large plinian eruptions.
volcanism in the CVA are very different than that of the The CVA is composed mainly of small volcanic
TMVB or the CAVA which are characterized by the domes with associated pyroclastic flow deposits. These
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 67

Fig. 15. Chemical composition of analyzed rocks. (A) TAS diagram proposed by Le Bas et al. (1986), with the curve line that subdivide into alkaline and
subalkaline series of Irvine and Baragar (1971). The analyzed rocks fall in the subalkaline serie and vary in composition andesite, trachyandesite, dacite,
and trachydacite, gray area. (B) AFM diagram (A, Alkalis (Na2O+ K2O); F, Fe oxides (FeO+ Fe2O3); and M, MgO) showing the boundary between the
calc-alkaline field and the tholeiitic field of Irvine and Baragar (1971). (C to F) Harker diagrams, major elements vs. silica content of all analyzed rocks.
68 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

Fig. 16. Normalized elemental abundance diagrams. (A) Spider diagram normalized to the primitive mantle (Wood et al., 1979). (B) Rare Earth
Elements normalized to the chondrite values (Nakamura, 1973).

volcanic structures were emplaced in a zone where are interaction to produce explosive volcanism as exempli-
two types of stress with different directions. The first is a fied by the ACS and NEC. The basement in the region is
SW–NE oriented compressive stress associated with the characterized by carbonaceous rocks with clear evidence
subduction of the Cocos plate under the North American of dissolution and doline formation (short-lived aquifers),
plate, and the second is a left-lateral stress, associated which may have interacted with the magmatism. This
with the Motagua–Polochic Fault System (SE–NW), process also formed domes (IVD, LVD, MVD, SVD,
caused by the relative motions of the Caribbean and AVD, TzDC, and VCVD) that were later destroyed by
North American plates. The interaction of these two resurgent activity. The growth and subsequent destruction
stresses form a zone of transpressional stress with left of the volcanic structures, generated block-and-ash-flow,
lateral faults (WNW–ESE) and right lateral recent ash flow, fall deposits, and phreatomagmatic activity.
NNW–SSE faults. The majority of the volcanism in the CVA is
The CVA is characterized by the type of volcanic associated with volcanic dome structures that present
structures (volcanic domes), the type of volcanism clear associations with flows and pyroclastic deposits
(effusive accompanied by explosive events), the chemical that are evidence of their explosive character. The
composition of the products (andesitic–dacitic), and the change in the mode of volcanism from dome-building to
presence of an aquifer that generated a water-magma explosive eruptions is related to the interaction between
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 69

water and magma. The intense faulting associated with The fluid-mobile and fluid-immobile elements are
transpressional stress does not permit the fast eruption excellent geochemical fingerprints of subducted slabs, and
of the magma, permitting the magmatic differentiation of mantle wedges, and the ratios of these elements are used in
andesitic–dacitic magmas. The eruption of the magmas this paper to highlight significant differences in geochem-
is generated by movement of the faults and by the inter- ical characteristics of volcanism between CVA and CAVA.
action water-magma. These give to the formation of Ba is fluid mobile and, therefore, indicative of slab
volcanic domes and later explosive eruptions. contributions; and La is a relatively fluid immobile ele-
ment, and therefore, indicative of mantle wedge sources.
19. Discussion of geochemical data The Ba/La ratio is thus considered an excellent sub-
duction signal (Carr et al., 1990). The Ba/La ratio from
The mineral composition of the CVA samples is all subduction-related samples shows a variation from 5
plagioclase ± amphibole ± clinopyroxene ± ortopyroxene ± to 46 (Fig. 18A). The Ba/La ratio in the CVA is 11 to 37,
Fe–Ti oxides, and is very similar to the mineral com- intermediate in value between the minimum (5) and
position reported in andesitic and dacitic rocks in different maximum (46) observed in the CAVA (Fig. 18A).
volcanoes from the TMVB and CAVA (i.e. García-Palomo La is also a light REE highly incompatible element,
et al., 2006; Carr et al., 1982; Mora et al., 2004). A com- and Yb element is a heavy REE and is a less
parison of the geochemical data obtained in the CVA to incompatible element, although both are relatively
that from the TMVB and CAVA shows some differences fluid-immobile elements. The La/Yb ratio is an
and similarities that merit discussion. excellent indicator of degree of enrichment or degree
The whole-rock chemical composition of the CVA of melting of mantle sources (Fig. 18B). The CAVA
belong to the sub-alkaline series, of the calc-alkaline show a La/Yb ratio between 3 to 22, whereas CVA
type with a medium to high content of potassium and varies from 8 to 21, this ratio has a behavior similar to
vary in composition from andesites to dacites with silica Ba/La ratio, that is, showing significant overlap with
range between the 54 and 64 wt.%. The major elements CAVA compositions (Fig. 18B).
concentration in the CVA analyzed samples are similar Sr/Ce (Fig. 18C) and Ba/Zr (Fig. 18D) ratios are
to the reported concentrations in the calc-alkaline rocks sensitive indicators of melting related to subduction (Sr is
from the TMVB and CAVA (Fig. 17). a fluid-mobile LILE, Ce is a relatively fluid-immobile

Fig. 17. TAS diagram (Le Bas et al., 1986) classification diagram where is the comparison in the alkalis content between the TMVB, CVA, and
70 J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72

REE; Ba is a fluid-mobile LILE, and Zr is a fluid- the CAVA rocks show a much larger span of both ratios;
immobile HFSE). Rocks from CVA show a variation from 8 to 36 for Sr/Ce, and 4 to 13 Ba/Zr (Fig. 18C–D).
between 6 and 20 for Sr/Ce, and 2 to 6 for Ba/Zr, whereas Here it is possible to be observed that the CVA rocks have
values that are slightly lower than those from the CAVA.
Similarly, on multielement normalized diagram (Fig. 15),
rocks from CVA, show HFSE depletion (Nb, Ta, and Th).
The CAVA samples come from volcanoes from
Guatemala to Costa Rica and clearly reflect the
incorporation of a subducted-slab component in the
mantle wedge before its melting (Carr et al., 1990). The
CVA rocks have a similar chemistry to CAVA rocks
(Figs. 16 and 17), although CVA samples show much
less variation, and are thus significantly related to
subduction-related processes.

20. Conclusions

The central area of the CVA covers an area of 4900 km2,

and is composed of at least 10 volcanic structures: one
explosion crater (Navenchauc), one collapse structure
(Apas), one dome complex (Tzontehuitz) and seven
volcanic domes (Huitepec, Amahuitz, La Iglesia, Mispía,
La Lanza, Venustiano Carranza and Santotón). These
structures were formed by several episodes of resurgence
with the formation of several domes within the same
structure, with the destruction of older domes or with the
formation of new explosion craters or collapse structures.
Volcanic deposits associated with the volcanic structures
are unwelded block-and-ash-flow deposits, ash flow (with
accretionary lapilli) and fall deposits.
The volcanic activity is mainly effusive, accompanied
of explosive episodes originated from depressurization of
magma during eruption (as in the case of volcanic dome
structures) or by water-magma interactions producing
total or partial destruction of pre-existing dome (as in the
case of TzDC). The ACS and NEC were formed in zones
of limestone dissolution and doline formation by the
partial and total destruction of the preexistent structures
by phreatomagmatic activity which produced block-and-
ash-flow, fall, and semi-compact ash flow deposits.
The whole-rock chemical composition of the CVA
belongs to the sub-alkaline series, of the calc-alkaline type
with a medium to high content of potassium and varies in
composition from andesites to dacites with silica ranging
between the 57 and the 66 wt.%. These petrographic and
chemical characteristics indicate that the rocks were
generated in a typical subduction environment, similar
to that of the CAVA.
The CVA magma was emplaced in NNW–SSE R′
Fig. 18. In this figure compare the Ba/La (A), La/Yb (B), Sr/Ce (C),
and Ba/Zr ratios in volcanic rocks with silica range between the 54 and
structures from the Motagua–Polochic system, and on
64 wt.%. from CAVA and CVA. This relationship was carried out by rare occasions follow WNW–ESE faults. The study area
the proximity between these. corresponds to a zone with transpressive effects from the
J.C. Mora et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 162 (2007) 43–72 71

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