Assign 5 Management Ume Abeeha

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Management Assignment 5

Ume Abeeha


Section L Group 2


It’s fair to say that the world of work will never be like it was 10 years ago. IT has opened up new
possibilities for employees to do their work in locations as remote as Patagonia or in the middle of
downtown Seattle. Although organizations have always had employees who traveled to distant
corporate locations to take care of business, these employees no longer have to find the nearest pay
phone or wait to get back to “the office” to see what problems have cropped up. Instead, mobile
computing and communication have given organizations and employees ways to stay connected and to
be more productive. Let’s look at some of the technologies that are changing the way work is done. •
Handheld devices with e-mail, calendars, and contacts can be used anywhere there’s a wireless network.
And these devices can be used to log into corporate databases and company intranets. • Employees can
videoconference using broadband networks and Webcams. • Many companies are giving employees key
fobs with constantly changing encryption codes that allow them to log onto the corporate network to
access e-mail and company data from any computer hooked up to the Internet. • Cell phones switch
seamlessly between cellular networks and corporate Wi-Fi connections. The biggest issue in doing work
anywhere, anytime is security. Companies must protect their important and sensitive information.
However, software and other disabling devices have minimized security issues considerably. Even
insurance providers are more comfortable giving their mobile employees access to information. For
instance, Health Net Inc. gave BlackBerrys to many of its managers so they can tap into customer
records from anywhere. As one tech company CEO said, “Companies now can start thinking about
innovative apps [applications] they can create and deliver to their workers anywhere.”

Think About:

• What benefits do you see with being able to do work anywhere, anytime?

(Think in terms of benefits for an organization and for its human resources.)

This will help in minimizing the costs for the organization. Having fewer employees in the office also
reduces costs for a business. the ability to attract and retain top talent is a key differentiator in today’s
competitive business world. Remote work can play a positive role in this arena, offering a sense of
personal recognition between employer and employee. The ability to work remotely offers a better
work/life balance. Working away from the office can make the employer feel in control of your life and
give him more time to plan both work and home tasks. This gives a sense of achievement and makes
employees more productive. Some people need to work in total silence to focus. Working remotely,
particularly from home, can allow for creative thinking and greater productivity.

• What other issues, besides security, do you see with being able to do work anywhere, anytime?
(Again, think about this for an organization and for its employees.)
Face-to-face interaction is generally lost, and there’s no substitute for this during some activities,
especially those more collaborative in nature. Video conferencing can sometimes offset this, but it’s not
a perfect replacement. Feeling like a cohesive team is more difficult, and some people can never get
past that. If the employer and the client are not comfortable conversing in the same spoken language, it
is almost guaranteed that the project will cost more money and be delayed. There is extra coordination
cost and overhead when it comes to dealing with remote workers. And there are times you just want
everybody in a big room together to hash things out.

• How do you use IT to do your work as a student?

IT is used for different purposes. It serves as a great guide and can provide information about everything
even the most complex concepts. Previous Research papers provide as a help to me and I use it for my
projects and presentations. Along with this it also helps me understand some concepts that I can’t
understand in class through online lectures.

•What challenges do you find in doing so?

In the last two years we have seen the change in the working world due to PANDEMIC. What changes
you have seen in the style of working after pandemic.

Due to pandemic the work style has changed drastically. There has been a shift to remote jobs and there
has been an increase in remote work. Offices have been shut down and major work has been done
online. Meetings and important decision making have been done online. There are a lot of challenges
that can be faced and a major one is connectivity issues. These lead to confusions and is time
consuming. Along with this there is less team work which leads to a decrease in diverse ideas to be

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