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Handling Business Operations: Maintains and directs the daily operations of the

Enter 10 studio, including coordinating with Production, legal, sales, marketing

Finance, IT, Commercial and other departments.

Reporting: Meets with and reports to the MD about the company’s daily operation,
as well as about the MD’s plans for any upcoming adjustments or developments to
business operations strategy of Enter 10 Studio, or other company goals and

Develops and implements policies: Develops and implements policies for daily
operations, and communicates these policy changes to department Hod’s.

Organizational, administrative and leadership skills. Business Head oversee a

host of daily operations, including activities related to each of the business’s
departments. This means that the Business Head must accurately and efficiently
organize all of these activities and operations to support business strategy and
align with clients’ or customers’ needs. The Business Head must also effectively
administer guidance and direction for all the departments like Production, legal,
sales, marketing Finance, IT, Commercial and other departments that report to
them, making strong leadership skills incredibly important.

Goal-oriented and results-driven. Successful Business Head are also very goal-

oriented, and strive to achieve not only the day-to-day objectives that support the
company’s daily operations, but the larger goals of the MD as well. As The Balance
pointed out, this goal-orientation should be balanced with needs for results. In
other words, the Business Head should prove and demonstrate to the MD and
other senior executives how their strategy is supported.

Decision-making and delegation. Business Head will regularly make decisions

about how to best direct the company’s daily operations. This might include
addressing any operational issues that hamper progress in the short term, as well
as working with the MD to resolve any long-term operational challenges. In addition
to possessing strong decision-making skills, Business Head must also delegate tasks
appropriately to the department heads and supervisors under them. This
delegation and separation of the workload supports efficiency and prevents one
professional from taking on too much in the way of operational responsibilities.

Leadership Skill: The Business Head will need to report to the MD on daily
operations, but will also consult with the rest of senior-level management on
strategy. At the same time, the Business Head also needs to communicate any
changes to strategy, business goals or daily operational tasks to department heads
and other employees. In this way, the Business Head will need to express
themselves in a professional and big-picture way to the senior leadership team,
while also effectively breaking down management decisions to lower-level
managers and workers.

Critical thinking and multi-tasking. Often, the Business Head will have to balance
the goals, needs and challenges of all of the company’s departments. Striking this
balance requires the Business Head to think critically and prioritize department
supervisors’ needs, while also taking into consideration the goals and direction of
the MD strategy. Additionally, as the Business Head manages the daily operations
of the business’s main departments, he or she will need to multi-task and balance
these responsibilities

Brand Optimisation: Integration closure of brands (internally and externally) as we

simplify the portfolio to operate core Leadership Brands in each market.

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