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When a customer looks for items on Amazon using the discovery bar, Amazon

runs an auction to determine which sponsored ad will display

Amazon determines all of the ads with the highest relevancy. When it comes to
relevancy, Amazon uses an algorithm that takes multiple factors into account to
decide which ads to display. The relevancy algorithm is in place to ensure the best
shopping experience for the customer.
The auction also decides which of the most relevant ads has the highest cost-per-
click (CPC) bid. A CPC bid is the maximum amount that an advertiser is willing to
pay if their ad is clicked. The winner of the auction will pay an amount slightly
higher than the second highest CPC bid if their ad is clicked.

Use Sponsored Products to help readers find your book in search results and
related product detail pages. Use Sponsored Brands to help your collection of
books appear in prominent locations such as above search results.

ponsored Products
 Promotes individual books
 Appears within product detail pages and shopping results
 Clicking on the ad will direct to the book’s detail page

Sponsored Brands
 Promote a collection of books, such as books from the same genre or series
 Appears above discovery results 
 Features the author as the brand and includes a custom headline
 Ads click through to an immersive landing page
 Available in the US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy

Lockscreen ads
 Promotes eBooks
 Appears on the wakescreen and home pages of Kindle E-readers and Fire tablets
 Tapping the ad will direct to the eBook's detail page
 Available in the US only
Targeting Methodes : ( both SP and SB)
Automatic Targeting ( for Sponsord products ) 4 targeting option :
 Close match: Amazon may show your ad to shoppers who use search terms closely related to
your books.

 Loose match: Amazon may show your ad to shoppers who use search terms loosely related to
your books. 

 Substitutes: Amazon may show your ad to shoppers who view the detail pages of books similar
to yours. 

 Complements: Amazon may show your ad to shoppers who view the detail pages of products
that complement your book.

Manual Targeting:
Manual targeting lets you choose your own keywords (and/or Amazon’s suggested keywords), ASINs, or
categories to target. When targeting by category, you can make further refinements.

3 type of Manual Targeting: keyword, ASIN and category

                Keyword targeting :      Matche Types

 Board match

 Close Match

 Phrase match

 Negative match

Product Targeting
-Targeting by category allows your ad to be shown to customers browsing in certain genres. For
category targeting, you can refine for price, star ratings, and Prime Shipping Eligibility. These refinements
allow you to set specific criteria for when your ad will be shown.

-Targeting by Individual Product allows your ad to be shown to customers browsing certain

book ASINs.

-Negative product targeting

When you know what you want to achieve in your campaigns, there are different factors to consider as
you start building your campaigns. These include:

1. Which Amazon standard identification numbers (ASINs) to advertise

2. Which ad product(s) to use

3. Which targeting method(s) to use ( check the pages above )

4. What to set as a bid

5. What to set as a budget

6. What the campaign’s duration will be—whether it will run continuously or for a specific time or

What objectif am looking for before setting a compaign ( Campaign Efficiency /and Brand Awareness)

Campaign efficiency can be measured in different ways.

 Advertising cost of sales (ACOS)

You can use ACOS as one method of measuring campaign efficiency. ACOS is the amount you’ve spent on
a campaign, divided by your total sales during the campaign run dates. The lower your ACOS, the more
efficient your campaign. A low ACOS indicates that your sales are high and your advertising spending is
low. You will learn more about this metric in the reporting course. Note that royalties from Kindle
Unlimited are not included in calculating ACOS.

 KENP Page Reads and Royalties

Kindle Edition Normalized Page (KENP) reads and royalties are additional methods for measuring
campaign efficiency. These metrics are the estimated number of page reads and attributed royalties from
Kindle Unlimited.

 Click-through rate (CTR)

You can also look at the click-through rate of a campaign, using clicks as a measure of interest. A click is
counted whenever shoppers click on an ad. The percentage of shoppers who see your ad and also click it,
is the click-through rate. 
-Setting budget and duration :    Daily budget / Lifetime budget
 Daily budget : Your daily budget is calculated over the course of a month. This means that at the
end of the calendar month, you won't be charged more than the daily budget you've set, multiplied
by the number of days in that month.

 Life Time Budget : Your lifetime budget is the maximum amount that you are willing to spend on
this campaign. The minimum lifetime budget is $100.

-Duration :   
 Run Campaign Continuously

 Set an End-date

Biding Strategy
Biding on Keywords

Advertiser example
For example, one strategy you might use is to set your bids for automatic campaigns at $0.35.
Then, for broad match and brand keywords, set the bids approximately 40 to 50 percent higher
than your bid for the automatic campaign—so $0.60.

For phrase match and category keywords, which are even more specific, you could set the bids
approximately 20 to 25 percent higher than for your broad/brand keywords, or $0.75.

Finally, for the most specific keywords—exact match—you could set your bids approximately 25
to 35 percent higher than for your phrase/category keywords, or $1.00. 

Bidding Features ( Dynamics Bids)

 Dynamic Bid – Down only

 Dynamic Bids – ups and Down
 Dynamic Bids – fixed bied
Industry-standard metrics

 CTR (Click-Through-Rate): The ratio of how often customers click on your ad when it is shown.
We provide you the CTR for each campaign and keyword.

 CPC (Cost Per Click) : Average cost per click (aCPC) is the average amount that you have spent for
a click. aCPC is calculated by dividing total spend by the total number of clicks.

 Clicks : A count of how many times customers have clicked on an ad.

 Impressions : A count of how many times your ad has been shown to customers.

 Spend : The total amount of your advertising budget you've spent.

E-commerce marketing metrics

 Detail Page View A count of how many times customers visited your product detail page. These
views don’t always equal clicks because customers may click on your ad and then browse through
multiple product detail pages.

 Convertion Rate: Percent of the customers who clicked on your ad and made a purchase.

 Unit Sold : The total number of your products sold on Amazon.

 Total Orders : A count of the orders placed for your products.

 Attribute Sales : The total dollar value of your products sold. It's important to note that sales data
can take up to 24 hours to appear in reports.

 ACOS (Advertising Cost Of Sales): ACOS is the amount you’ve spent on a campaign divided by
total sales during the campaign. This tells you the percentage of your sales you've spent on
advertising. Typically, you want a low ACOS.
Downloadable Reports 

Ps: Search Team Report and Keyword placement report are available only for Sponsored brands

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