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Dear admission committee,

I hope you are doing well. it’s a letter of recommendation for Yitagesu Gebremariam to
study master’s degree at your institution University of Prince Edward’s Island (UPEI). I am
Mitiku Berhe, Faculty member of College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. I teach
control system, modern control systems, introduction to robotics and computer vision.
I have taught Yitagesu for the last four years in all courses. I was also his academic advisor
for his final year thesis project. He was highly active in all class and project-based
assignments. Yitagesu is one of my favorite students with whom I had a good relationship
with. As one of the top universities in the country, students had to work hard to continue
their education. He was very interested and worked hard on his lessons and projects. He
is a hard-working student and faithfully performs his assigned tasks.
Yitagesu has an eye for details and has the ability to develop constructive opinions based
on his own experience and observations. He was very keen and loves to ask and discuss
different articles with me and his peers. He was one of the students who go further so he
can dig better in a certain topic. He has completed his internship and final year thesis with
an excellent score.
He is friendly and polite and communicates well with other people. He has a desire for
further education, and I really recommend him to study in your institution because I
believe that he will be one of best performing students. If there is anything that I should
add please let me know. I hope he will reach his goals and contribute positively for his
Thank you

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