Project Output 1 Primary Source Other Identified Sources Outline

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Jose Rizal Memorial State University- Dipolog Campus

Title of Activity: Term Paper/Project Output 1 Submitted by: Group 3

Group Members: Shaira Mae D. Yecpot, Paul Eric Rangas, Maiwie Dangaton

Primary Source

The photo was taken during the public celebration of the

inauguration of Dipolog as a chartered city taken on January 31
and February 1, 1970. The ladies were the former Mutya ng
Dipolog or Miss Dipolog Carnival namely: Ms. Mojares, Ms.
Sofia Ortega and Ms. Concordia Morgia.
Photo Courtesy: Ms. Bulak Requiron

Other Sources

1 Republic Act 5520- Republic Act 5520 is the Charter of the City of Dipolog.
This was signed by former President Ferdinand Marcos Sr.
2. Sketch of the Dipolog’s Present and Her Living Past- This source is from the
City Tourism Office of Dipolog. It is a historical account about Dipolog City
authored by S. S. Dalmacio. Its topics include: Etymology of the word Dipolog,
Town Government, Political Degeneration, Ray of Hope, Lost Status Recovered,
The Inauguration and more.
3. Dipolog City History- It contains a short account of the history of the city.
4. History of our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral of Dipolog- This is a
short historical account of the Dipolog Cathedral posted by the Parish Worship
Chairman in his administrated social media group Dipolog Heritage and
Historical Society. The establishment of the church is one of the historical events
of Dipolog. It’s important to be recognized as well.
5. Profiles of Dipolog City- This source was taken from the Zamboanga del Norte
Public Library. It contains historical context and profiles of Dipolog and its
highlights for the past decades.

6. Dipolog Steps into Future (The Monitor Newspaper)- The newspaper features
Dipolog city. This was published on year 1990's during Mayor Roseller
Barinaga's term.

Signing of the cityhood of Dipolog on The historic visit of the first lady of the
1969 at the Malacañang Palace by Republic, Imelda Romualdez Marcos during
former President. Ferdinand Edralin the proclamation of Dipolog as a city. With
Marcos. He signed into law Republic Act them were Bishop Zafra and Dra. Nenita B.
5520 or "Charter of the City of Dipolog", Lacaya taken on 1970.
making Dipolog a chartered city effective
January 1, 1970. The date is both Photo courtesy: Dra. Nenita B. Lacaya
significant and historic as that coincided
with the Apollo 11 launching which
carried the first men to the moon on June
21, 1969.
Photo courtesy: Zamboanga del Norte
Public Library

Alice B. Pontioso is a 61-year-old woman dwelling in

Barra, Dipolog City. She is a catechist and a church
worker at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral
since year 2001.

Lorenzo Asiniero II is a man in his forties residing in

Dipolog City and is the head of the City Information Office
of Dipolog. Having a source coming from the local
government especially from the said executive department
gives more credibility and authenticity of our term paper.

Benjie Dael is a resident of Estaka, Dipolog City which

currently serves as a Parish Worship Chairman of the Our Lady
of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral. He is a history enthusiast,
especially on the history events of Dipolog City. He
administrates a social media group named Dipolog Heritage and
Historical Society where posts various historical events and
photographs he gathered. According to him, he wants to spread
awareness, especially to the youth in this generation about our
local history and to take part as well in preserving our local

Title: Inauguration of Dipolog as a Chartered City: Bringing the Past Back into Life
Within the Contemporary Setting

I. Historical Background and Setting

(Give a description and historical context of the event pertained in the
primary source. Introduce the subjects in the photograph. Stipulate events
during pre-inauguration, during the inauguration, and post-inauguration
based on available sources.)
 Etymology of Dipolog
 Dipolog: Pre-Inauguration
 The Inauguration
 Dipolog: Post-Inauguration
 Landmarks of Dipolog with Historical Significance

II. Preservation of Local Cultural Heritage

III. Relevance of the Historical Event to the Present Society

(Explicate how the event was able to shape today’s local society or
community. Include the perspective of the interviewees.)

IV. Conclusion
Briefly describe the current state of Dipolog. Provide an opinionated
statement and overall impression about the importance of the historical

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