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VOCABULARY (activities)
1 Complete the profile below with verbs from the box.
come listen play take drink do read watch go eat
Personal Profile
Teresa Alvarez
About me
I come from Mexico, I’m twenty-three years old and I’m a student. I study politics
at UNAM (the
National Autonomous University of Mexico). I’m single.
I ________a lot of sport – I running every day and I __________tennis most
Photography: I love meeting people and I ___________ photos of people all the
Food: I like going out to restaurants with friends. We________Mexican food and
Favourite music
I _________to different kinds of music, but I really like World Music.
Favourite TV shows
I __________a lot of American programmes. I like CSI and Friends.
Favourite Movies


Anything with Johnny Depp!

Favourite Books
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel
Garcia Marquez. I ________it every year!
Write Your Own Personal Profile.
About me
Favourite music


Favourite TV shows
Favourite movies
Favourite books
Talk about your personal profile with your partners.
A. Write the words in brackets in the correct place in these sentences.
1. She usually gets up early. (usually)
2. They start their first meeting at nine o’clock. (always)
3. We are late for meetings. (never)
4. I am busy in the afternoon. (often)
5. The office closes at 3 p.m. (sometimes)
B. Read these pairs of sentences. Cross out the incorrect word in sentence b) of
each pair.
1. a) He reads the papers every day.
b) He always / sometimes reads the papers.


2. a) We eat in the company cafeteria four times a week.

b) We usually / sometimes eat in the company cafeteria.
3. a) I work late once a month.
b) I usually / sometimes work late.
4. a) The managers don’t go to business dinners at the weekend.
b) The managers never / sometimes go to business dinners at the weekend.
5. a) The Company Director travels on business twice a week.
b) The Company Director always / often travels on business.
E. Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. Add your own questions.
How often do you …
1. play sports?
2. use a mobile phone?
3. drive to work/ college/ university?
4. go to a gym/ fitness centre?
5. entertain at home?
6. go on business trips?
7. go abroad on holiday?
8. buy a newspaper/ magazine?
4A Look at the course list. Which course is good for you?
Office yoga: 7.30-9 p.m.
Salsa for beginners: 7-9 p.m.


Digital photography: 9-12 p.m.

Singing for fun: 6.30-8.30 p.m.
B.2.2 Listen to the conversation. Number the courses on the list in the order the
people talk about
C. Listen again and complete the table.

Which day? Where? What?

Office Yoga Stretching and
relaxing exercises

Sales for Beginners

Digital Photography high school

Singing for Fun Monday and


Speak Out Recording 2

A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, hi. I’m interested in one of your courses.
A: OK. Which course do you want to do?
B: Er … I don’t know. Can you help me?
A: Sure. Well, do you like music?
B: Yes, I do. I listen to music a lot at home, and … I sing in the car sometimes.
A: Then maybe Singing for fun? The class is on Monday and Thursday evenings
from six –
thirty till eight – thirty at the music school.
B: And what do they do in the classes?
A: Well, the teachers play the guitar and the students er … sing … old … songs,
new songs.
They er …
B: I’m not sure. No … I don’t think that’s good for me.
A: OK. Let’s see … do you take photos?
B: Well, I take them on holiday …
A: … because the Digital photography course is on Saturday mornings from nine
to twelve at the
high school. A good time if you work Monday to Friday. You study how to take
good photos.
The teacher is a photographer.
B: Hmm … no, no, I don’t like photography much.


A: Well, do you like dancing? There’s a salsa group – Salsa for beginners. They
meet at the
dance club on Tuesdays and Thursdays from seven to nine and practise salsa
dancing. I know
that at the weekend they meet and go to dance clubs.
B: Oh, no. I don’t dance.
A: Hmmm. OK … Where do you work? B: At a bank.
A: And do you sit at your desk a lot?
B: Yes, all day. I don’t do much exercise.
A: Yes, me too. I’m here all day on the computer but I do Office yoga.
B: What do you do in an Office yoga class?
A: Oh, it’s great. We meet here at Union County on Mondays and Wednesdays
from seven thirty
to nine. We learn exercises that you do at your desk … stretching and relaxing
B: Yeah. That’s good … er … yes … OK, OK. Office yoga. How much is it

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